Imágenes de páginas

The ingenious Author pleads with eloquence the general cause of humanity, and applies his argument to the particular object of the excellent inftitution before him. While this charity addreffes itfelf thus forcibly to your feelings, think not that it means to avoid the fevereft fcrutiny of impartial reason. We entreat you to examine, with the most rigid juftice, the pretenfions and the conduct of this inftitution; and if on the cooleft reflection, your judgment be forced to confefs that it deferves your encouragement-if its title to your protection be indifputable, let your bounty on this occafion be proportioned to its merits. In the course of the last year four hundred and eighty-nine women were admitted into this fanctuary of mercy; and fince it was firft opened [1750] more than thirteen thousand have been received within its walls. Thus have your labours hitherto profpered under the direction of unwearied Benevolence, and the care of a fuperintending Providence. May the fame caufes ftill continue to fupport this hofpital; and may its benefits be extended to generations yet unborn!'




EVER attentive to any fuggeftion that bids fair to render our publication ftill more worthy of the fingular patronage with which it has fo long been honoured, we have liftened to a propofal, which, without altering our plan, will enable us, not only to enlarge our accounts, and difcharge our arrear, of DOMESTIC PUBLICATIONS, but also to pay ftill more attention to FOREIGN LITERATURE, than we have hitherto been able to afford.

With this view, we propose to give, instead of our occafional monthly article of Foreign Literature, a Catalogue only of the most recent and valuable foreign publications, with fuch concise characters of them, as the early intelligence we wish to convey, will allow us to collect from the beft authorities; having already, for this purpose, enlarged our Correfpondence; and meaning, if the plan fhould meet with encouragement, ftill farther to increase it. Of this Catalogue we here fubjoin a specimen: but we must apprize our Readers, that as it will be impoffible for us to procure all the books fo early as we fhall announce them, we are not to be deemed wholly answerable for the characters we fhall give them. The greatest circumfpection may fometimes be eluded; but we shall certainly ufe every poffible caution.

Our own accounts of fuch foreign publications as may require particular notice will, according to this plan, be referved for the Appendixes; and should the number and importance of them be found too great for our present limits, we fhall occafionally increase those regular Supplements fomewhat in bulk, and of course in price; under which idea our next Appendix will, probably, be rated at Eighteen-pence.

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We have the rather attended to this propofal, from a friendly Correfpondent, being conscious how much we are in arrear in refpect to foreign articles, especially in the PHILOSOPHICAL branch, in which there have, lately, appeared very important works by Bergman, Fontana, Bonnet, Sauffure, Sennebier, &c. and recollecting alfo that we owe a continuation of our announce of the French Defcription des Arts et Metiers; and fome account of the new edition of the French Encyclopedie. The German Literature, we are aware, claims likewife a more particular attention than hath hitherto been bestowed upon it: and the Memoirs and Tranfactions of the principal FOREIGN ACADEMIES will continue to engage our peculiar attention; in which, with so much pleasure, we mark, from time to time, the progrefs of the Arts, and the improvements in Science, in almost every part of Europe.



DIVINITY, Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, and Biblical Criticism.

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Art. 1. Predigten, &c. i. e. Sermons for the Country People. And Sermons on the works of Nature and on Agriculture. By H. G. ZERRENER. 8vo. Magdeburgh. 1783.

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E announce thefe two fets of fermons on account of the good character we have received of them, and as a hint to our country clergy, who might derive arguments of edification and inftruction from the objects that daily prefent themfelves to, and conftantly occupy their hearers, all leading, by very natural fteps, to the contemplation and admiration of the great Creator.

2. Inflitutiones Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica N. T. Periodus 1. à Chriflo Nato ufque ad Conftantinum M. Auctore MATTH. DANNENMAYER. 8vo. 12 Sheets. Freyburg. 1784.


The fame Author published, in 1779, Introductio in Hift. Eccles, Chriftianor. Both works are well spoken of.

3. Pentateuchi Hebræo-Samaritani præftantia, in illuftrando et emendando textu Maforethico oftenfa, &c. Auctore P. ALEXIO A S. AQUILINO. L. L. Orient. P. P. O. Svo. p. 495. Heidelberg,


This book is faid to contain much more than its title promifes. 4. Vom Geift der Hebræischen Poefie. i. e. Of the Spirit of the Hebrew Poetry. By J. G. HERDER. 2 Vols. 8vo. Deffau, 1783. Much recommended to the lovers of Hebrew literature, as contain. ing a large stock of curious information, not only concerning the language, but alfo the hiftory, the ecclefiaftical and civil conftitutions, and the customs of the Jewish nation.

5. Index et Argumentum Epiftolarum ad D. Erafmum Roterdamum Autographarum, quæ . . una cum nonnullis aliis ex ejufdem Bibliotheca Autographis adfervantur Lipfia in bibliotheca D. Jo. FRED. BURSCHERI, Prof. Primar. &c. 8vo. 5 Sheets. Lipz. 1784. The Editor obtained all the original papers of which this is a ca


talogue, from a munificent donor in London. The letters are chiefly of the period in which the fame of Erafmus was at its highest pitch, namely, from 1520 to 1536; at a time too when diftant intelligence was only conveyed by epiftolary correfpondence. We are affured that this publication throws much light on the hiftory of that important interval, and on the character of that truly illuftrious man. LAW.

6. Repertoire univerfel et raifonné de Jurifprudence. i. e. Univerfal and fcientific Repertory of Civil, Criminal, Canon, and Beneficiary Jurifprudence; compofed by feveral Lawyers, and digefted and published by M. GUYOT. 64 Vols. 8vo. Paris. The two last Volumes published in 1784.

This work, which has been many years in the prefs, is now completed, and is fold at Paris for 300 livres. It relates chiefly to French jurifprudence; all that we therefore think required of us is, to apprize our juridical Readers that fuch a work exists. It is digefted in alphabetical order.

PHYSIC, Anatomy.

7. Hiftoria Catarrhi Epidemici, Ann. MDCCLXXXII. Auctore LOR. CRELL, &c. Svo. pp. 164. Helmft. 1782.

An ample collection of facts and obfervations relating to the influenza of the year 1782. It is afcribed to the accumulation of phlogifton in the atmosphere.

8. Traité des Vapeurs. i. e. A Treatife on Vapourous Disorders. By M. DUCASSE, Phyfician at Sens. 12mo. pp. 127. Sens. 1784. The object of the Author feems to be to recommend an antifpafmodic noftrum, which he vends himself, but of which, in the true fpirit of empiricism, he conceals the receipt. Those who have read Dr. Pommes great work on the fubject, will not probably be at the trouble of perufing the prefent.

9. Lettere eftemporanée fopra alcune Curiofita Fifiologiche. i. e. Extemporaneous Letters on fome Phifiological Curiofities. 8vo. 1783. The Author, who has not prefixed his name, is Prof. Rosa of Modena.

10. Offervazioni e Sperienze ful Sangue fluido e rapprefo. i. e. Obfervations and Experiments on the fluid and congealed Blood; on the Action of the Arteries and of their Fluids, which, when moderately warmed, boil in an Air-pump. By Prof. MOSCATI, 8vo. pp. 132. Milan. 1783.

11. A Letter on the fame Subject without a Title, by LANDRIANI, alfo printed at Milan. 8vo. pp. 4.

These three tracts relate to a revived controverfy on the nature of the arterial and venous blood, which Rofa afferts to be different, fuppofing the former to contain an elastic animal vapour, which manifefts itfelf when placed in vacuo. Few of our Readers will probably wish to hear more of this nice difquifition than what is here announced. 12. J. G. WALTERI Tabula Nervorum Thoracis et Abdominis. Large Folio. pp. 17. Berlin. 1783. The Royal Academy of Berlin have been at the expence of this fplendid publication; need we fay any thing more in commendation of it?

13. HENR.

13. HENR. AUG. WRISBERGII, Prof. Gotting. Experimenta et Obfervationes Anatomica de Utero gravido, Tubis, Ovariis, et Corpore luteo quorundam Animalium, cum iifdem partibus in homine collatis. 4to. pp. 40. Gotting. 1782.

We can give no farther account of this work, than that its author is a man of character. The fubject no doubt is fufficiently interefting to justify this announce.

SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY, Education. 14. Vues patriotiques fur l'Education du Peuple. i. e. Patriotic Views on the Education of the People of lower Claffes, both in Towns and Country. By M. PHILIPPON DE LA MAGDELAINE. 8vo. Befançon. 1783.

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The multitude of books lately published on education relate chiefly to children of the higher, or at leaft of the middle ranks. The prefent work therefore merits fome attention, as it extends to thofe of the lower and the most useful claffes. It is in other refpects faid to be a valuable performance, as it throws new lights on the theory of education, confidered in this point of viewv.

15. Anweifung für Schulmeifter, &c. i.e. Inftructions for the Mafters of lower Schools. By J. C. F. RIST, Minister at Niendorf. 8vo. pp. 492. Hamburg.

Germany fwarms with books on education. The prefent is much approved, and is faid to contain very useful practical rules for the management of young people, both as to their mental improvement, and their health and morals.


16. Magnitudinum exponentialium Logarithmor. et Trigonometria fublimis Theoria, nova Methodo pertractata. Auct. PETR. FERRONIO, Pifano et Florentino Lyceis Math. Prof. 4to. pp. 611.

Florent. 1782.

This work comprizes all that has been done in the higher branches of mathematics, fince the days of Vieta.

17. Della poffibilita della real Solutione analitica del Cafo irredu cibile. i. e. Of the Poffibility of the real analytical Solution of the irreducible Cafe. By GIAMBAT. NICOLAI, Professor of Algebra at Padua. 8vo. pp 166. Padua. 1783.

This work meets with approbation.

NATURAL HISTORY, Chemistry, Agriculture, &c. 18. La Nature confiderée dans plufieurs de fes Opérations. i. e. Nature confidered in feveral of its Operations; or Memoirs on several Parts of Natural Hiftory, together with a Mineralogy of the Duchy of Orleans. By M DEFAY. 8vo. pp 224. Paris. 1783. A work which although it feems to be chiefly calculated for the inhabitants of the Orleanois, may yet be of general use, as it is faid to contain many important obfervations on the operations of nature; among which the effects of vegetation on the atmospherical air appears to us of fome confequence.

19. M. TH. BRUNNICHII Literatura Danica Scientiarum Naturalium, qua comprebenduntur, . Les Progrés de 1 Hipoire Naturelle ex Dannemark et Norwege. 2. Bibliotheca Patria Autorum, et Scrip


forum Scientias Naturales tra&antium. 8vo. pp. 367. Copenhagen. 1783.

This is the firft volume of an intended periodical publication, which promises to contain fome interefting matter both for the Antiquary and Naturalist.

20. Αιλιανου περι ζωων ιδιοτητα Βιβλια ιζ. Eliani de Natura Animalium, Libri XVII. Græcè et Latinè, cum priorum interpretum, et Juis Animadverfionibus. Edidit Jo. GOTTL. SCHNEIDER, 8vo. pp. 813. Leipzig. 1783.

The Greek text is an exact re-impreffion of Gronovius's edition. The Latin translation is somewhat improved by the prefent editor. The Notes of Gefner, Gronovius, and Triller, are abridged, and some new ones are added, which the progrefs of natural hiftory, fince the time of those commentators, muft of course have suggested. 21. Geographifche Geschichte des Menschen. i. e. Geographical History of Mankind, and of Quadrupeds. By EB. AUG. W. ZIMMERMAN, Prof. in the Caroline College of Brunfwic. 3 Vols. 8vo. Leipzig. 1783.

The fame Author published, in 1777, Specimen Zoologia Geographica Quadrupedum, Domicilia et Migrationes Siftens, a book of fome use, but which flood in need of many emendations. The prefent is an improved edition, or rather a new work, on the fame plan, of which we receive a very favourable account.

The following is a much esteemed work, nearly on the fame plan as the preceding, written by one of the first naturalifts of the age: Tabula Affinitatum Animalium, Auctore JoH. HERMAN, M. D. & Prof. 4to. Argent. 1783.

22. Traité fur la Mycitologie. i. e. Treatife on Mycitology, or an Historical Difcourfe on Mushrooms in general, their Origin, Generation, Caufes of their pernicious Effects, and Means of guarding against them. By N. J. DE NECKER, Botanift to the Elector Palatine. 8vo. pp. 146. with Figures. Manheim. 1783.

The Author's opinion is, that mushrooms are the laft link of the chain of organic beings, and thus places them between the vegetable and mineral kingdoms. The dangerous property of fome mushrooms, he afcribes to their being gathered at an improper time of their growth.

23. De l'Electricité des Végétaux. i. e. Of the Electricity of Vegetables. By the Abbé BERTHOLON DE ST. LAZARE, Profeffor of Experimental Philofophy, &c. 8vo. Paris. 1783.

We have already, from the fame Author, a work On the Electricity of the human body in health and fickness; both are said to contain much Curious and useful matter.

24. Försök till Järnets Hiftoria. i.e. An Effay on the Hiftory of Irong with its Application to Trades and Manufactures. By SWEN RINMAN, Knight of the Order of Vafa, &c. 2 Vols. 4to. Stockholm.

This book bears the reputation of being the best now extant on the fubject. As foon as we can procure a copy, we shall lay a full account of it before the Public.

25. P. T. MACQUERS Chymifches Worterbuch. i, e. The Chemical Dictionary of Macquer, tranflated from the fecond French

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