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love and care. On every hand are evidences of his ability to scatter blessings in the pathway of those under his charge. Self was ignored, and selfish interests and selfish motives found no place in his noble soul. Each year was a well rounded period in a life well spent.

Farewell brother, though our cup of affliction is brimming over. Rest beneath the shadow of the Tree of Life and we will toil encouraged by thy bright example and beautiful life of entire consecration. Safe beyond the rolling tide-safe from mortal sufferingsafe from temptation-safe from the power of

"HE crossed in the starlight gray and cold, And the pale mists hid him from mortal view." Onward the boatman came, regardless of our prayers and entreaties, regardless of our ceaseless watching and thoughtful care, and quickly transferred our brother across the dark river to the other shore. Up the shining way he went, to the golden gate, and passed in with a glad welcome from myriad voices of those who had long claimed him as a kindred spirit and co-worker in the cause | sin-safe in the companionship of angelic of purity, truth and humanity. Hand clasped hand, as brother met brother, in that sphere of fraternal love, where temptation and sin are not permitted to enter.

In early life, a guiding hand from this spirit sphere, turned the thoughts, feelings and spiritual aspirations of our departed brother; away from the inharmonies of earth life, away from the strifes and ambitions of a merely worldly existence, to the cause which he so heartily espoused, and for which he so long and faithfully labored. As a child he was tractable and teachable, as a youth he was kind, courteous, loving and obedient; as a man, his noble qualities of head and heart were manifest in all that he said and did. Abroad he always showed himself the true christian gentleman. In business with the children of this world, he was prompt and decided, and honest to the last farthing, yet friendly and affable. At home we had reason to bless him every hour. To the children and youth he was a kind, tender, loving

brother, never too tired, or too hurried or worried to say a pleasant word, or present some little token of appreciation, that was helpful and encouraging. To the aged he was particularly deferential and respectful, looking after their interests, anticipating their wants, and ever striving to make them feel that they were a blessing. In temporal things we leaned on him as on a staff that could never fail us. As a leader we were sure he would never lead us astray. As a teacher we had implicit confidence in the truths he taught. As a brother the best beloved. All about us lie tokens of his tender

guides who will minister to thy every needsafe in thy Father's house of many mansions-safe in a home of perfect purity and love, we will leave thee. With sorrowing hearts we must say farewell,-dear brother, farewell.

Mt. Lebanon, N. Y.


BE true thyself, if thou wouldst teach
The striving ones to love thee;
Be true, thy gentle words shall reach
The heavenly realms above thee.
For angels pause to catch the sound

Of words so blest and tender,
And bear the news to earth around,

Christ reigns in regal splendor.-L. H.
Canterbury, N. H.

"CLEANSE first that which is within the cup

and platter, that the outside may be clean al-
80. The words we speak, and the acts we
perform are as the contents of the cup and
platter, if they are free from selfishness and
all that pertains to the world, that world to
which Christ referred when he said, "“I am
not of this world," our characters which may
be likened to the outside of the platter will
inevitably be without reproach.-E. A. S.

GOOD resolutions are an honor to every heart that forms them. But that honor takes to itself a new luster, and that heart is noble still, when the resolutions are not broken. -The Guardian.

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Books and Papers.

HERALD OF HEALTH. Dec. This number contains an extended list of articles on Health which is well worth the perusal by those who love long life and happy days. The drinking of hot water as a remedy for the many diseases that afflict the human family is fully illustrated in the several rules that are given for its use. The department which contains "Studies in Hygiene for women" has also articles of real value. The work for 1884 will be en

larged by eight additional pages. M. L. Holbrook, M. D. Publisher, 13 & 15 Laight St. N. Y. $1.00 a year.

[A first class monthly Magazine.] PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL and SCIENCE OF

HEALTH. Dec. Contents: Prof. Nicholas Joly, the eminent French Naturalist: Foot prints in the Ancient Sand-stone, Illustrated; The Trance; Monsignor T. J. Capel, with portrait; Grand-mothers; King Cetewayo, with portrait; Investments which pay; General observations on Amativeness; The first gun for Peace; Slaves of Fashion; Genesis of Alcohol; Diet of the Chinese, also Notes in Science and Agriculture; Answers to Correspondents, etc., Fowler & Wells, Pub., 753 Broadway, N. Y. $2.00 a year.


A Famous Galaxy. PEOPLE who delight in beautiful and good books will be astonished when they see, if they have not already seen, the annoucements of the "Caxton Illustrated" and other editions of standard authors, issued this season. The typography, and all me. chanical qualities of printing and binding are simply superb, and the prices a veritable marvel, to the oldtime book-buyer. The li udes the works, complete, of Dickens, 15 volumes, reduced in price from $22.50 to $9 net; Thackeray's, from $16.50 to $6.75; George Eliot's, from $12 to $3.75; Washington Irv ing's Works, from $20 to $4; Scott's Waverley Nov. els, from $30 to $7.50; Hawthorne's Works, from $21 to $6.50; J. Fennimore Cooper's, from $32 to $12.50; Bulwer's, from $31.25 to $8.50; Wm. Black's, from $15 to $4; De Quincey's, from $18 to $6.50. The publisher sends them to any one for examination before requiring any payment, on reasonable evidence of good faith, and will send a 100-page

mortal life is inspired are but as buds which will bear beneficent fruit for us in the immortal life that is to be. We pray that we may believe in the immortal life-that we may aspire after it, and yearn for it, with an unconquerable yearning-not because we would lead therein a life of slothful ease, but because, in toil and in endeavor, in self-sacrifice and in devoted love, we would become all that which immortal life, and immortal life only, will enable us to realize. But O Father and Mother! even here, while "the muddy vesture of decay doth grossly close us in," may we be supremely content to serve a glad apprenticeship to that toil and endeavor, to that self-sacrifice and that devoted love. So will eternal life begin in us, and thy kingdom come in us, and thy will be done in us, even as the eternal life has already commenced for, and thy kingdom already come to, and thy will already done by, those supremely beatified spirits who are nearest to Thee because they stoop the lowest to those of thy children, who, even in the immortal life, are yet sad and sorrowful. Amen and amen!—Inspiration of Rev. James K. Applebee in Boston Commonwealth.


Mary R. Dow, Nov. 10, 1883, at Enfield, N. H. Age, 83 yrs. 4 mo. and 23 days.

Mary Ann Emerson, Nov. 24, 1883, at North Family, Enfield, N. H. Age 63 yrs. 10 mo. and 16 days. (See page 21.)

Abigail Shaw, Nov. 27, 1883, at West Gloucester, Me. Age 77 yrs. 7 mo. and 20 days.

Robert M. Wagan, Nov. 29, 1883, at South catalogue of these and other works free upon appli- family, Mt Lebanon, N. Y. Age 50 yrs. 6


John B. Alden, Publisher, 18 Vesey St.,

New York.


We know that thou art the Infinite love

the healer and not the destroyer of all thy people-the Father who pitieth his children more than a human father ever yet pitiedyea, the Mother, who comforteth all thy little ones more than a human mother ever yet comforted the children of her travail-and so we know that the hopes with which this


mo. and 5 days. In him we have lost a dearly beloved leader.-A. E. C. page 22.)

Amanda Olmstead, Dec. 10, 1883, at Union Village, Ohio. Age 77 yrs. 4 mo. and 19 days.

She has been a faithful member for 60 yrs. living a pure virgin life and devoted to comsion and zealously supported the cause of munity interests. She honored her profes-the Gospel and has now gone to a happy home in the better Land.—O. C. H.

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As far as our knowledge extends, there has never been a time in the history of the American Nation, when there was greater prosperity in different departments pertaining to its material wealth, or its educational advancement, than the present. Science continues to reveal new modes of agriculture and machines are invented to meet the growing, expanding ideas which are requisite to carry the new methods into practical operation, which with the combined skill and energetic labor of the tillers of the soil, the land is made to yield a rich and bounteous supply of cereals, fruits and vegetables, for home consumption, and to contribute in considerable degree to the demands of foreigu markets.

No. 2.

Ships, heavily laden with all kinds of merchandise go out upon the seas, to bear to other lands the products of our own and in return, bring from other ports to our shores fruits and fabrics from soils, and climates, in distant lands. Many of these staunch vessels are unable to cope with the fierce winds, and go down beneath the billowy waves which rise mountain high, and are seen no more. Still, others continue to plough the great deep, and press their way, and pass from port to port.

Fires and floods, devastate the lands, and yearly consume a large amount of the nation's wealth, as 1883 has proved in a marked degree; but as an off-set, the population is increased by emigration from other countries, and large tracts of land hitherto untilled, are brought under the plow and worked by those who emigrate to America from

isles beyond the seas, to find a home and take shelter under her national flag.

they feel are rapidly drawing near, and are casting their shadows before, actually transpire.

Why repeat these facts so often told, and so apparent to all, that they who As a general rule, the majority of run may read and easily understand? those who profess to want something Our reason for so doing, is to show that better than what they now possess, do with all the accumulated material wealth not want to give an equivalent to obtain and financial prosperity, there still ex-it. Like one class of the ancient Jews, ists a restless unsatisfied condition of who were looking for the long promised mind and feeling, in all ranks of society; Messiah; they expected a prince in which go to prove that there are soul pomp and regal splendor to come and eswants and needs, that earthly material tablish a throne and kingdom, and sway things can never supply. Hence we find the scepter of power, and strengthen the in all ranks of society, an anxious ex- then existing hierarchy, and upbuild the pectancy, looking for some new thing aristocracy of that day. They were to transpire that will bring change and greatly disappointed; so much so, that fill an aching void in the chambers of only a few were prepared to receive the the soul, and feed the immortal part. Anointed Nazarene, the medium of the Pulpit orations from the clergy, it Christ Spirit, who came to them in an matters not how eloquent they may be, unostentatious manner, and they did not or how pleasantly their words may fall recognize him, nor understand his misupon the ears of the hearers-fail to sion. Thus it is, and will be with the touch their hearts. The Bible has been major part of those who at the present used as a text-book by many thousands time are hungering for soul food; they of professed ministers of the gospel, for desire it, but are not willing to sell all, a long period of time, until nearly every or even a part of their worldly gains to verse has been repeated over, and over obtain it. The selfish, ease-loving, again and turned, and twisted, and ex-pleasure-seeking multitude, cries, “give, plained, until it has become as sounding give! but do not take from us our earthbrass and tinkling cymbals: for priests ly treasures that we love so dearly!" and people, by lack of true charity, or Jesus, without doubt, was educated practical love to God and to their neigh- with the Essenes of his time, who were bor, under the guidance of Christian numerous in Palestine and Syria, and faith, fail of ministering or receiving were practically progressed and virtueven a spark of living inspiration from ous. the Source of divine light.

Philo said of them, "They do not sacrifice animals; do not hoard up richThousands at the present time, are es for themselves; yet they regard themlooking and waiting for some sudden selves the richest of mankind; because revulsion in the spiritual elements, that contentment of mind is riches. No shall bring about a better state of things war implements are found among them; and are hopeful and joyful in the antici- neither slaves nor slave owners; they pation. Others fear lest a sacrifice of hold that virtue and freedom belong tosome of their dearest earthly idols may gether." Their trinity is, "Love of God, be called for, if coming events which love of virtue and love of mankind."

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