Imágenes de páginas

Centre, earth; I. iii. 85.

Chafe thee, become angry; IV. v. 260.

Chance, chances it; III. i. 137. Changeful, inconstant; IV. iv.


Change of, exchange for; III. iii. 27.

Chapmen, buyers; IV. i. 75. Characterless, unrecorded; III. ii. 192.

Characters, figures; I. iii. 325. Charge, expense; IV. i. 57.


on c.," on compulsion, by your order; IV. iv. 133. Charon, the ferryman who rowed the souls of the departed over the river Styx; III. ii. 10.

Circumstance, details of argument; III. iii. 114. Clamours, noises, sounds; I. i. 92.

Cliff, clef or key; a musical term; V. ii. II.

Clotpoles, blockheads; II. i. 122. Cloud; "a c. in autumn," a cloud heralding bad weather;

I. ii. 131.

Co-act, act, play together; V. ii. 118.

Cobloaf, a crusty, uneven loaf

with a round top to it (Malone conj. "Coploaf”) II. i. 40.

Cogging, cheating, deceiving; V. vi. II.

Cognition, perception; V. ii. 63. Colossus-wise, like a Colossus;

V. v. 9.

Compare, comparison; III. ii.


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Conduce, is joined, brought together (Rowe, mence"); V. ii. 147. Conjure; "I cannot c.," I cannot raise up spirits; V. ii. 125. Constringed, contracted, cramped; V. ii. 173. Convince, convict, prove guilty; II. ii. 130.

Convive we, we will feast; IV. V. 272.

Convoy, conveyance; I. i. 107. Coped, encountered; I. ii. 34. Core, ulcer; II. i. 7.


Cormorant, ravenous (Folio 1, cormorant "); II. ii. 6. Corse, corpse, body; II. iii. 35. Counters, round pieces of metal used in counting; II. ii. 28. Cousin, niece (a title given to any kinsman and kinswoman); I. ii. 44.

Creep in, steal secretly into; III. iii. 134.

Critics, censurers, carpers; V. ii. 131.

Crownets, coronets; Prol. 6. Crushed into, pressed into, mixed with (Warburton, "crusted into "); I. ii. 23. Cunning, powerful; III. ii. 136. Curious, causing care; III. ii. 67.

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Deceptious, delusive; V. ii. 123. Decline, run through in detail; II. iii. 55.

fall; IV. v. 189. Declined, fallen; IV. v. 189. Deem, thought; IV. iv. 59. Deject, dejected; II. ii. 50. Depravation, detraction; V. ii. 132.

Deputation, power deputed to

thee; I. iii. 152.

Deracinate, uproot; I. iii. 99. Derive, deduce logically; II. iii. 63.

Destiny, fate [“labouring for

destiny" = "the viceregent of Fate (Malone)]; IV. v. 184. Dexter, right; IV. v. 128. Diana's waiting-women, i.e. the stars; V. ii. 91.

Diminutives, insignificant things; V. i. 34.

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Distains, stains, taints; I. iii. 241.

Distaste, dislike; II. ii. 66. make distasteful; II. ii.

123. Distasted, made distasteful; IV. iv. 48.

Distraction, despair, madness; V. ii. 41.

Dividable, divided; I. iii. 105. Double-henned; "perhaps, with a double hen, i.e. with a female married to two cocks, and thus false to both " (Schmidt); V. vii. 11. Draught-oxen, oxen used to

draw a cart or plough (Folios, "draft-oxen"); II. i. 111. Drave, urged on; III. iii. 190. Dress'd, addressed, prepared; I. iii. 166.

Dwells, depends on; I. iii. 336.

Edge, sword; V. v. 24.

Eld, old age (Quarto, "elders"; Folios, "old"); II.


ii. 104. Elements; the two moist e.," i.e. water and air; I. iii. 41. Embracement, embracing; IV. v. 148.

Embrasures, embraces; IV. iv. 37.

Emulation, envy, jealousy; II.

ii. 212. Emulous, envious (Folios I, 2, "emulations"; Folios 3, 4, "emulatious"); II. iii. 75. Encounterers, people who meet others half-way; IV. v. 58. End, kill, destroy; I. ii. 79. Engine, instrument: II. iii. 137. Enginer, pioneer; II. iii. 8. Enter, to enter; II. iii. 189. Entreat, treat; IV. iv. 113. invite; IV. v. 274. Envy, malice; III. ii. 99. Errant, deviating; I. iii. 9. Errors, deceptions; V. iii. III. Exact; "grace exact"; v. Note; I. iii. 180. Exasperate = exasperated; V.

i. 30. Excitements, incitements; I. iii. 182.

Exclaim, outcry; V. iii. 91. Execute, practise, use; V. vii. 6. Execution, working; I. iii. 210. Expect, expectation; I. iii. 70. Expectance = expectation; IV. v. 146.

Expressure, expression; III. iii.


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Five-finger-tied, tied with all the fingers of the hand; V. ii. 157.

Fixture, stability; I. iii. 101. Flat tamed, stale, insipid; IV. i. 62.

Fled, have fled (Pope, "get"; Capell, "flee"; Keightley conj. "have fled "); I. iii. 51. Flexure, bending (Folios, "flight"); II. iii. 109. Flood, ocean, sea; I. i. 105.

"in f.," in full flow; I. iii.

300. Flow to, hasten towards (Johnson conj. "show too"); V.

ii. 41. Fonder, more foolish; I. i. 10. For, against; I. ii. 281.

because; V. iii. 21. Force, power, might; IV. i. 18. stuff; II. iii. 224. Forced, stuffed; V. i. 60. Forthright, straight path; III. iii. 158.

Fraction, discord; II. iii. 101. Fraughtage, freight, cargo;

Prol. 13. Frayed with, frightened by (Quarto, Folios, fraid "); III. ii. 32.

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Free, generous, noble-minded; IV. v. 139.

Friend, befriend, favour; I. ii. 79.

Frighting, frightening; V. iv.


Frush, bruise, batter; V. vi. 29. Fulfilling, filling full; Prol. 18. Full; in the f.," in full company, all together; IV. v. 272. Fusty, mouldy; I. iii. 161.

Gaging, engaging, binding; V. i. 42.

Gait, walk; IV. v. 14. Gallantry, gallants; III. i. 135. Gear, matter, affair; I. i. 6. Generals, collective qualities; I. iii. 180.

Genius, the spirit supposed to direct the actions of man; IV. iv. 50.

Glozed, used mere words; II. ii. 165. God-a-mercy, used in the sense of Gramercy, many thanks; V. iv. 33. Goose of Winchester, strumpet (the houses of ill-fame in London were under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Win


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chester; the annexed engraving, from Aggas's map in Guildhall, represents the locality-in Southwark-where these houses were situated); V. x. 55.

Gored, hurt, wounded; III. iii. 228.

Gorget, throat armour; I. iii. 174.

From a specimen in the Londesborough collection.

Gracious, holy; II. ii. 125. Grated, ground; III. ii. 192. Great morning, broad day; IV. iii. I.

Greekish, Greek; III. iii. 211.

; "all the G. ears," i.e. the ears of all the Greeks; I. iii. 67. Grossness, bulk; I. iii. 325.

Hair, grain; "against the h." = against the grain; I. ii. 28. Hale, drag; IV. v. 6. Hamstring, tendon of the kneejoint; I. iii. 154. Hardiment, hardihood; IV. v. 28.

Hare, timid (Folios, "hard"); II. ii. 48.

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Collier, "edge"); III. iii.

Him, himself; I. ii. 287.
His, its; I. iii. 210.

His='s; "Mars his idiot
Mars's idiot; II. i. 57.


Hold, regard as, look upon as; II. iii. 191.

Holding, keeping (Quarto, "keeping"); II. ii. 52. Honesty, chastity; I. ii. 284. Hot, rash; V. iii. 16. However, although; I. iii. 322. Hoy-day, an exclamation; V. i. 69.

Hulks, large, heavy ships (Folios, "bulkes"); II. iii. 267. Humorous, capricious; II. iii. 132.

Humours, caprices; I. ii. 23. Hung, made linger; IV. v. 188. Hurricano, water-spout; V. ii.


Hurt, do harm; V. iii. 20. Husbandry, thrift; I. ii. 7. Hyperion, the sun-god, Phoebus Apollo; II. iii. 199.

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