COMMONS. Commons, House of, increasing dependence of the Crown upon, 16. Their conferences with the Lords concerning contribution and retribution, 153–157, 159–161. Their proceedings against Dr. Cowell, 161-162. Their petition for liberty to treat of a composition for Wards and Tenures, 163–167. Their offer for the same, 167169. with the counter-offer of the Government, and refusal to proceed with the bargain, 170-175. Their search for records touching Impositions, 175. Their dissatisfaction Their refusal to receive messages from the King through the Council, 176-180. Their Petition of Right presented and granted, 184. The renewal of the negotiation touching the Great Contract, 186. Preparations for another conference, 186. Their jealousy on a point of form, 187. Debate on a motion for grant of subsidies, and resolution to postpone the question, 188, 189. Debate on the right of setting merchandises impositions on without consent of Parliament, 189-201. Their Petition of Grievances presented to the King by Bacon, Coppices and Underwoods as a source of revenue to the King, 319 321. Coppin, Sir George, contractor for sale A helper in Camden's Annals of Cottwin, Edwin, Bacon's recommenda- Complained against in Parliament, 161. Suppressed by Royal Proclamation, with general applause, 162, 345. Craig, Sir Thomas, 43, note 94. 370. Croft, Sir Herbert, jurisdiction of the Croft-continued. Council of Wales opposed by, 75 note. See 231, 236 note. Croke, Sir John, 48 note. Crown, growing dependency of, upon the House of Commons, 16. Bacon's thoughts on the remedy for, 26, 27. D'Aubigny Esme Stuart, Lord, 41. See ibid, note 55, 79, Davers, Lord, prevented from fighting a duel, 369. David and Goliah, 405. Davies, or Davis, Sir John, sends Bacon a discourse concerning the flight of Tyrone, 3. His Letter to the Chancellor on the same, 4. Letter from Bacon to him, 5. Elected Speaker of the Irish House of Commons, 384. Unsuccessful attempt of the minority to supplant him, 385. Death, apophthegms on, 57. Depopulation," nature and object of the service of, 46. 66 Further on the same subject, 51 note 90. De Thou, President, wished by Bacon to see his memorial of Queen Elizabeth, 108, 109. Camden's Annals of Queen Eliza beth sent to him in MS. 211. D'Ewes, Sir Simonds, MS. belonging to, 348. Digges, Sir Dudley, 230, 370. Diogenes, his saying about rich men and philosophers, 32. Dionysius, why Aristippus fell at the feet of, 33. D. Crown-continued. Why its patrimony grew not with the growth of the nation, 149. Customs and Wines, Letter to the King on, drawn up by Bacon, 337-339. Custos Rotulorum, duty of the officer so named, 49 note. Discontent, popular, how to be prevented, 27. Disinherison of the King by Concealments, etc., 315. Doderidge, or Doddridge, Sir John, 110. Answers to questions relative to Ireland joined in by him, 111— 113. Dorset, Thomas Sackville, Earl of, Lord Treasurer, his sudden death, 35. Condition in which he left the Dorset, Lady, the widow, message of compliment to, 57. Bacon's reasons for cultivating her, 35, 36, 77. Drummond of Hawthornden, 12 note. Duels, prevalence of, and steps taken for their suppression, 396-398. Charge of Bacon in the case of Priest and Wright, and subsequent decree of the Star Chamber therein, 399-416. Dunbar, Sir George Home Lord, his various offices and honours: the king's liking for him, 41. His patent, 51 note. Sent by the King to speak with a His death, 241 note. E. Edmunds, Sir Thomas, 281. Elector Palatine, husband of James's eldest daughter, 303. Elizabeth, Queen, used to call Bacon her watch-candle, 93 and note. Calumnies concerning her, 107. Her felicities expounded in Bacon's treatise In felicem memoriam Elizabethæ 108, 109, 133, 135, 139. Increased cost of government in the latter years of her reign, 148. Gradual decrease in value of subsidies, 149. Excess of her expenditure over her ordinary receipts, 150. Elizabeth-continued. Her economy, 150. Cost of the war of Ireland to, 156. Number and value of Subsidies re ceived by her, 158. Cases in which she inhibited the 211. Passage therein relative to her right of succession, 213. Stipends for preachers in the Duchy erected by her, 254. Parliamentary constitution of Ireland during her reign, 383. Elizabeth, Princess, daughter of Her marriage postponed by her Public rejoicings at the marriage: Ellesmere, Thomas Egerton Lord, Lord Plurality of offices held by him, His position in James's council, Appointed with Northampton to Report to the King signed by Fortitude, true and false, 401. Frederick. Count Palatine. See Elizabeth, Princess. Freedom of speech, not tolerated in the beginning of the 17th century, 345. Fuller, Nicholas, prosecuted by Archbishop Bancroft for an argument against the Ecclesiastical Commission; M.P. for the City of London in 1610, 51 note. Debates begun by him, 173, 190. See 95. Fuller, Thomas, church historian, his error relative to Nicholas Fuller, 51 note. G. Galileo, Bacon's appreciation of his in- of England from the Accession His financial tables, and opinions References to and citations from him, 156 note, 157, 190, 200, 224, 227, 228, 233, 363, 364 note, 373. Garve, Neil, final overthrow of, 110. Gibb, John, Groom of the Bedchamber to James I., 42. Occasion upon which the King Hamilton, Sir Thomas, Scottish Lord Advocate, 42. Associated with Bacon in the business of the Union with Scotland, ibid. note. Hammond, Dr. John, 63 note. Hardwick, Lord Chancellor, passage in a letter of Bacon's suppressed at the request of, 313 note.. Hargrave, Mr. 190. Harleian Collection, Bacon MS. in the, 115. Harriot, Thomas, mathematician, 23. Ralegh's mathematical instructor, 63 note. Harris, Thomas, of Lincoln's Inn, 58. Harvey, William, discoverer of the circulation of the blood, why not likely to sympathize in Bacon's philosophical views, 23. Hay, James, Lord, afterwards Earl of Carlisle, 42. Intended duel between him and Heneage, Mr., his collection of records, 128. Henry IV. of France, Casaubon in vited to Paris by, 145. Effect produced in England by his murder, and attempt of Salisbury to turn the event to account, 185. 188. ex Henry VII. the Earl of Suffolk " torted" from Philip of Austria by, 298. Henry VIII. his statute for excluding his daughters from the Crown, 213. Henry, Prince of Wales, death of, 339. Intended dedication of Bacon's essays to, 340. His character: cause of his death, 341. Herbert, William, M.P. for Montgomery, 75 note. Hertford, Earl of, 79 note. Hickes, Sir Michael, references in Bacon's note book to, 40. Bacon's Hickes, Sir Michael-continued. friend in money matters, ibid. note. Gorhambury grounds to be set in order "against his comyng," 52. Letters from Bacon to him, 131, 217. 246. Hide, M.P. "stands to be serjeant," 365. 370. Hobart, Sir Henry, Attorney General (1606-16), his art of maintaining private speech with great persons, 20. 931. Bacon's opinion of him, 34, 35. 378. tence in his discharge of his du- Ireland signed by him, 111-113. Made Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 382-390. Question as to administration of Hoby, Sir Edward, on the weak representation of the Government in the House of Commons, 281. Home, Sir George. See Dunbar. Hoskyns, M.P. 375. Houghton, Robert, afterwards Judge K. B. 58. Howard, Lady Frances, divorced from Lord Essex and married to Lord Rochester, 391. 392. Howard, Henry, challenged by Lord Essex, 396. Howard. See Northampton. Nottingham. Suffolk. Howell, Sir John, 40 note. Hume, David, character of Lord Dunbar by, 41. His history of the origin of the Civil War compared with Bacon's anticipation, 73 note. Huntingdon, prayer of the miller of, 137, 140. Hutchest, one, refusal of a challenge by, 413. Hutton, Sir Richard, afterwards Judge, C. P. 58. IMPOSITIONS. I. Impositions, Memoranda of Bacon re lative to, 46. 58. Discussions in the Commons of the King's right to lay them on, 168. 175, 176. 183, 184. 189. Bacon's argument in favour of the King's right, 191–200. Result of the debate, 201, 202. The war against them begun by James Whitelocke, 347. Informers, Sir Stephen Proctor's projects relative to, and Bacon's comments thereon, 96-104. Inner Temple and Gray's Inn Masque at the Princess Elizabeth's Marriage, 343, 344. Ireland, Tyrone's flight from, 4, 110. New rebellion in, suppressed, 110. Answers to questions as to the disposal of confiscated lands in, 111-113. Commissioners appointed to prepare a project for the settlement of, 114. Bacon's Discourse on the planta tion of the country, 114-126. Attempt to introduce Parliamentary Government into, 382. Ireland-continued. Impracticability of governing by Secession of the minority: their to Commissioners drawn by Hobart excepted to by Bacon, 386. Question relative to the right of the Crown to compel Irishmen to take the Oath of Allegiance, 388. Result of the Commission sent over from England: the King's answer to the complaint relative to the poverty of the new boroughs, 389, 390. Issues Royal as a source of revenue to the King, 323. James I.-continued. Bacon's letter to him on presenting Appoints Bishop Andrews to an- His entertainment of Isaac Casau- His financial difficulties, 148-150. vileges a fair subject for bargain with the Commons, 153, 154. Declaration of his wants by Salisbury, 155-157. Demands made on his behalf, and Suppresses Cowell's 'Interpreter' His messages to the Commons, 176. 180. His speech to them: its intention and its effect, 181, 182. |