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because it recalls a happy period of our lives, | space, flocks of pigeons were constantly careerthan because it is remarkable in itself. During ing, and pompous peacocks strutted below as if it the autumn following this examination-three was their own domain. years before the war broke out-Hugo ånd I were The northern front, however, of Castle Bifrons both at home. Every life, as well as every na- had been completed after the new power of the tion, seems to have its Augustan era-and this Puritans had displayed itself, and no contrast was ours. Everything seemed to prosper with could be stronger than that exhibited between us, and to promise a long continuance of happi- this recent building and the former one. It conness. My mother's health, that had long been sisted indeed of nothing but a flat brick face; pardelicate, now seemed to rally; the King appeared simoniously pierced with narrow windows, not. inclined to wiser councils, and had consented to an ornament, not even a mullion, could be there call a Parliament; the harvest promised an detected. In front of it was a square space of abundant yield, and the nation's pulse beat pros-close-cropped turf, surrounded, as by a wall, with perously high. Then was my father a proud as tall, stiff, dark trees; and varied only by formal well as a happy man, with his two sons, whose only rivalry was displayed in pleasing him. The danger that he had long apprehended for the throne appeared averted; he had sanguine hopes of the new Parliament, to which he had succeeded in returning his best friend as member for the county.

gravel walks. The sun never shone upon the high and narrow hall door that opened out upon these solemn precincts, and there was never seen a living thing that could regret his absence. No bird was ever known to sing, or grasshopper to chirp there some dismal old rooks, with a few pensive owls and bats, were the only creatures that voluntarily addicted themselves to what Sir Janus considered the true Puritanical taste in architecture and landscape gardening.

Sir Janus would fain have passed his life in peace and quietness in some central apartment, standing neutral between these two discordant aspects of his mansion. But in his anxiety to avoid giving offense to either party, he found himself encumbered with many difficulties. His Cavalier acquaintances were necessarily welcomed for the sake of old times that might return; the Puritan for the sake of new times that might continue. When the former arrived, they were directed by the lodge-keeper to take the southern approach; when the latter appeared, they were requested to take the northern. At

I must confess, however, that few of these higher considerations had much weight with Hugo and myself in those days. We were in the glorious morning of life, whose sunshine turns every object into gold; what imagination painted, hope strove to realize, and made amends for every failure by raising new illusions. Independently, too, of all the pleasures that are common to every young and healthy boy, we had almost every indulgence that could render our lives a holiday. My father, as fond of field-sports as ourselves, took pleasure in providing us with the best horses, the keenest falcons, the stanchest hounds, the steadiest dogs. As an old soldier, he took pride in seeing us the surest shots, the best fencers, and the boldest riders in all the country's side. He was a zealous supporter of village the south front, Lady Demiroy arrayed in rich, sports, moreover, and all neighborly meetings, and we thus became early acquainted with all our countryfolk. Among these were few who belonged to our own station in life, but those two who alone possessed deep interest for us would have concentrated our affection if the world had been their rivals.

Our nearest neighbor was Sir Janus Demiroy, one of King James's newly-invented baronets, the purchase of whose titles an old knight pronounced to be "the very simony of honor." The father of Sir Janus, a wealthy goldsmith of London, had purchased a large property, only separated from ours by a river that opened on the sea. The residence of the Demiroys was scarcely half a mile from Beaumanoir at low tide, when the boundary river could be crossed by means of stepping stones. This residence was very characteristic of its owner, the nearest desire of whose heart was to be on good terms with both King and Demagogue. It had changed its name with its appearance, and was now called Castle Bifrons, in place of the good old Elizabethan manor-house of Saxonbury.

taffeta and starched lace was waiting to do the honors of the castle; at the north, Sir Janus, dressed in drab garments of the plainest form, received his guests meekly, as one who desired to be all things unto all men. That desirable object was becoming daily more difficult, however; so that the Baronet had at length relieved himself a little by leaning toward the Puritans. He felt safer by doing so, as he was married to the sister of a zealous royalist; and this clever lady made the most of her brother's politics in the presence of the King's supporters, though always (theoretically) open to conviction when any important Puritan attempted her conversion. Her Ladyship had, in short, adopted the politics of Sir Janus, and the household only seemed to be divided against itself in order that it might stand, whatever were the storms of the state.

This well-suited couple, so wise in their generation, had but two children, and these were fortunately daughters. A son might, perhaps, by some bias of his own, have inconvenienced the family politics, and destroyed the trim of the vessel which the parents labored so assiduously Sir Janus had begun to build during the palmy to preserve. But daughters had no right to exerand unquestioned days of royalty, and Inigo cise independent opinions, even if they possessed Jones had been encouraged to lavish on the south-any. ern front the most graceful and noble resources of his art; loyal emblems were profusely distributed among the decorations, flourishing round the family crest, a chameleon. A broad terrace, spreading to the sun, gave the mansion a very courtly air: two long strips of a very gay garden ran along beneath this terrace, and were flanked by plantations of thick laurel. Over this favored


One came with light and laughing air,
And cheeke like opening blossome;
Bright gemmes were twined amid her haire,
And glittered on her bosome;

And gold and costlie jewells deck
Her round white arms and snowy neck,
And pride and joy are in her eye,
And mortalls bowed as she passed bye.

Another came; o'er her milde face
A pensive shade was stealing,
Yet there no grief of earth we trace,
But that deep holie feeling

That mourns the harte should ever straye
From the pure fount of truth awaye,
And hope and faith were in her eye,
And angells bowed as she passed bye.

ZILLAH and Phoebe Demiroy were just emerg-
ing from woman's brief childhood at the time
of which I speak. They had slept in the same
cradle, been lulled to sleep by the same songs,
played the same plays under the shadow of the
same old trees, yet were they different as night
from morning. Every hour in developing the
features of the mind and body, rendered the in-
creasing contrast between them more striking.
Zillah had all the deep and solemn beauty of the
former; Phoebe all the hopeful bloom and joyous
brightness of the latter. My brother and I had
grown up in almost daily intercourse with these
fair girls. Without lingering on our childhood's
experiences, I shall only say that when our ripen-
ing years gave form and strength to our passions,
we loved our young companions with an entire
affection. If I dare speak for them, I should say
that they then felt almost as much for us. They
had found in us, in our anxious services, in our
proud protection, all the requirements of bro-
and we were indebted to them for the
social refinement and instinct of courtesy that
usually sisters alone can teach, or unconsciously
inspire. The progress of my affection would be
as difficult to trace as the ripening of the bud
through blossom and flower to the tempting
fruit. But ever, as that fruit became more ex-
quisitely desirable, it seemed also to become
more distant and unattainable: it is the nature of
enthusiastic youth to stand in awe of imaginary
difficulties, while those that are real, it proudly
tramples under foot and scorns. Thus there was
nothing in my position with respect to Zillah, but
Zillah's self, that was likely to prove an obstacle
to my highest hopes, and I no more doubted her
love than I did mine own.

strove to read, and watched earnestly over my wayward heart; when it became her own, she perhaps shrank from the difficulty of what was then self-knowledge.

At all events, she gradually estranged herself from an intimacy which to me seemed as necessary as the air I breathed. When I was in her company, she no longer extended to me the timid but affectionate confidence that I had shared so long. Ensconced behind her embroidery frame, or apparently studying some gloomy volume of Genevese binding, she only spoke to me from time to time as to a mere visitor, and then relapsed into silence. The sole indemnification, if I can call it so, that I received for this sad change was, that it seemed to be accompanied by a sense of self-sacrifice. Calm and motionless as she sat, my eager eye could detect the throbbing of her heart when I approached her, and when some chance expression or sudden exclamation induced her for a moment to raise her eyes, their glorious light was often half quenched in tears.

I was no sentimentalist then, whatever I may be now. If anything of that nature is discoverable in my story, it has been acquired in scenes where most men lose any that they once possessed; in wars and trials, and suffering and sorrows, that have inspired me with some doubt as to what is truly real or ideal in this world of strange illusions. I was no sentimentalist at all events, at the time I write of, but a downright, willful, impetuous boy, to whom it seemed that all things must perforce yield, as my horses and even my schoolfellows had done; nay, even the stormy sea that foamed along our iron-bound coast had failed to conquer me, and in more than one stout struggle for my life had been compelled to bear me safely to the shore. With my boyish love had grown up a fierce ambition to win a name and fame by any means, that could render me worthy of her, a girl of sixteen, before whom her aspiring knight now stood shame-faced, and embarrassed by her embarrassment.

Each time that I left Zillah's presence, I resolved to ask for an explanation the next time that she was alone; but that was seldom now. I did not indeed feel restraint from the presence of Hugo and Phoebe, who were generally seated Nevertheless, there was something in her look together in some deep set window niche; and and manner that struck me-almost with awe. there the merry maiden would sometimes be Even in childhood, her aspect had always worn won to momentary silence by some of his strange a certain mournful expression that seemed to stories; or the sound of his voice would be plead for sympathy for her imaginary sorrow. broken into fragments by her laughter; or some As she grew older, whether some real sorrow, or poem, as rapidly as uttered, would be travestied the mystic and religious studies to which she by her in whose praises it had been carefully was then devoted, had increased her melancholy, composed. But such company as these happy she became daily more thoughtful and retired, creatures afforded seemed no longer to suffice to and even Phœbe complained that she was Zillah. If her mother was not present, either changed. I often then wished that I could have her Ladyship's chaplain, or the dark-browed assumed Hugo's pensive and imaginative charac- Puritan, who filled the same (honorary) office ter, as being more consonant to hers, But perhaps for Sir Janus-was surely there. Sometimes, I was mistaken. When the merry and brightminded Phoebe gave that preference to my thoughtful and poetical brother, which her more imaginative sister gave to me, perhaps each found a truer sympathy than the superficial eye of strangers could detect.

I was full of faults and errors, which an impetuous character and too unrestrained an education had made rampant over some honest but humble qualities of good. Zillah seemed to feel that she had a mission to convert and ennoble my rugged nature, and in our early years she

however, I must confess that one or all of these were sufficiently distant to afford a temporary privacy; but then Zillah's quick perception anticipated my intention, and by some quiet but ingenious words, and still more by a look of irresistible appeal, she would again defeat my boyish resolution.

One pure taste of happiness in her love I experienced, and that was about a year before my story formally opens. We had merged so imperceptibly from childhood into youth, that no restriction upon our intimacy had even suggested

itself. Our leisure hours were still passed toge-feel hers beating wildly, and she scarcely strove ther; and, hawking or hunting, or strolling by to free herself from my ecstatic embrace; then the sea-shore, the delicate but noble form of Zil- she shrank back, and I leaped on board the boat, lah could seldom be seen unattended by a tall, nerved with supernatural strength, and shoved strong, active stripling, whose earnest eyes away. Away! among the breakers, and the watched every glance of hers, whose eager ears little craft raised its bows to meet and mount an drank in the sound of every word she uttered. overwhelming wave; with a strong sweep of Yes! those were supremely happy days, in the oars I urged her over, or rather through the which I wandered by my Zillah's side, brighten- curling surge, and shot down the slope of waters ed with the glorious dawn of youth, and love, and beyond; the next wave nearly turned the boat hope; and listened with smiling incredulity to over, and the third fairly swamped her. her grave warnings, that this was a world of trial, not of indulgence or reward.


I was defeated in my hopes of reaching the wreck, but I saw near me a young figure striking 'And if storms should close over the summer out bravely, though evidently failing fast-another of our life," I said to her one evening, as we languid struggle, and he sank, swept beneath the wandered by the sea-shore, "they will but en- horrible waves by the under-tow. I plunged noble and dignify our career, when bravely borne. from the light I scarce hoped to see again, and One short hour ago, yon sea was calm as thy caught the now lifeless form; then rose upon a heart, shining and azure as thine eyes; now that breaking wave, and struck out desperately for the sudden gale has changed it into a passion of the shore. Again, and again, I was dragged foam and purple, it is grander and more glorious, back by the resistless force of the surf, and if less lovely than before." almost drowned by the boiling spray; but the "And behold the consequence !" cried Zillah, thought that Zillah was looking on, that Zillah clasping her hands in dread, but still clinging to was there to welcome me, nerved me for every her argument. fresh attempt-and at length I conquered-one As she spoke, I saw a tall ship unmanageably long, sweeping wave bore me onward on its flying before the wind, her torn sails streamed crest, and then dashed me with my prize upon wildly in the blast; and then, soon after she the beach. Stunned by the shock, I could yet became visible above the waves, she struck upon feel dragged backward by the returning stream the sands. The wind, blowing right on shore as I lost all power to resist it. But Hugo, though brought to our ears the hoarse commands of the he could not swim, rushed into the water, and stout captain, the shrieks of women, the confused seized me; I was saved, and my prize, in whose and struggling sounds of hardy men struggling hair my grasp had fastened with drowning tenafor their lives. Two boats were hastily lowered, city, was also rescued from destruction. filled with living beings, and almost instantly By this time numbers of people had arrived overwhelmed. Still the waves ran higher, and from the village; they did what they could to be seemed more ravenous for their prey as the of service to the crew of the lost ship; but their good ship stood at bay, and bravely, for awhile, care was vain. For hours and days corpse after resisted every wave. At length there was a corpse continued to be washed upon the coast, momentary lull, and then a wilder gush of wind but mine was the only stranger saved alive. and waters. The sea foamed high over the tall Meanwhile, I had lain with my unconscious spars, and as it swept along left not a trace be- head on Zillah's knee, while she chafed my hind it. temples with her delicate hands; the first conWhen the ship first burst on our view so sud-sciousness of returning life I felt was that of her denly, I stood riveted by surprise, and still more by the pressure of Zillah's hand upon my arm. But I soon flung off my cloak, and rushed to a small boat that lay sheltered in a creek of calm water within the promontory. Hugo then came up and eagerly assisted me, but I would not permit him to venture with me into such a surf; brave as a lion in all other circumstances, he had always a horror of the sea, and had never learned to swim; it was my favorite recreation, and the waves had been my choice playmates almost Although much bruised, the poor fellow I had from infancy. By the time we had got the boat dragged ashore was little injured, and after a ready, pieces of the ship and more than one life- night's rest was able to render an account of himless and mangled form had been dashed in upon self. He was an orphan, he believed; born, as the shore adjoining to where the little boat still well as he knew, in Ireland; of his parents he lay, scarcely rocked by the eddy of the waters knew almost nothing, but he maintained that his that raged so fiercely a few yards off. As I was father had been some Irish king. He himself about to leap from the shore, Zillah, for a mo- had been lost or stolen when an infant, and ment, held me back, but quickly recovering brought up by pirates, whose vessel some years herself, exclaimed, after had been captured by a royal frigate. The

soft warm tears upon my cheek. I would not waken from that happy trance, until I saw poor Hugo's face bent over mine in agonized suspense, and then I started up, and in a few minutes was myself again. But Zillah and Phoebe (who was there too) were hastened away by fears of alarming the castle, for it was now late; as Zillah turned away, her parting glance stirred my heart with the almost only proud pleasure it was destined to receive.

"Then go! you would never forgive me if I pirates had been all hanged or transported to the stayed you. May He-" the rest of her voice settlements, and Bryan, as my protégé called was drowned by the wind that now roared wild- himself, had been adopted by the captain of the ly; the waves foamed high and redly in the sun's ship that took the pirates. He had followed his last rays, and a ghastly and bruised body came new friend ashore, been educated as one of his rolling into the calm water as if to rest-"I may family, and, with the exception of an Irish accent soon lie like that!" was a thought that rushed and style of expression, he might at this time through my mind, and through Zillah's too, I have passed for a most intelligent English schoolthought, for as I pressed her to my heart, I could boy. His friend, the captain, dying, he was cast

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upon the world, and had entered the ill-fated ship | return, Hugo begged hard to have his little playas a passenger, to work his way from Hull to the fellow to take with him. I have already noticed new settlements in America. For the first day the delight he took in the company of this child, they had had fine weather; the next, while run- who returned all his affection in his own silent ing along the coast, under a press of sail, they little way, and now eagerly extended his arms had been overtaken by the sudden storm, capsized, to be taken up. My mother reluctantly assented driven ashore, and Bryan remained the only sur-to Hugo's wish, and he bore off his prize in trivivor out of a crew of twenty sailors, besides umph, entertaining him with snatches of old many passengers. songs, to which his charge kept time with his hands, and uttered every now and then shrill musical cries of pleasure.

For the first few days after his deliverance, the poor boy seemed appalled and saddened by the scenes he had witnessed, but his buoyant spirit So we went buoyantly along. For the soon rose above all care, and when he found him- twentieth time I was determined to have an self installed as my page, his delight knew no explanation with Zillah, which, when I rebounds, and he swore by some comical oath that called all the scenes of our sweet childhood, I "the storm was one of the best friends he had." could not doubt would prove all that I desired. From that time forward he was the most faithful I was on the point of leaving her and home; follower that ever served for gratitude. What- but youthful hope and aspiration made the prosever were my pursuits, he adapted himself to pect of a new career delightful, and bore me forthem with wonderful versatility, and on the ward to the hope of a happy meeting soon. Even mountain, by the stream, in the hall, or by the if I had been inclined to despondency, however, the covert, he was ever at my side, with a watchful-merry laughter of the child, and Hugo's exuberant ness that nothing could escape, and an activity spirit would have forced me to be cheerful. that no exertion could fatigue. There was no happier brotherhood in merry England on that fine morning.

And meanwhile where was Zillah? The day after the shipwreck she had left the Castle to As we passed the stepping-stones, Hugo visit Colonel Hutchinson's family in Notting- walked some paces on the dry sands to collect hamshire, and I soon afterward went to London shells for his little playfellow, and I believe he on business of my father's. For some reason, he would have stayed there, but for my eagerness never went thither himself. When I returned to reach the castle. At length I persuaded him home, Zillah was also returned to the castle, but to leave the shore, and we reached our destination her absence had wrought in her a further change. without any incident. She had become more thoughtful than ever, and whether it was some maidenly fancy of having shown too deep an interest in my escape, or that some other subject occupied her thoughts, I know not. She had been always unlike other girls of her age-was that provoking, yet interesting originality to increase with her years!


Methought the billows spoke and told me of it;
The winds did sing it to me.

We found Zillah and Phoebe in the library, alone; but for the Puritan, who was occupied in a corner with a book. We were welcomed eagerly by Phoebe, and kindly, but calmly, by her sister. They had seen us from the window crossing over the sands, and Phoebe took her young lover to task for having lingered by the way. Hugo pleaded the child's pleasure as his excuse, and as its soft little fingers were now twined in her long ringlets, and its little rosy lips were eloquent with its own inarticulate language, its plea as well as Hugo's was allowed.

"And now," said the latter, "I must not stay. I have promised my mother to restore her treasure within an hour, and she is coming down to the sands to meet us; so good bye!"

ONE memorable day-the last of my bright, I scarcely observed his departure. I was abjoyous, thoughtless youth-I went with Hugo to sorbed in watching Zillah, who sat at her emthe castle to take my leave, previous to an broidery frame more pale than ever, and, if posabsence of some months; the next morning Isible, more silent. I have but a confused idea of was to return to the University. A bright and what passed; I moved about the room irresobeautiful day it was. Autumnal tints were lutely. I approached her several times, and as already scattered among the woods on the often retreated. I asked Phoebe some question, promontory. The river sparkled brightly among and, without waiting for her answer, proposed the the green meadows, and the sands, left naked by same question to her sister. She replied without the tide, shone like embossed gold. Owing to raising her eyes from her work, and I almost felt the steepness of the valley that divides our a sensation of anger and impatience toward her. grounds from those of the castle, the easiest way I was resolved to take advantage of the tempoto the latter lay along the sands, over which a rary strength of mind that feeling gave, and I dry passage was afforded by a long line of massive approached to take my leave. Her hand trembled stepping-stones, through which the river flowed. I believe, for part of the embroidery frame, at This passage was only interrupted at high tide, which she was working, fell to the ground; in but that tide came in so suddenly (as at the endeavoring to pick it up, our hands met; it was neighboring "Wash" of Lincoln) that no human the first time for months. That soft, warm touch step could evade it if once overtaken. There in a moment dissolved the spell that bound me. was, however, but little use made of the passage, I grasped her hand passionately, and, in a tone and its danger was only traditionary; the last accident having happened a long while ago.

Thither we now bent our steps. My mother and her little child had accompanied us as far as her strength permitted, and when she left us to

that sounded strange to my own ears, exclaimed:

66 Zillah, for once and forever tell me The fall of a ponderous volume, and a step close behind her, made the trembling girl start from her chair and look round. The Puritan chaplain

ble, and the most distinguishing features of his face. I can only describe them as being lurid, a strange mixture of gloom and fire that defied every attempt to detect their color.

turned at the same moment, as if to apologize for his inadvertence; but, as he stooped to pick up his accursed book, I thought I read an expression of stern but momentary reproof in his dark and fiery eyes. Zillah, however, took no notice, All these observations I made afterward; for or seemed to take none, of him, or of the circum- the moment, I only darted on my disturber an stance that had caused his interruption. She rose indignant glance, which produced no more effect from her chair, asked me some commonplace than lightning upon ice. Some words, very difquestion about the time of my departure, wished ferent from a benediction, had almost escaped me, me kindly farewell, and glided from the room. but they were checked, half uttered, by the I was left alone with the Puritan, who ap-meekness of the man, and by my consciousness peared so absorbed in the examination of the of his inability to resent them. I turned on my book-shelf, that not a symptom of any other heel, and moved toward Phoebe, who had thought was visible on his pale, impassive coun- retired to another window from that at which tenance. I had never seen one of his class so Hugo left her. near before, and I now gazed upon him with a There," she exclaimed, with pouting lips, mixture of curiosity, jealousy, and indignation. "there is that ungentle brother, so hasty to be He had been one of those churchmen who gone from here; and he no sooner reached the preached against the Church, at least, against sands than he sat down to play with that little what Archbishop Laud conceived to be the true darling child that he loves a thousand times better church doctrines. He had been expelled from than he does me-after all!" his living on this account, and forbidden to preach in England under heavy penalties. Sir Janus, therefore, had offered him an asylum, moved to that act of generosity, not only by observing that popular feeling was much excited in the schismatic's favor, but in consonance with his own new reforming arrangements. His high-church chaplain required some equipoise, and Hezekiah Doom was installed in the office of French preceptor to the young ladies of Castle Bifrons. For this office, a long residence at Geneva had qualified the divine, and the rarity of his accomplishment accounted for the conduct of Sir Janus in the eyes of most royalists.

Not so, however, in the eyes of Mistress Phoebe she hated or adored every living creature that came within the ken of her ardent spirit, with a sincerity very trying to her parent. Phœbe held the King in enthusiastic reverence, and proportionably detested the Puritans, and every man, or measure, that was opposed to the royal will. The Rev. Mr. Doom was her especial object of dislike; not only because he was in her eyes a downright rebel, and little better than a heretic, but because he was a sort of rival to her dear old chaplain, who had christened and catechized, comforted, and counseled her in all the little sorrows and difficulties that her young life had ever known. Hugo, of course, had been inoculated with Phoebe's distaste for the Puritan teacher and had pictured him, in his imagination, as a mixture of Calvinist, Jesuit, and devil.

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Nay," said I, "my sweet Phoebe, you know how prone he is to self-sacrifice, and it was only to keep his word with my poor mother that he tore himself away; he was to await her at the shore. Would that I had only such cause of complaint against-" I was interrupted by a fearful cry from the Puritan.

"God of

my fathers-the tide !" he exclaimed, as he sprang out of the window upon the lawn, and darted away toward the fatal passage with lightning speed.

What was his speed to mine, when I beheld the fearful sight that had so moved him! The tide was pouring in breast high, and had already filled both channels on either side of the bank where Hugo had been lying in fatal security; the sea was perfectly, awfully calm-only a slight foam crested the oncoming and gigantic wave that had not time to fall, so swiftly was it rushing. For a moment I saw my loved brother start to his feet; he held the child high in air with one hand, and with the other he seemed instinctively to try to stem the tide. Fearful picture of weakness against omnipotence ! it lasted but one second: then, the high wave rolled on, and left behind it a calm, deep silvery channel, beneath whose unbroken surface my brothers lay whelmed. A spasm of pain for an instant pros trated my strength, but its revulsion swelled my heart with the strength and daring of a thousand men. Bounding away over turf and fence and crags, I felt as if borne through the air; it was but a quarter of a mile to what was now the sea, and in less time than it takes to tell it, I had plunged beneath the surface. My strength and powers seemed multiplied supernaturally, I shot through the waters by mere volition, and my eyes detected every object on the sands. But once I raised my head, to measure the distance from the shore, and then again diving, I beheld a sight that will never, never leave my memory.

The little that I had heard of the divine was, accordingly, not much to his advantage, but I was forced to confess that his appearance impressed me favorably, even at the moment of my angry disappointment. If his frame wanted elasticity, it was nobly formed, and the energy that ought to have animated it seemed not dead, but dormant: the stoop so habitual to students diminished his apparent hight, yet he bore himself bravely, as one who had resisted and dared Hugo's body lay stretched among some rocks, much, and would have done so even at the half mantled with sea-weed, from which his arms martyr's stake. His dress was of the sternest emerged, stretched toward the child that seemed simplicity, and suited well with the ascetic char- just torn from his grasp: its poor little body lay, acter of his countenance: the blackness of his as if softly sleeping, upon the smooth yellow long, lank hair made that of his coat look faded, sands, its little hands extended toward the bright and gave strong effect to the marble whiteness of world above, from which it had been snatched his high forehead. His other features were well so suddenly. For a moment I hovered in susformed and attractive, notwithstanding their pense over those two forms, and then in pity to severity; but his eyes were peculiarly remarka-poor Hugo, judging for him by myself, I first

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