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Gualterus Haddonus


Mittere qui celeres fumma uclit arte fagittas,
Ars erit ex ifto fumma profecta libro.
Quicquid habent arcus rigidi, neruique rotundi,
Sumerc fi libet, hoc fumere fonte licet.
Afchamus eft author, magnum quem fecit Apollo

Arte fua, magnum Pallas & arte fua.

Docta manus dedit hunc, dedit hunc mens docta libellum:
Quæ uidet Ars Vfus uifa, parata facit.

Optimus hæc author quia tradidit optima fcripta,
Conuenit hec uobis optima uelle fequi.

*To the mofte graciouse, and our most drad Soueraigne lord, Kyng Henrie the. viii, by the grace of God, kyng of Englande, Fraunce and Irelande, Defen der of the faythe, and of the churche of Englande and alfo of Irelande in earth fupreme head, next vn der Chrift, be al health victorie, and felicitie.

HAT tyme as, mofte gracious Prince, your highnes this last year paft, tooke that your mooft honorable and victorious iourney into Fraunce, accompanied vvith such a porte of the Nobilitie and yeomanrie of Englande, as neyther hath bene lyke knovven by experience, nor yet red of in Historie: accompanied also vvith the daylie prayers, good hartes, and vvilles of all and euery one your graces fubiectes, lefte behinde you here at home in Englande: the same tyme, I beinge at my booke in Cambrige, forie that my litle habilitie could stretche out no better, to helpe forvvard fo noble an enterprice, yet with my good vvylle, prayer, and harte, nothinge behynde hym that vvas formoste of all, conceyued a vvonderful defire, bi the praier, vvishing, talking, and communication that vvas in euery mans mouth, for your Graces mooft victoriouse retourne, to offer vp fumthinge, at your home cumming to your Highneffe, vvhich fhuld both be a token of mi loue and deutie tovvard your Maieftie, and also a signe of my good minde and zeale tovvarde mi countrie.

This occafion geuen to me at that time, caused me

* This dedication is entirely omitted in second edition, 1571.

to take in hand againe, this litle purpose of fhoting, begon of me before, yet not ended than, for other studies more mete for that trade of liuinge, vvhiche God and mi frendes had fet me vnto. But vvhen your Graces mofte ioifull and happie victorie preuented mi dailie and spedie diligencie to performe this matter, I vvas compelled to vvaite an other time to prepare and offer vp this litle boke vnto your Maieftie. And vvhan it hath pleased youre Higheneffe of your infinit goodneffe, and also your most honorabie Counsel to knovv and pervfe ouer the contentes, and fome parte of this boke, and so to alovv it, that other men might rede it, throughe the furderaunce and setting forthe of the right worshipfull and mi Singuler good Master fir Vvilliam Pagette Knight, mooft vvorthie Secretarie to your highnes, and most open and redie fuccoure to al poore honest learned mens futes, I mooft humblie befeche your Grace to take in good vvorthe this litle treatise purposed, begon, and ended of me onelie for this intent, that Labour, Honeft paftime and Vertu, might recouer againe that place and right, that Idleneffe, Vnthriftie gamning and Vice hath put them fro.

And althoughe to haue vvritten this boke either in latin or Greke (vvhich thing I vvold be verie glad yet to do, if I might furelie knovv your Graces pleasure there in) had bene more easier and fit for mi trade in study, yet neuertheleffe, I fuppofinge it no point of honeftie, that mi commodite should stop and hinder ani parte either of the pleasure or profite of manie, haue vvritten this Englishe matter in the Englishe tongue, for Englishe men: vvhere in this I trust that your Grace (if it shall please your Highneffe to rede it) fhal perceaue it to be a thinge Honeste for me to vvrite, pleasaunt for fome to rede, and profitable for manie to folovv, contening a pastime, honeft for the minde, holfome for the body, fit for eueri man, vile for no man, vfing the day and open place for Honestie to rule it, not lurking in corners for misorder to abuse it.

Therefore I trust it shal apere, to be bothe a fure token of my zeele to set forvvarde shootinge, and fome figne of my minde, tovvardes honestie and learninge.

Thus I vvil trouble your Grace no longer, but
vvith my daylie praier, I vvill befeche God to
preferue your Grace, in al health and feli-
citie: to the feare and ouerthrovve
of all your ennemies to the
pleasure, ioyfulnesse and
fuccour of al your sub-

iectes: to the vtter
of papi-

strie and herefie: to the con

tinuall fetting forth of
Goddes vvorde
and his glo


Your Graces most
bounden Scholer,

Roger Ascham.




Ias the wyfe man came to Crefus the ryche kyng, on a tyme, when he was makynge newe fhyppes, purpofyng to haue fubdued by water the out yles lying betwixt Grece and Afia minor: What newes now in Grece, faith the king to Bias? None other newes, but these, fayeth Bias: that the yles of Grece haue prepared a wonderful companye of horsemen, to ouerrun Lydia withall. There is nothyng vnder heauen, fayth the kynge, that I woulde fo foone wiffhe, as that they durft be fo bolde, to mete vs on the lande with horse. And thinke you fayeth Bias, that there is anye thyng which they wolde fooner wyffhe, then that you shulde be fo fonde, to mete them on the water with shyppes? And fo Crefus hearyng not the true newes, but perceyuyng the wife mannes mynde and counfell, both gaue then ouer makyng of his fhyppes, and left alfo behynde him a wonderful example for all commune wealthes to folowe: that is euermore to regarde and fet most by that thing wherevnto nature hath made them moost apt, and vse hath made them moost fitte.

By this matter I meane the shotyng in the long bowe, for English men which thyng with all my hert I do wysh, and if I were of authoritie, I wolde counsel all the gentlemen and yomen of Englande, not to chaunge it with any other thyng, how good foeuer it feme to be: but that styll, accordyng to the oulde wont of England, youth shoulde vse it for the moost honest pastyme in peace, that men myght handle it as a mooste fure weapon in warre. Other stronge weapons whiche bothe experience doth proue to be good, and the

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