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night of unsuccessful toil, Peter and Andrew, James and John, brought their boats into one of the creeks, and left them there. That morning Jesus stood by the lake, and the people pressed upon Him to hear the word of God. Men and women, boys and girls crowded around Him, waiting to hear the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth. Jesus never sent away any who came to Him. He was well pleased to satisfy these longing souls with the bread of life. That every one of them might hear His voice, Jesus entered into Simon Peter's boat. Immediately Peter was by his side, glad to have Jesus with him in his ship. When Peter had taken the boat a little way from the land, Jesus sat down and taught the people. The fishing boat was the pulpit, from which Jesus preached to the crowds who stood all round the little creek in which the boat lay. We do not know what Jesus said to the people on that occasion; we are only told that He taught them. Jesus spake many words, and worked many miracles, which are not written in the Bible. But though we do not know what Jesus said in Peter's boat that morning, we know what He did after He had finished speaking to the people.

Jesus was about to call Peter and his companions to leave their ships and their nets, to give up their daily employment, and follow Him wherever He went, not knowing where they were to get food to eat, or raiment to put on. Before doing so, Jesus wished to shew them that He knew they had need of all these things, and that He was able to supply all their wants. He knew they had toiled all night and taken nothing, and He wished to comfort their hearts, and to increase their faith in Him as their Lord and Master.

After a miraculous draught of fishes, which so filled the boats that they began to sink, the four disciples, Simon Peter and Andrew his brother, and James, and John his brother, left their ships and their nets that morning, and followed Jesus. They had given themselves to Jesus before this time, but now they gave up their employment as fishermen, and followed their Lord wherever He went. Their boats and their


nets were all the wealth they had, and these they left for Jesus.

And what became of the little ships after the disciples had left them? James and John left their ship with Zebedee their father, but we are not told that Andrew and Peter's ship was left with any one. Probably it was drawn up on the beach, or moored by the shore, and lay there for a time unused.

Jesus went with His disciples throughout all Galilee preaching the word, and after a few weeks or months had passed, we find them again by the sea shore, and a great multitude_following Him. Then we are told that Jesus spake to His disciples that a small ship should wait on Him because of the multitude, lest they should throng Him.

We are not told which of the little ships afterwards waited on Jesus, but we know that there was one always ready for Him when he wished it; and most likely it was the same fishing boat in which He had already preached to the people. Peter was always foremost among the disciples, and how glad would he be when he found that the ship which he had left for Jesus could now be useful in His service. Jesus knew that His disciples were able to provide a boat for Him, and therefore He asked them to do so. Jesus never asks any one to do anything for Him that he is unable to do, but when we give ourselves to Jesus, we are bound to reckon all that we have as belonging to Him, and gladly to use it in His service.

The Lord loveth a cheerful giver. He says, 'Them that honour Me, I will honour.' The disciples honoured Jesus when they devoted their little ship to His service, and what an honour did Jesus confer on them when He sailed with them in it, and preached from it the words of eternal life.

At another time we may tell of some of the voyages of the first missionary ship, and may each of our young readers, like that little vessel on the lake of Galilee, be ever found waiting upon Jesus.

'Wait on the Lord, and be thou strong,
And He shall strength afford
Unto thine heart; yea, do thou wait,
I say, upon the Lord."



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OW the wind roars and tears round the house like a hungry giant, knocking at doors, rattling at windows, and with a howl of baffled disappointment shouting defiance down upon us from the chimney-tops! So it roars and tears to-night, while I, sitting in my snug, cosy room, before a bright fire, begin to think that there will be sad news of all this from out at sea. I have friends at sea, and the prayer rises to my lips, O God, help the poor sailors.' And I bethink me of the lines of the hymn :'O Christ, whose voice the waters heard And hushed their raging at Thy word: Who walked'st on the foaming deep, And calm amid its rage did'st sleep, O hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea.

O Trinity of love and power,
Our brethren shield in danger's hour,
From rock and tempest, fire and foe,
Protect them wheresoe'er they go.
Thus evermore shall rise to Thee,
Glad hymns of praise from land and sea.'

It was in a storm just such as this, that some brave sailors perished, singing the praise of Him who once said to the storm, 'Peace, be still.' In the winter of 186a trading vessel from a town on the English coast, was making its way towards the south of Scotland. The night set in with fierce storm, and driving rain, and long and hard was the struggle to keep the vessel off the rocky shore. All that man might do was done, but all in vain. The jagged rocks, with the angry foam tossing in great white surges at their feet, seemed as if ravening for their prey. Ever nearer and nearer-ever closer and closer, till men gathered on the shore could see the faces of the doomed mariners.

A God-fearing, brave-hearted farmer, part of whose land lay along the shore, had summoned his men with ropes, determined if it might be, to save the life of the crew. One of the farm-servants tying a rope round his waist, plunged in amid the boiling surge, the

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men on shore holding by the end of the rope. Blinded, dazed by the fierce waves, and staggering under their terrible blows, he strove to approach the vessel that he might throw a rope to the sailors, who were clinging to the mast. But it could not be; the life of the gallant fellow was given to save the lives of others. One huge wave caught him and dashed him against the sharppointed rocks, and one woman the more was left a widow, and several children the more, fatherless that day. The farmer, undaunted by the death of his gallant servant, prepared himself for one last effort. Plunging more than once into the seething waves, he was each time hurled back on shore, and then the end came swiftly.

Those on shore saw the perishing sailors clinging to the mast, and wondered as they heard rising above the turmoil of the waves, a strange, half-familiar sound. What could it be? They that listened long since out

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side the prison-walls of Philippi heard the HAVE the youthful readers of "The

self-same sound, and could not understand it. It was this: with death staring them in the face, and knowing that all efforts to help. were in vain, they sang together one of those sweet hymns which they had been taught in the Sabbath school, and far above the din of the storm, rang out the words :

"There is a happy land,

Far, far away.'

Not so far away,' either: for the hymn ceased to sound amidst the huge boulders, and the jagged saw-like rocks, only to be raised anew in the land where the storm is changed into a calm.

When, some weeks afterwards, I stood on the shore, and gazed upon the spot where the vessel was wrecked, and her brave sailors found a watery grave, my wish was, 'may it be mine, whether on sea or land, when the last moment comes, to meet it with psalm or hymn upon my lips, so shall death have no terror for me, in the near prospect of Jerusalem the golden.'

PRAYER.-Prayer is to the Christian what his hair was to Samson; shorn of it he is feeble as other men.

Dayspring,' ever tried to realise the meaning of the words-There is joy in the presence of the angels of God, over one sinner that repenteth?' I thought for many years that I had known the meaning, and felt the power of them, but the following incident which fell under my own eye, brought them home with a new power.

I happened many years ago, to be spending a night in Greenock, and was suddenly aroused from sleep by the startling cry of 'Fire! Fire!' by the sound of hurried feet, and by the repeated efforts made by a crowd of people to gain access to a yard, in which were kept for the purposes of trade, several ladders of more than usual length. Dressing myself hurriedly, I gained the street, and followed the crowd. Reaching the principal square of the town, I speedily discovered the cause of this midnight alarm. A large tenement of houses consisting of five flats was on fire, and the fire had enveloped the stairs, so that all escape from the burning house by that means was cut off. From one of the windows in the topmost flat, looked out a white, ghastly face; no! two faces: one, that of a young mother, the other, that of her infant two days old. By the ruddy

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glow of the flames, I could see the countenances of men distorted with fear, some with tears rolling down their cheeks, and the shrieks and cries of women in the crowd broke at frequent intervals on the ear. How the eye follows every step of that brave young man, who mounts round after round of the swaying ladder. See! he has caught the young mother in his arms, and the mother, mother-like, clutches her baby to her breast, and they descend step by step, till at last they stand upon the pavement. And then, what a shout rent the midnight air! How the men cheered, how the women sobbed and threw themselves into each others arms! There was joy in the presence of God over this woman and her child, saved from the raging flames. Yes! it was but the faint image of that joy which circles round the throne of God; when the tidings reach the heavenly land that another and another is rescued from a more terrible death, and from the fire that is never quenched. I never again saw the man that delivered her that was ready to perish, but I can say with truth that I loved him with all my heart. But how much more am I bound to love Him who has not only saved me, but has given His own life to save me : who died for me, that there might be joy in the presence of the angels of God. Children let each one of you ask, has my salvation made glad God's angels? or am I still in the house on which the flames have siezed-SAVED OR UNSAVED-that is the question of questions.


A FATHER and mother had, for many long years prayed for their son; but it seemed as if all cries were in vain. Their son, who, as a boy had been giddy and obstinate, turned out a bad, ungodly youth, who prepared grievous trouble and anxiety for his parents, and at last, when their house became too strict for him, ran away and became a sailor.

One day, on board ship, he had mounted the rigging, and, when there, lost his balance, and fell overboard. A boat was at once lowered to pick him up; but, as the

vessel was sailing quickly at the time, it was a long time before the young man could be reached; but at last he was brought on board seemingly lifeless.

The ship's doctor used all possible means to restore him to life; but it seemed as if they would prove fruitless. His comrades had given up all hope of being able to save him, when he gave a few signs of life. The attempts for reviving him were now begun afresh; and, after a short time, the young man opened his eyes, and then uttered the cry of joy, 'Jesus Christ has saved me!'

Then he was silent again; and it was a long time before he was able to relate what he had experienced, when, in the water, he had struggled with death. When I fell down from the mast, and recognised my danger, it seemed as if all the sins of my whole life stood before me. I beheld my terrible great guilt, and did not fear death so much as the punishment which would follow it. In this anguish of soul a text came to my recollection which I had often heard my father repeat: 'This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.' To Him I cried in my trouble; and I hope that He has pardoned me, and I am sure that He has saved me.'

His after-life proved that his penitence was really sincere, and not merely the passing effects of the fear of approaching death. He henceforth led a new life. He returned to his parents, who received him with great joy he now became their comfort and support, and lived as an honest and godly



Not by appointment do we meet Delight And Joy: they heed not our expectancy; But round some corner in the streets of life, They on a sudden clasp us with a smile. Gerald Massey.

IGNORANCE AND KNOWLEDGE. Naked knowledge is like the light of the moon-men sleep under it; but heavenly wisdom is like the light of the sun-men work by it. Grace in the heart is the only ballast for knowledge in the head.




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ASSING, the other day, through the streets of a large manufacturing town, I saw a placard headed by the royal arms, and the word 'Wanted' underneath. It was an intimation to all whom it might concern, that more soldiers were needed for the army of the Queen.

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Eighteen hundred years ago, a great King issued His proclamation for recruits for the royal service. His enemies were gathered in thousands, in millions, and His own forces were but few. Amidst the noise and din of the battle-field, you could hear rising from the lips of His foes, the terrible words, 'let us break His bands asunder, and cast His cords from us.' I say terrible words,' for the King against whom they were uttered, was and is (He is living still, and is alive for evermore) the most loving, gracious King that ever ruled. And the King, looking forth upon these His foes, did not compare them to enemies gathered on a battle-field, but to great fields of yellow corn ready for the reapers' work, and with a heavy sigh, He said, 'The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.' That was His proclamation :-' Wanted, more labourers.' As you read these words, think upon the many millions of human beings that have never heard of Christ, or of Christ's work: see the outstretched hands, and hear the loud cries that rise from the ends of the earth, 'Come over and help us!' Are there not some of you willing to enter the army of Jesus for this work? You say 'we are too young.' Well, the church will wait for you; and meanwhile you can be under training for the army: though you are too young to go out and tell the heathen that the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost, you can do one thing that the King desires, Pray the Lord of the harvest that He would send labourers into His harvest.'


IF you take a map of the world and find out the Pacific Ocean, you will discover there a group of islands called the New Hebrides. It was on one of these islands that the noble missionary, John Williams, fell fighting for his master. On the very same island Mr Gordon and his wife fell, murdered, as Williams was, by the very men whom they sought to save. On one of these islands called Aniwa, a faithful missionary of the cross is at present labouring along with his wife. One Sabbath, about six months ago, they dispensed the communion of the Lord's Supper to such of the natives as had made a profession of Christianity. Among the communicants was a young man, a chief on the island, whose history is not a little remarkable. Yowilli used to be the ringleader in every mischief, and gave the missionary, Mr Paton, trouble than any one else on the island. Making it a matter of special prayer that God would change the heart of this young man, God heard the missionary's prayer; and at length Yowilli sat down at the Lord's table. The missionary spoke to the communicants about that text, 'Ye are bought with a price.' After the interesting services were closed, the young chief waylaid Mr Paton as he returned to his house, and said in a resolute voice, as one who had made up his mind, 'Missi! Missi! what about the pipe?' Mr Paton stared at him, not understanding what he meant, and he went on, 'You have told us before, Missi, that it was not bad to smoke, but I want to do everything Jesus wants me, when He has bought me with such a price: and you said our mouths were His, and we were not to talk bad: but what about the pipe? If it is the least wrong to smoke, I'll break it and burn it.'


A MISSIONARY travelling in North

America, was requested to go out to a new settlement to address a Sabbath school. He had preached in the morning, and was

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