Imágenes de páginas

in the summer of 1818. The spot was visited by the writer of these pages immediately subse

et l'autre en 1595: cette dernière est la veritable, comme nous en allons fournir les preuves à nos lecteurs.

1. Sur une poutre du plafond d'une maison au Cortey de Bagnes, sont encore ces lettres initiales:

M. O. F. F. 1595. L. Q. B. F. I. P. L. G. D. G.

M. Vaudan, ancien Maire de Bagnes, en donne l'explication suivante: Maurice Olliet fait faire 1595, l'an que Bagnes fut inondé par le glacier de Gétroz.

2. Au bourg de Martigny, on lit ces mots dans la maison de M. le peintre Gay:

Submersio Burgi Martigniaci et planitiei 4 Juni 1595, inundatione aquæ Dranciæ provenientis è valle Bagnarum, loco appellato Mauvoisin.

3. Enfin, M. Ignace, ancien magistrat de Martigny, témoin oculaire de cette débacle, a laissé des memoires manucrits, où se trouve cette courte mais précieuse note:

1595, die 25 Maii, maxima inundatio aquarum prorum pentium ex valle Bagnearum ; submersio Burgi Martigniaci; deletio agrorum pagorumque inter paucas horas. Periêre 70 homines noti, de ignotis non fit mentio: cæteris verò juga salutem quærentibus, omni fortunâ ablatâ. Ditissimi pauperrimi facti.

L'année est la même, mais il y a une différence de dix jours entre les deux dates, et l'on doit préférer la dernière, parceque le temoin oculaire est plus exact, et par conséquent plus digne de foi que l'autre individu, qui probablement a fait son inscription de mémoire plusieurs années après l'évènement.-Seconde Course à la Vallée de Bagnes, et Détails sur les Ravages occasionnés par l'Ecoulement du Lac de Mauvoisin.

quent to the melancholy catastrophe, and language would almost fail to depict the scene of desolation that presented itself. Whole villages were swept away, while here and there stood only some wretched memorial that they once had been. Among others the well-known and beautiful hamlet of Martigny was destroyed, with the exception of the church and a few scattered houses. Below, where the valley widens, after the junction of the Rhone and the Dranse, the roads were so completely inundated, that the author and his companion, being on foot at the time, were obliged to undress, and wade for near a quarter of a mile. In other places, more immediately exposed to the action of the current, the roads were rendered impassable, as the author and his friend found by painful experience.

The rapidity of the torrent, as related to the writer by an eye-witness, was incredible. With the intention of giving the alarm at the villages lower down the valley, the moment he heard the rush of the water, he mounted his horse, and, taking a short cut, galloped with all speed; but the flood had fulfilled its awful errand, long ere he reached the first village on his way, hurrying men, women, and children to untimely

graves.* So violent was the reaction of the air, caused by the rapidity of the current, that the largest trees were torn up by the roots, on the sides of the mountains that confined it.

NOTE v. (And gave them the kiss of peace.)

The particulars of the closing scene of Emily's life were furnished almost entirely by the little memoir mentioned in a preceding note. That portion of it connected with her taking leave of her family and friends was somewhat different; but the writer was unwilling to interrupt the narrative by a longer detail of circumstances, which, however interesting in themselves, might perhaps have been too minute for the generality of readers.

Those, who have visited foreign countries, will recognize the custom here alluded to, as practised by both sexes, and common to all ranks. The author once received a salutation of this kind, which he will long remember. It was

* The water burst its barriers at half-past 4 in the evening, and reached Bagnes, eighteen miles distant, in the inconceivably short space of 40 minutes. As the valley widened, its impetuosity was of course proportionally diminished.

from an aged pastor of the Waldenses, one in whom humility, that first of the christian graces, was eminently conspicuous. The big tear stood in his eye, while he kissed me, and gave me his parting blessing.


But alas! the kiss is not always a token of peace: Judas, betrayest thou the Son of Man with a kiss?"

NOTE -(Entered on his repose.)

It does not appear precisely at what period Emily's father died but it is immaterial to the story. All that the writer knows on the subject is contained in the following words: Il l'avoit précédée dans le séjour des consolations éternelles' -(he had gone before her into the abode of everlasting consolations.)


Printed by T. C. HANSARD, Peterborough-court, Fleet-street, London.

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