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The following are a few out of many testimonials to the merits and practical value of this notable series of school readers.

STEPPING STONES TO LITERATURE presents literary gems which appeal to the intelligence and fancy of the child in a manner that will give him a desire to know the best in literature. The illustrations must educate the taste, while they give delight.—J. A. UTTER, Principal of Teachers' Training School, Albany, N. Y.

These books are fine, viewed either from the literary or artistic standpoint. The stories selected are so adapted that, while none of their beauty is lost, they are perfectly suited to the ability of our youngest readers. BESSIE M. SCHOFIELD, Supervisor of Primary Schools, Providence, R. I.

I know of no readers that compare with them in every point that goes towards making a model series of books. — O. S. MOLES, Ph.D., Principal of Sherman School, Denver, Col.

We are using the books in our schools, and teachers and pupils are delighted with them. I have had rather a prejudice against school readers, and have used various supplementary books in place of regular readers, but this series fully meets my ideal of school reading. — B. B. JACKSON, Superintendent of Schools, Ashland, Wis.

In beauty of finish, and in the artistic excellence of the illustrations, these readers surpass anything of the kind that I have seen.W. F. GORDY, Principal of Second North School, Hartford, Conn.

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I know of no series that I like so much. They seem to me books for which teachers, parents, and children may be truly thankful. Mrs. ALICE W. COOLEY, Asst. Superintendent of Schools, Minneapolis, Minn.

The books commend themselves alike for the beauty of print and pictures and the excellence of the reading matter provided in them. I do not know of anything in the schoolbook line which quite equals them. -J. W. STEARNS, Director School of Education, University of Wisconsin.

These books will do more than provide mere practice lessons in reading. They cannot fail to stimulate a thirst for true culture, in the broadest sense.- Review of Reviews, New York.

This is in every way a remarkable series of readers. The books are nasterpieces in art, literature, and pedagogy. The aim is to have children see the world about them clearly, appreciate the beautiful in nature and the good in human nature, think more intelligently, and live more helpfully.-New England Journal of Education, Boston.

These readers show a familiarity with child-life, its needs and interests, which every true teacher will appreciate. Both as to matter and attractiveness of appearance they are superior to any yet published.The Teacher, Philadelphia.

Our list comprises superior text-books for every grade of instruction. Our illustrated catalogue and descriptive circulars sent free on application. Correspondence cordially invited.



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