Imágenes de páginas

in a more fecure place, and dedicated it to the fame faint; and, as he defired the relics of the faint fhould be kept in the new church, he sent some perfons to dig them out of the ruins of the old one; but they not finding the relics, the faint appeared to fome Chriftians, and told them, if the primate himfelf did not come, they would never be found. Abul Faragius hearing of this would not believe it, and, feigning to be fick, fhut himself up in his cell from Friday till the Sunday evening, when a glorified boy (d) appeard to him, and told him, the relics were depofited under the altar of the old church. Upon this the primate went immediately with his brother and two bifhops in queft of thofe holy remains, which they found according to the boy's direction.

In ter. parte
Chronici. p.

The eastern nations are generally extravagant in their ap- 260, 261, plause of men of learning, a circumftance which is either owing to the few learned men they have amongst them, or to the particular turn of their minds. They have accordingly beftowed the highest encomiums and titles upon Abul Faragius(e).

(d) Nor will Affemanus allow this miracle: "This, fays he, must have been a dream of Abul Faragius, or a story invented to raise the piety of the people." Ib.

(e) Dr. Pocock found what follows prefixed to a manufcript of Abul Faragius's, written in the gooth year of the Hegirah: "Dixit Dominus nofter pater fanctus, eximius, doctrina et eruditione infignis, doctorum rex, excellentium excellentiffimus, temporum fuorum exemplar, fæculi phænix, fapientum gloria, Doctor divina

ope fuffultus Mar Gregorius, Abul-
Pharai, filius excellentis fapientis
Aaronis Medici Malatienfis." That
is, "Thus faid Mar Gregory, Abul-
Pharagus, fon to the fkilful Aaron,
phyfician of Malatia, our lord, our
holy excellent father, famous for his
learning and erudition, the prince of
the learned, the most excellent of
thofe who most excel, the example
of his times, the phænix of his age,
the glory of wife men, the doctor
fuftained by the divine affiftance."

ACCA, bishop of Haguftald, or Hexam, in Northumberland (a), fucceeded Wilfrid in the year 709. He was a monk of the Benedictine order, an Anglo-Saxon by birth, and had his education under Bosa bishop of York. He was afterwards taken under the patronage of Wilfrid, whom he accompanied to Rome, where he improved himself in feveral things

(a) This epifcopal fee has been long extinct. Camden gives the following account thereof: "And now the whole Tine being well grown, and ftill encreafing, preffes forward in one channel for the ocean by Hexam, which Bede calls Haguftald. This was the Axelodunum of the Romans,

where the first cohort of the Spaniards were in garrifon, as the name implies, as alfo its fituation on a rifing hill; for the Britons called fuch a mount Dunum. But take an account of this place from Richard, its prior. "Not far from the fouthern "bank of the river Tyne, ftands a D 3 town


things relating to ecclefiaftical ufage and difcipline. Acca adorned and ornamented his cathedral in a most beautiful and

magnificent manner. He furnished it also with plate and holy vestments, and erected a noble library, confifting chiefly of ecclefiaftical learning, and a large collection of the lives. of the faints, which he was at great pains to procure.

He was accounted a very able divine, and was famous for his skill in church mufic (b). The following pieces are faid to have been wrote by him: 1. Paffiones Sanctorum ; the Sufferings of the Saints. 2. Officia fuæ ecclefiæ; the Offices of his own church. 3. Epiftolæ ad amicos; Letters to his friends. 4. Pro illuftrandis fcripturis ad Bedam; For explaining the scriptures, addrefled to Bede. In the year 733 Script. Brit. he was forced from his fee into exile, but for what reafon is not certainly known. He died in 740 (c), having enjoyed the fee of Hexam twenty-four years, under Egbert king of the Northumbrians.

Baleus de

centur, I.

c. 9o.

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ACCARISI (Francis) a famous civilian, born in the city of Ancona, in Italy. He ftudied at Sienna, under Bargalio and Benevolenti, who taught the law there with great reputation. He had a great intimacy with both these profeffors, especially with the former, who had been extremely commu-nicative, and greatly affifted him in his ftudies. This profeffor had also applauded him highly in a speech which was printed, containing elogiums on the family of the Accarifi; and upon his death-bed left him the care of printing his famous difpute De dolo. The firft public employment which Accarifi obtained was, to explain the inftitutes (a) at Sienna,

(a) A book wherein the elements and principles of the Roman or Civil

Law are contained and digested, by order of the emperor Juftinian.

which he did for fix years. He was afterwards defired to explain the pandects (b); and as feveral foreigners reforted to Sienna, to pursue their studies, the grand duke Ferdinand ordered a profeffor to be appointed to explain the civil law, after the manner of Cujacius. Accarifi was chofen, and acquitted himself with great honour. Some time after he was nominated to the chair of law-profeffor in ordinary, vacant by the death of Bargalio, which he filled with great reputation for twenty years. His fame spread fo much, that all the universities in Italy wished to have him, and made him advantageous offers; but he lived so agreeably in Sienna, that he long 'refifted thefe folicitations; but he was at laft brought to quit the refolution he had formed, of dying in the chair which he first enjoyed. Rainuccio Farnefe, Duke of Parma, was the person that prevailed upon him, who made him many great promises, and appointed him his counsellor. The grand duke, however, would not suffer Accarifi to remain long in the service of another prince, and he accordingly brought him back, by appointing him firft law-profeffor in the university of Pifa. Accarifi enjoyed this profefforfhip till his death, which happened about four years after he had got the chair at Sienna, on the 4th of October, 1622.

(b) The digefts or body of laws compiled in the reign of the emperor Justinian, in the year 534, contain

ing the answers of the ancient law. yers to all law-queries.

ACCARISI (James) of Bologna in Italy, a doctor of divinity, and profeffor of rhetoric, which he taught at Mantua, in the academy founded there by duke Ferdinand, in the year 1627. He published a volume of orations, fpoken by' him in Rome, Colen, Mantua, and other places; another of Letters; a Hiftory of the propagation of the faith; and a Latin tranflation of the hiftory of the troubles of the Low Countries, written by cardinal Bentivolio.

ACCIAIOLI (Donatus) a Florentine of great learning, who lived in the fifteenth century. He was honoured with many confiderable employments in his native country; but notwithstanding his public engagements, he found means to devote part of his time to ftudy. He had been a disciple of Argyrophylus, the Byzantine; and he published commentaries on this profeffor's Latin translation of Ariftotle's Ethics. He acknowledges, in his epiftle dedicatory to Cofmo de Medicis, that he collected thefe commentaries from the lectures of Argyrophylus, and that he had only enlarged the explications

D 4


Simon Si

ment. in

which he had heard. Simon Simonius and Gabriel are moni com- therefore in the wrong, after fuch a declaration, when they Ariftot. Eth, accufe him of publishing, in his own name, a work of ArNanderi bi- gyrophylus. He tranflated the lives of Alcibiades and Debliograph. metrius from Plutarch; to which were also added those of polit. p. 16. Annibal and Scipio, which fome have imagined to be likewife from Plutarch; but this must be a mistake, fince we find neither of these two generals in this author. He wrote alfo an abridgement of the life of Charlemain, and fome other works are alfo afcribed to him (a).

He was fent to France by the Florentines, to fue for fuccour from Lewis XI. against pope Sextus IV. but died on his journey at Milan; his body was carried to Florence, and Jovius in buried in the church of the Carthufians. The fmall fortune elogiis, c.16. he left his children is a proof of his probity and disinterestednefs. His daughters, like thofe of Ariftides, were married at the public expence, as an acknowledgment of his fervices. His funeral elogium was spoke by Chriftopher Lan ́dini, and the following epitaph, by Politian, was infcribed on his tomb:


[blocks in formation]

Donatus nomen, patria eft Florentia, gens mi
Acciajola domus; clarus eram eloquio.
Francorum ad regem, patriæ dum orator abirem ;
In ducis Anguigeri mænibus occubui,

Sic vitam impendi patriæ; quæ me inde relatum
Inter majorum nunc cineres fepelit.

"Donatus was my name, my country Florence,
And from the fam'd Acciaioli I fprung,

(a) The following are mentioned by the author of the history of the Florentine writers:

1. Libri tres de anima. Three books treating of the foul.

2. Laudatio ab ipfo habita in funere Francifci Vaivodæ, qui in bello contra Turcas obierat. A funeral. elogium on Francis Vaivoda, who was killed in the war against the Turks.

3. Orationes eloquentiffimæ, quas ingenti auditorum plaufu, habuit ad Paulum II. ad Sixtum IV. ad Francorum regem, &c. Orations which he delivered as embassador from his republic to Paul II. Sixtus IV. the French king, &c.

4. Rei familiaris cura. A treatife on private oeconomy, dedicated to John Oricellarius.

5. Tractatus de bono et malo opere. Concerning good and bad works; addreffed likewife to John Oricellarius.

He alfo tranflated into his native language Leonardo Aretino's twelve books of the hiftory of Florence, which was dedicated to the magiftrates of that city, and printed at Venice in 1476. In the library belonging to the Strozzi family in Florence, there is preferved a manufcript folio volume of original Latin letters, by Acciaioli.


By eloquence I gain'd immortal wreathes ;
Going on an embaffy to France,
Within the walls of fam'd Milan I dy'd.
My life I thus devoted to my country,

Which kindly bringing my remains from thence,
Here buried them amid my kindred ashes.”

ACCIUS (Lucius) a Latin tragic poet, the fon of a freedman, and, according to St. Jerome, born in the confulfhip of Hoftilius Mancinus and Attilius Serranus, in the year of Rome 583; but there appears fomewhat of confufion and perplexity in this chronology. He made himself known before the death of Pacuvius, a dramatic piece of his being exhibited the fame year that Pacuvius brought one upon the ftage, the latter being then eighty years of age, and Accius only thirty. We do not know the name of this piece of Cicero in Accius's, but the titles of feveral of his tragedies are mentioned by various authors. He wrote on the most celebrated Nonius, ftories which had been reprefented on the Athenian ftage, as Marcellus, Andromache, Andromeda, Atreus, Clytemneftra, Medea (a), lus Gellius, Meleager, Philocletes, the civil wars of Thebes, Tereus, &c.


(a) M. Bayle remarks, that the fhip, when he difcovered from a conjecture of father Lefcalopier appears very probable (Lefcalop. Com. in Cic. de Nat. Deor. p.282.) that the verfes quoted by Cicero, in his fecond book De Natura Deorum were taken from the Medea of Accius. They contain a description of the astonishment with which a fhepherd is fuppofed to be feized, who had never seen a

high mountain that which carried
the Argonauts. Mr. Dryden has
given us a beautiful paffage, in his
Indian Emperor (A&t i. fc. 2.)
where Guyomar, the king's fon, de-
fcribes with fo much fimplicity and a-
mazement the Spanish ships, when they
first appeared on the coast of Mexi-


Enter Guyomar, haftily.
Odm. My brother Guyomar! methinks I (py
Hafte in his steps, and wonder in his eye.
Mont. I fent thee to the frontiers, quickly tell

The cause of thy return; are all things well?
Guy. I went, in order, fir, to your command,
To view the utmost limits of the land;
To that fea-fhore where no more world is found,
But foaming billows breaking on the ground;
Where, for a while, my eyes no object met,
But diftant skies, that in the ocean fet ;

And low-hung clouds, that dipt themselves in rain,
To shake their fleeces on the earth again.

At laft, as far as I could caft my eyes


Varro, Au

Upon the fea, fomewhat methought did rife
Like bluish mifts, which still appearing more,

Took dreadful shapes, and mov'd towards the shore,


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