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The schole of shootinge conteyned in tvvo bookes.

To all Gentlemen and yomen of Englande,
pleafaunte for theyr paftyme to rede,
and profitable for theyr ufe

to folow, both in war
and peace.

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Shootynge fit for princes and greate men. 5.

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Shootyng, fit for Scholers and studentes. 8.

D 37.]

Shootynge fitter for ftudentes than any mufike or Instrumentes.


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No manner of man doth or can vse to muche fhootynge.

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14. [ P. 44.]

16. [49]

24. [ 62.]


25. [


26. [



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Reasons and authorites agaynfte shootynge in war with the confutacion of the

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God is pleafed with ftronge wepons and valyaunt feates of war.

The commoditie of Shootyng in war

throughe the Hiftories Greke and Latin,

and all nations Christen and Heathen. 29. [ 70.]

Vse of shootynge at home causethe ftronge footinge in warre.


Vse of shootynge at home, except men De apte by nature, and connynge by teachyng, doth litle good at all.

[ 88.]

43. [ 91.]

Lacke of learnynge to shoote causethe Englande lacke many a good archer. 46. [

In learnyng any thyng, a man must couete to be beft, or els he shal neuer attayne to be meane.


47. [


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The first boke of the schole of shoting.


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hilologus You ftudie to fore Toxophile.
Tor. I wil not hurt my felf ouer-

moche I warraunt you.

Phi. Take hede you do not, for we Phyficions saye, that it is nether good for the eyes in fo cleare a Sunne, nor yet holsome for ye bodie, fo foone after meate, to looke vpon a mans boke.

Tor. In eatinge and studyinge I will neuer folowe anye Physike, for yf I dyd, I am fure I shoulde haue small pleasure in the one, and leffe courage in the other. But what newes draue you hyther I praye you?

Phi. Small newes trulie, but that as I came on walkynge, I fortuned to come with thre or foure that went to shote at the pryckes: And when I sawe not you amonges them, but at the last espyed you lokynge on your booke here fo fadlye, I thought to come and holde you with fome communication, left your boke fhoulde runne awaye with you. For me thought by your waueryng pace and earnest lokying, your boke led you, not you it.

Tor. In dede as it chaunced, my mynde went fafter then my feete, for I happened here to reade in Phedro Platonis, a place that entretes wonderfullie of the nature of foules, which place (whether it were for In Phedro. the paffynge eloquence of Plato, and the

Greke tongue, or for the hyghe and godlie description of the matter, kept my mynde fo occupied, that it had no leisure to loke to my feete. For I was reding howe fome foules being well fethered, flewe alwayes about heauen and heauenlie matters, other fome hauinge their fethers mowted awaye, and droupinge, fanke downe into earthlie thinges. 1

Phi. I remembre the place verie wel, and it is wonderfullie fayd of Plato, and now I fe it was no maruell though your fete fayled you, feing your minde flewe so fast.

Tor. I am gladde now that you letted me, for my head akes with loking on it, and bycause you tell me fo, I am verye forie yat I was not with thofe good feloes you spake vpon, for it is a verie faire day for a man to fhote in.

Phi. And me thinke you were a great dele better occupied and in better companie, for it is a very faire daye for a man to go to his boke in.

Tor. Al dayes and wethers wil ferue for that purpose, and furelie this occafion was ill loft.

Phi. Yea but clere wether maketh clere mindes, and it is best as I suppose, to spend ye best time vpon the best thinges: And me thought you shot verie wel, and at that marke, at which euery good fcoler shoulde mofte bufilie shote at. And I fuppofe it be a great dele more pleasure alfo, to fe a foule flye in Plato, then a fhafte flye at the prickes. I graunte you, fhoting is not the worst thing in the world, yet if we shote, and time shote, we ar[e] not like to be great winners at the length. And you know also we scholers haue more ernest and weightie matters in hand, nor we be not borne to pastime and pley, as you know wel ynough who fayth.

Tor. Yet the fame man in the fame place Philologe,

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