Imágenes de páginas

Conspiracy of Byron, 'false] fire,

267; in tune, 150
Content a crown, 120
Contention, The, Pt. I., night,

Cor ne edite, 193

Coriolanus, microcosm, 88; nails,
241; rabble, 159, 162, 163;
money-muck, 92

Cornelia, ambition, 123; content
a crown, 120; doors of death,
95; night, 307; oblivion, 270;
rabble, 159

Cotton, Concordance, 35

Cosmetics condemned, 106, 107
Court Academe, 118

Courtly greetings, valedictions, etc.,
29, 30

Cure for a Cuckold, thought free,

Custom of the Country, Court
Academe, 119; death-tipped
sword, 265; doors of death,
94; pleurisie, 135; scorpions,
233; women burrs, 286
Cymbeline, 113, hell around us,

Cynthia's Revels, beauty of mind,
90; imposthume, 145


Davies, John, sonnet to Bacon,
245, 246
David and Bathsheba, appeal for
guidance, 74; eye, 261; gloomy
air, 256; heartstrings, 242; in
tune, 152; marriage sacred, 85;
rack, 271; sea of, 291; sun
bridegroomlike, 253

Day, John, Jonson's opinion, 13;
music, 318; star me no stars,
280; word-coining, 213; see also
Humour Out of Breath, Parlia-
ment of Bees

De Augmentis Scientiarum, sense
motion, 183; Spanish explodents,
115; spheres, 195

De Profundis, genius isolated, 340

Dean of Ely, theology and politics
in Shakespeare, 356
Death dissolves, 240
Death, doors of, 94
Death-tipped sword, 265
Declaration of Demeanour of Sir
W. Raleigh, 24

Defense of Poetry, poetry despised
in England, 34; Greek philo-
sophers appeared as poets, 346
Defoe, "No Popery," 43
Deity, reverent references, 73, 74, 75
Dekker, Thomas, Ben Jonson's
opinion, 14; character, 329;
echo, 285; fine me no fines, 280;
imprisoned, 14; language, 228;
on mankind, 84; shoemaker (?) 7;
word-coining, 214; see also Bell-
man of London, Famous Wars,
Gull's Horn Book, Honest Whore,
If this be not a good play the devil
is in it, King's Entertainment,
Lanthorn and Candle Light,
Match Me in London, Old Fortu-
natus, Roaring Girl, Shoemaker's
Holiday, Sun's Darling, Virgin
Martyr, Witch of Edmonton,
Wonder of a Kingdom

Descriptio globi Int., art nature, 258
Desperate remedies, 148

Devil's Law Case, Barmotho, 116;
beauty of mind, 90; burial-
locality immaterial, 100; buzz,
268; cosmeties, 107; death-
tipped sword, 266; delay, 313;
imposthumes, 146

Dialect, 204

[blocks in formation]

Double Marrriage, corrosive, 194;
doors of death, 95; metempsy-
chosis, 102

Douse, le Marchant, Northumber-
land House MS., 245, 246
Dowden, Dr., little resemblance
between Bacon and Shakespeare,
341; Nature's mirror, 359
Downfall of Huntingdon, 114
Drayton, Michael, bemoans his
country's shame, 337; dog days,
338; ignorance, 336; men
beasts, 335; Muses sad, 335;
poetry, 338; see also Edymion
and Phabe, Famous Wars, Idea
Drayton, Michael, Antony Cooke,



Drummond of Hawthornden, on
Ben Jonson, 251; Ben Jonson-
music, 319; night, 306; state of
the age, 78, 335; temperance,
337; unhappy times, 337
Drunkenness, prevalency,
dramatists condemn, 110
Duchess of Malfi, ambition, 123;
Bermoothes, 116; body a prison,
181; brass breast, 186; cosmetics,
106; desperate remedies, 147;
doors of death, 94; fantastic phi-
losophy, 48; girdle, 259; heart-
strings, 241; in tune, 152; mar-
riage holy, 85; moles, 272;
spheres, 195; true to self, 240;
world a stage, 263; worst mend,

Duelling, 20, 162

Duke of Milan, heartstrings, 241;
mind in travail, 292; sad and
serious thoughts, 119; scarabs,
287; second self, 187; writ in
brass, 185

Dumas, A., Shakespeare a great
creator, 339

Dumb Knight, imposthume, 144;
sweet odours, 305
Durham, Dean of, his use for his
predecessors' coffins, 60;
Thomas A Becket, 61


Dutch Courtesan, eye, 262; honori,
etc., 283; love, 274; mediocrity,
124; salutation, 29

Dyce, Rev. Alex., on actors and
aristocracy, 247


Eastward Ho! women burrs, 287
Echo, 285

Educational purpose of the stage,


Edward I., 114; benediction, 27;
courtly greeting, 29; death dis-
solves, 240; Deity recognised,
75; grafting, 322; hell within us,
79; thought free, 68

Edward II., 114; cedar shrub,
238; delay, 309; Deity recog-
nised, 75; in tune, 151; night,
308; noble mind, 118; rabble,

Edward III., 114; abstract, 189;
buzz, 267; death dissolves, 240;
death a rebirth, 96; delay, 309,
313; eye, 262; falconry, 121;
marriage holy, 85; mercy, 77;
Orpheus, 175; rack, 271; self-
conquest, 89

Edward IV., 114; good-bye, 225
Elder Brother, benediction, 27;
chew digest, 268; Court Academe,
118; innocence, 234; king bee,
278; night, 309
Elizabeth, Queen, her manners,

Elizabethan England, 4

Ellis, R. L., Bacon's theory of
life, 137

Elton, Prof., see Michael Drayton
Emerson, R. W., on borrowed

thoughts, 252; language, 210;
great men, 344; on Shakespeare,
30, 31, 32, 116, 313, 325, 340,
360, 363

Emperor of the East, Court Aca-
deme, 119; Proteus, 203; rabble,
160; true religion, 72
Endymion, body a prison, 181;
chameleon, 290; delay, 312;
love, 272, 273; microcosm, 87;
plodders, 48; spirits, refined, 139
Endymion and Phabe, Hesperida,
England of Shakespeare, love of
noise, 167; grammar, 204; dese-
cration, 58; universities, 39, 40
English Grammar, aposteam (im-
posthume), 144

English Traveller, delay, 312;
rabble, 161
Englishmen all mad, 282
Entretiens d'Ariste et d'Eugène, 197
Errors, identical, 278

Essays (Bacon), abstract, 189;
ambition, 122, 123; another self,
187; buzz, 267 ; chafed perfumes,
19; chew digest, 268; cor ne
edite, 193; counsel, 149; death,
95, 97; give sorrow words, 149;
horticulture, 323; imposthuma-
tions, 143; in tune, 150; late
early, 281; love, 273; mercy, 76;
mirror, 237; money-muck, 90;
music and flowers, 320; pattern,
189; riches-trash, 93; sedition,
143; seeléd dove, 19; soul, 86;
soul sickness, 148; superfluous
circumstance, 310, 311; sweet
odours, 305; travel, 225; true to
self, 239; world a stage, 262
Essex, Earl of, correspondence
respecting scrivenery, 243; digest
me no digestions, 281
Euphues, imposthumes, 144, 145,

Evans, Sir John, on Browne's
language, 221

Evelyn, John, on Bacon, 69
Every Man in his Humour, brevity,

311; hammering revenge, 288
Every Man out of his Humour,
money-muck, 90; rabble, 161;
"spit private in Pauls," 58; stage
a mirror, 104-5
Ex nihilo, 259

Example, The, unbefriended poesy,

Excrement, hair, 133-4
Expelling nails, 241

Exposition of Ten Commandments,
Cleaver on stage plays, 66
Eye of the world, 260

[blocks in formation]

Fair Maid of West, brass breast,
187; peruse paper, 264
Fair Quarrel, surgeons' cant, 135;
true to self, 240; world a stage,

Faerie Queene, abstract, 188; ambi-
tion, 123; art nature, 258;
beauty of mind, 89; body a
prison, 181; cause effect, 148;
cedar shrub, 237; corrosive,
194; counsel, 149; courtly
greeting, 29; death-tipped
sword, 265; Deity recognised,
75; doors of death, 94; eye,
261; give sorrow words, 149;
gloomy air, 256; grafting, 321;
heartstrings, 242; hell within
us, 80; love, 276; mediocrity,
124; mind in travail, 292;
money-muck, 91; music, 319;
night, 3c6, 307, 308; oblivion,
269; Phoebus, 255; Proteus, 202;
Providence, 74; rabble, 158,
160, 162, 163; sea of, 290, 291;
Selinis, 254; sun bridegroomlike,
253; ulcer, 142; vital spirits, 140
Faithful Shepherdess, art and
nature, 259; ocean, 185; rack,
271; pearl, 234; ulcer, 142;
vital spirits, 140
Falkland, Viscount, see Marriage
False fire, 266

False One, death-tipped sword,
265; self-conquest, 89; soaring
mind, 121; vital spirits, 140
Famous Wars, 114

Fancies, brevity, 311; content a
crown, 120; Court Academe,
119; hair-excrement, 133; love,
274; women burrs, 287
Farewell to Folly, anonymity, 347;
content a crown, 120

Fatal Dowry, love, 273
Faustus, Aristotle, 190; buzz,
268; gloomy air, 256; Helen,
270; hell around us, 80; metem-
psychosis, 192; riches trash, 92;
walk invisible, 265

Fawn, chew digest, 269; fantastic
philosophy, 49; know thyself,
239; oblivion, 269; walk invi-
sible, 265

Field, Nathaniel, in gaol, 13; see
also Amends for Ladies, Fatal
Dowry, Woman a Weathercock
1594, remarkable unanimity during,

Filum Labyrinthi, lack of magna.
nimity, 117

First Folio, dedication from Pliny,

Florio, J., on base-mindedness of
actors, 126

Foolish, ignorant Indian, 269
Ford, John, dramatised Henry
VII., 345; front me no fronts,
280; word-coining, 214; see also
Broken Heart, Fancies, Ladies'
Trial, Lover's Melancholy,
Love's Sacrifice, Perkin Warbeck,
Sun's Darling, 'Tis Pity She's a
Whore, Witch of Edmonton
Four Plays in One, death, 96;
money-muck, 91
Freedom of thought, its origin, 69
Frere, W. H., 69

Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay,

114, breeding, 207; cause effect,
148; Deity, 74; horticulture,
322; metempsychosis, 192; self-
conquest, 89; vital spirits, 140
Future state, 78, 81, 98

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][ocr errors]

Great Duke of Florence, cedar
shrub, 237; I cannot flatter,'
24; delay, 312; false fire, 267;
king's unforced explanations, 24;
lilies, roses, 255; mediocrity,
125; moles, 272; no true
star," 35; poverty of spirit, 257;
prince a rising sun, 24; self-
conquest, 89


Great Englishmen of the Sixteenth
Century, 341

Great Instauration, born for
mankind, 327; fame unsought,
298; life's aim, 299; navigation
metaphor, 295; reconstruction
science, 293

Greatest Birth of Time, 292, 293
Greek at the universities, 41; in
the theatres, 42; word-coining
from, 338

Green, Mrs. Everett, 204
Green, J. R., Bacon's unceremoni-
ousness, 310; Casaubon, 338;
disreputableness of actor drama-
tists, 127; Robert Greene, 68
Greene, Robert, amusements, 8;
Cambridge University, 39;
character, 84; death, 109;
Harvey's opinion, 8; typical
dramatist, 67; see also Alcida,
Farewell to Folly, Friar Bacon
and Friar Bungay, Groatsworth
of Wit, James IV., Looking
Glass for London and England,
Orlando Furioso, Penelope's Web,
Perimedes, Philomela, Maiden's
Dream, Mamillia, Menaphon,
Morando, Never too Late
Grey-eyed morn, 256

Grindal, Archbishop, instructions to
churchwardens, 60

Groatsworth of Wit, drunkenness
condemned, III; fly lust, 85;
taper, 236

Grosart, Dr. A., on parallelisms, 250
Grotius, Hugo, precocious genius,
356; theology, 337

Guardian, know thyself, 239;
stubborn silence, 303

Gull's Horn Book, hair-excrement,
134; mind in travail, 292; navi-
gation metaphor, 296; perils of
stage, 167


Habingdon, W., see Queen of

Hail of pearl, 233
Hair-excrement, 133, 134
Hall, Dr., his prescriptions, 130
Hallam, H., Bacon's temple, 343;
Massinger's genius, 328
Hamlet, actors, 7; cosmetics, 107;
death dissolves, 240; desperate
remedies, 147; dirt-land, 93;
Englishmen mad, 282; false
fire, 266; lapwing, 288; man,
189; moles, 271; Phoebus, 255;
pleurisie, 134; sea of, 290; sense
motion, 183; tragi-comi-history,
281; true to self, 239
Hardicanute, 114
Harleian Collection, 242
Harrington, Sir J., drunkenness,

Harrison, W., Chronology, theatres,

4; soap, 339

Harvey, Gabriel, Cambridge, 44;
Greene, 8; Lyly, 14; on the-
atres, 4

Heaven and hell, marriage in
heaven, 98
Heartstrings, 241

Heir, Helen, 270; mercy, 77
Helen of Troy, 270
Hell, 78-81

Heminge and Condell, 180
Henry IV., 114; doors of death,

95; ignis fatuus, 279; in tune,
151; mediocrity, 126; walk in-
visible, 265

Henry V., 114; chew digest, 269;

garlic, 304; hammering revenge,
287; king bees, 278; night, 307
Henry VI., 114; ambition, 122-

123; brevity, 311; buzz, 267;
content a crown, 120; corrosive,
194; cedar shrub, 238; death
"waft," 97; Deity, 75; delay,
309; good-bye, 225; grafting,
321; innocence, 234; kingly
thoughts, 118; Proteus, 202;
rabble, 158, 159, 161; sullen
earth, 256; taper, 236; wedlock,

Henry VII., grafting, 321; ifs

and ands, 266; moles, 272;
rabble, 158, 161-162; sad and
serious thoughts, 119; vital
spirits, 141

Henry VIII., 114; ambition, 123;
content a crown, 121; know
thyself, 239; navigation meta-
phor, 296; sad and serious
thoughts, 119; writ in brass, 185
Henslowe's Diary, 13, 14, 15, 168;
Titus and Ondronicus, 170
Hesperides, 279

Heywood, Thomas, characteristics,
329; echo, 285; English lan-
guage, 228; private me no
privates, 280; word-coining, 214;
see also Apology for Actors,
Brazen Age, Challenge for Beauty,
Edward IV., English Traveller,
Fair Maid of the West, Golden
Age, If you know not me you
know nobody, London's Jus
Honorarium, Rape of Lucrece,
Silver Age, Woman Killed with
Kindness, Wise Woman of

History, taught at playhouses, 113
History of Cambridge University,

civil law, 314; corruption, 37;
classes neglected, 39; Greek and
Hebrew, 41; plebeian students,
38; theology, 100

History of Civilisation in England,
state of knowledge, 331-333
History of Hampton Court,
drunkenness in England, 109
History of Life and Death, vital
spirits, 139, 141-142
History of Winds, girdle, 259
History of the World, contem-
porary ignorance, 35

Hobbes, Thomas, one of Bacon's
"good pens," 244

Hocus-pocus, origin of the term, 60
Hog hath lost his pearl, ignorant
audiences, 168

Honest Man's Fortune, man his

own master, 73; thought free, 68
Honest Whore, cedar shrub, 238;
content a crown, 120; cosmetics,
money-muck, 91; sea of, 291;
taper, 236; vital spirits, 139
Horace, 160, 186

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