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I.-The Five Books of Moses.

1 What book should we prize above all others The Bible.

2 Why? In it there is the knowledge that makes wise unto salvation.

3 What are the two great divisions of the Bible? The Old Testament and the New Testament. 4 How many books are there in the Old Testament? Thirty-nine.

5 How many in the New? Twenty-seven. 6 What is the first book of the Bible called? Genesis.

7 What is the meaning of the word "Genesis?" The beginning, or creation.

8 Why is the first book so called? It begins with an account of the creation of the world.

9 Name the second book of the Bible? Exodus. 10 What does the word "Exodus" mean? A going out, or departure.

11 Why is this book so called? It describes the departure of the children of Israel from Egypt.

12 Name the third book? Leviticus.

13 Why so called? Because it contains the laws concerning the Levites.

14 Name the fourth book? Numbers.

15 Why so called? Because it gives the numbers of the tribes of Israel.

16 Name the fifth book? Deuteronomy. 17 What does the word "Deuteronomy" mean? It is Greek for "Second Law."

18 Why is this book so called? It gives a second edition, or rehearsal, of the laws of Moses. 19 Name now these five books? Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. 20 What are these books of Moses sometimes called? The Pentateuch.

21 Why? Because "Pentateuch" is Greek for "Five Books."

II. The Twelve Historical Books. 22 What are the next twelve books of the Bible called? The Historical Books.

23 Why? Because they are the historical records of the Jews, from their settlement in Canaan till their return from the captivity in Babylon.

24 Name the first of these historical books? Joshua.

25 Why is it so called? Because it relates the life and exploits of Joshua.

26 Who was Joshua? The successor of Moses

in the command of the hosts of Israel.

27 What book follows Joshua? Judges.

28 Why so called? Because it gives the history of the Jewish nation under the Judges.

29 Who were the Judges? The men that ruled Israel from the days of Joshua till the days of their first king.

30 Who was their first King? Saul. 31 What book follows Judges? Ruth. 32 Why so called? Because it tells about Ruth and her marriage to Boaz.

Because 33 Why are we told about that? Ruth's son became the grandfather of David, and in the lineage of David came Christ the Saviour.

34 What two books follow Ruth? I. and II. Samuel.

35 Why so called? Because the first gives the history of Samuel the prophet, and of David whom he anointed King: and the second book goes on with David's history.

36 What two books come after Samuel? I. and II. Kings.

37 Why so called? Because they give the history of the Jews under their kings, from the time of David to the time when they were carried captive to Babylon.

38 What two books come after Kings? I. and II. Chronicles.

39 What is the meaning of the word "Chronicles?" Annals.

40 Why are these two books so called? Because they are full of Jewish annals and genealogies. 41 What book follows Chronicles? Ezra.

42 Why called Ezra? Because Ezra was the name of the Jew who wrote it.

43 What period of Jewish history does he give us? The history of ninety years; beginning with the reign of Cyrus, King of Persia.

44 On to what time? To the twentieth year of the Persian King Artaxerxes.

45 What book follows Ezra? Nehemiah. 46 Why called so? Because it relates the life and labours of Nehemiah.

47 Who was Nehemiah? The governor of Palestine appointed by Artaxerxes.

48 And what was his work? Rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.

49 When did he begin that work? 444 years before Christ.

50 What book follows Nehemiah? Esther.

51 Why so called? Because it tells of the salvation of the Jewish people through the intercession of Esther.

52 Who was Esther? A Jewish girl who became Queen of Persia.

53 What is there very remarkable about this book? The name of God is not in it.

54 What is the probable reason? The narrative is extracted from the Annals of the Persians, who were heathen.

55 Name now the five books of Moses and the twelve Historical Books?




MANY thousand of miles away from

where we live, there is a land full of dark mountains; and amongst them there dwelt, once upon a time, an old hunter. His hut stood upon the brow of a cliff, that looked down into a deep, dark lake; and here the hunter dwelt with his son Selma. But when he found himself growing old, he used to say to his boy: 'When I am dead, go thou away into the world, and seek thy fortune.'

Well, the old man came to die at last. So he called Selma to him where he lay, and drew from under his head a little box; and, he said: 'My son, I have no legacy to leave thee but this. Go out now to the brow of the rock, and open this box, and thou shalt find in it two rings. Choose which thou wilt, put it on thy finger, and then cast the other into the lake, and come back to me.'

So the lad took the box, and went out to the brow of the cliff, and opened it, and there to be sure were the two rings. The one had a stone that sparkled out of a rich setting of yellow gold. The other had also a gem, sparkling with a still purer and more brilliant ray; but it was set in a ring of black wood that looked very common beside the other. So, without more ado, young Selma put the golden ring upon his finger, and threw the other into the lake, and went back again to his father.

Then the old man said: 'Show me thy hand, my son.'

And the lad put his hand near his father's face that he might see it, for the old man's eyes were growing dim.

'So thou hast kept the golden ring,' said the old man.


Yes, father, I have kept the golden ring, and thrown the other into the lake.'

'Alas! my son,' said the old man, thou hust acted foolishly. Thou hast judged, not by the gem, but by its setting. The ring thou hast thrown away was worth a score like this.' 'O, father! how can that be? It was made of black wood.'

'Ay,' said the old man, 'the setting was of wood, but the gem was a diamond of great price.'

'But surely not of so great a price as this one?'


'That one, my son, is no gem at all. 'Tis only cut glass, and a bit of glossy foil beneath makes it sparkle.'

'O, father!' cried the lad, 'why did you not tell me this before I threw the other ring away ?'

'My son,' the old man replied, "if thou wilt learn from this to look for real worth and goodness in men and in things, and judge not any gem by its mere setting, thou hast got thy lesson cheaply, even at the cost of that precious diamond."

Well, by and by the old man died, and young Selma buried him with many tears. And when he began to think of what he should do now, he remembered what his father said so often about his going away into the world to seek his fortune. So he tied up his little bundle, and bade good bye to the home of his childhood; and, after many days of wandering, he got down from the mountains and found himself in a strange land.

Now, it happened that the country into which young Selma had come was the country of king Tribulum. And in this country there was a cruel giant, who lived in a great castle across the valley from the palace of the king. And this giant had not only ravaged the land, but he had captured the beautiful princess,the king's daughter,—and had shut her up in his castle; and said that before he married her he would keep her for a year, and fight every one who challenged him. But for every one he vanquished, he would take a week off the year, and have the princess sooner to himself.

So the king caused it to be proclaimed, that whoever fought and killed the giant should have the princess for his wife; and should get for her dowry the Beautiful Island, with the shores of silver sand, and the gardens that were always green. But inasmuch as every one who fought the giant caused a week to be taken off the year, the king ordained that every one who fought, and fled, should be put to death.

And now twenty-five weeks of the year had passed, and twenty-five knights had fought the giant, causing twenty-five more weeks to be taken from the year. So the time was close at hand when the giant would force the princess to be his wife.

It was just at this time that young Selma came down from the mountains to seek his fortune.

Well, young Selma had scarcely reached

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the plains when he met a man who asked him, "Whither away?'

"To seek my fortune,' said the lad.

'If thy heart be as brave as thine eye,' said the man, 'I can put thee in the way of that.'

So he told him about the cruel giant and the princess, and what the king had promised to any man who should rescue her.

'I have a mind to try it,' said the lad.

So the man showed him the way; and the lad went on and on, for two days and two nights, till he came to the king's palace. And there, at the gates, he told the warders his errand; so they took him in before the king. Well, the king asked him if he was willing to fight the giant; and the lad said, 'Yes, I


'Five and twenty stalwart knights have tried it,' said the king; 'twenty the giant slew, and the heads of the other five are spiked upon my palace walls. And there thine also shall go if thou should'st fight and fail.'

Nevertheless,' said the lad, 'I will try.' Then the king and his officers took him into the armoury, to have him equipped for the fight. And there, all around the walls, hung suits of armour,-gold and silver and shining steel,-plate armour and chain armour; and swords and spears and battleaxes.

'Now,' said the king, 'what weapon wilt thou have?'

'Here is a lance of gold,' said one of the officers.

'And here is a shining scimitar with jewels in the hilt,' said another.

But young Selma looked about, and espied in one corner a plain javelin, light and strong; and beside it a stout battleaxe, with oaken shaft and heavy head of steel, on which there shone the word 'FAITH.'

'I shall take these,' he said.

'These!' exclaimed the king, 'and not this scimitar! See that beautiful hilt glittering with jewels."

'Ay,' said the lad, 'but I have learned not to judge a gem by its setting.'

Then they asked him what armour he would put on. And one showed him a chain suit of gold, and another a cuirass of silver, and another a shield bordered with gleaming pearls.

But the lad espied on the wall a tough old targe of bull-hide, with studs of steel, and the motto, SELF-CONTROL.'

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'So' said the lad, 'I will take this.' 'What! do these others not look more warlike?' said the king.

'Yes,' said Selma, 'but my father has taught me to trust to worth and not to show.'

And now when he had armed himself, the king took him and showed him the giant's castle on the opposite hill, and bid him 'God speed,' and went up to the palace tower to watch what came of him.

Well, the lad went down into the bottom of the valley; and there, in the dark-flowing stream, he saw the bones of all the knights whom the giant had slain. But with a stout heart he crossed the stream, and clambered up the hill on the other side, till he came to the giant's gate. Now, at the gate there hung a horn fastened to an iron chain; and on the wall was written: He who comes to fight the giant, let him blow this horn, and prepare for death.'

Well, the lad felt a certain qualm come over him when he read that; but looking up at the grim battlements, what should he espy but the poor princess, who was gazing across at her father's palace, and wringing her little hands as one in despair. When young Selma saw that, he was more eager than ever to fight the giant; and without waiting another moment, seized the horn, and blew a blast that made the castle ring.

The sound had scarcely died away when a dreadful voice from within cried: 'Who blows that horn?'

'One who comes to do battle for the princess,' answered the lad.

With that the gate opened, and out there came a huge giant, with teeth like fangs, and a mighty two-edged sword in his hand.

'Aha!" said the giant, looking at young Selma as if he could eat him up at a handful, so thou hast come to fight?'

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'I have come to fight,' said the lad. 'That cuts off the last week of the year,' said the giant with a hideous grin. can marry the princess to-morrow whether I kill thee or drive thee away to have thy head spiked on the king's gate. So, lad, as I like thy pluck, and as thou hast brought the year to its end sooner than I looked for, I will make thee an offer. Come into my service. Thou wilt save thy head. And thou shalt wait on me and on the princess when I have made her my wife; and, if thou servest me well, thou shalt have a share of my plunder.'


'I am here not to parley but to fight,' replied young Selma.

Fool!' cried the giant, 'dost thou refuse my offer? Dost thou think to cope with me? Hast thou not seen the bones of thoso I have slain in fight, and flung down to the bottom of the valley?'

"Nevertheless,' ,' said the lad, 'I am here to win or die.'

'Die then!' roared the giant, whirling his huge sword over his head.

But young Selma had quickly poised his javelin, and now hurling it with all his might, drove it deep into the giant's breast. The sword came down with a dreadful blow, but the lad caught it as best he could on his studded targe; and, before the wounded giant could deal another, he snatched his battleaxe, and smote him on the head with such a stroke that the monster reeled, and fell at his feet dead.

When young Selma saw this he bent his knee, and thanked God. Then he entered the castle, and set the giant's captives free; and went up to where the beautiful princess was, and bowed himself before her. And she, trembling, threw her arms round his neck, and wept for joy. Then he took her away from the giant's castle, and led her to her father the king.

You may be sure when the news spread, there was great rejoicing through all the land. And the king was as good as his word; for he gave the princess to young Selma to be his wife, and gave for her dowry the Beautiful Island, with the shores of silver sand, and the gardens that are always green. And now Selma has grown to be a great and wise prince; and is teaching his own children what his father taught him,-not to judge of a gem by its setting, but to look for real worth, and prize it, wheresoever and in whomsoever found.

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HREE Prizes, in each of the two divisions, are offered for the largest number of correct answers. The Prizes to be awarded in December 1873.

The following are the conditions:

1. In the first, or Junior division, the questions for which will be printed first in order; competitors not to be above thirteen years of age.

2. In the second, or Senior division, competitors not to be above eighteen years of age; and in both divisions the answers must be honestly the work of the individuals competing.

3. All answers to be addressed, not later than the 18th of each month, to the Rev. JOHN KAY, Greenbank Cottage, Coatbridge.

As a matter of convenience and economy the answers may be written on post cards. Be careful in all cases to give the name and address of the competitor.

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