Imágenes de páginas

[f. 38.]

hyding it from ye meaner sort and converting it to publike uses. Thought fitt thear should be a clause to submytt that case to order, but no lykelyhood bycause Collectors were not named by ye Town. Note though such fraud were found yet the mony is not ye Ks but ye peoples.

Hubb. disadvant.

[f. 38, b.]

[blocks in formation]

The case
of 1001


better at shift then at drift

Subtilitas sine acrimonia.

No powr with the judge

He will alter a thing but not mend

he putts into patents and deedes woords not of lawe but of comen sens and discours.

fo. He that hath so much severall to overcharge the Comon, when he ingrossed drawing of bookes. Sociable save in profite

fo. He doth depopulate my office: otherwise called inclose.

I never knew any of so good a speach wth a woors


Nothing better in Action then to know what to permitt and wt to p'scribe. Let nature woork somewt.

The bill of recusts his penne.

He putteth cases in his directions.

The exam of lea. The butcher and the other lea escaped.

Solemnegoose. The serv. of depopul. He and Myn. weak and corstately least

wyse nodd


crafty. They He never beats down unfitt sutes wth lawe.

have made

him beleeve In persons as in people some shew more wise then

he is won

drous wy.

they are.

people's. This was one of "the three restitutions" of which Bacon reminds himself to speak to Salisbury: p. 43. See note 2.

disadvant. Hubbard's (Sir Henry Hobart's) disadvantage. See above, p. 50, n. 4; and introductory remarks, p. 34. The whole of this note is crossed out in the MS.


To furnish my L. of S wth ornamts for publike speaches.

To make him think how he should be reverenced by a L. Ch' yf

[blocks in formation]

To præpare him for matters to be handled in Counsell or before

the K. aforehand and to shew him and yeeld him ye frutes

of my care.

Regularly to know the Ks pleasure before every Term and agayn [f. 39.]

before every Vacation, The one for service to be executed, ye
other for service to be p'pared, Tam otii ratio quam negotii.
Q. Eliz. watch candell.

To take notes in Tables when I attend ye Counsell, and some-
tymes to moove owt of a Memoriall shewd and seen.
To have particular occasions, fitt and gratefull and contynuall, to
mainteyn pryvate speach wth every ye great persons and
sometymes drawing more then one of them together, Ex
Imitatione Att. This specially in publike places and wthout
care or affectation.

qu. for cred1; but as to save tyme; and to this end not many
things at once but to drawe in length.

To have ready to moove somewt every starch. day in interv. com.
of service.

At Counsell table cheefly to make good my L. of Salsb. mocions
and speaches, and for the rest some tymes one sometymes
another; cheefly his yt is most earnest and in affection.
To suppress at once my speaking wth panting and labor of breath
and voyce.

Not to fall upon the mayne to soudayne but to induce and inter-
mingle speach of good fashon.

my L. of S. My Lord of Suffolk, I suppose. As Lord Thomas Howard he had served with distinction in several of the sea-voyages against Spain, in the later years of Elizabeth; was made Privy Councillor and Lord Chamberlain by James, 3 May, 1603, and Earl of Suffolk in the following July. A man much about the person of the King, and rising into importance as a Councillor: though it may easily be supposed, considering the nature of his occupation in earlier life, that Bacon's help would have been useful to him in the business of a statesman.

Q. Eliz. Watch-candell. "And as my good old mistress was wont to call me her watch-candle, because it pleased her to say I did continually burn (and yet she suffered me to waste almost to nothing), so," etc. (Letter to the King, 31 May, 1612.)

every Starch. day. " "Every Starchamber day, in intervals of commissions of service." The Starchamber sat on every Wednesday and Friday during term.

[f. 39, b.] To use at once upon entrance gyven of Speach though abrupt to compose and drawe in my self.

To free my self at once from payt of formality and complemt though with some shew of carelessness pride and rudeness.


Depopulacions, Lincoln and furder proceeding, Oxfordshire.
Buildings and the Inlargemt of ye Comission.

Intayles that ye cowrse by grant and render, that is by grant
from the subject upon ye wrytt of Covent brought by ye K.
and render by the K. be good.

Fullers cause-qu. of Bacheler and Manxell.
Prohibicions and Ecclesiasticall causes.

Postnati. The finishing of my Argum1 and publicacion of the rest.

[f. 40.] The Equalling the Lawes of ye 2 Kingdomes.

[f. 40, b.]

The Recompyling of the Lawes of England.

Sutes for Concelemts, Tipper, bolton, Berw Warwike, Shurly.
Harmans sute for equalling Customes of new draperies.

Sute of taxacion upon Innes.

Sute grownded upon yo old statuts of prices of Haye.
Sute upon Latitats, ye Ks fyne is now established.
Sute upon ye making of Latitats.

Title of drownd lands.

Tythes owt of parishes.
Auru Reginæ.

Gunters Cause.

Præparation against next Parlam1.

For equalling lawes to proceed with my Methode and to shew ye
K. title of progative as it is doon.

Not. feodalls doon by Cragge perillous to Monarchies; qu.
ulterius de universo isto negotio.

To rememb. my L. of Lincoln for mat. of depopulat.

payt. Payment.

Services on foote. The six paragraphs which follow are all crossed out in the MS.

The equalling the laws, etc. That is, the removing of the discrepancies between the laws of England and Scotland. See "Preparation for the Union of Laws," Lit. and Prof. Works, ii. p. 731. This begins a new page, headed " Transportat. July 31, 1608."

Warwike. Thomas Warwick had a patent for concealed rents. (S. P. Dom. James I., 7 April, 1609.)

Cragge. Sir Thomas Craig: see above, p. 48, n. 3. The last eight paragraphs are crossed out in the MS., as well as the next eight, which fill a fresh page, headed 66 Transportat. Aug. 6, 1608."

Phi. Gerard for building.

To dispatch the pardons for buildinges in the absence of ye Att.

qu. how.

To renew the Comiss. inlarged.

The sute towching lycenses for Innes.

Md Yelvert. I susp. for ye Epis. of fu. book.

Md to fynd owt that silently-qu. I mean fullers book.

To have a note from Mr Cha' of ye new Inventions.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Md Yelvert. I susp., etc. "Yelverton I suspect for the epistle of Fuller's book." See above, p. 51, n. 1.

inventions. Probably Salisbury's new inventions for raising money.

Here follow three blank pages, and then the list of names and figures (which is a list of creditors and the sums owing to them), with the date "Oct. 28, 1609."

The figures inserted to the right of the first column and to the left of the second I take to be part-payments. In the second column the names of Vickers, Jenyngs, and Bradshaw, with the figures annexed, are crossed out.

[blocks in formation]

AMONG the memoranda in the foregoing note-book, of services to be attended to, the projects or discoveries of Sir Stephen Proctor recur more frequently perhaps than any other; and to them the paper which comes next in date refers.

Sir Stephen Proctor had been employed for some years in gathering fines, debts, etc., due to the Crown; and having discovered a variety of abuses in the existing practices, had made suggestions for the correction of them, which were referred to Bacon for his report. Many of these suggestions, and the most important (though not so much for the benefit of the Exchequer as for the ease of the people, who had to pay heavily to informers for the privilege of not being prosecuted),-related to the exactions of fines upon penal statutes; and this being a matter in which Bacon had always been urging the necessity of reform, he naturally took it up first, and reported to the King his opinion of that part of Sir Stephen's projects. A copy of his report is preserved among the Harleian Manuscripts. It belonged, I think, originally to the book entitled Orationes, Acta, Instrumenta, circa res civiles; being written in the hand of one of the scribes employed in that collection, with the heading added afterwards (as in most of the others) by Bacon himself. At any rate, it is a wellauthenticated copy of a paper which he thought worth preserving at the time, and that is the fact with which we are chiefly concerned. The date is not exactly stated; but the expression "within these five years of your Majesty's happy reign" may be taken as a proof that it was written before the end of James's sixth year, which was completed on the 23rd of March, 1608-9; and suits well enough with the summer of 1608, which appears otherwise to be the most likely date.

Among the Lansdown Manuscripts, No. 167, are several papers

1 See p. 59, note 4.

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