Imágenes de páginas



Academy, French, 57-60.
Addison, Joseph, 44, 56, 62, 63, 113,

115, 120, 124, 125, 222, 224, 225,
233, 245, 252; Cato, 61, 164; Criti-
que of Milton, 243; prose, 253;
reformation of manners, 97.
Aeschines, 14, 18.

Akenside, Mark, 102, 122, 141.
Amelot, Jacques, 59.
Americans, 194, 197.
Anacreon, 13, 18, 124.
Andreas, Bishop of Aleria, 33-
Annual Register, 148.
Apollonius Rhodius, 14, 19.
Ariosto, Ludovico, 34.
Aristotle, 41, 44, 106, 115, 116, 117,
126, 136, 152, 160, 227, 242, 244;
Katharsis, 42; poetic justice, 43.
Arnold, Matthew, 61.

Bacon, Francis, 74.
Barbeyrac, Jean, 38.

Baretti, Giuseppe, 11.
Baudius, 30, 32.

Bayle, Pierre, 38, 69, 70, 71.
Benserade, Isaac de, 63.
Bentley, Richard, 10, 33.

Berkeley, Bishop George, 68, 250.

Berni, Francisco, 35.
Blackmore, Richard, 100, 236.
Blair, Hugh, 52.

Boccaccio, Giovanni, 35, 59.
Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas, 15, 36,
44, 49, 54, 58, 72, 76, 77, 78, 190,
247. Antiquity, 83; compared
with Johnson, 72-73; decorum of
character and language, 87-91;
good sense and reason, 74-77;
imitation, 83-87; industry and
application, 98-100; Latin imita-

tions, 86-87; moral values in art,
95; nature and truth, 74-77;
pedantry, 73-74; the rules, 78-80;
sacred history, 92; the sublime,
103-107; variety and interest,

Bossu, René le, 65, 96.
Boswell, James, 3, 5, 10, 17, 19, 26,
28, 33, 36, 37, 42, 50, 65, 98, 103,
140, 148, 170, 191, 200, 202, 209,
212, 213, 222, 223, 251.
Bouhours, Father Dominic, 65.
Bourdaloue, 37-
Broome, William, 74.
Bryant, Jacob, 17.
Buchanan, George, 16.
Buffon, George Louis Leclerc de, 37.
Burke, Edmund, 7, 65-66, 252.
Burney, Dr. Charles, 11, 17.
Burton, Robert, 53.

Butler, Samuel, 100, 115, 118, 224.

Callimachus, 19.

Carlyle, Thomas, 3, 5.
Caro, Annibale, 59.

Casa, Giovanni, 35.
Casaubon, Isaac, 30.
Castelvetro, 244.
Castiglione, Carlo, 35.
Catullus, 124.
Caxton, William, 38.
Charles XII, 25.
Chapelain, Jean, 56.
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 38, 164, 253.
Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, Earl
of, 57, 63, 105.
Chevy Chase, 212, 252.
Churchill, Charles, 147.
Cicero, 25, 52, 128.
Cinthio, 35.

Classical criticism, 220.
Coleridge, S. T., 41, 157, 240.
Congreve, William, 97, 103, 115,
128, 169, 170, 192, 226-227, 253.
Corneille, Pierre, 37, 61, 80, 160.
Cowley, Abraham, 90, 93, 123, 137,
224, 233, 241.
Crabbe, George, 201.

Critical Review, The, 39, 148.
Cromwell, Oliver, 92.

Dante, 33-34, 124.
Demosthenes, 18, 25, 44.
Denham, John, 115, 138, 139.
Dennis, John, 44, 56, 87, 153, 225,

De Quincey, Thomas, 13.
Desportes, Philippe, 57.
Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 144.
Dodsley, Robert, 33, 51, 52.
Domenichi, 35.
Donne, John, 241.

Dryden, John, 9, 12, 35, 42, 80, 90,
91, 99, 106, 119, 120, 124, 128, 138,
139, 151, 156, 160, 168, 192, 222,
224, 226, 227, 232, 239, 245, 252,
253. Absalom and Achitophel, 101;
All for Love, 216; Astraa Redux,
56; Aureng Zebe, 62; Conquest of
Granada, 169; Critique of Shake-
speare, 44, 149-150.
Dubos, Abbé, 65, 66, 68.
Duppa, R., 31.

Dyer, John, 123.

Edinburgh Review, the, 39.

Eighteenth-century characteristics,

111-113, 227-228.
Erasmus, 9, 30-31.
Erythraeus, 33.
Estienne, Henri, 33, 38.
Estienne, Robert, 33, 38.
Euripides, 14, 18, 33, 44, 129.

Farquhar, George, 170.
Felixmarte of Hircania, 214.

Fénelon, François de Salignac de la
Mothe, 37.

Fielding, Henry, 202, 204, 205, 249.
Flaubert, Gustave, 11.
Fletcher, John, 156.
Furness, Dr. H. H., 173.

Galileo, 25.

Garrick, David, 11, 147, 171.
Gamelyn, The Tale of, 164.
Gay, John, 33, 50, 85, 134, 224.
Gentleman's Magazine, the, 148.
Gildon, Charles, 229.

Goldsmith, Oliver, 3, 5, 11, 13, 169,


Gombauld, 40.

Goncourt Brothers, 11.
Gower, John, 38.

Granville, John Carteret, Earl, 85,
122, 236.

Grainger, James, 91, 209.
Gray, Thomas, 50, 51, 57, 68, 69,
121, 123, 145, 205, 210; Elegy, 81,
208, 233, 253; Odes, 207-208, 212,
252, 254.

Grotius, Hugo, 9, 30, 128.
Grub Street, 11, 228.
Guarini, 35, 36.
Guy of Warwick, 215.

Hailes, David, Lord, 40.
Halifax, George Sackville, Marquis
of, 224, 236.
Hammond, James, 131, 236.
Hannibal, 25.

Hazlitt, William, 157.
Hesiod, 13, 18.

Homer, 83, 84, 112, 120, 127, 129,

137, 144, 164, 226.

Horace, 13, 26, 41, 49, 51, 52, 53, 81,
98, 104, 128; quoted, 27, 28, 103,
115, 227, 244.

Hôtel de Rambouillet, 63.
Hughes, John, 224.
Hugo, Victor, 216.

Hume, David, 68, 250.
Hurd, Bishop Richard, 71.

Isocrates, 18.

Jeffrey, Francis, 39.
Jenyns, Soame, 198.

Jesuits, The, 64, 105.

Johnson, Samuel, academies, opinion
of, 57-60; ancients, the, 82;
Berkeley, 68; biography, 70, 71,
222-227; blank verse, 140-142;
characteristics, 3, 4, 5; character-
istics as critic, 28, 232; classi-
cism, 107, 206-207; comparison
with Boileau, 72-73; Corneille,
61; correctness, 121-123; critical
method, 234-237; critical vocabu-
lary, 237-239; decorum, of char-
acter and language, 87-92, 155;
description, 119-120; Dick Minim
the Critic, 114; dictatorship, 12,
56; dogmatism, 229-232; edition
of Shakespeare; (explanations of
poetic imagery, 189, explanations
of the text, 177-179, defects, 183-
188; interpretation and commen-
tary, 176 ff.; moral bias, 183; ob-
servations on life, 180-182; pseudo-
classicism, 190; temperamental
limitations, 191; textual revision,
173-176); Erse and Low Dutch,
study of, 53; freedom of the will,
67-68, 231; genius, on, 108, 118;
good sense, 74-77; Gray, Thomas,

faculty, 66-68; metaphysical
poets, 46; middle-rate poetry, 50;
minor French critics, 64-71; minor
Latin critics, 51-52; moral values
in art, 95-97; natural affection,
200; nature, 48, 67, 75, 152, 158;
naturalism, 66-69, 231; novelty
and innovation, 198; novelty in
writing, 124; Ossian, 211; pastoral,
the, 129-136; pedantry, on, 75;
pseudo-classicism, 122; poetic jus-
tice, 43; Rambler, the, 195; Ras-
selas, 46, 48, 196; rationalism,
107, 119, 120-121; realism, pref-
erence for, 128-129; reason, 74-
77; romances, the, 152, 213-215;
romantic movement, the, 194;
rules, the, 78-80, 158; sacred his-
tory, subjects from, 92-94; savage
happiness, 201; sentimental point
of view, the, 197; sentimental vir-
tue, 200; Spenser, Edmund, 133-
136; spokesman for the eight-
eenth century, 113; study and ob-
servation, 108, 118; sublime, the,
44-48, 103-109, 118, 206; taste,
103; tediousness, 101-103; test of
time, the, 80-82; truth, 75, 158;
translations, opinion of, 136-137;
variety and interest, 101-103;
versification, 137-145; wit, on,
124-126; wonder, 45, 216-217.

critique upon, 207-208; Greek Johny Armstrong, 212.
scholarship, 17; heroic drama, Jonson, Ben, 9, 10, 135, 165.
216; humanism, 7, 8, 113, et Juvenal, 20-26, 195.
passim; Hume, David, 68; imagi-

nation, on the, 103-109, 118,

206; Idler, the, 195; imitation, Kames, Henry Home, Lord, 52.
Kenrick, Daniel, 148.

83-86; impressions, 71, 231; in-
dustry and application, 98-100;
intercourse with the world, 73;

La Bruyère, Jean de, 38.

Irene, 157, 171-172; Johnson and La Fontaine, Jean de, 37.

Addison on Milton, 242-243; La Rochefoucauld, François, Duc
Katharsis, Aristotelian, 42; Latin
imitations, 12, 86, 127; Latin

learning, 13, 16, 53; learning, 10;

de, 37.
Ladvocat, Abbé, 39.

Langton, Bennet, 73.

liberty, 199; luxury, 201; master Laud, Archbishop, 25.

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