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Questions: 1. What effect had ventilating the room in which they worked, on the girls of the Massachusetts telephone exchange? 2. What two lessons in hygiene can we learn from this? 3. Mention some hygienic faults sometimes found in houses. 4. Study the house in which you live and decide how it could be made a more healthful dwelling. 5. Why should we have public health officers?

Suggestions and topics for development: Lay great stress upon the importance of a hygienic environment. Often the badly heated, poorly ventilated schoolroom will offer a good starting point for practical suggestions. A schoolhouse that has a cold floor should have special attention.

The teacher will find that Ritchie's Primer of Sanitation and Primer of Physiology (the second and third books of this series) contain additional subject matter of much value and Shaw's School Hygiene (The Macmillan Company, New York), or a similar text, will be of the greatest aid in applying hygienic principles in the school.

THE teacher who uses this text will find Allen's Civics and Health (Ginn & Company, Boston), Shaw's School Hygiene (The Macmillan Company, New York), Hill's The New Public Health (The Macmillan Company), Lloyd and Bigelow's The Teaching of Biology (Longmans, Green & Company, New York), and Fisher and Fisk's How to Live (Funk & Wagnalls, New York) most useful in giving a background for the teaching of the subject.

McKenzie's Exercise in Education and Medicine (W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia), Harrington's Practical Hygiene (Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia), Rosenau's Preventive Medicine and Hygiene (Appletons, New York), and Jordan's Principles of Bacteriology (W. B. Saunders Company) are books of a more advanced nature, but they can be profitably consulted by even the non-technical reader. Ritchie's Primer of Sanitation, Primer of Physiology, and Human Physiology, the more advanced books of the series which includes the present text, will furnish more detailed information in regard to many of the topics discussed. These or other similar books should be at the command of the teacher, for there can be little doubt of the truth of Spencer's dictum that hygiene is the most important subject in the schools and that it should yield to no subject in the care with which it is taught or in the time devoted to it.

ACCIDENTS, what to do in case of, | Breeding places of flies, 170-171;


Adenoids, 60-62; effects of, 61;
frequency of, 60; importance of
removal of, 61

Air, necessity for, 46

Air passages, 53; effects of dust on,

54; of tobacco smoke on, 56
Alcohol, an ally of tuberculosis,
105; not a brain stimulant, 103;
and length of life, 106; attitude
of employers toward, 107; atti-
tude of medical men toward,
108; effects on body, 103-109;
on digestive organs, 37; on heart,
66; on lungs, 57; on resistance to
germ diseases, 105

Antidotes, for poisons, 129, 130
Antitoxin, in diphtheria, 158

of mosquitoes, 171
Building foods, 10
Burns, care of, 127
Buying foods, 15-18

CANDY, harm done by, 35
Carbolic acid, antidote for, 130
Carbon dioxid, injurious to body,

Care of foods, 22-25
Chewing food, importance of, 33
Cholera infantum, how caused,

Clothing, 77-79; changing with
weather changes, 78; effects of
wet, 78; in cold weather, 77
Coarse foods, value of, 35
Coffee, use of, 33

Arsenic, antidote for poisoning by, Cold drinks, harm done by, 33


BACTERIA, cause of spoiling of food,
22; how they enter food, 23, 24;
keeping out of food, 23; killed
by heat, 24; by gastric juice, 28
Bathing, 75

Baths, cold, 76

Colds, causes of, 160; restriction of,

Consumption, in dusty trades, 54.
See Tuberculosis
Cooking, 19-21

Corrosive sublimate, antidote for,


Croup, membranous, 158

Bichlorid of mercury, antidote for, Cuts, how to bandage, 66


Bile, 29

DEAFNESS, causes of, 123

Bleeding, how to stop from cuts, Diarrhea, how caused, 148; how

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food, 24; list of diseases caused | Flux, how caused and spread, 148
Food preservatives, caution against,

by, 142; size of, 142
Diseases of air passages and lungs,
157-160; of alimentary canal,

Disinfectants, 168; mistaken ideas
about, 169

Drowning, what to do in apparent,

Dust, dangers of breathing, 53;

keeping down, 54

EAR and its care, 121-126; danger
from running, 123; foreign bodies
in, 125; function of parts, 122;
structure of, 122; treatment of
running, 124

Eating, irregular habits of, 34
Enamel of teeth, how injured, 42
Esophagus, 27

Exercise, 32, 86-89; an aid to di-

gestion, 87; danger of over-exer-
cising, 88; in the schoolroom, 88;
proper position for, 131; rules
in regard to, 87; violent, injuri-
ous, 65, 88

Exercises, breathing, 138; for arms,
132-134; for legs, 134-137; for
trunk muscles, 137-138; for use
in schools, 131-140
Eyes, avoiding diseases of, 118-

119; care of the, 113-120; how
moved, 114; how protected, 114;
injury to, from poor light, 117;
resting, 118; troubles of, in chil-
dren, 116; danger of neglect, 116,

FAINTING, treatment of, 128
Farsightedness, 115
Fats, use in cooking, 20
Flies, as germ carriers, 170; of in-
testinal diseases, 148; of tu-
berculosis germs, 152-153; of
typhoid germs, 145


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Foods, as building material, 9;
buying, 15-18; care of, 22-25;
cooking, 19-21; as source of
heat, 11; in treatment of tuber-
culosis, 155; unsafe when
handled, 145; uses in the body,
9-13; use of fatty, II
Fresh air treatment of consump-
tion, 154

GASTRIC juice, 28

Germ, tuberculosis, in discharges
of consumptive, 152, 154; how
destroyed, 153; in milk, 154;
how spread, 151, 152; typhoid,
how to destroy, 145; how to
protect ourselves from, 147;
how spread, 144

Germs, diseases caused by, 141,
142, 167; cause of running ears,
123; of intestinal diseases, 148;
keeping out of foods, 24; of respi-
ratory diseases, protecting from,
160; preventing spread of, 168-
175; of malaria, carried by mos-
quitoes, 163

Grip, 159-160; how to prevent
spread of, 160

HABITS, and health, 99; import-

ance of, 98-102; lasting, formed
in youth, 101; seven hygienic,
99; mental, 100

Hair, care of the, 73; growth of, 73
Health, importance of, 2; great

laws of, 7; good, a protection
against germ diseases, 161
Hearing, testing the, 126
Heart, 63; work of the, 64; effect
of alcohol on, 66; of tobacco on,


Heating foods, II

Mumps, care of, 165

Houses, effect on the health, 177- Muscles, that hold body erect, 82;

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Indigestion, causes of, 32-37
Inflammation, due to germs, 165
Influenza (grip), 159
Intestine, absorption from the
small, 29, 30; digestion in the
small, 29; function of the large,


Nerves, work of, 90

Nervous system, 90-93; care of
the, 94-97

Nightshade, antidote for poisoning
by, 130

OPIUM, antidote for poisoning by, 130
Organs of body, the principal, 6
Outdoor sleeping, 50

JIMSON weed, antidote for poison- Overeating, consequences of, 34

ing by, 130

KIDNEYS, 69-70; function of, 69;
keeping in health, 70

Over-exercising, dangers of, 65, 88
Oxygen, need of body for, 46

PAIN, bad effects of suffering, 96
Pasteur treatment for rabies, 167
Pink eye, 118

LAUDANUM, antidote for poisoning Pneumonia, 157

by, 130

Light, for reading, 117, 118

Liquid at meals, 33

Lockjaw, antitoxin for, 167; how
caused, 166

Lunches, indigestible, 35
Lungs, care of, 52-58; diseases of,
150-162; effects of alcohol on,
57; of tobacco smoke on, 56;
functions of, 53; harmfulness of
crowding, 55

Poison ivy, antidote for, 129
Poisons, antidotes for common, 129
Preventing spread of disease germs,

QUARANTINE, necessary in diph-
theria, 158; in measles, 165

RABIES, cause of, 167; treatment
of, 167

Resistance of body to disease
germs, 176-179; increasing, 177

MALARIA, how caused, 163; how Respiration, artificial, 128

spread, 163, 172

Measles, 164; quarantine in, 165
Meningitis, cause of, 123
Mercuric chlorid, antidote for, 129
Milk, care of, 23, 24; carries germs
of intestinal diseases, 148; of tu-
berculosis, 152; of typhoid, 145
Mosquito, carrier of malaria, 163;
how to get rid of, 171

Rest, necessity for, 94; in tuber-
culosis, 155

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