Imágenes de páginas

medicine, with their principal commentaries, enriched with many valuable notes of the prefent Editor.

4. J. B. C. a SCHOENBECK, M. D. Tentamen de Calore Animali, accedunt J. G. LEIDENFROST, M. D. & in Acad. Reg. Duisburg. P. P. O. Super Pythagorico Mentem effe Numerum Confiderationes Medica. Duifburg, 4to. 1783.

This is one of thofe academical exercises which ftudents in German Universities generally fubmit to public examination, when they afpire to the higher degrees in their faculty. Nothing new is ever expected in them, unless one of their profeffors avails himself of the opportunity to communicate fome recent discovery, or to propofe fome new doctrine. The Writer of the prefent differtation displays abun dance of medical erudition, but among his multitude of quotations, we are furprized not to find the names of the English writers who have of late fo much illuftrated his subject, such as Crawford, Leflie, &a Prof. L's tract goes to prove, that numbers are in fact the ele ments of all our ideas. We do not mean, always, to regifter fuch tracts as thefe, the prefent we mention only because a copy of it hath been fent us.

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MATHEMATICS, Aftronomy, Optics. 5. Effai de Trigonométrie Sphérique.-An Eflay on Spherical Trigonometry, by JOHN TREMBLEY. Neufchatel, 8vo. pp. 270. 1784.

The whole doctrine of Spherics is here deduced from two fimple propofitions, contained in La Caille and de La Lande. After having gone over all the properties of fpherical triangles, copious applications are made to astronomy-And indeed the whole fcience of aftronomy, we are informed, may be deduced from the Author's formulas. Art. 6. Obfervations Aftronomiques.-Aftronomical Obfervations made at Touloufe, by M. DARQUIER, Member of the Academy of Infcript. of Touloufe, &c. Paris, 4to. 2 Vols. 1783.

We have here a series of the ufual aftronomical obfervations, from 1748 to 1781; fome ufelul inftructions on the management of the pendulum; and obfervations on the motion and magnitude of the Georgium Sidus.

7. Supplement à l'Optique de Smith. Supplement to Smith's Optics, containing a General Theory of the Inftruments of Dioptrics. 4to. pp. 189, with Plates. Breft. 1783.

Euler's principles of Dioptrics, and the practical application of them, make up the contents of this book.


8. Christallographie. Cryftallography, or Defcription of the Forms proper to all Bodies of the Mineral Kingdom, in their States of faline, tony, and metallic Combinations. By M. DE ROME DE L'ISLE. 8vo. 3 Vols. Paris. 1783.

Although this be in fact only a fecond edition of a well known work published by the fame Author in 1772, in 1 Vol. 8vo. the additions however are fo very numerous, that this may more properly be confidered as an entire new publication. Eight plates, and a number of fynoptical tables of all known cryftallizations, form a 4th or fup

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plemental volume. Sets of models of the crystals are likewise prepared under the direction of the Author.

9. Voyage Mineralogique, i. e. Mineralogical Journey from Bruffels to Lausanne, through a part of Luxemburg, Lorraine, Champagne, and Franche Comté, in the year 1782. By Count GREGOR Y R****. Laufanne, 8vo. pp. 118. 1783.

We hear that this tract is well worth the perusal of all who take pleasure in mineralogical enquiries.


10. Of the excellent Hiftory of Germany, of MICH. ING. SCHMIDT, the Fifth Volume of the Octavo Edition of Ulm is just published. This brings the Hiftory down to the year 1544. An ample abftract of the First Volume is preparing for our next Appendix. Books like this apparent rari nantes in gurgite vafto. 11. L'Art de vérifier les Dates. The Art of ascertaining the Dates of Historical Facts, Charters, &c. from the Nativity of our Lord, containing all the different Eras, and Succeffions of Sovereigns, &c. Vol. I. Fol. pp. 617. Paris.

This is the firft parcel (livraison) of a third edition of this well known and very valuable work.


12. Geographie Comparée. Comparative Geography; or Analyfis of the Ancient and Modern Geography of all Countries and of all Ages. By M. MENTELLE, Hiftoriographer to the Duke d'Artois. 8vo. pp. 528. with Maps. Paris, 1783.

This is a progreffive work. The prefent volume treats of Modern Spain; and we are affured that the Author has received so much affillance from the learned of that kingdom, that it is by far the most complete work on the subject.-The fame Author has also newly published four octavos of a compilation, entitled, Chaix de Leatures Geographiques et Hiftoriques, i, e. Select Pieces for geographical and hiftorical Readers, arranged in the order that feemed most effectual for facilitating the ftudy of the geography of Afia, Africa, and America, with maps. Both works are to be continued.

13. Défcription Geométrique de la France. Geometrical Defcription of France. By M. CASSINI DE THURY, Director of the Royal Obfervatory of Paris. 4to. pp. 207. with a large Map of France. Paris, 1783.

This is part of the refult of an undertaking firft fet on foot by Colbert. It contains the meafurement of near 8co great triangles in France, and will be followed by another volume, which will comprise many other materials tending to complete the great enterprife of a general and accurate map of France.

14. Etat prefent de la Ruffie. The prefent State of Ruffia. 8vo. pp. 206. Petersb. & Leipzig. 1783.

The fame work is also published in German, and both are faid to be tranflations out of the Dutch, written in 1778. by Dr. VAN WON ZEL, who has been fix years phyfician to the corps of Cadets in Ruffia. The Author delivers many original obfervations; he speaks with freedom, and not always to the advantage of Ruffia.



15. Voyage Pittorefque de la Grece. i. e. Picturefque Travels into Greece. By the Count de CHOISEUL GOUPFIER. Fol. Paris.

Of this fplendid and valuable work (which appears in Numbers) we have now the firft volume complete. It contains 126 plates, and with the last or 12th number were delivered a title page, and a preface of 66 pages. A further account of this No. is referved for our next appendix. Accounts have been already given by us of the former Numbers.

16. Voyage Pittorefque de Naples et de Sicile.-Picturefque Travels through Naples and Sicily. Fol. Paris.

The fourth volume of this work is now publishing. The choice of objects here reprefented is not altogether fo happy as the purchasers of this expenfive work may with. One would hardly expect, in a publication of this nature, indifferent prints of pictures, ftatues, and other works of art. For an account of the first volume, fee Review, Vol. LXVI. p. 465.

17. Voyage Pittorefque de Sicile, &c.-Picturefque Travels into Sicily, Malta, and Lipari. By M. HOUEL, Printer to the French King. Fol. Paris.

This work likewife appears in numbers, each containing 6 plates. The ninth and tenth numbers are just published.-The work has its merit, though not equal to that of the Count de Choifeul. See Review Vol. LXVIII. p. 167 505.

18. Voyage Pittorefque de la France. Picturefque Travels through France. Fol. Paris.

A few numbers of this work have been published, but we hear fo little of its fuccefs, that we are not fure whether the enterprise hath not been laid afide. Our readers shall be regularly apprifed of the progrefs of the three above-mentioned publications, as also of the prefent, in case it goes on.

19. Reifen eines Franzofen durch Deutschland. Travels of a Frenchman through Germany.

The anonymous Author, we are affured, is not a Frenchman, but a German of fome diftinction. It is fo ftrongly recommended to us that we wish to be better acquainted with it; as indeed with many other German publications, which become daily more and more interesting, not only as objects of fcience, but also of polite literature. ORIENTAL LITERATURE.

20. JOH. DAV. MICHAELIS Orientalif.he und Exegetische Bibliotbec.-Oriental and Exegetical Library. By Prof. Michaelis, &c. of Gottingen. 8vo. Francf. & Leipzig.

This is a periodical work; but by no means of a common ftampNo publication that belongs to his plan, nor any new lights that illuftrate oriental literature, efcape the notice of the very eminent Editor. He is free, perhaps fometimes too fanguine in his cenfures. The last number published is the 22d.

21. Mufeum Cuficum Borgianum, Vellitris. Illuftravit J. G. C. ADLER. Altonanus. 4to. pp. 172. Tab. XII. Romæ. 1782. 22. Reifebemerkungen, i. e. Obfervations on a Journey to Rome. By J. G. C. ADLER. 8vo. Altona. 1783.

23. Brevis

23. Brevis Linguæ Syriaca inflitutio. Autore J. G. C. ADLER, Altona. 1784.

These are fome of the firft but valuable effays of a man who, at an early period, promifes to be one of the first cultivators of Oriental li terature. The Mufeum Cuficum contains a curious collection of the coins of the Caliphs. The Journey to Rome relates chiefly to biblical and Oriental MSS. And the Author, having lately been appointed Profeffor at Copenhagen, publishes now the above Syriac grammar for the ufe of his Pupils. 24. DIDYMI Taurinenfis, Litteratura Coptica Rudimentum. 8vo. pp. 119. Parma. 1783.

England has of late contributed fo much toward promoting the knowledge of the Coptic language, that we could not delay announcing the exiftence of this tract, although we have as yet no precife character of it.


25. Les Navires des Anciens-The Ships of the Ancients conidered with refpect to their Sails, and the Ufe that might be made of them in our Marine. By M. LE ROY, of the Royal Academy of Inferiptions and Belles Lettres, &c. 8vo. pp. 240, with Plates. Paris. 1783.

This book is intended as a fequel to The Marine of Ancient Nations, by the fame Author, whose well known erudition may attract the attention, not only of our fcientific fhipbuilders, but also of our emiment scholars and antiquaries.

26. Idilli di Mofco, &c. Idyls. of Mofchus, Bion, and Theocritus. Tranflated into Latin Verle by Count B. ZAMAGNA; and into Italian by the Abbate L. M. BUCHETI. 8vo. Milan. 1784.

We mention thefe verfions chiefly on account of the copious anno tations which the Italian tranflator is faid, by our Correfpondents, to have added to them.

27. ANTONIOT, &c. ANTONII VILLE Chryfopetropolitani. Dialogus de Græcorum Scriptorum Lectione. 8vo. pp. 63. Ferrariæ. 1783.

We tranfcribe one paffage out of this book, which probably will characterife it to our orthodox fcholars. Speaking of the Greek Fathers of the church, the Author fays, Digni enim funt quos hoc loco recordemur, utpote qui illi pro virili parte effecerint, ut integrum Græcum Splendorem retinerent, ac prorfus a barbarica effint labe alieni. This effay is written in Greek and Latin; and, in point of style, is faid to be worthy the age of Politian.

BELLES LETTRES, Poetry. 28. Annales Pectiques. Poetical Annals, from the Origin of French Poetry. Vol. XXVI. 12mo. pp. 264. Paris. 1784. The lovers of the French Belles Lettres will find much entertainment in this well conducted compilation; which is ftill in a progreffive ftate. The greatest part of this volume conûlts of anecdotes, and fugitive pieces of Chapelle.

29. Le Revoluzioni del Teatro Muficale Italiano-Revolutions of the Mufical Theatre of Italy, from its Origin to the prefent Time.


By STEPH. ARTEAGA of Madrid. Vol. I. 8vo. pp. 411. Bo logna. 1783.

The fubject of this book must be interefting to many, and we hear it mentioned in terms of high commendation. The Author is a Spanith Ex-jefuit..

30. Scherzi di LABINDO.-Poetical Sports of Labindo-with

the Motto Lufimus. 8vo. pp. 142. Bern (a falfe date). 1784. This fame Labindo is the Count FANTONI DE FIVIZZANO.-We have read fome of his Odes, &c. in which we have, with pleasure, obferved much of the ease and elegance of Sapho and Anacreon. We cannot refift the temptation of inferting one here, not for the novelty of the subject, which is a very ftale one, but as an inftance of the fimplicity of the Author's ftyle:

Senza face, e fenz' Arco
Piangeva un giorno Amore
Colto dai Numi al varco.

Al fuo diletto figlio
La bella Madre in vano
Tergea pietofa il Ciglio.
Fremendo fdegnofetto
Si lacerava il crine
Si percuoteva il petto.

Quand' ecco in un momento
Gli balenò ful' volto
Un raggio di contento.
Vide la vaga Iole,
Nelle di cui pupille
Par fi vagheggi il fole:
E' in que vezzofi lumi
Trovò la face e l'arco
Che gli rapiro i Numi.

31. Carolo Primo. Charles the First King of England: a Tragedy. 8vo. Bologna. 1783.

This tragedy is the work of Sig. MORESCHI, already known by fome poetical and rhetorical compofitions. What ftruck us moft is, that fo calamitous a fubject should have been chofen for an entertainment at the nuptials of a friend, at which this play was actually performed.



FAUSTIN oder das Philofophifche Jahrhundert.-Fauftin; or,
The Philofophical Age. 8vo. 1783.

A valuable Correfpondent has recommended this book to us as an excellent novel, fomewhat in the manner of Candide.--Our Readers fhall hear more of it.

33. TELEPHE, en Douze Livres.-Telephus :-in Twelve Books. 8vo. pp. 264. Paris. 1784.

A philofophical novel, fomewhat in the manner of Telemachus. Telephus, the fon of Hercules, having taken an oath to rescue Caridea, a young lady who had been taken prifoner by the Celts, his adventures, in confequence of that engagement, are the fubject of this narrative. The ftory appears to be ill conducted-but the fentiments and ftyle are allowed to have fufficient merit to diftinguish this book from the multitude of fimilar publications.

AERIAL NAVIGATION. 34. Mémoire fur la Maniere, &c.-Memoir on the fafeft, leaft expenfive, and moft effectual Method of directing, at pleasure, the Aeroftatic Globe. By M. ROBERT, Geographer to the King of France. Dijon. 1784.

This memoir was communicated to the Academy of Lyons, and is published by their authority, though not as yet with any fanction of


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