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philosophy; by some of whom he nent success. To Mr. Kennicott's was assailed with a very unjusti- proposals however, Mr. Horne fiable degree of virulence and strongly objected, and published intemperance. This led Mr. Horne in 1760, *View of Mr. Kennito publish in 1753, a fair, candid, cott's method of correcting the and impartial state of the case Hebrew Text.' He considered between Sir Isaac Newton and that the wide principle on which Mr. Hutchinson, which attracted Mr. K. was proceeding might considerable attention, and con- endanger the interests of genuine tributed very materially to the Christianity; and that the unsound propagation of the Hutchinsonian criticism to which the text would principles; although Mr. Horne be liable by this measure, might found it necessary to abandon Mr. afford additional pretexts for the Hutchinson's etymological disqui- sceptical cavils of those, who with sitions, as in great measure fanciful affectation of superior learning, and arbitrary. The progress of had already shewn themselves these opinions called forth in 1756 active in discovering imaginary a pamphlet, which, though pub- corruptions. The conduct indeed lished anonymously, was gene- of too many of the literary charally attributed to Mr. Kennicott, racters of that day afforded perof Exeter College, whose subse- haps too much ground for Mr. quent labours in the collation of Horne's apprehensions, but the Hebrew MSS. have earned for him result has proved that the most great eminence and distinction. minute and careful criticism has In this pamphlet Mr. Hutchinson's tended to establish rather than sentiments were severely animad- endanger the authority of the Old verted on, and some observations Testament Scriptures ; in the same inserted which Mr. Horne consi- manner as the labours of Socinian dered as personally aimed at him- critics have, very contrary to their self; this induced him to prepare expectations, elicited additional and publish a pamphlet entitled, proofs of the Deity of the Lord • An Apology for certain Gentle Jesus Christ. men in the University of Oxford, Soon after this publication, Mr. aspersed in a late anonymous Pam- Horne projected and entered upon phlet ; ' a publication which has his largest and most valuable work, been very generally admired for its namely, a • Commentary on the temper, learning, and good sense; Book of Psalms ; in which their though perhaps more calculated literal or historical sense as they to promote the essentials of true relate to King David, and the religion, than to establish the people of Israel is illustrated ; and principles of Mr. Hutchinson, their application to Messiah, to which to a considerable extent the church, and to individuals, as must be regarded as visionary. members thereof, is pointed out

While this controversy was still with a view to render the use of the proceeding, Mr. Kennicottsug- psalter pleasing and profitable to gested the propriety of collating all orders and degrees of Christhe text of the Hebrew Bible with tians.' This valuable work occusuch Hebrew manuscripts as could pied its author, more or less, nearly then be procured, in order to twenty years, not being published reform the text, and prepare it for till 1776 ; but the result of this a new translation into the English careful preparation appears very language ; a work in which that striking in the general acceptance distinguished individual subse- the work has met with, being requently engaged with unwearied printed in various forms, and steazeal and industry, and with emi- dily retaining the public esteem.


To this commentary a valuable read this book in an honest and preface is prefixed; the following good heart, with seriousness and extract from which may here very attention ; for though he humbly properly be inserted.

trusts it will not be deemed And now could the author Alat- altogether unworthy a place in the ter himself that any one would libraries of the learned, he builds take half the pleasure in reading chiefly on that approbation which the following exposition which he he is solicitous it should receive in hath taken in writing it, he would the closets of the devout; as connot fear the loss of his labour. The sidering that it is love, heavenly employment detached him from love, which“ never faileth ; but the bustle and hurry of life, the whether there be tongues, they din of politics, and the noise of shall cease ; whether there be folly ; vanity and vexation few knowledge, it shall vanish away. away for a season, care and dis- For we know in part, and we proquietude came not near his dwel- phecy in part ; but when that ling. He arose, fresh as the mor- which is perfect is come, then that ning to his task ; the silence of the which is in part shall be done night invited him to pursue it, and away.” They who find not the he can truly say that food and rest wished-for satisfaction in one porwere not preferred before it. Every tion, will find it in another; they psalm improved intinitely upon his who disapprove of an interpretaacquaintance with it, and no one tion at the first reading, may, pergave him uneasiness but the last, haps, approve of it at the second ; for then he grieved that his work and they who still continue to diswas done.

approve of some particulars, will • Happier hours than those which not therefore disdain to accept the have been spent on these medita- benefit of the rest. He has writtions on the Songs of Zion, he ten to gratify no sect or party, but never expects to see in this world. for the common service of all who Very pleasantly did they pass, call on the name of Jesus, whereand moved smoothly and swiftly soever dispersed, and however disalong: for when thus engaged, he tressed upon the earth. When he counted no time. They are gone, views the innumerable unhappy but have left a relish and a fra- differences among Christians, all grance upon the mind, and the of whom are equally oppressed remembrance of them is sweet.' with the cares and calamities of

In adverting to the general cha- life, he often calls to mind those racter of his work, Mr. Horne beautiful and affecting words observes, expositions and medita- which Milton represents Adam tions like those in the subsequent as addressing to Eve, after they pages, serve not, nor are intended had wearied themselves with muto serve “ for them who believe tual complaints and accusations not, but for them who believe ; ” of each other :who will exercise their faculties in

* But rise, let us no more contend, nor discerning and contemplating the

blame mysteries of the kingdom of hea Each other, blamed enough elsewhere; ven, and who are going on unto but strive perfection, to increase their faith,

In offices of love, how we may lighten and inflame their charity ; to de

Each other's burden in our share of woe.

B. x. V.958. light them in prosperity, to comfort them in adversity, to edify Enough has been given to the them at all times. Such effects arts of controversy. Let somethe author doubts not, will be ex- thing be given to the studies of perienced by believers, who will piety and a holy life. If we can

once unite in these, our tempers and easy, as he should have been ? may be better disposed to unite in Was there any particular BOOK doctrine. When we shall be duly ever written against him, that shook prepared to receive it, “ God may his system to pieces,—the success reveal even this unto us.”

and eclat of which might be supWhile Mr. Horne was engaged posed to have hurt his mind, and in the preparation of his commen affected his health? Was there tary, he also produced several any AUTHOR whose name his friends minor publications which were never dared to mention before him, received with considerable interest and warned all strangers that were and approbation. Among these introduced to him, against doing it, were · Considerations on the Life because he never failed, when by and Death of St. John the Baptist,' any accident it was done, to fly and a Letter to Lord North, on the out into a transport of passion and then projected reformation of the swearing ?'* Church of England. In the year This admirable letter to Adam after his Commentary was pub- Smith, was shortly after followed lished, the plausible, but insidious by Letters on Infidelity,' wherein account of the death of the infidel the poisonous and debasing sentiHume called forth from our author ments of Hume are admirably • A Letter to Adam Smith, L. L. D. refuted, and his claims to philanon the life, death, and philosophy thropy and benevolence justly exof David Hume, Esq. By one of posed. The misfortune is, that the people called Christians; 'in the poison and the antidote selwhich in a very lively, agreeable dom meet together. Multitudes manner, he animadverts on Dr. are deluded by the sophistries of Smith's account of his friend, and Hume, who have never met with contrasts the death of the philoso- the able replies of Horne; but if pher Hume with that of the our readers should meet with any Christian Hooker. Had Mr. Horne who are entangled in these sceptiindeed been exactly apprized cal speculations, they cannot do of the gloom and alarm which better than place in their hands really attended the dying bed of Horne's • Letters on Infidelity,' the historian, he might still more which are to be met with on mostrongly have pointed out the folly derate terms at the Depository of Dr. Smith's statements ; but of the Society for Promoting though this melancholy scene was, Christian Knowledge. The unfor the honour of infidelity obscured, soundness of Mr. Hume's opinfor a time; Mr. Horné possessed ions, and the futility of his argusufficient information to shew that ments are displayed in so happy a Hume's professed philosophy, strain of ridicule, that none, says equanimity, and self-command, were on various occasions refuted * This is understood to refer to Dr. by his actual conduct.

Beattie, whose admirable work on TRUTH And now sir,' says Mr. Horne

demolished Hume's Theory. With refer

ence to this we find Mr. Horne saying in to Dr. Smith, “ will you give me another place, ‘Don't be under any appreleave to ask you a few questions? hensions Dr. — , my name does not beWhy all this hurry and bustle, this gin with a B.-' and in a subsequent publi. eagerness to gratify the pretended

cation, commenting on an assertion of

Dr. Smith's, that few Christians could so impatience of the public, and

philosophically govern their passions as satisfy us that our philosopher the sceptical David Hume,-Mr. Horne lived and died perfectly composed observes, 'And yet we do not every day and easy ? Was there any sus

hear of a Christian running round a coun. picion in ScoTLAND, that he might

ter with his drawn sword after a Reviewer,

or quitting a room on the entrance of his not, at times be quite so composed antagonist.'

one of his biographers, but an of his high and important station ; unbeliever can be angry, or even so that after preparing a charge to feel displeased.

his clergy at his primary visitaThe eminent talents of Mr. tion, he was compelled to decline Horne, and his amiable disposi- the delivery of it, and subsequently tion so powerfully recommended printed it, as intended to have him to the Fellows of Magdalen been delivered.' He appeared, College, that on a vacancy taking however, to derive considerable place in 1768, he was elected to benefit from two successive visits the distinguished post of President to Bath ; but while returning to of that Society; and shortly after that city in 1791, he was seized married the daughter of Philip with paralysis on the road; and Burton, Esq. of Eltham, in Kent. though eventually enabled to Having proceeded to the degree resume his journey, and so far reof Doctor of Divinity, he was ap- covered as to attend the pumppointed one of the Chaplains to room, he was disabled from furthe King, and elected in 1776, ther service; and on the 17th of Vice-Chancellor of the Univer- January, 1792, with holy composity: in which office he continued, sure and resignation, he departed as is customary, four years. Dur- this mortal life, and entered into ing his office, he became more in the rest which remaineth for the timately acquainted with Lord people of God. North, to whom he had formerly Bishop Horne was buried at addressed a letter on the projected Eltham, in Kent, where a monureformation of the church; and ment, with an appropriate inscripwho, soon after the expiration of tion, records his distinguished his office as Vice Chancellor, pre- merits. As a scholar, writer, and sented him to the Deanery of Can- preacher, he attained considerable terbury. Dr. Horne now wished eminence. The cheerfulness of his to retire from the labour and the disposition is strikingly erinced in responsibility connected with his the vivacity of his writings, and distinguished station as President his enlarged charity was maniof Magdalen College, but was fested by his devoting all the surearnestly urged to continue in this plus revenue of his preferments to important post, with which request the relief of the poor; while he he deemed it his duty to comply. conducted his charities with such In 1789, on the translation of secresy, that it was not until after Bishop Bagot, to St. Asaph, Dr. his decease that their extent was Horne was appointed his successor suspected, and there is reason to in the See of Norwich. Though conclude that many regular recionly now, however, fifty-nine, pients of his bounty, were not his increasing infirmities plainly aware of the hand by which they evinced that his labours and ser- were fed. vices would soon terminate; and Bishop Horne's numerous pubso deeply was he convinced of the lications were, after his decease, decline of his strength, that on ap- reprinted in an uniform edition, in proaching the flight of steps which four volumes, 8vo. to which his lead to the Episcopal Palace in life, by the Rev. W. Jones, has Norwich, he observed, · Alas, I been prefixed; while his Comam come to these steps at a time mentary on the Psalms, finds a of life, when I can neither go up place in the libraries of the wealthy, them, nor down them with safety and the cottages of the poor ; and These infirmities increased so ra- will long, we trust, contribute to pidly, as seriously to interfere the instruction and edification of with the discharge of the duties the church of Christ.,

“ Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth; in his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS."

The prophet Jeremiah had just those who had been long before before predicted the Babylonish carried away captive to Assyria, captivity; the judgments which should also be recovered, brought should come upon Jeconiah and back, and planted in their own his family, and on the idolatrous land - the tribe of Judah, and the and unfaithful shepherds and pas- tribe of Ephraim, (including the tors; that is, on the corrupt mi- ten tribes of Israel) should thus, nisters of religion, by whom the according to the emphatic lanpeople had been led or driven guage of prophecy, become one astray. The righteous judgments stick, which should be so joined of God, however, upon these ini- together, as never more to be sepaquitous characters, should not be rated, but continue under one accompanied with the final rejec. government, and under the same tion of the people, but on the con- ecclesiastical and civil rulers, until trary, he would in mercy interfere the end of that dispensation; the on their behalf; collect the scat- ordinances of religion should be tered remnant from the countries restored, and a succession of faithwhither they had been driven, ful ministers, pastors, and teachers restore them again to their own should be raised up, under whose land, supply them with teachers guidance and instruction they after his own heart, and especially should enjoy peace, prosperity, raise up amongst them that dis- and confidence for a long succestinguished character spoken of in sion of years ; until at length the the words of our text, the blessings days should come when the preof whose redemption should so far dicted Messiah should arise from exceed all preceding deliverances, the family of David, who should as to cause them to be, compara- reign and prosper, and execute tively speaking, little observed or judgment and justice in the earth; regarded " Behold, the days whose government should be discome,” &c.

tinguished by a very eminent deThe general meaning of this pro- gree of prosperity; who should be phecy is sufficiently obvious. The emphatically characterized as the house of David was at that time Lord our Righteousness," and the sunk very low. No descendant benefits of whose dominion should of the then reigning branch of that eclipse and obscure the recollecfamily should ever assume the tion of all the former interpositions throne of his ancestors; and the of God concerning his people. nation should shortly be carried Now, this prophecy thus exaway captive to Babylon, while plained has, we conceive, in great the city and the temple should be measure been accomplished; is laid waste, and the whole civil still accomplishing; and shall in and ecclesiastical polity be ren- due time be fully, finally, and dered desolate. But this state of eternally accomplished in the unidevastation should not continue. versal subjugation of all the naGod would assuredly visit his tions of the earth, both Jews and people in mercy—they should be Gentiles to the empire of Jehovah restored from their captivity in Jesus -" the Lord our RighteousBabylon—a remnant at least of ness.”

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