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Their Order was not founded upon natural descent, but upon virtue and integrity of character. They required new converts who joined them, to sell their private possessions and divide with their poorer brethren; thus mutually share the burdens of life, and serve one another in love. They enjoined upon all the necessity of meekness and lowliness of spirit, and purity of heart and mind. They commended celibacy which enables a man or woman to abstain from connubial intercourse for the kingdom of heaven's sake; but acknowledged that all could not receive, or enter into that state, only as was given them thus to do. Gensburg said; "It can hardly be doubted that the Savior himself belonged to this holy brotherhood, that existed during a period of two hundred years before Christ. At the advent of the Messiah, the Jews were divided into three parties; Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes. Jesus often reproved the former, but not the latter."

May we not reasonably gather the idea from ancient history, that Jesus brought many doctrines which he taught from the schools of the Essenes, which was the fruit of preceding generations, instead of all those beautiful lessons which he gave, coming directly to him, as a new revelation? And that the quickening Spirit that descended upon and abode with him vivified and intensified those heaven-born principles, and enabled him to carry them forward to greater perfection?

If those in our own time who are waiting for what they call the millennial day, would prepare themselves for the event as did the ancient Essenes who were looking for the Messiah: How long would they have to wait before the Com

forter, the true Witness, who now stands at the door knocking, would find entrance and sup with them and break the bread of life with them? Mt. Lebanon, N. Y.

The Government of Christ's Kingdom,a Theocracy.



IT should be thoroughly understood that the Government of the Kingdom of Heaven is neither a Monarchy nor a Democracy; yet, we find in its nature the elements of both forms prefigured. is a Theocracy. In its administration, it partakes so much of a Monarchical form as to establish a central power, a throne or tribunal for final decision on all questionable matters; and so much of the Democratic form as to embody the voice of the people to sus'ain it and make its acts legitimate. It is not all throne nor all the voice of the people; either of which would produce absolutism and monopoly, and furnish a direct fruitful support to self, the arch enemy of the Kingdom.

Monarchy fosters and builds up an Aristocracy; it creates in society castes of high and low, from which condition, neither merit nor demerit removes the stamp of honor or degradation. In its extreme, it becomes despotic and most unjust.

Democracy tends to the leveling of humanity to a common plane: and when carried to an extreme, would ignore the respect and dignity justly due to office and that legitimate authority necessary for the power and strength of society. In a Theocratic Government, the lessons as taught by Jesus for the maintenance of order and harmony gave officers and

endowed them with power to bind or loose on Earth, even as bound or loosed in Heaven.

The Apostles also commanded subjection to Principalities and Powers; all of which, both in Church and State, should be received as admonitions and

lessons of instruction, sufficient to fit man for the duties of life in all things pertaming to human interest and the development and progress of the human





ANNA Cogswell was born in Pittsfield Mass. in 1761. In her written testimony given March 1827, she relates as follows; Sometime in Feb. 1780, being in great trouble of mind, I dreamed I was with a large company of people and a man came and told us that Christ had come to judgment, which greatly shocked my feelings, as I feared I was a false professor and should have no part in his kingdom. He told us we of must all walk in procession to a certain place, where we would find a tree in full bloom.

No institution or body formed for religious, social or political purposes, neither for any other relation or economy life can possibly exist without order, the first law of Heaven. For the protection of any organization, the body must be properly officered, having a tribunal whose decision must be final; otherwise, institutions and societies breed contempt, become confused, divided, disorganized, wrecked, lose their power and fall to pieces, not unfrequently bringing in their destruction mutiny and rebellion, which conclude their history.

Each one must pick a flower from the tree, and those who gathered a flower containing seed, it would be a sign to them that they had the grace of God in their souls. We were placed to walk in order, the men two by two on the right, and the women in the same order on the left. While on the way I trembled with fear, and the woman at my side asked what made me feel such trouble. I told her I was afraid I should be found a false professor. She said she felt no concern for herself on that account. turned to look at her and perceived she was an adulteress, though I never S&W her before.

Because of system for business, for existence and growth, it does necessarily follow, that in society there must be high and low, rich and poor, master and servant. The principle that reduces to equality of condition regulates that feature and gives to the supervisor and menial, priest and layman equal honor; and each in their turn may be called to the same position or vocation in a Theocratic as in a Republican form of Gov-a


Enfield, N. II.

THE thing can be said of fresh, cool water, when needed by the system it is most grateful to the sense; when not needed it offers no temptation. So much cannot be said of beverages that intoxicate.—Fanny B. Johnson.


We picked each a flower and returned. The man who sent us, met us at the door, and told us to lay our flowers on table, and let them be examined.

The woman who walked with me laid down hers, which was fairer than mine, and I laid mine by its side. Some seed fell from my flower and consumed hers in a moment. I was so overjoyed at the result that I awoke, and for a season felt very happy.

Having heard of Mother Ann Lee With deadly panoply of war's dread doom,

and the Elders, I went in company with
others to visit them, while they were in
prison at Albany. After entering, we
stopped in a narrow passage on the low-
er floor. Elder James Whittaker came
down stairs, and the moment I saw him
I knew he was the man I saw in my
dream. He looked at me and said
"Young woman, honor God in Heaven,'
and immediately conducted us up stairs,
where Mother and the Elders were.
soon began to speak of the coming of
Christ to judgment, of the manner of
his coming, and how we were to be

In conversation with Mother after-
ward, I related my dream to her. Do
you call that a dream? said she,
it was a vision of God. The woman
you saw walking by your side, repre-
sented false professors, who profess to be
espoused to Christ and yet have other
lovers, and their confidence is in the
flesh. But this seed of the gospel will
consume it. She then called Elder
James and said Anna has been telling
me a pretty vision-tell it to brother
James. Accordingly I related it to him.
Do you call that a dream? said he.
Yea, I said, because I was asleep.
answered, it was a vision of God, and
a great gift to you. Anna Cogswell
became a Savior, in saving herself.
Mt. Lebanon, N. Y.



Nor as a bannered Host


With plume and steel in martial rank arrayed;
With all the pomp and glitter and the boast

Of holiday parade :

Nor yet as armies come,

When hastening to the conflict and the strife,

And fearful passions rife :
But in the calm retreat,


Secluded from the turmoil and the glare ;
They turn the spirit's sword within, to meet
The foe in ambush there.
Bearing a daily cross
Against the dearest idols of the soul;
Turning from wealth and worldly fame as dross
They press toward the goal,
Seeking the aid of heaven

In earnest fervent prayer, with purpose true;
Beyond the joys of earth, to them is given,
Eternal Life in lieu.

Canterbury, N. H.



How many hearts with joy will greet
This Nation's cherished festal day;
How many loving friends will meet
In happy homes to praise and pray.
May each, may all, that blessing share
Which crowns the day with mem'ries bright;
May love outweigh the din of care,
And darkness be dispelled by light.

O Earth! what treasure dost thou hold
'That vies in worth with Christian love?
The richest mines of purest gold
One half the blessing ne'er can prove.
The love that dwells in kindred minds
Safe linked in friendship's golden chain,
Through all the lights and shades of time
Unchanged forever will remain.

May all who've gathered here to-day
Within these ancient hallowed walls,
Where oft our Fathers met to pray
And pledge themselves to give up all,
Renew again their lives to God,
While angels list to catch the sound,
And in the "Book of Life" record

That loyal souls still here are found.

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Blest be the hands that toil with care,
The hearts that live, mid hopes and fears;
Not all unheeded are their prayers,
However dark the day appears.

While those upon whose furrowed brow
Are seen the telling lines of care

Give thanks, their lives are spared till now
That children may their blessing share;
Give thanks, that when life's strife is o'er,
The shoals of time are safely past,
Awaiting them on yonder shore
Are those whose friendship pure will last.
Thrice blessed souls! whose patient toil
With trusting hearts and willing hands
Planted with gospel seed this soil,
A goodly heritage to stand.

E'en now we feel their presence near,
These faithful waiting ones to bless,
And welcome tidings soon to bear,
"Receive thy crown of righteousness."

Let those before whose vision lies
Yet longer service to be given,
Rejoice, that they may win the prize,
And be the perfect flowers of Heaven.
If loyal they are ever found,
And to their Maker freely give
The first ripe fruits that e'er abound
Where virgin principles are lived.

So let all hearts give thanks and praise
Who've joined the lovely Virgin throng!
Thanksgiving fill the matin lays,
And be the theme of evening song.
For who like us can truly sing
The song of freedom ever grand?
Who better offerings can bring
Throughout our Nation's cherished land?

As days and weeks glide swiftly on,
Each bringing duties to be done,
We'll chant a never-ending song
And hold the bond that makes us one.
Through all the varying scenes we meet,
Vicissitudes which mark life's way,
Unchanging in our hearts shall beat
The love we feel renewed to-day.
Enfield, N. II.


O. P.

LITERATURE and mathematics may be greatly unfolded, yet A, B, C, will ever remain at the root of one, and One, Two, Three, at the root of the other. So we may be assured, that in all branches of human progress, initial principles will ever be recognized.

The progress made by the Jews from heathenism, was due to a measure of obedience to Hygienic and Moral Law. This statement is self-evident from the fact, that all human manifestations refer themselves to morals and hygiene.

Science and Art, may be greatly unfolded, yet essentially, no real human elevation may occur. Such was the case with the Egyptians; they represented ancient heathen civilizations; and such is the case exactly with modern civilization. The Pyramids are evidences of human vassalage, and of its consequent immoralities. The proverbial diseases of Egypt, attest violations of the Law of health. Modern civilization swarms with diseases, they attest its identity with the heathen civilizations of the past, as does also, the degradation of the wealth producers of Christendom.

Hygienic and Moral Law, and their fulfillment; will ever remain the fundamentals of human elevation.

There is a wide difference between the light of ideas, and the light of life. A person may see and acknowledge the fitness of things, and in his life be practically dark. A scientific fact can be presented, and all is right. A hygienic law applied to heathen habits, and the result is otherwise. From this cause, there is much confusion appending to the matter of progress. However, we may assure ourselves, that if a people in their conduct ignore Hygienic Law, there can be no real human elevation.

With regard to the location of an increase of living testimony. Shall it be at the center, or at the extremities?

"The wind bloweth where it listeth." "Limit not the Holy one of Israel." "Hurt not the Oil nor the Wine"-the

love of truth, and the inspiration thereof. An organized body is not obliged to accept any increase of testimony: but if any member, or a family manifests an increase of hygienic, or moral conduct, they ought not to be crushed down, nor retarded by the inertia of the body.

kinds of fruits, and its leaves-divine ideas are for the healing of human ills. It manifests a greater diversity than I do, it being a higher organism.

Human Society is like me, an assemblage of individuals, and is truly an organism; and if of the highest type, twelve manner of fruits may be forth coming. Low organisms do not admit of much diversity.

My conditions of growth, are light,

of the tree by the river of life, are divine light, love, and an atmosphere which invigorates and gladdens all divine forms. Its every bud, is a divine human spirit, accessible to Progress, and ever tending to Order.

The question has been asked, Shall an increase begin at the center, or at the extremities? Let us look around for emblematic illustrations. The rocks It is the province of my roots and can instruct, the sunbeam enlighten and trunk to support the buds, and it is their the plants of the earth give us knowl- threefold office, to strengthen the trunk, edge. There is that wide spreading bloom and bear fruit. Unity of action. tree; we inquire of it; how is it that is Order; growth and fruit is Progress. thou hast acquired such dimensions, Order will become stonefied, if not fully and yielded such beneficent results? compatible with Progress. Progress giving us food, tuel, and shelter. The cannot be established, unless compatitree replies, I am an assemblage of ble with Order. an assemblage of ble with Order. Where Order is stoneindividuals; every bud I bear, is a tree fied, an increase will be out of unity. in embryo. Our united labors during past years give the results you have warmth, moisture, air. The conditions stated. But what of progress? Well, I am a fruit bearing tree; I was but one bud when I was planted; I grew and produced a number of buds, these again did likewise, and finally, I attained the size you see. Strictly speaking, I am a community; composed of many members working harmoniously together. My progress, growth and strength, have been at, and from my extremities. When thou wast a single bud, didst thou bloom and bear fruit? I did not; the united labors of a great many buds were necessary before I matured and could do "IN 1822 a religious community known as that. How didst thou behave under Shakers was organized in Cuyahoga County, such an innovation as blooming all over under the supervision of Ralph Russell, a deinto white flowers? I continued to grow, vout man of that faith. He was aided in this supported the increase, and left the work by the Elders of Union Village, Wargrowth and fruit buds to their respective ren County, Ohio. They purchased a tract duties. I have indeed manifested a de-cleared the central part of it, erected a small of wild land in the township of Warrensville, gree of diversity in Unity, but there is village of log cabins, and gave it the name a tree by the river, which yields twelve of "North Union." Here they tilled the soil,

Mt. Lebanon, N. Y.


Notes referring to the Shakers of North Union, Ohio, as published by HARVEY RICE in a work entitled, Pioneers of the Western Reserve. Some explanatory remarks are added by J. S. PRESCOTT, a member of the Society of North Union.

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