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tition, forming by practice fixed habits formed by creeds and dogmas which have of action, establishing in the understand-made aliens and enemies of those who, ing and instating on the throne of reason otherwise would, like kindred drops have

the spirit of that,

"Divine philosophy, by whose pure light
We first distinguish, then pursue the right;

Whose power the breast from every error
Weeds out all its vices by degrees.

Incentive is the motive power of ac


mingled into a fraternal communion.

Education is ennobling, carrying the race God-ward, away from low vulgar, immoral, debasing conditions and prac tices, and elevating it above the animal. plane of tyranny, usurpation, bigotry, superstition, persecution, human butch

Until Incentive exerts her magnetic influence and awakens interest and ery, duelling codes of honor, and all the arouses desire, action is inert. With-degrading impulses of ignorance. Effect is Education is a wealth-increasing pow

out action there is no effect.

the consequence of adequate cause. The cause of voluntary action, is thought. The obtaining of thoughts and the ability wisely to use them is education.

er. It develops and fosters new and lucrative industries; it patronizes inventive skill and practical ability in science and art, and brings into use, in the vaThe tendency of education is to modi-rious departments of human industry, fy or change existing conditions of hu- the vast resources of material treasure man society. Every new idea that deposited in the earth. comes to light, claims a place in the domain of thought. As new ideas are multiplic, correspondingly new phases take place in the life, character, and in

stitutions of mankind.

This constant influx of intelligent life, produces new growth and expansion of the mind, impelling it to seek broader fields for the exercise of the unfolding powers springing from this new life infusion.

We find, in the rapid transition of thought in these days, that no two generations are alike. They each have marked peculiarities of ideas and methods. This undoubtedly has been the order of progression from the beginning of creation but with a less marked change.

The effects of education, is to refine, elevate, enlighten, and fraternize mankind; rendering them more liberal, humane, affectionate, pacific, just, and consistent. Its tendency is to break down and remove the narrow sectal barriers

Education is labor-saving enabling its possessors to perform more and superior labor in a given time than as though they were ignorant. It brings to our aid useful labor-saving machinery by the means of which the necessities and lux

uries of life are rendered more abundant

and cheaper.

This readers our homes

and our social relations more pleasant.

Education is a better and surer defense and protection to a nation than armies and navies. This was evinced in the late civil war. The North had the former and the South the latter at the commencement of the conflict.

Education breaks the chains of tyranny and oppression, leaving no place for aught but peerless Freedom, who with exulting triumph shouts :

"Go, tame the wild torrent,
Or stem with a straw,

The proud surges that sweep
O'er the sands that confined them;
But presume not again

To give free men a law,

Or think, with the chains

They have broken to bind them."

These lines apply well to the Freedmen of the South. They have learned to prize their liberties and are making good progress in their intellectual development; are becoming better citizens; and that section of the Union has been increasing in wealth and prosperity since the period of the reconstruction of these states. The Freedmen are becoming year by year more self-supportiug, as the following statement in the N. Y. School Journal shows.

"The Rev. Dr. Orr, State School Commissioner of Georgia, in a recent speech before the North Georgia Conference, stated that the colored people of Georgia pay into the treasury of the State all that is appropriated to their education except about $20.000.

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Dayton, Ohio. Jan. 1884.

DEAR FRIEND;-It is now quite a long time since you have been with us in work and worship.

The oversight which is required of us compels us to remind you, that if for any reason, you cannot be with us and are not likely to be, you ought to ask for a letter of dismission, that you may be received in an orderly way into the church where your lot is cast.

We greatly regret to lose our members; but when they are absent from our bounds and not likely to return soon, it is certainly

best to observe the direction of our Book of Discipline, and seek church connection where they reside.

If you hope to return shortly, and desire to have your name retained on our roll, you

have only to say so, and it will be retained.

If you request a letter please name the church you hope to unite with.

Please reply as soon as convenient. We are about to publish a revised roll, and we aim to have it state only the facts.

In Christian regard, and by order of Session of M. P. Church.

J. R. H., Pastor.

Watervliet, Ohio. Feb. 2, 1884. REV. J. R. H; DEAR SIR;-I received, Jan. 29th, a letter, addressed to my name at Shakers. Allow me to thank you for your kind remembrance of one who, in turning the kaleidoscope of Time back to the days of

Education is the true magnetic pole of man's redemption; for only through culture and refinement are we fitted to enter the dominion and share in the exalted joys of a pure and holy God. This is childhood and early youth, recalls many an age of progress, and all who would be numbered in the ranks of the onward march of advanced and advancing ideas in the world's Godward progression should put shoulder to the wheel and roll forward the car of man's civilization, salvation, and redemption.

"In the world's broad field of battle,
In the bivouac of life,

Be not like dumb driven cattle!
Be a hero in the strife!
Trust no fature howe'er pleasant!
Let the dead Past bury its dead!
Act, act in the living present!
Heart within, and God o'er head!"
Mt. Lebanon, N. Y.

pleasant and grateful memories of you and yours. I seem to see them pass in review before me as I write, my young companions, my dear Sabbath School teachers, yet, above all, my beloved Pastor, whose tender care, and loving protection was ever extended to me, the youngest of all those, who, one never-tobe-forgotten Sabbath, were baptized in the name of Christ, and partook of the symbols of his life and sufferings.

Think not, because I am not with you, nor yet likely to be in earth-life, that your wise counsel and interest, your prayers, for my prosperity, have fallen unheeded by the wayside, for, life, as in Nature, so in Grace, being a perpetually recurring season

of seed-time and harvest, even so, the seeds of righteousness sown within my heart in childhood's hour, shall yet bring forth fruit, an hundred fold, unto everlasting Life.

Inheriting strong spiritual and religious tendencies, my life, from earliest childhood, has been filled with an instinctive longing, a reaching out for the immortal and the true. A constant prayer for light, that I might receive salvation from sin in the present tense, and be made a fit temple in which, the Christ Spirit might dwell forever.

"There is a Divinity that shapes our ends, Rough-hew them as we will."

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Even so, have I abundant reason to give thanks to that God who has, indeed, led me by a way I knew not, into the "city of peace, even the pure, virgin life of Christ, which, faithfully lived, day by day, in meekness and simplicity, is daily renewing my soul with immortal life from the fountain of Love divine; with that baptism of the "Holy Spirit and fire," which will effectually consume all the dross of the soul, and raise it into the very heavenly nature and life of Christ.



Can pride and sensuality rejoice?
From purity of thought all pleasure springs,
And from an humble spirit all our peace..

O, vain and empty is the human mind
That seeks for happiness in sensuous things;
That drinks of pleasure's bubbling surface springs,
And thinks therein to satisfaction find.
True joy is born within the soul's calm deep,
Where lofty aspiration plumes her wings;
Where wise reflection all her treasure brings,
And sweet contentment ever dwells enshrined.
Gay throngs and giddy crowds may onward sweep
Along life's path with passion's blinding force;
But they who in love's lowly valley keep,
Shall join with angels in an upward course;
The rich reward of conscious blessing reap,
And draw their pleasure from a heavenly source.
Mt. Lebanon, N. Y.



GOD did not choose the learned to give the gospel to the world, but He "hid these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them unto babes." These facts should be enough to satisfy every inquiring, and discerning mind that the

You did, indeed, baptize me with water, and give the symbols of the "blood and body" of that absent Savior, who said, "do this until I come," but to the soul who has been harvested from the earthly, generative order, to whom the Savior has already come, in very truth, whose life is "hid with Christ in God, ""grand departments" introduced to our who has been given to eat of the "hidden manna," with the promise of "Eternal Life, there can be no farther need of the "types and shadows" of earth and time, save the remembrance of them as stepping-stones to the substance.

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Send, if you please, the letter, if it is in accordance with your rules, but, it is, to me, a mere matter of form, as the Shaker church demands no other recommendation from its

members, save the wedding garment of purity and righteousness which is prepared for all souls who are willing to make the sacrifice which the Lord requires.

Once more, accept my love and thanks for all your efforts in my behalf, which have been attended with such blest results.

Louisa Bates.

O UNION, thou spring of salvation.

notice have nothing at all to do with the "basis of the temple of pure and unde filed religion."

But I would not disparage a literary, philological or other intellectual education, but again deny that they contain even the germ of pure religion. Pope said, "A little learning is a dangerous thing," and so is much learning to the self conceited and aspiring mind, but no amount, be it little or much, is dangerous to the meek, modest and unobtrusive mind. But as nothing merely intellectual can benefit the spirit, the scientific study of music, poetry, analogy, psychometry, etc., must be ruled out. If they had been absolutely necessary to


spirit culture Christ would not have neg-mind, might and strength," without relected them, innocent and harmless serve, every moment of our existence. though they be; but devotion, revela- All such, God will direct, protect and tion, contemplation and prayer were his prosper. constant companions and the very essence of his God-serving life.

Such one or ones can be relied on and followed with more safety than all the wise-acres of the earth

While it is admitted that extreme and blended together. "But to this man constant study in any direction may be will I look, even to him that is poor, of înjurious, I would say the spiritual was a contrite spirit and trembleth at My the least dangerous; and I would by no word." [Isaiah lxvi., 2.] So God has means discourage spiritual study on ac- always looked and blest, and ever will. count of its dangerous tendency. I Therefore would I say to all who enter doubt much if any person ever became His kingdom on earth cease to look after a maniac by this study who maintained or covet the intellectual and mechanical the Christ-like and child-like spirit. It greatness of the world, which is the

is only those who are puffed up with self- Apocalyptic Beast whose tail of pictured conceit and aspire to be something more pleasures have "drawn down the stars than mortal that are in danger of becom- of heaven," and, alas! is yet but too ing maniacs; but many have had their successful. The only safe and sure way reason dethroned by undue excitement for all is to look to God in the order of caused by the pictures given of a world His appointing. Any who reject the of hell-fire with devils for firemen, and gift of God, there, because of a lack of such like, by fanatical pulpiteers and scientific knowledge will find some day others. All such things should be the great mistake they have made, and avoided and discountenanced. It is to learn the fact that "to be carnally-mindbe hoped that none will be afraid to let ed is death, but to be spiritually-minded the mind run on spiritual things. We is life and peace." may do the best we can in this direction and still find it difficult to prevent worldly things from entering in at times and occupying a seat where they should not. Hence, says Christ, "Watch ye there fore and pray always. "-[Luke xxi., 36.]

The more we study spiritual things and put them in practice the more happy, angelic and useful we will be. The maniac will not touch us while possessing the obedient, child-like spirit of Christ, who said: "Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child he shall not enter therein." (Mark x., 15.] In order to succeed we are required to give to God the whole

Finally, let me add a last parting word, and tell, without the charge of egotism, vanity or dogmatism, what we, the followers of Christ, know, that others may be benefited by the game. We know that God has set up Ilis kingdom on earth. We know that we and all who live the Christ-life are in it. We know (don't think us vain,) with the Apostle John, that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.". [1 John, v., 19.] We know this because we have consecrated soul and body to His service and are not moved by any selfish purpose. The unselfish is of God; the selfish is of man. We know the world is diseased-" full of wounds

and accumulated a property worth from twelve to fifteen millions of dollars.

munities, where they are kindly treated, and brought up in the nurture and admonition of ANN LEE,† and trained to habits of industry from a career of vice and moral degradation. and a life of moral purity, and are thus saved

It cannot be a bad religion that is devoted to a work so benevolent and humane in its character. But if all mankind were to be

and bruises and putrefying sores from its crown to the soles of its feet. " We In achieving all this they have kept the know there is a place where all can be faith. Though childless, they have children, healed and purified, and this is within most of whom are waifs received from the God's kingdom, and we say, "Ho! ev-outside world into the bosom of their comery one that thirsteth, come," but come not for a material but a spiritual union and joining with the body of Christ. Those who have a material joining only are in danger of falling away every day that this condition continues. There is no real safety for any until they become quickened into spiritual life. One more word in deep humility and I am done: To have God's blessing all must respect and give heed to his Order, for God, though of long forbearance, will not be trifled with. No branch, division or family can prosper and have God's blessing whose leaders possess not the childlike spirit of perfect dependence upon it, and keep a close union and connection with it. The taking our own judgment independently thereof, or concealing from it in any way, presages decadence

come Shakers, and should prove true to their faith, it would not require a prophet to predict the speedy and final extinction of the human family.

It is said there are more than one thousand

different religions in the world, and a priesthood so numerous that they cannot be count


All claim to be right, yet all condemn each other as wrong. When docters differ, whether medical or divine, who shall decide?—And yet in every age new creeds are generated, and new revelations follow revelations."

†The reason why the doctrines of ANN LEE have "survived her, and never die," is because she re

it is still unknown although self-existent. Its power and influence is beginning to be felt and manifest in

and makes prosperity impossible. "By vealed the eternal Mother in the Deity. To many, humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life." [Prov. xxii., the world. 4.] This being true makes the contrary poverty, dishonor and death. South Union, Ky.

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ANN LEE's mission took place about one hundred years ago. It was the commencement of a new era in the world's history...the changes wrought and the revolutions which have taken place since that time, let the world itself bear witness. Two orders of people are now established on the earth, and are required to be governed by two distinct laws. The first is the rudimental, the law of propagation, i. e. to have no sexual intercourse only for offspring. The second is to keep the higher law, i. e. the law of Christ. ANN LEE could not have fulfilled her mission without advocating virgin celibacy for the higher development of our race. The time had fully come for these two orders to be established. And we need not expect that the calamities will cease, until these two laws are obeyed, if it takes a thousand years. Earth is not heaven, and heaven is not earth. Heav en is a state, or condition of the mind, the effects of 'righteousness and peace, and joy in the Holy Spir




GOD's promises will never fail

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