Abbott, Dr., 225; on Bacon's word-coining, 226; on Promus, 230
Abstract beauty, 188 Account of all Lord Bacon's works, Bacon framed model of House of Wisdom, 344
contemporary opinions and punishments, 3-5; mostly buffoons, 8-17; illiterate, 170 Admiral of France, causes of sleep, 18; delay, 313; detention of the spirits, 14
Advancement of Learning, Aris- totle and moral philosophy, 278; Bacon lonely in his learning, 343; neglects the glory of his name for the good of mankind, 355; body a prison, 182; better bend, 324; cobwebs of learning, 48; cosme- tics, 107; distempers of learning, 46; Divine mirror, 237; frontis- pieces, 293; furniture of speech, 224; geniuses violated, 176; grafting, 321; horticulture, 323; in tune, 151, 152; mediocrity, 125; navigation metaphors, 296; power of stage, 173; remora, 291; sowen to posterity, 298; stubborn silence, 303; love, 274; posterity, 360; Proteus, 202; rabble, 158; self-conquest, 88; sense motion, 183; two ways, 191; world a stage, 262
Alcazar, body a prison, 182; essence-soul, 86; inconstancy, 260; night, 307; princely mind, 118; riches trash, 93
Alcida, riches trash, 93 All Fools, desperate remedies, 147; ex nihilo, 259; eye, 261; horned age, 83; jurisprudence, 315; love, 274; microcosm, 88; mirror, 237
All's lost by Lust, ocean, 186. Alphonsus, better bend, 324; burn- ing parchment, 316; delay, 309; hammering revenge, 288; inno- cence, 234; nails, 241; Phoebus, 255; pleurisie, 134; rabble, 159 Ambition, 121
Amends for Ladies, Barmuthoes, 116; content a crown, 120; sans, 317; worst mend, 235 Anatomy of Abuses, ambition, 121 ; inhumanity, 334; profanity, 109; stage plays, 67 Anatomy of Melancholy, academic and theologic squalor, 198; clergy censured, 75; on clergy and theology, 334; contemporary philosophy, 44; doctrines, 66; dramatised, 146; Elizabethan nobility, 336; hell, 78; the learned of Shakespeare's time, 334; learning unbecoming in a gentleman, 336; life a snarling fit, 333; medicine, 129-130; philosophy, 44; physiological ex- pressions explained, 138; reli- gion, 52; surgeons, 333; vile- ness of English towns, 333 Anders, Prof., 196
Anonymous dramatists, word-coin. ing, 210; see also Archigallus, Arden of Faversham, Arte of English Poesie, Dr. Dodypol,
Downfall of Huntingdon, Edward III., Fair Maid of Bristowe, Hardicanute, Jack Drum's Enter- tainment, King John (Trouble- some Reign of), Lingua, Locrine, Puritan, Return from Parnassus, Selimus, Taming of a Shrew, Timon of Athens, True Trojans Annotations on Bible, knowledge despised, 35
Angels on point of needle, 49 Antiquary, mind in travail, 292; moles, 272; scorpions, 233 Antony and Cleopatra, benediction, 27; death dissolves, 240; pearl, 233 Antonio and Mellida, brass breast,
186; content a crown, 120; delay, 313; doors of death, 95; eye, 261; heartstrings, 241; im- posthume, 144; in tune, 151; metempsychosis, 192; night, 308; ocean, 186; sans, 317; second self, 187; stinkards, 157; word- coining, 223; world a stage, 263
Apology for Actors, language, 228 Apophthegms, hang hog, 284; king
of bees, 278; law's cobwebs, 181; sea of, 291
Appius and Virginia, aconite, 133; base Indian, 269; benedictions, 27; body a prison, 182; breeding, 207; chameleon, 289; in tune, 150; lapwing, 289; metempsy- chosis, 192; multitude, 156;
subtle evils, 73 Arber, Prof., changing spirit, 327; Return from Parnassus, 165 Archigallus, 113
Arden of Faversham, plat me no platforms, 280; sullen earth, 256 Ariston of Chios, 160
Aristotle, moral philosophy, 278 Armpits, 234
Arraignment of Paris, art nature, 258; beauty of mind, 89; love, 274
Art and Nature, 258
Arte of English Poesie, culture despised, 34; gentlemen suppress or publish anonymously, 347; unlettered days, 35
As You Like It, breeding, 207; kindness, 77; know thyself, 239; love, 274; sans, 316; stage a mirror, 106; world a stage, 263; Atheist's Tragedy, causes of thun- der, 18; delay, 312; grey-eyed morn, 256; mercy, 76; microcosm, 87; night, 307, 309; ocean, 186; pleurisie, 135
Athenæum, religious freedom, 69 Audiences, dangers from, 167; in-
capable of appreciation, 17, 168 Aubrey, John, Bacon a concealed poet, 350; his generosity, 325; his love of music, 319, and of sweet odours, 305; Hobbes, 244
Babington, Bishop, on stage plays, 67
Bacon, Anthony, 224.
Bacon, Francis, Aristotle, 190; beauty of mind, 89; Bellman, 103; better bend, 324; brain a forge, 287; burial, his wishes, 99; Cambridge, 42; cause, effect, 147; Christian resolution, 329; circumstance, 313; dislike to a career as lawyer, 317; duelling, 20, 23; echoes, 285; eye, 260; fables, 171; false fire, 266; garlic, 305; good pens 244; hanged hog, 285; health, 329; inconstancy, 260; in tune, 152; imposthumations, 143; lime twigs, 301; love, 272; magnanimity, 117; mediocrity, 124, 125, 126; method of discovering the author of a writing, 348; name and memory, 330; no humanist, 158; no dashing man, 178; paraphrase of Psalms, 260; peruse paper, 264; physic for the mind, 143; physic, 135; prayer, 70; private MSS. paralleled, 23; rabble, 159; reproduction metaphors, 292; riches trash, 92; self-conquest, 89; stands alone,_293; true metaphysics, 153; Twickenham scrivenery, 243, 244; unsuccessful
sueing for Attorney-Generalship, 281; vital spirits, 137; word-coin- ing, 210; writ water, 185; 66 'your creature," 257; see also Advancement of Learning, Apo- phthegms, Conference of Pleasure, De Augmentis Scientiarum, Declaration of the Demeanour of Sir Walter Raleigh, Descriptio Globi Intellectualis, Discourse on the Plantation in Ireland, Filum Labyrinthi, Great Instauration, Henry VII., History of Life and Death, History of the Winds, Masque, Misfortunes of Arthur, New Atlantis, Novum Organum, Observations on a Libel, Orna- menta Rationalia, Promus, Physiological Remains, Sylva Sylvarum, Wisdom of the Ancients Bacon, Sir Nicholas, hang hog, 284 Bale, Bishop, on the clergy, 61 Barber-surgeons, blood-letting, 129 Barnes, William, 206
Bartholomew Fair, Hero and Leander, 168
Bashful Lover, abstract, 189; ambition, 122; cosmetics, 107; creature, 257; eye, 262; heart- strings, 242; pearl, 233 Baxter, Richard, on clergy, 55 Beaumont and Fletcher, 13; golden sleep, 235; grey-eyed morn, 256; pearl, 234; plot me no plots, 280; sullen earth, 257; true to self, 240; word-coining, 211; see also Beggar's Bush, Bonduca, Chances, Custom of the Country, Double Marriage, Elder Brother, Fair Maid of the Inn, Faithful Shepherdess, False One, Four Plays in One, Honest Man's Fortune, Humorous Lieutenant, Island Princess, King and No King, Knight of Burning Pestle, Knight of Malta, Laws of Candy, Little French Lawyer, Lover's Progress, Mad Lover, Monsieur Thomas, Noble Gentleman, Phi- laster, Pilgrim, Prophetess, Queen of Corinth, Sea Voyage, Spanish Curate, Thierry and Theodoret, Triumph of Love,
Two Noble Kinsmen, Valentinian, Wife for a Month, Wild Goose Chase, Wit at several Weapons, Wit without Money, Woman Hater, Women Pleased Beggar's Bush, rabble, 160 Beauty of the mind, 89-90 Believe as You List, body a prison, 182
Bellman of London, attacks abuses, 103; navigation metaphor, 296 Benedictions, 26-28 Bermudas, 116
Besant, W., treatment of foreigners, 115; rabble, 155
Biographica Dramatica on Greene, 84
Bird in Cage, girdle, 259 Bird, W., reprobates laughter at pain, 17
Birth of Merlin, 113
Bishops' reports, 54; on priests and clergy, 61; epithets, 62
Blind Beggar of Alexandria, in
tune, 152; sense motion, 184 Boas, F. S., Prof., corsive, 193 Body a prison, 181
Boëner, Peter, on Bacon's memory and invention, 244
Bondman, benediction, 26; breed- ing, 207; grafting, 321-322; pity, 77; self-conquest, 89; that were a man, 258
Bonduca, 113; doors of death, 95; stinkards, 156
Boorde, Dr. Andrew, his pre- scriptions, 130
Brain a forge hammering revenge, 287
Brandes, Dr. George, 330 Brass-bound breast, 186 Brazen Age, beauty of mind, 90; ultra-classicism, 165
British Medical Journal on un- popularity of medical profession, 127
Broken Heart, ambition, 122; death "waft," 97; desperate remedies, 147; medical invective, 147; name and memory, 330; seeléd dove, 19; vital spirits, 140 Browne, Sir Thomas, intimate with Bacon family, 345; word-coining,
Cheke, Sir John, quoted, 144 Chew, swallow, and digest, 268 Church, condition in Scotland, 59; churches desecrated, 57, 60 Church under Elizabeth, The, 70 Church, Dean, quotation from M. de Remusat, 249; on Bacon, 293-295, 297 Classicisms, 165
Classical element in Shakespeare's plays, 179
Clergy, Archbishop Jewel's opinion, 55; Baxter's views, 55; Cardinal Allen's opinion, 55; illiteracy and ignorance of, 53, 169, 171; evicted, 52; London, 54 Clergy, A Book about, 54, 56, 57 Clitheroe, Margaret, her sentence, 65
Cockpit, theatre sacked by appren- tices, 81
Collins, Prof. J. Churton, Shake- speare's classical knowledge, 42 Colman, Morgan, scrivenery, 243 Colon, 128
Comedy of Errors, hair-excre- ment, 134; lapwing, 288; rabble, 163
Concordance, Cotton's, 35 Conference of Pleasure, love, 275, 277; rabble, 159
Conformity, History of, state of clergy, 52; petition to restore ejected ministers, 59 Constant in inconstancy, 260
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