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ship the Lord thy God, and him only fhalt "thou ferve."

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Nom. But Sir, how do you prove that thefe duties which you have named are parts of God's rec


Evan. For anfwer hereunto, I pray you con fider, (a) that to worship God, is to tender up that homage and respect that is due from a crea ture to a Creator; now in prayer we are faid to tender up this homage unto him, and to manifeft our profeffion of dependance upon him for all the good we have, and acknowledge him to be the author of all good; and indeed prayer is fuch a great part of God's worship, that fometimes in fcripture it is put for the whole worship of God,. "He that calls upon the name of the Lord "fhall be faved," Rom. x. 13. That is, (b) be that worships God, aright, Jer. x. 25. "Pour out thy wrath upon, the heathen that "know thee not, and on the families that call "not upon thy name," that do not pray, that do not worship God.

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And that hearing the word is a part of God's worship is manifeft, because that in hearing we do manifeft our dependency upon God, for knowing his mind, and the way to eternal life: every time we come to hear the word of God, (c) if we know what to do, we do thus much, we profefs, that we depend upon the Lord God for the knowing of his mind, and the way and rule to eternal life: and befides, herein also we come to wait upon God in the way of ordinance, to have

(a) Borrough's Gofpel-Worship, page 27.
(b) Ibid. Page 272.
(c) Ibid. Page 163.

have that good conveyed unto us by way of an ordinance, beyond what the thing itself is able to do, therefore this is worship. And that the receiving the facrament is a part of God's worfhip, it is manifeft, in that when we come to receive these holy figns and feals, we come to prefent ourselves before God, and come to God for a blessing in communicating unto us fome higher good than poffibly thofe creatures that we have to deal with, (a) are able of themselves to convey to us; we come to God to have communion with him, and that we might have the bleffing of the covenant of grace conveyed unto us through these things; and therefore when we come to be exercised in them we come to worship God. The like we might say of the reft of the duties before mentioned, but I hope this may fuffice to fatisfy you that they are parts of God's worship.

Nom. But Sir, you know that in this commandment, there is nothing exprefly forbidden, but the making and worshipping of images, and therefore I question whether all thofe other fins that you have named be likewife forbidden.

Evan. But you must know, that when the Lord condemneth the chief or greatest and most evident kind of falfe worship, namely, the worfhip of God at, or by images, it is manifeft that he forbiddeth alfo the other kinds of falfe worfhip, feeing this is the head and fountain of all the reft: wherefore, whatsoever worships are inftituted by men, (b) or do any way hinder God's

(a) Borrough's Gofpel-Worship, Page 127.
(b) Urfin. Cat. Page 540.

God's true worship, they are contrary to this commandment.

Nom. Well, Sir, though that these things be fo, yet, for all that, I am perfunded I go very near the keeping of this commandment; for I do conftantly perform the most of thefe duties, and am not guilty of doing the contrary.

Evan. But you must know, that for the worfhipping of God aright, it is not only requir ed that we do the good which he commandeth, and avoid the evil that he forbiddeth; but also that we do it in obedience to God, to fhew that we acknowledge him alone to be the true God, who hath willed this worship to be thus done unto him; fo that, as I told you before, the word of God muft not only be the rule of our actions, but also the reafon of them; we must do all things which are delivered and prescribed in the commandments, (a) even for the love we bear to God, and for the defire we have to worship him; for except we fo do them, we do them, not according to the fentence and prefcript of the law, neither do we please God therein. Wherefore, though you have prayed and heard the word of God, and received the facrament, and done all the rest of the forenamed duties, yea, and though you have not done the contrary, yet if all this hath been either because the laws of the kingdom require it, or in mere obedience to any fuperior, or to gain the praise or esteem of men, or if you have any way made yourself your higheft end, you have not obeyed nor worshipped God therein; for, faith a judicious

(a) Urfin. Cat, P. 528.

a judicious writer, (a)" If any man shall ob"serve these things in mere obedience to the

King's laws, or thereby to please holy men, "and not through an immediate reverence of "that heavenly Majefty who hath commanded "them, that man's obedience is non-obedience; "his keeping of thefe laws is no keeping of "them." Because the main thing here intended is neglected, which is the fetting up God in his heart; and that which is most of all abhorred is practifed, viz. The "fear of God


taught by the precepts of men," Ifa. xxix. 13. And to this purpofe that worthy man of God hath this faying, (b) "Take heed," faith he, "that the praises of men be not thy highest end "that thou aimeft at;" for if it be, thou worfhippeft men, thou doft make the praise of men to be thy god; for whatsoever thou doft lift up in the highest place, that is thy god whatsoever it be, wherefore if thou liftest up the praise of men, and makeft that thy end, thou makeft that thy god, and fo thou art a worshipper of men, but not a worshipper of God.

Again, faith he, Take heed of making felf thy end. That is, take heed of aiming at thine own peace, and fatisfying thine own confcience in the performance of duties. It is true, faith he, when we perform duties of God's worship, we may be encouraged thereunto by the expectations of good to ourselves, yet we must look higher, we must look at the honour and praise of God; it is not enough to do it merely to fatiffy confcience; thy main end must be that thou mayeft

(a) Dr. Mayer in his Cat. P. 193.
(6) Mr. Barrough's Golpel Worship, P. 72.

mayeft by the performance of the duty be fitted
to honour the name of God, otherwife we do
them not for God, but for ourselves, which the
Lord condemneth, Zech. vii. 5, 6.
And now,
neighbour Nomologista, I pray you let me ask
you once again, whether you think you keep
this commandment perfectly or no.

Nom. No, believe me Sir, I do now begin to fear I do not.


Evan. If you make any question of it, I would intreat you to confider with yourself, whether you have not gone to the church on the F Lord's day to hear the word of God, and to receive the facrament, and do other duties, becaufe the laws of the kingdom require it; or because your parents, or masters have required it; or because it is a custom to do fo; or because you conceive it to be a credit for you to do so. And I pray you alfo confider whether you have not abftained from. worshipping of images, and other fuch idolatrous and fuperftitious actions which the Papifts ufe, merely because the laws of the land wherein you live do condemn fuch things. And I pray you alfo confider whether you have not been fometimes zealous in prayer in the prefence and company of others, to gain their praise and approbation; have you not defired that they fhould think you to be a man of good gifts and parts? And have you not in that regard endeavoured to enlarge yourself? And have you not fometimes performed duties merely because otherwife confcience would not let you be quiet? And have you not fometimes fafted and prayed, and humbled yourself, merely or chiefly in hope the Lord would, for

your fo

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