Imágenes de páginas

is everywhere and in everything a pattern. While the work will supply to the numerous friends of the deceased a pleasure which only they can feel, multitudes to whom the great scholar and good man was unknown, or known only by name, will pore over these animated pages with the deepest interest. The monument, however simple and unpretending, is one which will live; and the fact that it has been reared by such a hand will render it all the more interesting in the eyes of posterity.

History of the Old Covenant.

From the Sermon of J. H. KURTZ, D.D., Professor of Theology at Dorpat. 2 Vols. T. and T. Clark.

THIS is every way a great work, comprising a multitude of matters of the first moment, not suggested by the title. It is, morever, to be distinctly understood, that while the author's erudition is immense, his views of evangelical truth are radically sound. On some points, indeed, there are peculiarities both of view and of expression, but none of these are vital. The elaborate dissertations on the geological and astronomical difficulties connected with the Mosaic account of Creation are entitled to special notice. Here there is much both new and striking, that will furnish material for devout study. As mere masses of thought these 130 pages will serve to exalt and ennoble the mind. The following is a specimen of the work:


We have already seen (Vol. i. § 12. 13), that in order to determine to what extent the consciousness of God was developed under the Old Testament economy, it is essentially necessary to make a twofold distinction in the process of Divine revelation; that is to say, it is necessary to distinguish the preservation and government of the world in general, from the more special operations connected with the introduction and working out of the plan of salvation. We have also seen that this distinction was exhibited to the religious consciousness of the chosen people, in the two names by which God was known, Elohim and Jehovah. The only questions remaining for discussion at present are, whether there was any distinct apprehension in the patriarchal age, of the difference between these two manifestations of God? and if so, whether it was expressed by the two different names of God at that age? Some have thought that a negative answer to these questions is rendered necessary by Ex. vi. 3; but this is not the case. For, on the one hand, the explanation of the passage on which this answer is founded is an erroneous

one (1), and on the other, whatever opinion may be entertained respecting the composition of the book of Genesis (Vol. i. § 20. 2), such a reply is decidedly at variance with the contents of that book (2.)

Miracle and prophecy are the two indispensable accompaniments, vehicles, and messengers of revelation (see Vol. i. § 4). In each there is a manifestation to man of the fulness of the Godhead; in the former of the power of God, in the latter of His wisdom. And through each the Divine fulness enters into a covenant association with the history of humanity, co-operates in its development, and ensures its safe arrival at its destined end. That end is the incarnation of God and the consequent entrance of the whole fulness of the Divine essence, in a living and personal form, into an intimate and abiding union with man. We have already shown in Vol. i. § 50, how the first advances towards this end were manifested in elementary forms as it were; how, for example, there was as yet no miraculous power given to man, whilst the gift of prophecy was but seldom possessed, and that only in particular, culminating points of history (1). The substance of patriarchal revelation, and its results in patriarchal history, have already appeared, as we followed the course of that history in the former parts of this work. The sum of the whole is that the will of God was revealed in the selection, the call, and the appointment of Abraham and his seed, to be the instruments through whom salvation should be introduced and completed; the knowledge of God in the announcement of this call to those who were intrusted with it; and lastly, the power of God in the creative production of the promised seed from an unfruitful body, in the separation of that seed from the natural branches, and in the protection and guidance of those who had been chosen.

The religion and worship of the patriarchs were modified and determined by the nature and extent of the revelation, which had been transmitted to them by their ancestors, or communicated directly to themselves. As the accounts of primeval times, which are preserved in the book of Genesis, must, if historically true, have been handed down by tradition, and as this tradition must have been restricted to the family of the patriarchs, we must necessarily assume that this family possessed an acquaintance with the religious views embodied in those accounts. Hence we must pre-suppose a knowledge on their part of the unity, the personality, and the holiness of God, the almighty Creator of the heavens and the earth, of the image of God, in which man was created, of the corruption into which he had fallen through sin, and of the hope of a future victory to be gained by humanity over the principle of evil. These views were now to receive a fresh vitality, to be deepened, expanded, and rendered more definite, by the revelations of which they were to be the personal recipients. The peculiar intimacy with God which they enjoyed, the call they received, the promises given to them, and the guidance of God, which fitted them for their vocation, all confirmed and enlarged their knowledge of God and of salvation, and awakened the faith which was reckoned to

them for righteousness, the obedience which cheerfully followed the leadings of God, and the hope which grasped the promised salvation as something already possessed, and rested upon it amidst all the privations they had to endure. The truth and purity of the religious knowledge of the patriarchs are great and marvellous when contrasted with heathenism, which was so deeply sunk in mere natureworship. But when looked at from an objective point of view, however thoroughly it was fitted to the progressive character of the sacred history, it appears faulty, imperfect, and one-sided; for it does not present a single religious notion, in a form sufficiently complete and definite to express fully the objective truth, and even heathenism often surpassed it in the greater richness and comprehensiveness of its religious views, although they were perverted to pantheism, and therefore issued in its own destruction (1). In its comparative poverty, yet absolute purity, the patriarchal worship resembled the patriarchal religion. It was always sufficient to meet the necessities of the moment, but it was destitute of any systematic and complete organisation; it had no established, binding rules, and was not attached to any particular persons, places, or times (2).

The general culture of the patriarchs was undoubtedly affected by their nomadic mode of life. But nothing can be more unwarrantable, than to attribute to the patriarchs all the rudeness and hopeless degradation of ordinary nomad-hordes, who determinately fence themselves against any influence from the civilization by which they may be surrounded. Their wandering mode of life in the holy land was the necessary consequence of their being foreigners without a home. Their pilgrimage was forced upon them, and the period of its cessation was the constant object of their hopes and desires. Hence we find that, so far as it was possible, they did participate in the benefits resulting from the culture and civilization of the more settled tribes, with whom they came in contact. (1)—The external constitution of the patriarchal commonwealth partook of the characteristics of a family. The head of the family concentrated the whole authority and jurisdiction in his own person; he even possessed the power of life and death, controlled only by certain fixed traditions (Gen. Xxxviii. 24). The position of the woman was a subordinate one, as it always was before the time of Christ, her claim to equal rights being nowhere fully recognised. Hence polygamy was regarded as perfectly justifiable. But we find no trace among the patriarchs of such degradation of the woman, as is found wherever she is regarded as nothing but a slave of the man, affording him the means of perpetuating his race and gratifying his lusts. On the contrary, we find many a proof of the esteem and love which she received as a wife, and of the personal rights which she possessed as the mistress of the house. (2) We also find the inviolable purity of the marriage bed maintained with such severity that adultery was punished with death (Gen. xxxviii. 24), and in the case of the patriarchs it was rendered peculiarly important from their consciousness of a Divine call and of the destiny of the family. The strongest incitement to polygamy

arose from the desire to maintain and enlarge the family, and this was also the cause of the peculiar institution of the Levirate marriage (see Vol. i., § 86. 2).

While the book is emphatically one for ministers and students of divinity, it is eminently suited to be useful to all Christians. The entire subject is discussed with the utmost breadth and the amplest learning.

Spiritual Songs and Penitential Cries. By JOHN MASON, M.A., and T. SHEPHERD, M.A. Sedgwick.

ALTHOUGH Songs, it is clear that the present volume is published, not for the purpose of singing, but of reading, with a view to edification. The introduction is full of interesting biographical matter, which forms an excellent preparation for the perusal of the subsequent pages, which abound in excellent evangelical sentiment, showing in what light the cross of Christ was viewed by our remote ancestors. Restoration and Revival; or, Times of Refreshing. By J. G. SMALL. Hamilton and Co.

THIS is the amplification of a discourse, by the gifted author, on the great subject of spiritual baptism. The rallying points are the restoration of the lost-the awakeningthe church's strength-progress-and preservation. Under these heads we have a vast amount of subdivision, all exhibiting points and topics peculiarly pertinent to the subject of the work. The book is remarkable for its thoughtfulness, solidity, and spirituality.

Short Sermons. By HENRY LEECH. John Day.

No class of men preach so much as the Methodists; and it is because they preach so much they preach so well. The great and good Mr. Cecil declared, that were he "to preach only once a month, he would soon lose the power of preaching altogether;" and, we believe, most preachers would bear a similar testimony. The discourses before us are remarkable for their single-minded character. They are distinguished throughout by directness, fire, force, and pungency. Their life and their brevity greatly fit them for domestic reading. Each discourse may, without fatigue, be read at a sitting; and, as the number is thirteen, they will cover a quarter of a year of Sabbaths.

Ragged Homes, and How to Mend Them. By MRS. BAYLY. Nisbet and Co.

WOMAN, the angel of mercy, is never more in her element than when attending to the neglected, and remembering the forgotten. The present work presents a peculiarly striking illustration. We would rather have been its author than have produced all the most popular and celebrated romances that have issued from the female pens of England, during the last half-century. This is a book which Paul," the tent-maker," would have read with pleasure, and have commended to others. While its subject is one of a peculiarly touch

ing character, it comprehends a far wider range of thought and matter, than might at first sight appear. Ragged homes have points of contrast and association, from the palace down to the penitentiary. We are exceedingly gratified with the work, which is eminently calculated to promote the interests of a large and depressed portion of our fellow-creatures, and thereby to promote the best interests of society.

Botany and Religion; or, Illustrations of the Works of God in the Structure, Functions, Arrangement, and General Distribution of Plants. Third edition, much enlarged. By J. H. BALFOUR, A.M., M.D., Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh. A. and C. Black.

THIS is by no means an every-day performance. It is at once a book of science and a book of beauty, totally eclipsing everything of the sort with which we are acquainted. Its range is immense, while its text is enlightened, correct, clear, and beautiful. Its illustrations are inimitable. The approach to perfection is so near, as for a long time to come to discourage any attempt at superseding it. It is precisely what the title-page indicatesbotany and religion-a splendid volume, a captivating section of natural theology.

The Orphans of Lissau, and other Narratives. Simpkin and Co.

THIS volume is introduced by a name that suffices to guarantee everything which ought to appear in such a volume. A better judge than Dr. Wilson, of the Free Church, Bombay, it would be difficult to find. The volume is one full of life and incident, things grave and things playful, just the sort of book over which young persons will linger with delight, and abounding in scenes which they will remember with pleasure.

Catherine. By the Author of "Agnes and the Lost Key." Knight and Son.

THE subject of this volume is one which will never lose its power. It has to do with life, death, and immortality. While pervaded by sound doctrine, it is written with singular beauty and pathos, and is in no ordinary degree calculated to advance the interests of true piety among the young.

Lectures to Children. Second Series.


JOHN TODD, D.D. Knight and Son. THE hearts of thousands will dance with delight at the intimation that Dr. Todd is once more among children, discoursing to them of the Lonely Cradle-the Lost Child Found

Gathered Lilies - the Little Ship - the Great Change--the Broken Staff-the Angel's Errand--and the Oldest Riddle. To say that the present not only equals, but surpasses the former volume, is to give it the highest praise of which it admits.

Socinian Dilemmas; or, The Divinity of Christ Demonstrated. By T. KERN, M.D. Heylin. WITHIN a very limited space, and by way of dialogue, we have here a remarkably clear, comprehensive, and satisfactory exhibition of the greatest subject known to the human

mind. The writer deserves passing well for the excellent service he has rendered, and we can now only desire for his publication a circulation of thousands and hundreds of thousands.

A Method of Prayer. By T. C. UPHAM. London: Low and Co.

THE mystics, once famous in their generation, were an amiable and devout, but weak and enthusiastic people. They attended a great deal too much to what they deemed the voice of God within, and too little to that voice without and in the written word. There was still something good about them; and lessons of practical wisdom may be derived from their works, one of the sweetest portions of which is the tract before us, which has been prepared by a gentleman of the highest intelligence, and of a truly Christian spirit-a gentleman combining in himself the poet, the logician, the philosopher, and Christian.

Light in Darkness: A Short Account of a

Blind Deaf-Mute. London: Nisbet and Co. THE account here presented is one of a character which it is difficult to describe. Anything more affecting it has never been our lot to read. Those who shall carefully peruse it will remember it for ever, and be filled with an unquenchable passion to promote the welfare of one of the most pitiable classes of the human family.

The Gospel of the Grace of God, Illustrated in a Series of Meditations. By B. W. NOEL, M.A. London: Nisbet and Co. THIS is a little publication on a great subject, by one of the most devout and excellent men of the present generation. The fact that 8,000 copies are already afloat is a proof that it has been duly appreciated.

The Words She Wrote; or, The Blood-Stained Leaf. A True Story of Two Highlanders at Lucknow. By B. L. WATTS, M.A. London: Wertheim and Co.

THIS is a tractate for all, illustrating most impressively the horrors of war, the blessings of peace, and the value of the everlasting Gospel.

Earnestness in the Pulpit. A Few Hints to the Clergy. By ABDELRACHMA. Second Edition. London: Heylin.

THIS is an exceedingly judicious, instructive, and edifying tractate. Although offered only to a class, it may profitably be perused by all. Its importance is not to be estimated by its magnitude. It comprises points, principles, thoughts, and suggestions which might have been driven out into a considerable volume. We greatly commend it.

The Marriage that will Suit You, and how to enjoy it. By J. W. HOWELL. John Day. THIS is a very captivating little volume, abounding in good sense, sound principle, and penetrating observation. It is one of the best little books of its class with which we are acquainted.



DORSET.-A conference of the ministers and friends of home evangelization connected with the Dorset Association, was lately held at Dorchester, to receive a statement from the Rev. J. H. Wilson, the Secretary of the Home Missionary Society, in explanation of the new position which that Society has taken in relation to the county unions of our Congregagational churches. The Rev. Mr. Miller was called to the chair, and the Rev. E. R. Conder, of Poole, introduced the business of the meeting. Mr. Wilson stated that the Committee of the Home Missionary Society had accepted the resolution of the conference of ministers and other delegates, held at the Congregational Library, London, on the 8th of December, 1858, and were now engaged in preparing a scheme of affiliation, the object of which was to bring the Society in harmonious co-operation with the county associations. Their aim was to maintain the character of that institution as a Home Mission, charging itself, in the first place, with the responsibility of sending agents to preach the Gospel in the more destitute parts of England and Wales, where county unions might not exist, or be too feeble to undertake the sole management of destitute districts, and to stimulate efforts in counties where associations already exist, by enabling the churches in those counties to do the work of evangelization more efficiently than they could do alone. The committee would provide agents of the highest order and character, and place them under the care of county associations, and twice a-year there would be general meetings of the Committee in London, for the purpose of receiving the reports and distributing the funds; the county associations being represented at these meetings in the same manner as county churches were represented at the half-yearly meetings of the London Missionary Society. In all this, it would be a leading object to encourage the county associations to increase their funds by proportioning the grants to those made by their associations, and it was confidently hoped that the resources of the churches throughout the country would thus be fully developed. After a very animated and practical discussion, the Conference very cordially passed a series of resolutions in accordance with the objects set forth by Mr. Wilson, and also a vote of thanks for the valuable statement which he had made. It was agreed to make a special effort to raise funds by appointing committees in every church for collecting subscriptions, such committees to be chiefly composed of ladies, and after a vote of thanks to the chairman, the Conference separated.

KENT. The annual meetings of the Kent Association of Congregational Churches were lately held at Maidstone. A special conference was held with a view to the adoption of more efficient means than have yet been in operation for raising sufficient funds to promote the evangelization of the country, there being no

fewer than eighteen districts, as shown by the census returns, with a population of 2,000 persons in each, where there is not one Independent church, and where the means of grace as supplied by other denominations is very deficient. Mr. Samuel Morley, of London; Mr. Joshua Wilson, Mr. John Finch, Mr. Newton, and other leading laymen of the county, besides ministers, took part in this conference. Mr. Morley and Mr. Wilson, Secretary to the Home Missionary Society, stated the grounds on which that institution was prepared to co-operate with the Kent Association. One gentleman offered £20 a-year, if other nine could be found to give as much each; and it was resolved not only to accept this challenge, but to make an effort to obtain 200 annual subscribers of 1s. a-week, in addition to the ordinary contributions of the association. It was also resolved to co-operate cordially with the Home Missionary Society in jointly working stations in the county. In the evening a public meeting was held in the chapel, Mr. Morley in the chair, which was well attended. Mr. Morley, in opening the proceedings, said he congratulated the meeting on the desire that had been shown to promote the cause of home evangelization in the county of Kent; and he did hope that the resolutions passed would lead to highly practical results. But they were so much in the habit of theorising at these meetings, and of doing so little to carry their theories into effect, that he felt himself called on to urge his brethren to lay the subject most seriously to heart. There was no getting over the fact, that with all their means and appliances for doing good, they were surrounded by a mass of positive heathenism, both in town and country, which in some of its aspects was perfectly appalling; and the details of which, as brought out by the census returns, so ably analysed and exhibited by Mr. Horace Mann, were so well calculated to excite a practical interest in the churches on behalf of those who in the midst of much light were yet living in utter neglect of the duties and obligations of the Christian religion. They boasted of their Independency, and there was much in it of which they might well be proud; but he was afraid that they were trusting too much to organization, and relying too little on the power of individual effort, to reclaim the moral wastes around them. Mr. Morley read a very interesting extract from a little work by Dr. Bonar, showing that every Christian has a work to do, which no other Christian can do for him, and concluded his highly practical address amid the warmest applause. The Rev. J. H. Wilson, Rev. Dr. Ferguson, and other gentlemen then addressed the meeting, the interest of which was sustained to the last.


ROTHERHAM COLLEGE.-The sixty-fourth

annual meeting of the subscribers and friends of this institution was held in the College library. Among the ministers and gentlemen present were Professor Falding, D.D.; Professor Tyte; the Rev. James Parsons; Rev. David Loxton; Rev. B. Grant; Rev. B. B. Haigh; Rev. J. Lockwood, and many old students of the College from various parts of the kingdom; Aldermen F. Hoole and Thos. Oates; James Yates, Esq.; Messrs. R. Leader, jun., Brown, Habershon, Haywood, and other gentlemen.

Professor Falding read the Report. The following are extracts:

"There are now in the College seventeen students, which is the full number that can be accommodated in the house. This Midsummer the following students finish their period of instruction in the College, and enter upon important and interesting spheres of duty, viz. :-Mr. James Wolfendale, to become pastor of the church at Tutbury, Staffordshire; Mr. William Sanders, to take charge of a new and promising cause at Stanley, Liverpool; Mr. John Bonser, B.A., to become assistantminister to the Rev. G. Steward, of Newcastle, a species of labour highly approved by the committee, and deserving of more extensive adoption.

"It will be in the recollection of the friends of the College that two students, Messrs. John Macartney and Samuel Jones, recently offered themselves for the service of the London Missionary Society, and were sent out to India for that important work. In reference to this your Committee have received the following extract from the Directors' minutes:-'At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held at the Mission House, Bloomfield-street, on Monday, the 29th of November, 1858, Rev. Dr. Spence in the chair, it was resolved-That one hundred guineas be presented to the funds of the Rotherham College, as an expression of the high estimate in which the Directors hold that institution, and of the important service it has rendered to this Society in the education of Messrs. Macartney and Jones.'

"Every student in turn carefully prepares a sermon, which he delivers in the presence of his tutors and fellow-students. A senior class also prepares plans of discourses and expositions of Scripture, which are carefully examined, and fully discussed in class, opportunity being thereby afforded to each student to discover and correct his misapprehensions of the nature and objects of preaching, and to remedy such defects or habits as there may be in his matter and manner; the endeavour always being to cultivate, not a fastidious accuracy of style or refinement of taste, but soundness of doctrine, vigour of thought, directness of aim, and simplicity and earnestness in manner.

"Measures are also employed to secure ready and effective speakers. It is much to be desired that there should be in our College a capable teacher of reading and elocution; but failing that, your tutors do what they can to secure that object. A portion of each week is devoted to practice in reading, recitation, and extemporaneous speech, according to a plan which has been found to present considerable advantages. But it may be said that all that has yet been described is theoretical and


professional. Are not the students yet danger of becoming simply scholars, and ac quiring the habits of the literary recluse What are they doing in the way of evange lical labours? What interest do they take and what efforts do they put forth in the real work of practical religion? The best answe that can be given to this question is contained in the following facts. The students during the last session, from September to June, have supplied 62 congregations; they have preached 1,145 sermons, delivered 149 Sunday-school addresses, and conducted 77 prayer meetings, in addition to 204 week-night and open-air services, and many opportunities for visiting the sick and discharging other duties appertaining to Christian usefulness and zeal. should be borne in mind, also, that the stu dents are not without opportunities for acquir ing such knowledge as shall tend to prepare them for the difficulties and responsibilities of the pastoral life. A careful attempt is made to bring their minds and hearts into sympathy with their future work by careful study of the pastoral epistles and suitable works on the Christian ministry. They have free and constant access to their tutors, one of whom is a pastor, and whose councils and instructions it is their privilege to receive, whilst from the close proximity of Masbro' Chapel, they have much opportunity of learning from the wisdom and experience of the esteemed pastor, upon whose ministrations, when they have an opportunity, they attend.

"Your Committee believe that it is possible to render your College much more efficient than it now is. They would greatly desire1st. That funds might be provided, so as to enable them to receive a greater number of students. 2nd. That young men should come in better prepared by mental cultivation and literary advantages, who might either by remaining the full time in college become learned and accomplished divines, as well as efficient preachers; or by taking a briefer course in theological studies, be the sooner prepared to undertake the work of the pastorate. 3rd. That churches generally would take a deeper interest in the College, by their pastors, deacons, or delegates attending the meetings, becoming better acquainted with its working, yielding more abundantly to its support, and seeking, by counsel and prayer, its enlarged prosperity."

The reports of the examiners in the various branches of learning pursued by the students were next read, and were exceedingly satisfactory.

Among other resolutions,

Professor Falding, D.D., moved, and Professor Tyte seconded, "The best thanks of the meeting be given to the Rev. James Parsons, of York, for the excellent address which he had delivered to the students and friends that morning."

The motion was carried with applause.

NEW COLLEGE.-The ninth Annual General Meeting was held at the College. The chair was taken at one o'clock, by the Rev. George Smith, of Poplar; and among the gentlemen present, in addition to the President and Professors, were T. M. Coombs, Esq.; James Carter, Esq.; E. Swaine, Esq.; H.

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