Imágenes de páginas

[10 results from all their speeches, that they wish posed on him, and the Romah months which had for war; but that they are without allies, and been granted. These charges of the war are too sensible and too burthensome to Swedish Pomerania, without credit upon the Continent. We shall to make it compatible with the paternal solicitude therefore have peace, thanks to their discre- of his Majesty for his subjects, to consent that any dit.-Tender mothers, good citizens, enlight- more charges of the like kiud should be imposed onened philanthropists, bless Heaven for the dis-them after the re-establishment of peace. The incredit of that faction; for its credit upon the tention of his Majesty in his quality of Duke of Anterior Pomerania, consequently is to provide Continent would be the signal for the death against all concession of the Roman months, or of your children, for the devastation of your other subsidies on the part of all the states of the Provinces, for the mourning of all nature!!! Empire, which might arise from the affair of the indemnities. (Moniteur). Knut-Bild. Ratisbon, Dec. 9, 1802.


Letter from the Secretary at War for the Island of Sardinia, to the Maritime Prefect at Toulon, relative to the Slaves who were liberated by the Gov. of Algiers.

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A. Von

The free imperial city of Lubeck having, by a proclamation of the ith inst. declared its resolu tion to occupy the whole tract of land belonging to the chapter and bishop of Lubeck, between the Sir,-Some uncertain accounts had before inform Trave, the Baltic, and Himmelsdorf Lake, 'a' line ed us of the generous and successful interposition of which is drawn above Schwartan, at a distance of Rear-Admiral Lessigues, with the Bey of Tunis, in at least 500 French toises from the Trave-I the favour of a certain number of the inhabitants of the undersigned do by superior authority, and in the island of St. Pierre, who were carried off by some name of his Majesty the King, my most gracious armed ships from Barbary, in the year 1797. But, Sovereign, protest against the occupation of any vilwe knew not whether we might give faith to that in- lage belonging to the chapter, and do in the most teresting piece of news, till your letter of the 25th solemn manner reserve to his Majesty the King, to of Oct. put an end to all our doubts.-Sir, at the his most Serene Highness the Prince Bishop, and to moment at which I have the honour to write to you, the venerable Chapter, all their just rights. his R. H. the Duke de Genevers is in the deepest Hennings. From the Castle of Plzen, Dec. 12, 1802. affliction on account of the sudden death of a bro- At the same time appeared the following proclather, whom he tenderly loved, and whose loss is a great mation: In the fame of his Majesty the King' public calamity. An incident so distressing, though of Denmark, &c.-The magistrates of the free imit has withdrawn his attention for a time from the perial city of Lubeck, having notified by proclamaconcerns of public business, yet has not hindered tion of the 11th inst. their intention to occupy a him from sympathizing in the good fortune of those part of the villages belonging to the Prince Bishop Foor men who are so generously restored to liberty and Chapter, to which the King, my gracious Soveand to their country.It gives me the highest plea- reign, can by no means consent. The subjetes of the sure, Sir, that I have the honour of testifying to Prince Bishop and Chapter are hereby desired to you, in the name of his R. H. that gra eful sensel pay no attention to the said proclamation, and to pull which he entertains of an act so nobly humane. it down, and deliver it in 'wherever they shall find flatter myself that you will have the goodness to it." A Von. Hennings.Castle of Ploen, Dec. 12, 1802. make it known to the French gov. which could not have employed a fitter person than yourself to diséharge the last act in the completion of views so beneficent-I am, with the highest regard, Sir, your most obedient Irumble Servant, Quejada, Nov. 6, 1802,

Sec. at War for Sardinia,

Note transmitted by the Swedish Minister to the Deputation at Ratisbon, relative to a Provision for the Ecclesiastical Princes.


Turis, Cet. 19.-The presents which the Tunisian Ambassador. carries to Paris for Mad. Buonaparte, consist of two very elegant Moorish female dresses, richly embellished with diamonds. For the First Consul he carries ten beautiful horses, some lions, &c. The Bey received from the French Rear-Admiral Lessegues, several muskets and pistols of the finest workmanship, from the manufactory of Versailles, and other presents of great value. The Minister, His Majesty the King of Sweden has learnt with Sidi-Jussuf Sahib Gauba, received a large diamond, satisfaction, that several of the co estates have pro-ring-There are now in all 47 Barbary corsairs at posed, that a proper provision shall be made for the sea, which daily take prizes on the Italian coasts. Ecclesiastical Princes, who have lost their states by Constantinople, Nov. 9.-The Epaminondas, a Freech the treaty of peace. Those Princes, whose states vessel, which lately arrived at Constantinople, has have been the continual theatre of the war, deserve saited for Sebastopolis, in the Crimea, to take in a the highest consideration. Of this number are the cargo of corn.-The Reis Effendi took the earliest Princes Bishops of Liege and Bale, and his Highness opportunity of dispatching firmans to the different the Elector of Treves. The proposed plan of a ports of the Black Sea, that the Epaminondas, and contribution of Roman months, seems to be less all other French vessels entering them, should be proper, as it depends absolutely on the will of each received as those of a friendly power, and conforme, state in particular, and does not offer to the pen-ably to the last treaty.-The Captain Pacha gave sioners a sufficient security. In the 25th and 26th a gratuity of 250 piasties to the capt, of the port, sittings of the Deputation, the Sub-delegates of on his presenting to him the firisan granted to the Saxony and Bohemia treated and discussed this ob first French ship which appeared in the Black Sea. ject with so much ability, that it gives a real plea-The Reis Effendi has sent models of the French sure to his Majesty to adhere to the principles they flag to the different ports in the Black Sea; and have established, and to their propositions. Since every measure is taken to ensure to the flag of the his accession to the throne, and daring the war now French Republic the enjoyment of all the privileges terminated, his Majesty caused his subjects to fursecured to it by the conditions of the peace.~, nish, with an exactness of which few states of the New 10.-To-day we have received advices from Empire could give an example, the contingent im-Egypt, that a French frigate and a corvette have,

the well known Col. Sebastiani, who was lately interior, of war, of the marine, and of finance. The sent from Paris to Constantinople and Algiers. Im-senate is to consist of 30 senators; each senator to mediately after his landing, he had a conference be 30 years old, and remain in office 6 years. The with the English Gen. Steuart, to whom he declared, doge is to be chosen by the senate, and continue in that he had it in commission from the First Consul office 6 years; nor can he again be elected till after 6 to inquire into the situation of affairs in Egypt, years.

Basle, Dec. 20.--Cit. Hocpyffnef, editor of a Gerinserting in his journal, a satire against the minister man gazette at Berne, has been again arrested, for

and that he wished to be informed of the reason why Berlin, Dec. 18-Yesterday arrived a Dutch courier, the fulfilment of the treaty of Amiens, by the eva-with the exchange of the convention concluded becuation of Egypt by the Brit. troops, was delayed tween the court and the Batavian republic, relative To this Gen. Steuart answered, that political rea-to the towns of Savenaar, Huissen, and Malbourg, sons and motives were no part of his business that Vienna, Dec. 18.-On the 15th inst. H. R. H. the he waited for orders from his govt. and when they Duchess Dowager of Parma arrived here. The Emarrived he should obey them.-Ĉit. Sebastiani imme-peror received her at the palace, and led her to her diately dispatched the corvette to France, with the Majesty the Empress.-The order of the French answer of the English gen, and proceeded himself government that the silk of Piedmont, and other Itato Cairo.-N. 18.-The English and Russian am-lian States, shall only be sold to dealers in France, bassadors here have had several conferences with the will be very sensibly felt at Vienna, and probably Reis Effendi, the subject of which is an alliance cause the failure of several silk manufactures there. which England and Russia wish to conclude with the Porte. The latter, however, has noth are explicitly declared its intentions. The French Charge d'Affairs, Cit, Ruffin, is treated here with the highest respect. A good understanding is again re- Ratisbon, Dec. 8.-The deputation of the empire stored between the Turks and the English in Egypt, held its 33d sitting yesterday. The Sub-delegate of and the garrison duty of Alexandria is performed Bohemia gave to the Protocol an important declarajointly by the troops of both nations.-The French tion, in which he highly disapproves of the steps Plenip, Ruffin, has received advice, that the First taken by the ministers of the mediating powers, Consul has commissioned Col. Sebastiani to visit in having themselves communicated to the Diet of the strong places, and the whole coast of the Levant, the Empire the general Recess of the deputation, and and make a report on their condition.--In conse- the arrêtés it contained. He concludes this declaraquence of the urgent instances of the English Am-tion in the following manner:-The Directorial bassador, Lord Elgin, the first English ship entered Minister opened the Protocol with ect to this declathe Black Sea, displaying the English ftag, on the ration, but at present none of the members of the 7th of Nov. deputation have voted upon it.

and general in chief, Ney.

Constantinople, Nov. 21.-Lord Elgin is making pre- Dec. 11-The important note which the Imperial parations for his return to England, on account of Plenip. M. de Hugel presented to the Dictature of the ill state of his health.-The Porte has received the Diet, has been published. One passage of this advice that the Beys in Upper Egypt have made ex-note has produced a great sensation; it relates to ertions to break through the cordon of Turkish the Indemnities of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, troops, to get to the English; but that their design and is conceived in these words:" Bound by its has been frustrated by the Pacha of Cairo.—Col. Se. duty towards the Empire, and by its full powers, bastiani styles himself French envoy extraord. for the Deputation is authorized to execute the disposi the whole Levant. tions of the treaty of Luneville, but it has no right St Petersburgh, Dec. 7.-By a French courier re-to contribute to the imperfect execution of a clear, turning to Paris, our Monarch has written to the express, and precise stipulation, without the consent First Consul, and most strongly interested himself in of the parties interested,The General Diet of the the fate of the King of Sardinia, of Switzerland, Empire assembled yesterday, when it was resolved, Piedmont, Parma, and Placentia; observing, that he that the deliberation on the general Conclusum cannot believe the report, that these three countries transmitted directly to the Diet by the ministers of are to be incorporated with the French republic-the mediating powers, should be opened in the first Admiral Count Mordwinof has resigned.

Genoa, Dec. 11. Political tranquillity is not yet fully re-established in the republic of the Seven Isles. The Russian Admiral on that station was lately obliged to employ both a land and a naval force against the enemies of good order.

sitting after the Christmas recess.-The following is the result of the deliberation which took place on the 7th inst-Saxony demands that whilst the ratification of the general Conclusum is deliberated upon, the Deputation shall occupy itself with the fent assigned to the Eléctor of Treves, and the support of Frontiers of Russia, Dec. 11.-A courier from St. the clergy of the 4th and 5th class. As to any thing Petersburgh, dispatched from the French Ambassa- further, the Sub-del. refers to his preceding votes, dor there to Paris, brings advice that the Emperor and thinks that the Deputation ought not to take will accept the guarantee of Malta, as soon as some the cliarge of making innovations in the Constitualterations shall be made to the articles of the treaty tion of the Empire and the Circles; his court reof Amiens, relative to that point. serves to itself expressly, its right over the Imperial Berne, Dec. 12.—The Administrative Chamber of fiefs of Hannau Lichtenberg, situate on the right the Canton of Lucerne has been authorised to levy bank of the Rhine, and also the city of Erfurt and a contribution of 25,000 francs in the canton, to its territory and generally all the rights of the make up the sum to be paid for the maintenance of House of Saxony, as to any object of the Indemnities. the French troops. -The Grand Master of the Teutonic Order joins in

Frankfort, Dec. 14-It is now resolved that our the vote given by Bohemia, in the last sitting, and Fortifications shall be demolished. This is the wish demands expressly the insertion, in the Conclusum, of the French govt. and it is indeed very acceptable of the clause relative to the Grand Duke of Tusca here.Taly the town-wall will be left standing-ny; he is convinced of the necessity of admitting The report that the Emperor has ratified the Recess, into the College of Electors, and that of Princes, new of plan of indemnities, is not confirmed.

Milan, Dec. 12.-The organic law which establishes the new gov, at Genoa, has been published there. The go, will consist of a senate, in which a doge is zo preside? There are to be great officers of state, viz. the ministers of junics and legislation, of the

Catholic States, and regards as highly suitable the conferring of the Electoral Dignity on the Grand Duke; he also thanks Bohemia for the proposal of attaching in perpetuity that dignity to the Grand Mastership of the Teutonic Order.

Hague, Dec. 29.-A letter from the Gov. General of

the Cape of Good Hope has been received, informing | Capt. Governor of Louisiana, left Brussels on the the government that the colony has been restored by 18th, on his way to Holland, where he was to put the English in the most flourishing condition.-Gen. himself at the head of the French armament, which Victor, Capt. Gen. of Louisiana, is arrived here, and is shortly to set sail from Helvoetsluys, in order to has had several conferences with the French ambas- take possession of that immense country. sador and the govt. He has examined at Roterdam, Dec. 30. On Wednesday last there was held a coun and along the Meuse, all the preparations for the ex-cil of Finance. The ministers of the finances, and of pedition. He will remain at the Hague till he em- the public treasury, gave in an account of the rel barks, which will take place on board the frigate Laceipts for the year 10.-The receipts of the year 10 Furieuse. The transports will not be equipped this exceed by 50 millions the estimate of the minister of month.-Dec. 31. On the 24th inst. sailed under con-finance. This estimate itself exceeded the receipts of voy of the corvette De Vlieg, a squadron of transports the year 9, thirty millions. The year to thus offers carrying out troops, civil officers, with ammunition a total increase beyond the year 9, of 80 millions. and other articles, to Batavia and the Molucca Isles. It is computed that the receipts of the year it will That same day sailed likewise a force of 1000 or exceed by 30 millions those of the year 10, which 1200 men, to Surinam, Demerara, and the West In-would make a difference between nine and eleven of dia Isles; in which the govt. intends to keep stronger 110 millions: These accounts contain nothing but garrisons than it has yet allowed to be intimated in what is real and effective. On the 1st Vendemiante, the newspapers of this country. The troops are to year II, all the resources of the year 18 were entire, go out in small detachments, and so as to elude as and the 312 millions of government bills upon the much as possible the notice of other powers. supplies of the year 11, were all in the public treasury. Paris, Dec. 19.-In consequence of the dispositions The results of these accounts, in all their details, all of the Arrêté of the Consuls, relative to the con- the receipts, specifying the amount of each particular traband and smuggling of prohibited merchandise, tax, in each particular department, as well as the several detachments of cavalry and infantry are balance at the public treasury, will be printed and about to be put in motion in the departments of the published during the approaching session of the les Scheldt and the two Nethes, in order to protect the gislative bodyMoniteur.


double line cf customs established on the Batavian Dec. 31.-The members of the legislative body Republic, as well as the line estabblished on the who, according to the forms of the existing constifrontiers of ished upon the banks of the Scheldt.tution were to vacate their feats, will cease to exer The same operation is to take place in the line above rise their functions on the 1st of next Pluviose' (Jarr. 21.)-Cit. Galli, of the department of the Po, is apParis, Dec. 20.-In the Council of the Administra-pointed a counsellor of state for the home depart tion, which was held this day, the Minister of the ment.-Cit. Ségur, a member of the legislative body, Treasury gave in an account of all expenses of nego-is nominated a counsellor of state for the home de tiations, discounts of bills, services, and transfers partment.-The legislative body will recommence of money, discharged out of the treasury, from the their sittings for the year II on the Ist of next Vez23d of Sept. 1801, to the 23d of Sept. 1802, the roth tose (Feb. 20)!

year of the French Republic.-The results which he presented were highly satisfactory, the total expense upon those objects collectively, not exceeding


the sum of 15 millions of livres, or about 630,000, Buonaparte's Address to the Helvetic Deputies.

Published at Paris, Dea 28, 1802.

sterling, which is less than was the same branch of the expenditure for the year immediately preced- The more I learn of your country, so much the ing. This account, with the several documents by more am I convinced that it cannot, with advantage, which it is authenticated, will be communicated to have more than a single government. By the rethe Legislative Body at its first meeting, and after presentative system the democratio cantons would wards printed-Among the papers laid before the be subjected to the pecessity of payments to which Consuls by the Minister of the Treasury, was a curi-they are unaccustomed. The descendants of William ous statement of the daily expense of discounting the Tell must know neither the restraint of chains, nor Bills of the Receiver-General of the Rev. commenc-the payment of imposts. But, on the other hand, ing from the end of the year 8 (Sept. 23: 1800), for Berne, and the other great cantons, the attempts coming down to the end of the year 10 (Sept. 23, at pure democracy were absurd. Your different can, 1802). Some few days before the battle of Marengo tons must of necessity have diversities of constituthe discount of those bills was at 5 per cent. per tional arrangement. With three leading exceptions, month. In the course of the year 9, it fell first to you must be re-established nearly in the same po2, and then to 1 per cent per month.-In the year fitical order in which you were before. The inequa fo it varied from 15-16 to 3-4ths per month. It is lity of rights which subsisted among the old cantons; now fixed for the whole of the year 11 at per cent. the relations between sovereign and subject states; per month.-Thero is mw no other gout. in Europe whose with the prerogatives of the Patrician families must bills are discounted at so moderate an interest. At the be abolished for ever. Under these corrections of Council of Administration, which is to be held the constitutions of the cantons, Switzerland may next Saturday, the Ministers of Finance, and the possess a federative government of effective vigour. Public Treasury, will present the general account-For the maintenance of an independent central of the receipts and expenditure of the Republic, dur-gov, your country is, by the invincible. parsimony af ing the year 10 Each minister will transmit, at nature, too poor. Your gov. cannot, be other than the same time, a particular account of the expenses one which may be supported without a burthensome of his department, Lo the same council the budget civil list. You cannot now act that part, among will be drawn up, and presented to the Legislative the great powers of Europe, to which you were for Body for the service of the year The Caisse merly not unequal, when those which now constitute #Amortissément is cancelling in the great book the the great powers, were subdivided into a multitude 5 per conc. consols, which it has bought. The state of petty states. Your real force would be entechiled, of its operations will he joined to the general ao your present militia would be lost by the institution count of finances, which will be presented to the of a standing army. You might, indeed, become Legislative Body. It will afford results of a natute great by forming two departments of France. Bus b sutisfy all persons interested in the prosperity of from France you are separated by the eternal inde the maqublic, Mariter-Gen. Victory who is to be structible bastions of ure, tween two powers,

between which there is a balance of force and in-bours, the navigation of rivers, and the execution o fluence, you are safe. Preserve your neutrality, your the laws respecting contraband.-V. The chamber laws, your political tranquillity, your good morals; of commerce shall hold a direct intercourse with the and your fortune cannot but be happy. Confedera-minister of the interior.-VI. The first institution o tive government enfeebles great states; but, by con- the chamber of commerce shall be proceeded in as eentiating, invigorates the energies of those which follows: The prefects, and where there are none are small. Besides, whom would you place at the the mayors in those towns which are not head-resi head of your central government? If several persons, dencies of prefects, shall unite under their presiden would there not be a division of their opinions and cy from 40 to 60 of the principal merchants of the interests If one man, who is there among you, town, who shall proceed by a secret scrutiny, and an whom you would all be willing to invest with the absolute majority of votes, to the election of mem necessary confidence and authority? I, invested as 1 bers who are to compose the chamber.-VII. One any, by the confidente, of a great nation, with the third of the members of the chamber shall be chang power of its supreme magistracy, could not undered every year; the members who go out are re-clitake to goverh you. Should you chuse a native of gible. For the first two years after the estab, of the Zurich, the inhabitants of Berne would be dissatis-chamber, the members to go out are to be determined fied. By the choice of a catholic, offence would be by lot. Their places shall be filled up by the chamgiven to the protestants. By the restoration of the her, and by a majority of votes -VIII. Every apgov. of the cantons, you may become happier than pointment shall be transmitted to the minister of the by any merely central gov. During the existence of interior, in order to receive his approbation-IX. one single gov. for all Switzerland, what have you The chamber of commerce shall give in to the miknown but incessant and unavailing changes? Last nister of the interior a statement of their expenses, year you drove away a diet legitimately nominated and devise means for defraying them.-The minister by the people. Of your last constitution, I cannot will present their statements to govt. approve; a central goy. cannot be maintained among Chap. II. Institution of a general council of comyou, without the presence of - French troops. Your merce.-X. There shall be at Paris a general council present gov. knows this by experience. Its members of commerce. This council shall reside near the spoke the voice of patriotism, in consenting that the office of the minister of the interior.-XI. The memFrench troops should be withdrawn; but their pru- bers of the general council shall be appointed by the dence in that consent was not justified by the events chambers of commerce-Each chamber shall nomiwhich followed. As a French citizen, I cannot but nate two persons, and out of the whole the First add that Switzerland, though independent in regard Cousul will choose filteen. These 15 shall assemble toits own affairs, must not be so in its relations to together at Paris once or twice a year. Three of them France.No English emissaries are to be entertain-shall be always on the spot. No one shall be eligible ed in Switzerland. With England the Swiss must e ter unless he be actually engaged in commerce in the into no treaty!! The gov. of Berne has ever been in town sending the deputation, and unless he be in the habit of seeking the support of foreign powers the town at the time of his nomination-XII. The hostile to France. This example was allowed by Re-minister of the interior is charged with the execution ding, and the other leaders in the last insurrection. of the present decree, which shall be inserted in the Such must never again be the policy of Switzerland. bulletin of the laws. Buonaparté, First Consul. France will never permit the Leman territory, of which the inhabitants are by blood and language allied to the French, to become again subjects to the Swiss. The rasis of your new structure must be taken from the revolution and the will of the people In the whole, the people must be satisfied, and no taxes must be imposed.


Decret of the French Consuls relative to the Duty an Foreign Muslins.--St. Cloud. Dec. 15: The Consuls of the Republic, on the report of the Vinister of Finances, having considered the rates of the customs fixed March 15th, 1791, the law of April 29th, 1799, and the law of May 19th, 1802; "Decree of the French Consuls relative to the Esta-having also heard the Council of State on the subblishment of Chambers of Commerce. ject, issued the following order :-1. The duty of 400 franes, payable on every five myriagrams of embroiThe consuls of the republic, on the report of the dered maslin imported from abroad, shall be levied' minister of the interior, decree as follows:-Chamber also on all other white cottons, stitched, embroiderof commerce, decree of Dee. 24: Chap-I. Art. I. There ed or striped.-II. The Minister of Finances is to shall be established chambers of commerce in the direct the exccution of this order. It is to be enfollowing towns Lyons, Rouen, Bourdeaux, Mar- rolled among the laws.-Buenaparte-By the First seilles, Brussels, Antwerp, Nantes, Dunkirk, Lisie, Consul, H. B. Maret.. Mentz, Nismes, Avignon, Strasburgh, Turin, Montpellier, Geneva, Bayonne, Toulouse, Tours, Carcassonne, Amiens, and Havre-U. The chambers of commerce shall consist of 15 merchants in those From the London Gazette.Whitehall, Jan. 1, 1803. towns whose population exceeds 30,000 souls; andThe king has been pleased to appoint the right of 9, in all those where the population is below that hon. Thomas Steele and John Hiley Addington, Esq. amount: not counting the prefect, who is always, in to the office of paymaster-general of his Majesty's virtue of his office, to be a member of, and to preside forcès. The king has been pleased to present the over it, whenever he'assists at its sittings. The Rev. D. Dickson to the church and parish of St. mayor will officiate, in room of the prefect, in those Cuthbert, commonly called West Kirk, in the presTowns where there is no resident prefecture.-III. bytery and County of Edinburgh, vacant by the death No person shalt be eligible as a member of the cham- of Mr. William Paul, late minister there. The king ber, unless he has frimself been engaged in commerce has also been pleased to present the Rev. D. Harris at least ten years-IV. The functions to be per-to the church and parish of Fearn, in the presbytery formed by the chambers of commerce areTo draw of Brechin, and county of Forfar: and the Rev. C. up memorials respecting the last means of promoting Anderson, to the church and parish of Gask, in the the prosperity of commerce. Fa explain to gov.,the presbytery of Auchterarder, and shire of Perth. causes that cheek or impede its progress.To point. The gazette of Saturday contains an order of coun out such resources as may be availed of, to superin-cil, continuing, till the 31st of March, the prohibitend the execution. of the public works relative to tion against the exportation of any kind of coin o commence,” sneh, for example, as the repair of har-bread from England or Ireland, excepting from one

of these islands to the other, and excepting, also, and regard to its interest and comforts, are as well malt and rice. Another order, of the same date, pro- known to every individual in it, as his experience" longs, to the like period, the prohibition against the and abilities. To Col. Beresford, Major Gen. the exportation of bulls, oxen, cows, calves, sheep, Earl of Cavan's obligations are most justly due, for lambs, or swine, or the flesh of any of them, salted or his able execution of every duty; and particularly otherwise; as also of butter, onions, or pulse, ex- for his unremitting attention to the extreme troublecepting only to his Majesty's settlements, the cus- some one, attached to his situation, as commandant tomary bond being given for their delivery therein. of Alexandria; to him solely are its inhabitants in The office of Surveyor of the Woods and Forests is debted for its present well established policė; and a patent place, of which Lord Glenbervie has long for the tranquillity they now enjoy.-Lt. Col. Laird, had the reversion. The salary and perquisites a- Deputy Quarter-Master Gen., Lt. Col. Moore, Deputy mounted to about 4cool. per annum; but the salary Adjutant-Gen., Dr. Shapter, and every individual at is made a nett 3000l. to Lord Glenbervie, and all the head of the differem departments of the army, perquisites are abolished. The place being a patent are well entitled to Major Gen the Earl of Cavan's one, his lordship is in no danger of losing it during acknowledgment of approbation, for their assiduity his life. It is an office of some business, but not of and zeal, and for the assistance they have on all ocgreat labour. casions afforded him, in forwarding the public ser Edinburgh, Dec. 30.-Saturday, at an extraordinary vice-Major Gen. the Earl of Cavan is very sensimeeting of the Lord Provost, magistrates, and coun-ble, that with great ease many otheers may be found cil of Edinburgh, a letter was read from the right in the service possessing far superior abilities, and hon. Lord Visc. Melville, announcing his elevation in every respect better qualified to command, than to the peerage, and thanking them for the honour himself; but he is persuaded it would be attended they had so repeatedly conferred on him, in chusing with difficulty to find one that has been more anhim their representative. A letter was also read xiously zealous to promote the welfare and happifrom the right hon. the Lord Advocate, announcing ness of those he has commanded (especially those ip his intention of offering himself a candidate to repre- Egypt) than he has been. If this declaration is sent the city in parliament, in the room of Lord Visc. thought of any value, he assures them of its contiMelville-A letter was voted to their late represen-nuation, and that his gratitude to the army in Egypt tative, thanking him for the great services done by will never be obliterated from his memory: him, both to his country and native city, and con

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gratulating him on the honour so deservedly con- Copy of a Letter from the Secretary at War to the ferred on him by his sovereign. Inspecting Field Officers of the Recruiting Ser-· vice:-War-Office, 17th December, 1802..

Bankrupts.-Lane, B, Baker-street, agent-Parr, W. Domininca, merchant-Trigg, W. Kingston. coru-dealer —Johnson, T. Newcastle, hardwareman, It being thought proper that the pay and con -Haswell, P. Guildford-street, carpenter.-Perkins, tingencies of the staff of the recruiting districts in G. T. Blue-anchor road, Bermondsey-Hidley, W. East Britain, should from the 25th instant, inclusive, be Retford, Nottingham.-Leigh, E. Cheadle, calico-issued through the general agent for recruiting, resiprinter.-Winter, J. Combe St. Nicholas, leather-dent in London, I have the honour to acquaint you dresser.-Cripwell, T. Ruddington, Nottingham, hosier. Adamson, J. Manchester, merchant.

It is said that the Special Commission for the trial of Col. Despard and the other persons committed on charges of High Treason, will be opened at the New Sessions House, in the Borough of Southwark, on the 21st inst. when Lord Ellenborough, who is a the head of the Commission, will deliver his charge to the Grand Jury. The other Judges named in the Commission are, Baron Thompson, Mr. Justice Le Blane, Mr. Justice Chambre.

therewith, and desire you will instruct the paymaster of the district under your inspection, that he is accordingly to draw upon Mr. Ridge, instead of Messrs. Cox and Greenwood, for the said service, from ite above date. I am further to acquaint you, that agreeably to the tenor of the communication made to the inspector gen. of the recruiting service, in my letter of the 23d ult, the paymaster is not to issue his drafts for the pay and allowance of commanding officers belonging to the staff of the district, until the end of the military month, except in case of any inOn Wednesday his Majesty held a Levee at St dividual officer who may cease to belong thereto in James's Palace, which was attended by the Foreign the course thereof; and that he is to prepare a sepaAmbassadors and the Cabinet Ministers. The prin-rate estimate of the pay and contingencies of the staff cipal introductions were, Count Woronzof, Count Potockie, and Lord Cayan.

On Tuesday, Mr. Hiley Addington was elected to serve in Parliament for the Borough of Harwich.


General Orders issued by the Earl of Cavan, immediately before bis Departure from Egypt :Head-Quarters, Alexandria, Oct. 10.

for each month, with a duplicate for the use of the gen. agent, and to transmit the said estimate and dij. plicate to this office, so that the same may be received here on or before the 12th of each month, in order that the issues may be received accordingly.

General Distribution of the British|
Army, January 1, 1803.

As Major General the Earl of Cavan will embark this morning for Malta, Major Gen. Stewart will be England and Wales pleased henceforward, to take upon himself the North Britain.. command of the troops of the army in Egypt. Ma- Ireland

jor Gen. the Earl of Cavan, in notifying his depar-Jersey, Guernsey, &c. ture to the troops in this country, earnestly solicits Gibraltar..

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them to condescend to accept of his sincerest and Egypt and Malta
most grateful thanks for their conduct since he has Canada, Nova Scotia, &c.
had the honour to command. A conduct not only West-Indies
manifesting such discipline, obedience, and every
principle of good soldiers, as must increase the fame
and character they have heretofore acquired; but
that also rendered his command as easy as it had
been flattering and, honourable to him. He congra
tulates the army on their having Major Gen. Stewart
ee their commander, an officer whose attachment

Cape of Good Hope, Gorec, &c.
East-Indies, and on Passage to 5 19
Op Passage to England or Ire-
land from sundry places ....



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Total...... 36 126 5167 39* Exclusive of the Seven Royal Garrison Batta

lies at present forming.


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