87. For induration by heat, it must be considered, that heat, by the exhaling of the moister parts, doth either harden the body; as in bricks, tiles, &c. ; or if the heat be more fierce, maketh the grosser part itself run and melt; as in the making of ordinary glass; and in the vitrification of earth (as we see in the inner parts of furnaces), and in the vitrification of brick, and of metals. And in the former of these, which is the hardening by baking without melting, the heat hath these degrees; first, it indurateth, and then maketh fragile, and lastly it doth incinerate and calcinate. 88. But if you desire to make an induration with toughness and less fragility, a middle way would be taken, which is that which Aristotle hath well noted', but would be thoroughly verified. It is to decoct bodies in water for two or three days. But they must be such bodies into which the water will not enter; as stone and metal. For if they be bodies into which the water will enter, then long seething will rather soften than indurate them; as hath been tried in eggs, &c. Therefore softer bodies must be put into bottles; and the bottles hung into water seething, with the mouths open, above the water, that no water may get in: for by this means the virtual heat of the water will enter; and such a heat as will not make the body adust or fragile; but the substance of the water will be shut out. This experiment we made; and it sorted thus. It was tried with a piece of free-stone, and with pewter, put into the water at large. The free-stone, we found, received in some water; for it was softer and easier to scrape than a piece of the same stone kept dry. But the pewter, into which no water could enter, became more white, and liker to silver, and less flexible by much. There were also put into an earthen bottle, placed as before, a good pellet of clay, a piece of cheese, a piece of chalk, and a piece of free-stone. The clay came forth almost of the hardness of stone: the cheese likewise very hard, and not well to be cut; the chalk and the free-stone much harder than they were. The colour of the clay inclined not a whit to the colour of brick, but rather to white, as in ordinary drying by the sun. Note, that all the former trials were made by a boiling upon a good hot fire, renewing the water as it consumed with other hot water; but the boiling was but for twelve hours only and it is like that the experiment would have been 1 I have not been able to find the passage here referred to. more effectual, if the boiling had been for two or three days, as we prescribed before. 89. As touching assimilation (for there is a degree of assimilation even in inanimate bodies), we see examples of it in some stones in clay-grounds, lying near to the top of the earth, where pebble is; in which you may manifestly see divers pebbles gathered together, and a crust of cement or stone between them as hard as the pebbles themselves; and it were good to make a trial of purpose, by taking clay, and putting in it divers pebble-stones, thick set, to see whether in continuance of time it will not be harder than other clay of the same lump, in which no pebbles are set. We see also in ruins of old walls, especially towards the bottom, the mortar will become as hard as the brick; we see also, that the wood on the sides of vessels of wine, gathereth a crust of tartar, harder than the wood itself; and scales likewise grow to the teeth, harder than the teeth themselves. 90. Most of all, induration by assimilation appeareth in the bodies of trees and living creatures: for no nourishment that the tree receiveth, or that the living creature receiveth, is so hard as wood, bone, or horn, &c., but is indurated after by assimilation. Experiment solitary touching the version of water into air. 91. The eye of the understanding is like the eye of the sense; for as you may see great objects through small crannies or levels, so you may see great axioms of nature through small and contemptible instances. The speedy depredation of air upon watery moisture, and version of the same into air, appeareth in nothing more visible than in the sudden discharge or vanishing of a little cloud of breath or vapour from glass, or the blade of a sword, or any such polished body; such as doth not at all detain or imbibe the moisture; for the mistiness scattereth and breaketh up suddenly. But the like cloud, if it were oily or fatty, will not discharge; not because it sticketh faster, but because air preyeth upon water, and flame and fire upon oil; and therefore to take out a spot of grease, they use a In the museum of the University of Liége I was shown a cannon ball, originally (it was affirmed) iron, which had been converted into stone by the influence of the sandstone in which it was imbedded. It appeared to me that the ball was stone ab origine, and that the sandstone in which it lay being ferruginous had suggested the idea of the metamorphosis. coal upon brown paper; because fire worketh upon grease or oil, as air doth upon water. And we see paper oiled, or wood oiled, or the like, last long moist; but wet with water, dry or putrify sooner. The cause is, for that air meddleth little with the moisture of oil. Experiment solitary touching the force of union. 92. There is an admirable demonstration in the same trifling instance of the little cloud upon glass or gems or blades of swords, of the force of union, even in the least quantities and weakest bodies, how much it conduceth to preservation of the present form, and the resisting of a new. For mark well the discharge of that cloud; and you shall see it ever break up, first in the skirts, and last in the midst. We see likewise, that much water draweth forth the juice of the body infused; but little water is imbibed by the body: and this is a principal cause why, in operation upon bodies for their version or alteration, the trial in great quantities doth not answer the trial in small, and so deceiveth many; for that (I say) the greater body resisteth more any alteration of form, and requireth far greater strength in the active body that should subdue it. Experiment solitary touching the producing of feathers and hairs of divers colours. 93. We have spoken before, in the fifth instance, of the cause of orient colours in birds; which is by the fineness of the strainer; we will now endeavour to reduce the same axiom to a work. For this writing of our Sylva Sylvarum is (to speak properly) not natural history, but a high kind of natural magic. For it is not a description only of nature, but a breaking of nature into great and strange works. Try therefore the anointing over of pigeons, or other birds, when they are but in their down; or of whelps, cutting their hair as short as may be; or of some other beast; with some ointment that is not hurtful to the flesh, and that will harden and stick very close; and see whether it will not alter the colours of the feathers or hair. It is received, that the pulling off the first feathers of birds clean, will make the new come forth white: and it is certain that white is a penurious colour, and where moisture is scant. So blue violets and other flowers, if they be starved, turn pale and white; birds and horses, by age or scars, turn white; and the hoar hairs of men come by the same reason. And therefore in birds, it is very likely that the feathers that come first will be many times of divers colours, according to the nature of the bird; for that the skin is more porous; but when the skin is more shut and close, the feathers will come white. This is a good experiment, not only for the producing of birds and beasts of strange colours, but also for the disclosure of the nature of colours themselves: which of them require a finer porosity, and which a grosser. Experiment solitary touching the nourishment of living creatures before they be brought forth. 2 94. It is a work of providence, that hath been truly observed by some, that the yolk of the egg conduceth little to the generation of the bird, but only to the nourishment of the same 1; for if a chicken be opened when it is new hatched, you shall find much of the yolk remaining. And it is needful that birds, that are shaped without the female's womb, have in the egg as well matter of nourishment as matter of generation for the body. For after the egg is laid, and severed from the body of the hen, it hath no more nourishment from the hen, but only a quickening heat when she sitteth. But beasts and men need not the matter of nourishment within themselves, because they are shaped within the womb of the female, and are nourished continually from her body. Experiments in consort touching sympathy and antipathy for medicinal use. 95. It is an inveterate and received opinion, that cantharides applied to any part of the body touch the bladder and exulcerate it, if they stay on long. It is likewise received, that a kind of stone, which they bring out of the West Indies, hath a peculiar force to move gravel, and to dissolve the stone; insomuch as laid but to the wrist, it hath so forcibly sent down gravel, as men have been glad to remove it, it was so violent.3 1 See Aristot. De Gen. Animal. iii. 2. 2 According to Vicq d'Azyr, the pedicule of the yolk remains permanently, and something of the yolk itself may be traced until the 12th or 13th day after the chicken is hatched. The opinion that the yolk contributes to the nutriment of the chicken appears to be well founded, as chickens from which it had been removed died with symptoms of atrophy. 3 Monardes in Frampton's translation speaks thus of the efficacy of this stone. "A gentleman whiche had one of them here, the best of them that I have seen, hauying 96. It is received and confirmed by daily experience, that the soles of the feet have great affinity with the head and the mouth of the stomach; as we see, going wet-shod, to those that use it not, affecteth both: applications of hot powders to the feet attenuate first, and after dry the rheum; and therefore a physician that would be mystical, prescribeth for the cure of the rheum, that a man should walk continually upon a camomile alley; meaning, that he should put camomile within his socks. Likewise pigeons bleeding, applied to the soles of the feet, ease the head; and soporiferous medicines applied unto them, provoke sleep. 97. It seemeth that as the feet have a sympathy with the head, so the wrists and hands have a sympathy with the heart; we see the affects and passions of the heart and spirits are notably disclosed by the pulse: and it is often tried, that juices of stock-gilly-flowers, rose-campion, garlick, and other things, applied to the wrists and renewed, have cured long agues. And I conceive that washing with certain liquors the palms of the hands doth much good: and they do well in heats of agues, to hold in the hands eggs of alabaster and balls of crystal. Of these things we shall speak more, when we handle the title of sympathy and antipathy in the proper place. Experiment solitary touching the secret processes of nature. 98. The knowledge of man (hitherto) hath been determined by the view or sight; so that whatsoever is invisible, either in respect of the fineness of the body itself, or the smallness of the parts, or of the subtilty of the motion, is little inquired. And yet these be the things that govern nature principally; and without which you cannot make any true analysis and indication of the proceedings of nature. The spirits or pneumaticals, that are in all tangible bodies, are scarce known. Sometimes they take them for vacuum; whereas they are the most active of bodies. Sometimes they take them for air; from which they differ exceedingly, as much as wine from water, and as wood from earth. Sometimes they will have them to be natural heat, or a portion of the element of fire; whereas some of them are crude and cold. And sometimes they put it to his arme, he dooeth make hym to expell and caste out much sande, that many tymes he doeth take it awaie, for that he thinketh that it dooeth hurte hym for to put out so muche, and in takyng it awaie he ceaseth to caste any from hym," &c.-Joyfull Newes out of the newe founde Worlde, fol. 19. |