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grew in numbers, erected mills, established ful, and winning in his manners, and persuafactories, a school-house, and a church, and for many years flourished, but of late have rapidly declined in numbers and in wealth, and in fact have become but a remnant of what they were in their prosperous days. Yet there are other communities of the same faith that still flourish in different parts of the United States.

sive in his logic. He was not only one of the first founders of the community in Warrensville, but its principal leader until 1826, when, owing to some disturbing elements of doctrine and rule he withdrew from the community, and settled on a farm in Solon, where he died Dec. 23, 1866, at the age of seventy eight years. He was superseded by the Elders from Union Village.

It must be admitted, that the Shakers have become a power in the land, and are justly regarded as an honest and industrious people. In their mode of worship they introduce a shaking,* shuffling dance, keeping step to the music of a monotonous song or chant, and for this reason are generally called "Shakers" by outsiders; yet they prefer to call themselves "Believers, because they believe in the divinity of Ann Lee, and in living | have an interesting record. a life of pure celibacy. In other respects their creed is substantially orthodox.

The number of Leaders and Elders who have from time to time succeeded Russell are somewhat numerous. Though subordinate to higher ecclesiastical authorities, this class of officials share a degree of independence and power which renders their position one of great influence as well as honor. Among the number, there are several individuals who

Ralph Russell, who led in organizing the community at North Union, was not only sincere in his faith, but a man of tact and enterprise. He was born at Windsor, Conn. Aug. 3, 1789, and received a good common school education. He loved books, and soon acquired a fund of general information. In fluenced by a desire to go "West," he settled in Warrensville in 1812.

This is true of James S. Prescott, one of the founders of the community at North Union. Though advanced in age, he is still active and faithful in the discharge of his duties. He comes from a good family, being akin to the late William H. Prescott, the renowned historian. He was born Jan. 26, 1803, at Lancaster, Mass. His mother was a pious lady, who instructed him at an early age in the lessons of Christianity. He received a good academical education, and commenced his career in life as a teacher in a missionary school, consisting of some fifty § Indian youth, at Oneida, N. Y.

Accidentally, or rather providentially, as he thought, he soon came in contact with two eminent Shakers of Union Village, who convinced him of the truth as it is in Ann Lee. In 1826 he came to Cleveland, where he He then commenced to indoctrinate his neigh-found employment as a mason, a trade he had bors in the principles of the new faith, and partially learned while in his boyhood. In soon acquired a goodly number of adher- the course of a few months he left Cleveland ents. Thus encouraged, he organized a com- and engaged in a job of mason work for the munity of Shakers at Warrensville. Shakers at Warrensville, North Union. Here he became interested in their religious views, adopted their creed, ¶ received their faith, and united with them, and still remains with them. He is a man who lives a pure life, and is highly esteemed by the brother-hood and by all who know him. He is an intelligent, modest, and truly amiable man. He has

"Ralph, as the brother-hood called him, was a man of imposing presence, tall, grace

*Shaking was introduced by the first founders, by the operations of the Spirit. Dancing was intro

duced as an act of divine worship. See Jeremiah, Axxi. The term Shakers was given to the people in derision.

They call themselves "Believers in Christ's Sec. ond Appearing," not in the divinity of Ann Lee, but in the divinity of Christ. Christ is a "Spirit," and can come in a woman, as well as in a man. They believe in living a life of virgin celibacy, be. cause Christ lived that life, and he was our example. See Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, on this subject.

§ The average daily attendance was about forty, including both sexes, taught on the Lancasterian plan.

The Shakers have no creed, except what is contained in the life of Christ, or, in the four Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

recently written a History of North Union,* which is highly interesting in its details, and which should be published in book form. He was never married; yet he worships his ideal of a woman, and thinks her divine. † Ann Lee was born of humble parentage at Manchester, England, about the year 1736. Her early education had been neglected; yet

nature had endowed her with unusual mental powers and with a spirit of religious enthusiasm. She married young, was the mother of four children, all of whom died in infancy. She deplored her bereavement with a grief

which was inconsolable.

This induced reflection as to a remedy for human ills, and led her to advocate celibacy,

We think he referred to those who when trying to be content, still were restless, wishing to be more than God in his wisdom intended or made them to be. We are too prone to move along desiring most, that which affords selfish pleasure, rather than spiritual growth.

Christian graces are developed by adherence to christian principles; contentment is found, by daily bearing the christian cross against discontent, impatience with ourselves, and dissatisfaction with our lot in life.

Discontent leads the mind "into tempand to become a dreamer in matters of relig-tation and a snare, and into many foolious faith. She commenced preaching strange doctrines in the streets of her native town. The populace gathered in crowds to hear her, and in such numbers as to impede public travel.

*The history of North Union was written expressly, for the "Western Reserve Historical Society," by request, and published in the Cleveland Herald.

By the Hon. JOHN BARR, Judge of the Police Court. †The term Divine cannot with propriety be at tached to any human being, abstractly, Jesus made the discrimination between the human and the divine, when he said, "Thou art Peter, i. e. the human, and upon this Rock, i. e. Revelation or divine, will I build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew xvi; 18. and "that Rock is Christ," the divine Revelation compared to a solid substance because it endureth forever. 1 Cor. 10., 4. It prevailed against the human, but not against the Rock, it stands good yet, i. e. Revelation.


Ann Lee, made the same discrimination when she said, "You ought to have your faith grounded in the power of God," or power of his Christ, for that abideth forever. But if your faith is only in persons, and they should fail, you are liable to come under loss." Millennial Church, p. 337. We admit that a woman living a divine life makes her appear beauti. ful, and so it does a man, but neither of them are objects of worship, because they are human, the creature, and not the Creator.



ish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition."

Let us use every talent we may possess as a divine gift and thus return to our Master his own with usury.

The root of Content is found in the recognition of God's love, his mercy, his truth, and a trust in his promises which are sure to the upright and faithful.

"He giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might He increaseth strength."

No child at our table needs his daily bread, more than every child of God needs the Christian grace of true Con


Canterbury, N. H.

Shaker Village, N. H.

DEAR SISTER MARCIA;-In the September number of the Manifesto I found an article entitled "The Voice of Age" which agreed so perfectly with my ideas of faith and gospel principle, that I wish to male mention of it to you, with my sincere thanks. Every sentence seems written as with a pen of fire never to be obliterated, and should be so deeply this impressed in the heart of every church member, that a slothful selfish spirit can find no place in their abode.

PAUL gives us a good lesson on subject in 1 Tim. vi., 6. Godliness with contentment is great gain."

I have thought it unwise to measure health and strength by age, if one should retain their youthful vigor at eighty years of age: why not enjoy the precious blessing of moving in active labor and not fearing any sad results therefrom? Longevity is becoming more universal with the people of our country, and is it not because the laws of life are more carefully regarded?

I also endorse your sentiments concerning a want of energy to work for the things of the spirit as we advance in years, for unless we watch and pray we are liable to become dimsighted and lose a portion of our well-earned treasure, this would bring discouragement to others and a burden to the leaders of the flock, whom we should delight to aid and bless in every act of our lives by our faithful exertions and love in the cause of God. Sally Ceeley.



RELIGION is not ours, until we live by it, in thought, word, and deed, when it goes with us into every place and sits uppermost on every occasion, also forms and governs our hopes and fears our cares, and pleasures. The truly religious person is ever watchful and guarded in spirit; and by a purity of behavior is fearless. Religion is the name of all that is good, the Angel of Mercy, given to the dwellers of this transient life. It expands and beautifies the affections of the soul.


It strengthens the bands of unity. is the guide of youth in the path of duty, and should be the chosen companion of the inexperienced youth, that its light may illumine their pathway through this life.

It is my faith in practical religion that makes my declining years serene with the light that shines from heaven, and a sure refuge is found in Him who watches even the sparrow when it falls. In this faith this consolation is found, that life here is the vesti bule of another, bright with immortal hope. Enfield, Conn.




And with Thy mantle of encircling love
WITH thy abiding presence, Lord,
Enfold us as the light envelops earth.
O Sun of life! O Fount of blessings new!
Shine on us still, and still pour out Thy good.
As morning mists roll up before the day
That floods the earth with light ineffable;
So in the glory of Thy countenance,
May every shadow that bedims our way
Retreat; may every care be turned to joy,
And every duty wear fair pleasure's smile;
May the tongue of murmuring be dumb,
And the full rich spirit of thanksgiving
Pour forth in songs of ecstasy and praise!
As flowers expand, in beauteous robes arrayed,
As blades of grass spring up from earth's dark sod,
So may Thy life--inherent in the soul-
Bring forth the types of things imperishable.
We yearn for higher thoughts, for holier wings
That lift above materiality,

And bring our souls in rapport with the Infinite
Soul of Life that permeates all worlds.
Removed from passion's storm and hate of men,
From envy, jealousy, and bitter words
That pierce like scorpion fangs or poignant spear,
Destroying human happiness and peace-
We would enjoy communion sweet with Thee.
One hour, O Lord! is better far than years
Spent in the realm of sensuous delight;
One quaff from the celestial fount of truth,
Would satisfy the immortal longing,
More than perpetual draughts from pleasure's spring;
Who dips life's cup therein, shall find
The bitterness of Marah's waters there.

Ah! who would taste of sweets clysian,

Must find the main-spring of their joy in Thee,
Relax their hold on sublunary things,
Nor deem what earth calls honor worth the strife.
Her wealth takes wings, her knowledge flies
Her vision to the glories of Thy truth.
Before the soul who opes with glad surprise
O how my spirit mounts! intensified
By the upwelling fullness of the love
feel expanding in my soul to Thee.


Take all, all that this boastful world can give,
But unto Thee forever I would live;

Thy love supplants the transient loves of earth,
The banquet of Thy peace all want supplies,
And in the covert of Thy boundless grace,
My soul would find indwelling life for aye.
Mt. Lebanon, N. Y.

THOSE who quit their proper character to assume what does not belong to them, are, for the greater part, ignorant both of the

THERE is no accuser equal in severity of character they leave and that they assume.

self-examination. Exercise it often.-M.E.II.

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