Marmion Travestied: A Tale of Modern Times

G. Hazard, 1809 - 277 páginas

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Página 113 - I could a tale unfold, whose lightest word Would harrow up thy soul; freeze thy young blood ; Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres; Thy knotted and combined locks to part, And each particular hair to stand on end, Like quills upon the fretful porcupine : But this eternal blazon must not be To ears of flesh and blood : — List, list, O list!
Página 87 - High minds, of native pride and force, Most deeply feel thy pangs, Remorse ! Fear, for their scourge, mean villains have, Thou art the torturer of the brave...
Página viii - Methinks, my friend, you relish not my joy ; what is the cause ? Stand. Canst thou not guess ? What is the bane of man and scourge of life, but woman?
Página 120 - He was a man of middle age ; In aspect manly, grave, and sage, As on king's errand come; But in the glances of his eye, A penetrating, keen, and sly Expression found its home; The flash of that satiric rage, Which, bursting on the early stage, Branded the vices of the age, And broke the keys of Rome.
Página iii - Tis Woman that seduces all Mankind, By her we first were taught the wheedling Arts: Her very Eyes can cheat; when most she's kind, She tricks us of our Money with our Hearts. For her, like Wolves by night we roam for Prey, And practise ev'ry Fraud to bribe her Charms; For Suits of Love, like Law, are won by Pay, And Beauty must be fee'd into our Arms.
Página 5 - But having stoop'd, he unawares From hinder part, upon the stairs, A trumpet loudly blew; The porter being rous'd withal, Now warn'd his lady in the hall: For well the blast he knew; Then quickly did that lady call, The house-maid cook, and servants all : IV.
Página 3 - NIGHT threw her veil o'er Cupid's seat, Fam'd Gloucester-Palace — love's retreat, And Portman's-Square so green ; Now Paddington and Dorset-Street ( The brothels where both sexes meet, And tumble beds, all soft and sweet, In darkness lie unseen; The watchmen, at Aurora's peep, Drawling,
Página 160 - Short was the shaft, and weak the bow, To that which England bore. The Isles-men carried at their backs. The ancient Danish battle-axe. They raised a wild and wondering cry, As with his guide rode Marmion by. Loud were their clamoring tongues, as when The clanging sea-fowl leave the fen, And, with their cries discordant mixed, Grumbled and yelled the pipes betwixt.
Página 27 - A bishoprick was all his aim, And which he would have had, we know, But crooked letter — tho' so round! Because it had an Irish sound, He lost it through his name with O. Then I advise you, let him see 'Twere best begin his name with P. Pliant in pimping like an osier, He thus may yet obtain the crosier.
Página 260 - Scarce were the copies told, when she The quick destruction did decree, With all their rich contents. Forgot were fame and rage, I think, She only hears the guineas chink, Sees but the settlements. — • She begg'd they'd burn them in the Square, But heav'da sigh as thus she spoke; Then dragging them to Salisbury-Square, f They set them blazing here and there, Which fill'd the Barley-Mow with smoke.

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