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hold a high place in the jubilee of nations, when this Church will establish her kingdom of love and joy throughout the world. Let India then put on her best robes, for lo! "that great city, the holy Jerusalem is descending out of heaven from God." Yes, the New Jerusalem is coming, and the glorious vision of John will be fulfilled:--" And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I, John, saw the holy city,-the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor cry, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new." Verily in the New Dispensation all things are new. Already we are breathing the fresh breeze of a new revelation, which gives us new inspiration, new ideas and aspirations, new thoughts and sentiments and new joys. He who places the Three in their right positions in his own heart and thus realizes the sweet harmony of the New Dispen

sation, must see around him, now and here, a new heaven and a new earth opening before him. Glory to India! She has unfolded the new harmony of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and struck the key-note of a new music. A fresh Testament was needed to supplement the Old Testament and the New Testament, and this has been given to us in the present Dispensation. We live then in a new world, and have cast off old and antiquated theologies. The world was going back to old Judaism, and the advanced thinkers of the age were fast becoming Jews or Jewish monotheists. The ancient forms of Deism and Nature-worship were about to be revived, and everywhere in the world of thought there was a tendency to run back from the complex dualism of the second Dispensation to the apparently simpler faith of the first. Providence has mercifully averted the dire catastrophe, and arrested this retrogressive infidelity. The New Dispensation catches the receding world, and drags it forward, onward and heavenward, into fresh paths of spiritual progress. It does not destroy the kingdom of the Father or that of the Son, but it only superadds the kingdom of the Holy Ghost, thereby completing the economy of human redemption, and renewing and spiritualizing all pre-existing forms of the world's earlier faith. Christ came not to destroy but to fulfil the law and prophets.

So the New Dispensation destroys not, but fulfils the theology of Christ. All discord ceases, all disharmony is over. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit kiss each other in the believer's heart, in the new kingdom. Shall

not thankfully rejoice that the vexed problem of a mysterious Trinity has at last been practically solved in this new Uni-Trinitarian Church? In this Universal Church shall be gathered the Theists of the East and the West, of the North and the South, and the accumulated jealousies and sectarian wranglings of ages shall be finally harmonized in the name of the Holy Trinity. March then, ye Hindus, with your Supreme Brahma; ye Jews, march with your Almighty Jehovah; come diverse sects of Christians who rejoice in the Second Name and the Second Dispensation; march also ye who in some form or other magnify the Holy Spirit; and having gathered in the bosom of this Church of love and peace, let us all with million voices shout, Peace, Peace, Peace! Carry on your triumphant banners the Great Name of the Father, the Sweet Name of the Son, and the Sanctifying Name of the Holy Ghost, and let all nations bow reverently before the Sacred Three. Farewell idolatry! Farewell sectarianism! The curse of narrow unbrotherliness shall not blight the New Jerusalem. One is our God in this our holy and happy City.

Him alone shall we worship in spirit and in truth, and sanctified by His Holy Spirit we shall become His sons for ever and ever, thus realizing the harmonious union of the Three in one. And thus shall be fulfilled the prophecy concerning the New City, "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son."



WHENCE this plaintive and mournful cry,

which so profoundly distresses the patriot's breast? It seems that a whole continent is writhing in agony beneath the lash of oppression, and sending forth from the depths of its heart a deep wail of woe. And as these jeremiads and lamentations of many nations rise to the skies, the four winds of heaven, like trusted and sympathetic messengers, readily waft them in all directions, and as they deliver their doleful message, east, west, north and south, they appeal to every feeling heart for sympathy and justice. Who is it that weeps? Do ye hear? It is India that weeps. Nay, not India alone; all Asia cries. Behold the sweet angel of the East, into whose beauty the very colours of heaven seem to have been woven, the fair East, "in russet mantle clad," lies prostrate, a bleeding prisoner! Who can measure the length and breadth, the height and depth of Asia's sufferings? She has no

peace; she knows no consolation. the burden of her complaint?

And what is The desperate

onslaughts of Europe's haughty civilization, she


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