Imágenes de páginas

[f. 13, b.]

[f. 14.]

28. Provincia Geminore.

These 3 have the same division of Diariu and Schedulæ.
It seame matters of elegancyes and fourmes I referre to the
4 note bookes, therein coupling as well observation of
matter, as fourmes of well expressing.

Note that all these bookes have perteyning to them fragmts
and loose papers of like nature with ye bookes, and these
likewise are bundled or laid up wth ye bookes.

I think it wilbe more ready and more easy to make these divisions of paper bookes fewer and lesse curious and more sorted to use than to Art: and therefore first to have Comentarius Solutus like a Marchant's wast booke where to enter all maner of remembrance of matter, fourme, business, study, towching my self, service, others, eyther sparsim or in schedules, wthout any maner of restraint; onely this to be divided into 2 bookes; The one transportata ex Comentario vetere, conteyning all maner notes already taken in several paper bookes fitt to be reteyned (except it be such as are reduced to some more parfite fourm) The other Comentarius novus; Then to have another booke like to the marchants leggier booke whearin those thinges (which deserve it) and are sett down in the Comentary breefly to be at the first leasure, and while memory can supply it yf it requyre memory be entred to have contynuAnd thirdly owt of that booke to make severall title bookes wherein thinges of a nature may be (by ye labor of a servant in part) entred in order, and under fitt Titles.


Cast. Acquaint. and privateness with my Nep. Edm. Bacon.

Geminor?. Had this word (which may be read either geminorum or gemmorum) been "gemmarum," I should have taken it to be the title of a book in which he proposed to keep an account of his jewels and valuables of that kind. But unless it be a slip of the pen, I do not know what to make of it.

Cast. Here a line is drawn across the page, to mark the beginning of a new subject. And the next seventeen pages of the MS. relate to the progress of the new philosophy. What Cast. stands for, seems doubtful. "Castles," that is castles in the air, which might otherwise be suspected, was a word not then known, I think, in that sense. But "cast was ordinarily used by Bacon much as "forecast is used now, for "consider," " devise," "plan with a view to the future," etc. And this is probably what the abbreviation is meant to indicate here.

Edm. My nephew Edmund; eldest son of Sir Nicholas, eldest son of Bacon's father by his first marriage. There is a letter from Edmund Bacon to his uncle in 1616 which seems to show that he was something of a physician and naturalist.

Making much of Russell that depends upon Sr Dav.
Murry and by that means drawing St Dav. and by him
and S Th. Chal. in tyme the prince.

Getting from Russell a collection of phainomena, of sur-
gery, destillations, Minerall tryalls.

The setting on wo. my L of North. and Ralegh, and there-
fore Haryott, themselves being already inclined to ex-

Acquainting my self with Poe as for my health and by
him learnyng ye experimts wch he hath of phisike and
gayning entrance into the inner of some great persons.
Seing and tryeng w the B. of Canterb. may not be [f. 14, b.]
affected in it, being single and glorious, and beleeving the


Not desisting to drawe in the Bp Aund. being single, rych,
sickly, a professor to some experimts. this after the
table of Mocion or some other in part sett in forward-


Qu. of phisicions to be gayned. The lykest is Paddy, D.

Russell. Probably Thomas Russell, who was engaged about this time, with the sanction of the Government, in experiments for separating silver from the lead See S. P. Dom. James I., Aug. 13, Dec. 11, Dec. 14. 1608; July 29, 1610. Murry. Sir David Murray, Keeper of the Prince's Privy Purse. (S. P. Dom. James I., 8 July, 1608.)


S Th. Chal. Sir Thomas Chaloner (concerning whom see vol. iii. c. ii. § 4), Governor of Prince Henry's Household, and afterwards his Chamberlain; he was the author of a treatise (1584) on the virtue of nitre; and in 1609, at the trial of Phineas Pette for a failure in ship-building, he was selected, along with the Gresham lecturer in geometry, to decide a geometrical question which was disputed (Nicholls, i. 204; ii. 252).

my L. of North. My Lord of Northumberland; at this time prisoner in the Tower, upon a sentence in the Starchamber, for some indirect complicity in the Gunpowder Plot.

Haryott. Thomas Harriot, the great mathematician, author of 'Artis Analytice Praxis.' He had for many years been intimate with Sir Walter Ralegh, whom he instructed in mathematics, and by whom he had been sent to Virginia. He was also a pensioner of the Earl of Northumberland.

Poe. Poe was one of the physicians who attended Salisbury in his last illness. (Nicholls, ii. 447.)

B. of Canterb. Richard Bancroft, Archbishop of Canterbury, and lately chosen Chancellor of the University of Oxford, upon the death of Lord Treasurer Dorset. Bp. Aund. The reading here is doubtful, but I think Launcelot Andrews, Bacon's old friend and "inquisitor," must be meant. He was at this time Bishop of Chichester, much respected by the King, and his favourite preacher.

the table of mocion. Concerning which see my preface to the Inquisitio legitima de Motu (vol. iii. p. 623).

Paddy. Sir William Paddy, physician to the King.

D. Hamond. Dr. John Hammond, physician in ordinary to the King, and afterwards to Prince Henry.

[f. 15.]

[ocr errors]

Q. of learned men beyond the seas to be made, and
harkenyng who they be that may be so inclined.
The finishing the 3 Tables de Motu, de Calore et frigore,
de sono.

The finishing of the Aphorismes, Clavis interpretationis,
and then setting foorth ye book. qu. to begynne first
in france to print it; yf hear then wt dedication of
advantage to ye woork.

Proceeding wth ye translation of my book of Advancem1 of learnyng; harkenyng to some other yf playfere should faile.

Imparting my Cogitata et Visa wth choyse, ut videbit". Ordinary discours of plus ultra in Sciences, as well the intellectuall globe as the materiall, illustrated by discouvery in or Age.

Discoursing skornfully of the philosophy of the græcians wth some better respect to yo Aegiptians, Persians, Caldes, and the utmost antiquity and the mysteries of the poets. Comparing the case to that wh lyvy sayeth of Alexander, Nil aliud qm bene ausus vana contemnere.

Qu. of an oration ad filios, delightfull, sublime, and mixt The 3 Tables. See Phil. Works, vol. iii. pp. 623, 643, 655.

Aphorismes. Perhaps the paper entitled Aphorismi et consilia de auxiliis mentis et accensione luminis naturalis (Phil. Works, iii. 793), which appears to be one of the earliest rudimentary forms of the first book of the Novum Organum.' The Clavis Interpretationis was the name which he first thought of giving to the 'Novum Organum' itself.

In france. With regard to his probable motive for beginning, or thinking of beginning, to print the work in France, see my preface to the third part of the Philosophical Works, vol. iii. p. 171.

playfere. Dr. Playfer, Margaret Professor of Divinity at Cambridge, concerning whom and his translation of the Advancement of Learning,' see vol. iii. ch. viii. § 5.

Cogitata et Visa. For the Cogitata et l'isa, see Phil. Works, vol. iii. p. 589; where I take this opportunity of requesting the reader to correct an error. In the third line of my preface to that work I have spoken of Bacon's letter to Sir Thomas Bodley as bearing the date 1607. I find that this date (though probably correct) is a modern addition, inferred probably from the date of Bodley's answer. None of the old copies have any date. For "from the date (1607) of a letter," etc., read therefore "from a letter," etc.

This and the four preceding paragraphs are crossed through in the MS.

ordinary discours... in our age. See the first book of the Novum Organum,' or any of the early sketches of it.

skornfully. See my preface to the Temporis partus masculus (Phil. Works, vol. iii. p. 523), where I have ventured upon a speculation, suggested originally by

this note.

Comparing the case, etc. See Valerius Terminus, Phil. Works, vol. iii. p. 224. Qu. of an oration. See the Redargutio Philosophiarum (ib. p. 557), an oration exactly answering this description, and which probably grew out of this very query. The words in italic are underlined in the MS.

wth elegancy, affection, novelty of conceyt and yet sensi-
ble, and Superstition.

To consyder wt opynions are fitt to nourish tanquam
Ansæ and so to grift the new upon the old, ut religiones

Ordinary Cours of Incompetency of reason for naturall phi-
losophy and invention of woorks, A prety devise to buy
and sell wth, Aditus no nisi sub persona infantis.

To procure an History of Marvailes, Historia naturæ [f. 15, b.]
errantis or variantis, to be compiled wth Judgmt and
without credulity and all the popular errors detected;
Viscentius, Jubart, Plyny, Hystorie of all sorts for
matters strange in nature told in serie temporu heare and
there inter cetera; Pancarolus, de reb. memorabilibus,
divers authores.

To procure an History mechanique to be compiled with care
and diligence (and to professe it that is of the ex-
perimts and observations of all Mechanicall Arts. The
places or thinges to be inquyred are; first the materialls,
and their quantities and proportions; Next the Instrumts
and Engins requesite; then the use and adoperation of
every Instrum; then the woork it self and all the

To consyder, etc. In my preface to the De Sapientia Veterum (Lit. and Prof. Works, i. p. 607), I have observed that the object of that work (published in 1609) was probably to obtain a more favourable hearing for certain philosophical doctrines of Bacon's own (upon which point, see Phil. Works, iii. p. 174); and it seems to me not improbable that the question here suggested for consideration led him to throw his speculations into that popular form.

to buy and sell wth. As enhancing, I suppose, the price of the wares offered, by representing them as the best that could be hoped for. "Cours" is the word in the MS., but I think he must have meant to write "discourse."

aditus non nisi, etc. A text often cited by Bacon in this sense and connexion. In the first chapter of the Valerius Terminus, for instance--perhaps the fullest and most finished exposition of his views on "the limits and end of knowledge "he concludes, "Nay it is a point fit and necessary in the front and beginning of this work without hesitation or reservation to be professed, that it is no less true in this human kingdom of knowledge than in God's kingdom of heaven, that no man shall enter into it except he become first as a little child." (Phil. Works, iii. 224.)

Viscentius. Vincentius Bellovacensis, I presume; author of 'Speculum Majus,' a work which seems to have contained everything that was known in the thirteenth century.

Jubart. Probably Laurens Joubert, a learned physician of the fifteenth century; author, among other things, of 'Paradoxa Medica,' a title which would be very attractive to Bacon.

Pancarolus. Pancirollo, an Italian writer (1523-1599), professor of civil law, author, among other things, of Rerum Memorabilium jam olim deperditarum et contra recens atque ingeniose inventarum.'

Concerning the nature and object of this History of Marvels' and the 'History Mechanique which follows, see above, p. 25.



[f. 16.]

[f. 16, b.]

cesse thereof wth the tymes and seasons of doing every part thereof. Then the Errors wch may be comytted, and agayn those things wch conduce to make the woorke in more perfection. Then all observacions, Axiomes, directions. Lastly all things collaterall incidt or intervenient. Layeng for a place to comand wytts and pennes. Westminster, Eton, Wynchester, Spec. Trinity College in Cambridg, St Jhons in Camb. Maudlin College in Oxford. and bespeaking this betymes, wth ye K. my L. Archb. my L. Treasorer.

Acquaint wth S' Josi. Bodly by Mr Jones.

Taking a greater confidence and Authority in discourses

of this nature, tanquã sui certus et de alto despiciens. Qu. of young schollars in ye Universities. It must be the postnati.

Gyving pensions to 4 for search to compile the 2 Histories

ut suprà. Foundac. of a college for Inventors. 2 Galeries wth statuas for Inventors past and spaces or Bases for Inventors to come And a Library and an Inginary. Qu. of the Order and Discipline, to be mixt with some poynts popular to invite many to contribute and joyne. Qu. of the rules and p'scripts of their studyes and inquyries.

Allowance for travailing; Allowance for experimts. Intelligence and correspondence with ye universities abroad. Qu. of the Maner and præscripts touching Secrecy, tradition, and publication.

My Ld. Archb. Archbishop Bancroft was now Chancellor of the University of Oxford, Lord Treasurer Salisbury Chancellor of the University of Cambridge.

S Josi Bodley. Sir Josias Bodley had been sent into Ireland in the preceding April to superintend the erection of fortifications at Cork, Limerick, Waterford, Kinsale, etc. (See Abstracts of the Privy Council Registers, 13 April, 1608. Add. MSS. 11,402.)

Taking a greater confidence, etc. See my preface to the Temporis Partus Masculus, Phil. Works, iii. p. 525.

postnati. The words in italic are underlined in the MS. The allusion is, of course, to the antenati and postnati of Scotland, whose several pretensions had been so long under discussion in Parliament and the Courts. But the meaning is that Bacon had found little encouragement in his enterprise from the learned of his own generation, and concluded that for recipients of new ideas he must look to young minds.

Secrecy, tradition, and publication. Concerning Bacon's views on this point about this time, see Mr. Ellis's preface to the 'Novum Organum' (Phil. Works, i. 85), together with my own remarks in note B. (p. 107), where all the evidence is collected and discussed.

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