Abbott, Dr., 225; on Bacon's word-coining, 2263; on Promus,
Abstract beauty, 188 Account of all Lord Bacon's works, Bacon framed model of House of Wisdom, 344
contemporary opinions and punishments, 3-5; mostly buffoons, 8-17; illiterate, 170 Admiral of France, causes of sleep, 18; delay, 313; detention of the spirits, 14
Advancement of Learning, Aris- totle and moral philosophy, 278; Bacon lonely in his learning, 343; neglects the glory of his name for the good of mankind, 355; body a prison, 182; better bend, 324; cobwebs of learning, 48; cosme- tics, 107; distempers of learning, 46; Divine mirror, 237; frontis- pieces, 293; furniture of speech, 224; geniuses violated, 176; grafting, 321; horticulture, 323; in tune, 151, 152; mediocrity, 125; navigation metaphors, 296; power of stage, 173; remora, 291; sowen to posterity, 298; stubborn silence, 303; love, 274; posterity, 360; Proteus, 202; rabble, 158; self-conquest, 88; sense motion, 183; two ways, 191; world a stage, 262 Alcazar, body prison, 182; essence-soul, 86; inconstancy, 260; night, 307; princely mind, 118; riches trash, 93
Alcida, riches trash, 93 All Fools, desperate remedies, 147; ex nihilo, 259; eye, 261; horned age, 83; jurisprudence, 315; love, 274; microcosm, 88; mirror,
All's lost by Lust, ocean, 186. Alphonsus, better bend, 324; burn- ing parchment, 316; delay, 309; hammering revenge, 288; inno- cence, 234; nails, 241; Phoebus, 255; pleurisie, 134; rabble, 159 Ambition, 121
Amends for Ladies, Barmuthoes, 116; content a crown, 120; sans, 317; worst mend, 235 Anatomy of Abuses, ambition, 121 ; inhumanity, 334; profanity, 109; stage plays, 67
Anatomy of Melancholy, academic and theologic squalor, 198; clergy censured, 75; on clergy and theology, 334; contemporary philosophy, 44; doctrines, 66; dramatised, 146; Elizabethan nobility, 336; hell, 78; the learned of Shakespeare's time, 334; learning unbecoming in a gentleman, 336; life a snarling fit, 333; medicine, 129-130; philosophy, 44; physiological ex- pressions explained, 138; reli- gion, 52; surgeons, 333; vile- ness of English towns, 333
Anders, Prof., 196 Anonymous dramatists, word-coin- ing, 210; see also Archigallus, Arden of Faversham, Arte of English Poesie, Dr. Dodypol,
Downfall of Huntingdon, Edward III., Fair Maid of Bristowe, Hardicanute, Jack Drum's Enter- tainment, King John (Trouble- some Reign of), Lingua, Locrine, Puritan, Return from Parnassus, Selimus, Taming of a Shrew, Timon of Athens, True Trojans Annotations on Bible, knowledge despised, 35 Angels on point of needle, 49 Antiquary, mind in travail, 292;
moles, 272; scorpions, 233 Antony and Cleopatra, benediction, 27; death dissolves, 240; pearl, 233
Antonio and Mellida, brass breast, 186; content a crown, 120; delay, 313; doors of death, 95; eye, 261; heartstrings, 241; im- posthume, 144; in tune, 151; metempsychosis, 192; night, 308; ocean, 186; sans, 317; second self, 187; stinkards, 157; word- coining, 223; world a stage, 263
Apology for Actors, language, 228 Apophthegms, hang hog, 284; king of bees, 278; law's cobwebs, 181; sea of, 291
Appius and Virginia, aconite, 133; base Indian, 269; benedictions, 27; body a prison, 182; breeding, 207; chameleon, 289; in tune, 150; lapwing, 289; metempsy- chosis, 192; multitude, 156; subtle evils, 73
Arber, Prof., changing spirit, 327; Return from Parnassus, 165
Archigallus, 113 Arden of Faversham, plat me no platforms, 280; sullen earth, 256 Ariston of Chios, 160 Aristotle, moral philosophy, 278 Armpits, 234
Arraignment of Paris, art nature, 258; beauty of mind, 89; love,
Art and Nature, 258 Arte of English Poesie, culture despised, 34; gentlemen suppress or publish anonymously, 347; unlettered days, 35
As You Like It, breeding, 207; kindness, 77; know thyself, 239; love, 274; sans, 316; stage a mirror, 106; world a stage, 263; Atheist's Tragedy, causes of thun- der, 18; delay, 312; grey-eyed morn, 256; mercy, 76; microcosm, 87; night, 307, 309; ocean, 186; pleurisie, 135 Athenaum, religious freedom, 69 Audiences, dangers from, 167; in- capable of appreciation, 17, 168 Aubrey, John, Bacon a concealed poet, 350; his generosity, 325; his love of music, 319, and of sweet odours, 305; Hobbes, 244
Babington, Bishop, on stage plays, 67
Bacon, Anthony, 224 Bacon, Francis, Aristotle, 190; beauty of mind, 89; Bellman, 103; better bend, 324; brain a forge, 287; burial, his wishes, 99; Cambridge, 42; cause, effect, 147; Christian resolution, 329; circumstance, 313; dislike to a career as lawyer, 317; duelling, 20, 23; echoes, 285; eye, 260; fables, 171; false fire, 266; garlic, 305; "good pens" 244; hanged hog, 285; health, 329; inconstancy, 260; in tune, 152; imposthumations, 143; lime twigs, 301; love, 272; magnanimity, 117; mediocrity, 124, 125, 126; method of discovering the author of a writing, 348; name and memory, 330; no humanist, 158; no dashing man, 178; paraphrase of Psalms, 260; peruse paper, 264; physic for the mind, 143; physic, 135; prayer, 70; private MSS. paralleled, 23; rabble, 159; reproduction metaphors, 292; riches trash, 92; self-conquest, 89; stands alone, 293; true metaphysics, 153; Twickenham scrivenery, 243, 244; unsuccessful
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