Bacon, Lady Ann (Bacon's mother) her death in 1610, 216.
Her probable mental condition in her latter years: her funeral, 217. Bacon, Anthony, his mode of keeping his correspondence, 216.
Bacon, Edmund, son of Francis's half-
brother, Sir Nicholas, 24. 62. Bacon, Edward, third son of Francis's father by his first marriage, 40. Bacon, Francis, Sir John Constable knighted at the request of, 1. His Letter to Mr. Murray concern- ing the suit made for Mr. Tem- ple, 2.
Letters on Irish affairs, to Mr. Perce and Sir John Davies, 5. Fee granted to him by the King, 6. His Letter of Expostulation" to Sir Vincent Skinner, 7.
His opinion of Sir H. Hobart, 34, 35. 50. 92.
His desire to improve his acquaint-
ance with Lady Dorset, 35. His inaccuracy as to dates, 48 note. His note of conference between the King and the Judges, 89-92. His note of defects in his own speaking, 93.
His Certificate to the King on Sir Stephen Proctor's Projects, 97, 104.
Business letters to Salisbury, 105— 107. 129, 130.
His Latin treatise In felicem me- moriam Elizabethæ, its motives and object, 107, 108.
His letter to Sir George Cary with a copy of same, 109.
His answers to questions sent from
Ireland concerning the disposal of confiscated lands, 111-113. His "Discourse on the Plantation of Ireland," 114–126.
His arguments on the jurisdiction of the Marches, 127, 128. His application to Mr. Bowyer for the loan of a collection of Re- cords, 128.
His letter to Sir Michael Hickes about a Commission, 131. His correspondence with Toby Matthew concerning the pro- gress of the Instauratio, 132-
His disinclination to theological controversy, 140.
His letter to Bishop Andrews, with his "Cogitata et Visa," 141. Publication of his book De Sa- pientia Veterum, 142.
His letter to Toby Matthew with same, 144.
His Latin letter to Isaac Casaubon,
and translation of same, 146, 147. His report of Salisbury's financial statement, 155.
His recommendation with regard to supply, 162. Chosen to move the Lords to join in a petition for liberty to treat of a composition for Wards and Tenures, 163–167. Endeavours to persuade the Com- mons to receive messages from the King through the council, 177-179.
Bacon, Francis-continued. Advises them not to raise the ques- tion of the King's right to set impositions upon merchandises, 182, 183.
Appointed by the Commons to de- mand an explanation from the Lords, preliminary to conference, 187.
Reports the Conference, and speaks
in favour of Supply, 188, 189. His great Speech in favour of "the King'sright to impose," 190-200. Note of his reply to Whitelock's Speech, 200, 201.
His Speech to the King, on present- ing the petition of Grievances, 202. Clauses sent by him for insertion in Camden's Annals of Queen Eliza- beth, 212-214.
Letter to Sir Julius Cæsar relative to St. John's Hospital, Bedford,
His invitation of Sir M. Hicks to his mother's funeral, 217. His letter to the King, with the
"Beginning of the History of Great Britain," 218. His remark at the Conference be- tween the Council and the Judges concerning certain Proclama- tions, 220.
His report of Salisbury's new pro- position, after the negotiations for the Great Contract had been broken off, 228-230.
Sent for, along with others of the Lower House, to speak with the King, 230.
His Speech in debate on Supply, 233--235.
His literary occupations, 239. His political views, 240. Obtains from the King a promise of the reversion of the Attorney's place, 240-243. Letters to Salisbury: on the Coin- age proclamation, 244. On Oke- hampton School trust, 245. A new year's tide compliment, 246. Letters to Sir M. Hickes and Mr. John Murray on business, 246,
His "Advice to the King, touching Sutton's Estate," 249-254. His Certificate "touching the scarcity of Silver at the Mint," 255-259.
His letter to the Lord Mayor, 260. To the Masters of Requests, 261. Appointed Steward of the Marshal- sea, 263.
And one of the Judges of the newly erected Court of the Verge, 264.
Bacon, Francis-continued.
His "Judicial Charge" on opening
the Court, 265-275.
His position and prospects at Salis- bury's death, 276, 277.
His private thoughts and inten- tions, 278.
His estimate of Salisbury as a minister, ibid, note.
His Letter of advice to the King, 279-280.
His offer to be "removed to busi-
ness of State," 282. Employed as sub-commissioner to
assist the Commissioners of the Treasury, 283.
Expects to be made Master of the Wards and draws up a new set of directions for the office, with a form of declaration to be used at the first sitting, 284-288. His speech on Lord Sanquhar's case, 291-293.
His "Charge against the Countess
of Shrewsbury" for contumacy in Arabella Stuart's case, 297- 300.
Employed to prepare Instructions
to the Commissioners for collect- ing the Aid on the marriage of the Princess Elizabeth, 303- 310.
His letter to the King on his estate in general, 311–314. His employment as sub-Commis- sioner for repair of the King's Estate, 314–326.
His report upon a project for con- verting the King's lands into a yearly fee farm rent, 327-336. Report (apparently drawn up by
him) on the deceits practised by the Farmers of the Customs and of French Wines, 337-339. Publishes an enlarged edition of his Essays, 339.
His dedicatory letter to Prince Henry, 340.
His memorial of the Prince's cha- racter, 341.
His letter to Rochester concerning
the Mastership of the Wards,
His share in the Masque on the Princess's marriage: Beaumont's dedication to him, 343. His report of the proceedings against Whitelocke and Mansel, 348-353.
Fragment of his Charge against Whitelocke, 353-356.
His meditations upon the question of calling a new Parliament, 363-368.
Bacon, Francis-continued. His letter to the King, advising him to call a Parliament, and how to proceed with it, 368- 373.
His advice contrasted with Sir Henry Neville's, 373-378. His letter to the King on the death of Chief Justice Fleming, 378, 379. Recommends Coke for Fleming's successor and the Attorney- General to succeed Coke; his reasons, 379-382.
Is appointed Attorney-General, 382.
His letter to the King concerning
the instructions to the Commis- sioners for investigating the complaints of the Catholic party in Ireland, 386.
His opinion in point of law upon the proposal to require the mem- bers of the deputation from Ire- land to take the oath of allegi- ance, 388.
His letter of thanks to the King on receiving the Attorney-General- ship, 391.
His relations with Rochester, 393. His offer of a masque from Gray's Inn, in honour of his marriage, 394, 395.
Proposition for the repress- ing of singular Combats Duels," 397.
Chancellor of Cambridge Univer- sity, 66 note.
Barnham, Dorothy, sister to Bacon's wife, married to Sir John Con- stable, 1.
Interference of her mother with her husband, 13. Beauchamp, Edward Lord, 79 note, 91
Beaulieu's account of the breaking off of the negotiation between the Commons and the King for sur- render of Wardships, 174 note, 175. Beaumont, Francis, Masque dedicated to Bacon by, 343.
Bedford, letter from Bacon respecting St. John's hospital at, 215. Bellarmin, Cardinal, his controversy with the King, 140.
Bennett, Sir John, Prerogative Court Judge, 53 note.
Berkley, Sir Maurice, a prominent M.P., 75 note.
His draft of an answer to the King disliked by the Commons, 225. See 370.
Loan of MS. requested of him by Bacon, 128.
Brograve, Sir John, Attorney of the Duchy, Custos Rotulorum, 49. Bruce, John, Esq. F.S.A., Whitelocke's Liber Famelicus, edited for the Camden Society by, 347. Bruce, Lord, killed in a duel by Sir E. Sackville, 396.
Builders, proceedings against, 54 note. Burghley, William, Lord, a letter of Bacon's supposed to be addressed to, wrongly, 393, 394.
Busses, project of revenue from, 324. By-rents, revenue from, 321.
Cæsar, Sir Julius, Chancellor of the Exchequer, on new impositions, &c., 46 note. 58 note.
Entries relating to him, as "Mr. Chancellor," in Bacon's note book, 47. 52.
His record of Salisbury's first pro- ceedings as Lord Treasurer, 151,
Letter to him from Bacon relative to St. John's hospital, Bedford,
His estimate of the money value of
royal rights proposed to be parted with, 221. Extract from "Dialogue on the Great Contract," ascribed to him, 222 note.
Reversion of the Mastership of the
Rolls granted to him, 240. Date of the appointment, 241 note. His position in the House of Com- mons, 281.
His authority in matters of the Exchequer; his opinion as to the King's power to free his estate without parliamentary help, 283.
Joint Commissioner "to devise projects and means for money,"
His notes on the Whitelocke and Mansel Case, 353. 356.
Canterbury, Archbishops of. See Ban- croft. Tenison. Carey. See Cary. Carleton, Dudley, concerning Tobie Matthew's imprisonment, 8. Concerning Nicholas Fuller, 191. His notes of debates and proceed- ings in Parliament relative to the Great Contract, Impositions, etc., 200, 201. 204. 206. 223 note. See Chamberlain.
Carr, or Carre, Robert, afterwards Vis- count Rochester and Earl of Somerset, rise of, 222. 391. Applied to by Bacon for the Mas- tership of the Wards, 342. His marriage with the divorced Lady Essex, and its attendant rejoicings, 392.
Complimentary offering from Bacon on the occasion, 392-395. See 283. 289. 303. 336. 364. 391.
Cary (or Carew), Sir George, Bacon's letter to him; with his In felicem memoriam Elizabethæ, 109. His relations with Casaubon, 145. Appointed Master of the Wards, 289.
Joint Commissioner to devise projects for relief of the King's Estate, 314.
His death "of this new disease," 342.
Casaubon, Isaac; occasion of his becoming acquainted with Bacon's writings, 145.
Date and place of his death, 146. Latin letter from Bacon to him, and translation of same, 146, 147.
Castles and old houses as a possible source of revenue to the King, 321.
Cecil, Robert. See Salisbury. Chaloner (or Challoner), Sir Thomas, Chamberlain to Prince Henry,
Chamberlain, John, on the banishment of Toby Matthew, 10. On the quarrels between Sir John and Lady Packington, 13. On a bill concerning the pretended bastardy of Queen Elizabeth, 44 note.
On Nicholas Fuller's restraint, submission, and liberation, 51 note.
On Bishop Andrews's appointment to answer Bellarmin, 140. On the effect of the King's speech to the two Houses, 182.
On the sending of Camden's An- nals to De Thou, 211. On Sutton's will and the dispute raised thereon, 248.
On the disposal of the Mastership of the Wards, 284, 288. On the Masque performed at the Princess's marriage, 343, 344. On the promotion of Coke, Hobart, Bacon, and Yelverton, 390. On the dissolution of the marriage of Lord Essex and Lady Frances Howard, 392.
On the Masque presented by Bacon on her Marriage with Rochester, and its cost, 394. On the prevalence of duelling, 396. Chamberlain, Thomas, 49 note. Chamberlaine, Richard, 48 note. Chandos, Lord, an intending duellist, 396.
Charles IX. of France, his declaration relative to duels, 402.
Charterhouse, the, and its founder. See Sutton.
Chester, Caussy of, 55 note. Chichester, Sir Arthur, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 3.
Alive to the importance of the crisis, 110.
Selects the places for the new bo- roughs, 384.
Recommends Sir John Davies for Speaker, ibid.
Advises the King to receive a deputation from the secessionists, 385. Chute, Sir Walter, one of the "undertakers," 74 note. See 375. Clarendon, his character of James Hay, Earl of Carlisle, 42 note.
Cleves, Duchy of, competition for the, 158, 159.
"Coat and conduct money," what it was, 45 note.
Cogitata et Visa, Bacon's writing so called, 8.
View with which it was composed: its design, 24.
Error respecting same corrected,
Sent to Bishop Andrews, 141. Coin. See Gold. Silver.
Coke, Sir Edward, Chief Justice, on the decision in the case of the Post nati, 16.
On the duties and responsibilities of the Clerk of the Star Chamber, 50 note.
Consulted as to the legality of certain Royal Proclamations, 220, 221.
Judgment in Lady Shrewsbury's
case concurred in by him, 301. One of the Commissioners for repair of the King's estate, 314.
His popularity after he became a Judge, 379.
His elevation to the King's Bench recommended by Bacon, 380,
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