I gladly ftay. Send me where thou wilt. I will endeavour to fubmit. Only go with me, and thy pleasure Lately published by the fame Author; and fold by T. CONDER, Bucklerbury, London; THOMSON, Manchefter; BAYLEY, Macclesfield; and all other Bookfellers: I. SACRED LITERATURE: fhewing the Holy Scriptures to be fuperior to the most celebrated Writings of Antiquity by the Teftimony of above five hundred Witneffes; and alfo by a Comparison of their feveral Kinds of Composition ; with Epiftles and Extracts from fome of the most early of the Chriftian Fathers. In 4 vols. 8vo. Price One Guinea in Boards. II. DISCOURSES OF SEVERAL SUBJECTS. 8vo. Price, Stitched, Five Shillings. III. MISCELLANEOUS TRACTS on THEOLOGICAL SUBJECTS. 8vo. Price:, Stitched, Six Shillings. IV. An ESSAY on the AUTHENTICITY of the NEW TESTAMENT; being an Answer to EVANSON's Diffonance, and VoLNEY'S Ruins. 8vo. Price, Stitched, Half a Crown. V. A KEY to the PROPHECIES: or, a concife View of the Predictions contained in the Old and New Teftaments, which have been fulfilled, are now fulfilling, or are yet to be fulfilled in the latter Ages of the World. 8vo. Price, Stitched, Six Shillings. Boards, Six Shillings and Six-pence. VI. An APOLOGY for the DOCTRINE of the TRINITY; being a Chronological View of what is recorded concerning the perfon of Chrift, the Holy Spirit, and the Bleffed Trinity, whether in the Sacred Writings, or in Jewish, Heathen, and Christian Authors. 8vo. Printed on Wove Paper, and Hot Preffed. Price, in Boards, Eight Shillings. INDEX. A. ADDISON, Joseph, Esq. quotations from, account from, of an infidel in France, prefers the Psalms to Pindar and Horace, Adolphus, Gustavus, spent much time in prayer, Africa, inhabitants of, Aikins's favourable account of the Methodists, Alfred, King, great diligence and devotion of, America, example of, on religious liberty, inhabitants of, Anatomy, sketch of, Animals, amphibious, species of, Anonymous, author, quotations from, 7 gentleman, affecting death of, 24, 26 deist, conversion of, 39 gentleman, wickedness, conversion, and death of 40, 41 Antitheus, unhappy death of, 27, 28 Antiphanes, an ancient author, on a future state, 182 Apostacy, antichristian, 137 Archdeacons, number of, 77 Arguments, four main, for the truth of scripture, Atheist, shocking death of an, Augustine, for a devout spirit, noted, royal and noble, since the conquest, Aylmer, Bishop, on the character of women, Page 103 321 74 321 222 299 B. Babylon, prophecies concerning, conclusive, some account of, declaration of, on the gospel, Bankrupts, seldom afterwards pay their credit, Barnes, Joshua, read his small bible 120 times over, 297 on the French clergy, 228 Bath, Earl of, devoted his leisure to prayer and the bible, 248 account of one who burnt, and another who roasted it, 281 a chief means of the present learning and liberty, 107, 203 shocking profanation of, 227 should be read in classical schools for its beauties, alone free from human weaknesses, books of, how classed as compositions, Bingham, on the ancient Christians love to the bible, Birds, species of, 267, 269 295, 297 325 Birming- Birmingham, some account of, Bishops, conduct of, a main cause of infidelity, Page 235, 236. 75 76 79 81 English, frequently hold incompatible preferments, 81, should come among their clergy, Irish, number and income of, and clergy of Europe, a main cause of its misery, should preach boldly and faithfully, 82 335 82, 83 83 83, 84 86 336 Ibid. 335 87 151, 152 88 268 2 242 5 302 66 273 197 299 conduct of, one main cause of the increase, of Sectarists, English, names of, very pompous, Blackstone, Judge, on the constitution of England, Blackmore, Sir Richard, opinion of, on the bible, Boerhave, Dr. eminent for devotion, Boileau, M. a great admirer of the bible, Bolingbroke, Lord, speaks favourably of the gospel, an immoral man, died a deist, Bonnet of Geneva, on the facts of the New Testament, to promote the spirit of religion, recommended, Bounty, Queen Ann's, Boyle, Hon. Robert, entertained an awful sense of God, a great lover of the bible, on the unreasonableness of deists, Brandt, Count, conversion of, from infidelity, 105, 106 291 322 76 184 243 Ibid. 43 236 155, 156 242 253 166 274 10, 11 201 189, 304 146 |