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hearth where the Bible has seldom been opened, and into the factory and workshop where Gospel truths had too often been habitually neglected or lightly esteemed. In at least one-half of the streets and lanes in the town and its suburbs, there are well-authenticated cases of sudden conviction-followed in many by what, it is hoped, will prove lasting conversion. Hundreds of persons, who at first denounced and ridiculed the whole matter as an ebullition of transient and unaccountable spiritual frenzy, are now willing to look upon it in a more serious light, and to await patiently the issue of cases of impression which they have witnessed with their own eyes. Indeed, some individuals of this very class have become the subjects of merciful visitation, and are now deeply anxious not only for the salvation of their own souls, but that the blessing which has descended upon them should be shared by others. "The Revivals," to whatever side we turn, are the standing and universal topic of discussion. In some places, of course, they are disparaged, and the reality of the manifestations is denied; but this is chiefly among the very ignorant of a particular creed. In most cases, however, they are mentioned either with a hope that they may turn out to be the work of God, and a hesitancy to pronounce unfavourably of symptoms which the unenlightened speaker cannot comprehend. In general, a deep sympathy is felt, even among the most unmoved, for those who are termed "the sufferers;" and any good offices that may be performed for their relief are willingly rendered. It is making head in country districts, in a way which it could never have done through mere human agency.

Six cases of conversion have occurred in Ewart's-row since our last-all of the most hopeful character. The persons who had been affected are progressing favourably; most of the young women have returned to work. A deep, solemn, and abiding impression rests on the minds of the majority of the inhabitants of this locality. The voice of praise and prayer is heard every evening ascending from many a dwelling, and there is an absence of all levity. In the neighbourhood of the Falls-road, Durham-street, Sandy-row, Peter's-hill, Shankhill road, M'Tier-street, &c., daily manifestations of the awakening and renewing influence are reported.

One of the latest and most pleasing results of the revival is the opening of a prayer meeting by converted females, in order that their neighbours of the same sex, who have not yet been brought to a knowledge of the truth, may have opportunities of communing with God, and seeking for salvation through Christ.

This movement continues to gain strength every day. It is proceeding outward in Belfast, and producing the best results. Many young men, who ranked amongst the scamps of the town, have been brought under its influence, and have professed conversion; and, as a proof of their sincerity, they have since endeavoured to draw others to seek the same blessing which they profess to experience. There is scarcely a young man in Belfast who is not aware of companions who have been thus changed, and the work is still going on, young and old of both sexes are being awakened and converted. Sectarianism has also been considerably broken down, and it would be well if it had received its death-blow. Not only has the spirit of sectarianism amongst Protestant denominations been weakened, but many who, partly through ignorance, entertained unkindly feelings towards Roman Catholics, from their abhorrence of the Papal system, have been brought to be more charitable to the blind who are led by the blind; and it is gratifying to find that, although crowded meetings are held in all parts of the town-in churches, private houses, and the open air-daily, yet, with few exceptions, no insult has been offered by Roman Catholics to those attending these meetings. On the contrary, several members of the Church of Rome have attended as anxious hearers, and have been themselves made partakers of the blessings which their Protestant brethren have sought, and many of them found.


Such is a slight view of the manner in which the revival movement is proceeding in Belfast. To give an account of the many incidents connected with it would be beyond the limits of a newspaper. Each street, almost each house, furnishes details of an extensive and interesting character. In one family the daughters have been brought to know their sins forgiven; they speak of the joy they feel to their parents and

brothers, entreating of them to be also "reconciled to God." Conviction seizes these, and soon the whole family find peace, and are made members of the family in heaven-members by adoption and grace. A minister cannot pass through a street but he is asked to visit some penitent, and many of the cases which come thus under their notice are most remarkable and touching. Last evening, a minister, in passing the vicinity of Market-street, was requested to visit a female then under conviction. He at once yielded to the request, and was taken through narrow lanes, until at length he reached a miserable residence, in which there was neither furniture nor scarcely bedding. The penitent lay on a bed of straw, in great agony of mind. The rev. gentleman having inquired of her what her real state was, spoke words of consolation to her, and prayed with her. She soon found peace through faith in the atonement of the world's Saviour, and although her earthly home afforded little comfort, she was enabled to rejoice that she could lay claim to an inheritance "incorruptible and undefiled "-to a "mansion" in her Father's house above.

Another interesting case of conversion has come to our knowledge. A whole family, consisting of five persons, have been brought under the influence of the Spirit's working. The mother-the head of the household-had long since been reconciled to God, but her children had not given themselves up to Christ. In the family was a young man of great promise as regards worldly concerns, but careless and indifferent about his soul's eternal welfare. He saw his sisters one after another brought to a sense of guilt, and to conversion through Christ, the change being accompanied with the usual extraordinary mental and physical sufferings; but he remained unchanged, and still expressed his doubts as to the reality of the work. At length he began to think. He saw his whole family professing peace and joy in their Saviour, and manifesting great solicitude for his conversion. The question suggested itself with terrible force to his mind-" Are they all to be saved, and shall I be lost for ever?" He betook himself at once to a private apartment, there to pray. He soon felt the enormity of his guilt. He cried out in agony for mercy and pardon, through the righteousness of the Redeemer, and was blessed in finding peace such as

the world cannot give, and cannot take away. He has since been in a state of great physical weakness, but strong in the Lord, and rejoicing in the great work wrought in his soul. This is one of many similar cases occurring in our town almost every hour, and shows the reality of the revival work.

Several Roman Catholics have also been convinced, and subsequently brought to a saving knowledge of Christ crucified, instead of a knowledge of a crucifix. In some instances the priests have been called in to visit them, but no sooner did their "reverences" hear the expressions of the penitent, and the prayers of other converts, than they at once fled, without offering any consolation to the individual under conviction.


In connection with this important subject, we have received a copy of an address to his flock, from the Rev. T. Campbell, Incumbent of Trinity Church, issued, it appears from the date, before the extraordinary movement now on foot in our town. In this address, Mr. Campbell states his intention of taking for subjects, on successive Sunday mornings, "The Person, Work, and Offices of the Holy Spirit," and in the evenings, of catechising the congregation. the latter point he says:-"My anxiety for you is, that you learn the Holy Scriptures, which can make you wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus.' I have hitherto laboured for this end, and will still do so, God being my helper. At the recent meetings of the clergy in Dublin, it was recommended by the Rev. Hugh Stowell to adopt the practice of catechising the congregation at evening service. had found it most profitable; as the people thus to a certain extent taught themselves, their attention was more excited, and they were instructed more thoroughly in, and by the very words of Scripture itself. In God's name, I hope to follow the advice, for at least a few Sunday evenings at a time, commencing June 5th, and taking for our subject the Epistle to the Hebrews. In carrying out the plan, I will propose various questions, which I trust some one present will reply to. I feel confident, if you take an interest in learning the Scriptures, and will earnestly implore the blessing of the Holy Spirit on our efforts for your good, you will find it profitable to your own, and perhaps to the souls of others also." We understand that the rev. gentleman is carry


ing his announced intention into execution, directing the thoughts of his congregation at morning service to the work and offices of the Holy Spirit; and in the evening, in place of a sermon, catechising them on the Epistle to the Hebrews, as revealing the Lord Jesus Christ in his Godhead and manhood. The deepest interest seems to be excited among the people.


THE state of the movement throughout the land may be gathered from the Banner of Ulster of July 9,—a journal which has done admirable service in this great enterprise, which says:

"The reports which we have received from different districts in the north, of the spread and continuance of the work of the Lord, are of the most cheering character. In the various towns and districts where the Spirit has been carrying on His work for weeks, there is no diminution in the attendance of the people upon public ordinances-no falling off in the numbers of those under impressions of sin, and no relaxation on the part of converts and Christian friends to disseminate the glad tidings of salvation to all around. On the contrary, it would seem as if but an instalment of the Divine influence had been felt, and that a greater and more general outpouring of the Spirit was generally anticipated. In Ballymena, Ballymoney, Coleraine, Newtownlimavady, Cookstown, Magherafelt, Antrim, and Randalstown, the operations of the Spirit are seen chiefly in the solemnising and serious aspect and bearing of the people, and in the numerous conversions which are quietly going on in families hitherto unvisited by the Spirit. In Belfast, Derry, Dungannon, Killyleagh, Comber, Raffery, Killinchy, Newtownards, Portaferry, and other places in County Down, the outward manifestations are more numerous; at the same time, the silent work of conversion is going on to an extent hardly known to the ministers and office-bearers of the church.

"It is impossible to convey to the public anything like an adequate idea of the magnitude of the work in Belfast. Every church open for prayer is filled. Opposite several of them thousands assemble to hear addresses from converts and Christian friends, and it is often

times impossible to break up these outdoor meetings till a late hour, so anxious are the people to hear the word of G and to join in religious exercises. Notwithstanding the meetings of Tuesday night, thousands remained opposite Great George's-street Church till very late, and never was a more orderly or attentive audience addressed by a living man. In Berry-street, Townsend-street, and York-street, the audiences were, if possible, larger than on previous occasions. There is scarcely a single lane or street in Belfast, inhabited by the industrious classes, that cannot produce trophies of Divine grace. A remarkable instance of the spread of the good work was seen on the Queen's Island on Tuesday, when the shipbuilders assembled during dinner-hour to hear an excellent address from one of themselves,—a convert, who has been instrumental in doing good work for his Master elsewhere. Meetings are being held in almost every district of the town, and we doubt not the effect will be the conversion of many from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God.' The meeting in Berry-street Church yesterday evening was crowded. Several laymen and converts joined in the services, which were of an interesting and solemn character." On the 12th, three days later, the same journal remarks:

The progress of the glorious work continues unabated-wide, and rapid, and astonishing as it has been, for the past fortnight especially. Wherever we turn, whether to the churches, the school rooms, the dwellings, the streets and fields of our busy and populous city, or to congregations, hamlets, and solitary homesteads in far remote parts of Ulster-the evidences of a great and active awakening multiply in number and become clearer as the movement makes irresistible way. The leavening is indeed become general and thorough. In all the churches where special meetings for prayer were opened when the work first appeared among us, they are kept up with increased spirit, and no obstacles of time, weather, distance, discouragement of friends or employers, are allowed to damp the ardour which they excite. We are cognizant of not a few instances in which converts, or those seeking conversion, have willingly sacrificed recreation, sleep, food, companionship, and even situations, rather than give up the opportunities now

presented, on every hand, of hearing those blessed truths which make wise unto salvation.

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'The number of convictions and conversions, not only in quarters where the visitations' had already been experienced, but in entirely new fields, are so many that it would be almost impossible for us to obtain, much less to publish, continuous accounts of them. So many are they that a large proportion of the ministers and lay visitors engaged in attending to them greatly overworked, being often engaged in prayer, and in going about from house to house for a considerable portion of each night. The physical manifestations are neither so frequent nor so violent in their effects as they were formerly, and this we regard as indicating a more hopeful and permanent phase of the movement."




AT the meeting of the Synod, which was held some few days back, the Rev. Dr. Kirkpatrick read the following Report on the state of religion, 1859:'We are enabled, on this occasion, for the first time since this Committee was formed, to report, to the praise of God's sovereign and infinite grace, an awakening of many hearts to the claims of vital religion. This great blessing has been long the subject of earnest desires and prayers, yet it has taken us by surprise on its actual arrival. We had been so long accustomed to the previous state of things, that we were filled with wonder when it pleased God to hearken to the voice of our supplication, and to pour out His Spirit from on high. Yet it is true-it is assuredly true-the Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad; and it becomes us, with thankfulness and joy, to acknowledge His mighty hand, and humbly and faithfully to hear the lessons which He condescends to teach.

"In all our Presbyterial and Synodical reports, the state of religion occupies a greater prominence than ever before. There is, as in former years, abundant indications of the close attention which has been given by our ministers to the spiritual condition of their congrega tions. The statements which are furnished of the number of families, of communicants, and of Sabbath-school

children is, in general, highly encouraging. It is stated, that attendance on public worship is increasing, that prayer meetings are becoming more numerous, that the influence of temperance societies is more deeply and widely felt, that the taste for religious literature and for general mental improvement is growing, and that there are fewer examples than formerly of open and reckless abandonment to evil courses.


It is stated that ministers all over the church are longing to see more abundant fruit of their labours, and many of them are expecting to see it; that they are aiming to be more practical and pointed in their appeals to the conscience; and that they are attending more than ever, not only to the matter of their discourses on the Sabbath, but also to the manner and spirit in which the truth is presented to the people. It may, indeed, be confidently affirmed, that there is a growing number of earnest, self-denying, indefatigable labourers in the ministry of the Irish Presbyterian Church.

It is

"During the last year, the practice of open-air preaching has been followed up with very considerable vigour. stated by the hon. convener, that fifty-si ministers have been employed in this important work; that 35 services have been held; and that upwards of 50,000 persons have thus heard the message of the Gospel. This mode of instruction has not only brought the Word of Life before the attention of multitudes who would not otherwise have heard it, but it has proved highly beneficial to the ministers engaged in it, by leading them to use greater plainness of speech, more direct and urgent appeals to the conscience, and more fervent pleading with God for success in winning souls to Christ. It is surely incumbent on this church more earnestly to consider whether any, or what, means are to be employed, in order to bring the Gospel to bear on the tens of thousands of our countrymen who have never heard it, and to elevate the condition of the dense masses around us, especially in our cities and towns, that are now sunk in the lowest depths of moral and spiritual degradation.

"The grand distinguishing feature of our spiritual history during the past year, has been the outpouring of the Holy Spirit over an extensive district of our church. This remarkable movement, commencing in Connor, Ahoghill,


and Ballymena, has spread over a large portion of the county of Antrim, and of the counties adjacent. Those who are the most intimately acquainted with its origin and progress, shrink from assigning any human effort as even instrumentally operative in bringing about this blessed result. There can be no doubt, however, that under the guidance of the God of all grace, some previous preparation had been made in addition to the ordinary faithful preaching of the Word and prayer. The reports of the American revival had tended greatly to quicken the minds both of ministers and people. Many sermons preached on the work of the Spirit, and many supplications offered up for the special visitation of His grace. Prayer meetings were multiplied over the district. At length there was a sudden and public manifestation of the power that had been long secretly leavening the minds and hearts of the people. The work of conviction and conversion having thus begun, was carried forward from heart to heart, and from district to district, with unprecedented rapidity. The Committee do not feel it necessary to enter into any detailed account of the progress of the movement, as the subject is furnished to the members of Assembly, either from personal observation, or from the copious accounts furnished in the newspapers of the day; besides, the Synod of Ballymena and Coleraine have appointed a committee of its members to prepare and to publish an authentic narrative of the work from its commencement-a publication which will be gratefully received_and eagerly purchased, not only by the Presbyterians of Ireland, but by the universal Church of Christ. Meanwhile, some of the prominent characteristics of this remarkable awakening may be briefly noted in the present report:

"1. Persons of both sexes, of all ages, of different grades of society, of various denominations of professing Christians, including Unitarians and Roman Catholics, have been at once convinced of sin, and apparently converted to God.

"2. These spiritual emotions have been accompanied, in a very large number of cases, by physical impressions producing bodily infirmity, and continuing, in some cases, for hours, and in others for days, and usually terminating in peace of conscience, and sometimes in joy unspeakable and full of glory.

"3. The two great truths on which

the converts prominently, and almost exclusively, dwell, are the sinfulness and utter spiritual helplessness of men, and the all-sufficiency of Christ as a living personal Redeemer.

"4. No heresy has been started in this new and unusual state of religious excitement. The whole movement, in its various aspects, tends to give striking and vivid illustration of the great doctrines of the Gospel, as they are set forth in our Catechisms and Confession of Faith.

"5. The effect produced by this awakening on the life and character of those who have experienced it is decidedly evangelical-a deep sense of sin, especially of the sin of having neglected the great salvation, fervent love of Christ, intense brotherly kindness, earnest desire for the conversion of sinners, habitual communion with God, and delight in His Word, worship, and service these attributes of character are assuredly the fruit of the Spirit, and those are the characteristics of multitudes who have lately declared themselves the servants of Christ. The drunkard has been made sober, the libertine chaste, the blasphemer and Sabbath-breaker devout, the worldling constrained to think deeply and penitently of his sins, and to flee from the wrath to come. These are surely trophies of Divine grace, and many such trophies as those have been raised to the honour of God since the commencement of the present revival.

"6. The work has been carried for ward in many districts by the agency of the converts themselves. As many as have been brought to know Christ have taken delight in telling to all around them what a precious Saviour they have found. The fear of men is completely taken away; and uneducated persons, of humble station, are heard to offer up prayer to God, with fluency, propriety, and fervour, in the presence of multitudes, and, without embarrassment or trepidation, to call on their assembled fellow-sinners to repent, and believe the Gospel.

"These are some of the features of the present movement in the north of Ireland. They are such as we cannot contemplate without wonder, thankfulness, and joy. A visitation of Divine grace, so sudden and so unusual, has naturally provoked the contemptuous ridicule of some, and the fierce hostility of others; but their opposition has been

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