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"The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.' Proverbs iv. 18.'

FATHER, I would my path might prove Like yonder orb's, whose bright'ning ray Doth hour by hour in silence move Towards the perfect day.

That I his stedfast course might run, Within the ways of truth and right, And seek with the unswerving Sun, The full meridian height:

Still scattering through my earthly way, Such deeds of gentleness and love,

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OUR MISSIONARY PAGE. OHN WILLIAMS was the first who wished to preach the gospel in the New Hebrides. His large soul could not be confined to a single reef,' and he was ever planning and executing schemes for the spread of the gospel. He set sail in November 1839, in the missionary vessel Camden,' with great anxiety as to the efforts to be made. An extract from a letter written four days before his death will express the state of his mind. 'I have just heard dear Captain Morgan say that we are sixty miles off the New Hebrides, so that we shall be there early to-morrow morning. This evening we are to have a special prayer meeting. Oh, how much depends upon the efforts of to-morrow!


the savages receive us or not? Perhaps at this moment, you or some other kind friend may be wrestling with God for us. I am all anxiety, but desire prudence and faithfulness in the management of the attempt to impart the gospel to these benighted people, and

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leave the event to God. I brought twelve native missionaries with me; two have settled at a beautiful island, Rotumah; the ten I have are for the New Hebrides and New Caledonia. The approaching week is to me the most important of my life.' In truth it was; for during the week he had risen from the footstool to the throne, and had formed one of those regarding whom the angels of God say, 'These are they that have come out of great tribulation and have washed their robes white in the blood of the Lamb.' On the 19th November 1839, teachers were landed on Tanna, and on the 20th Mr Williams and Mr Harris were murdered as they were landing on Erromanga.

From that hour the New Hebrides possessed a deeper interest, and christians in Great Britain longed to win these islands to the cross. But the missionaries in Samoa were ready to take up the fallen standard of Williams, and one of their number was sent to


hazard his life in an effort to introduce christian teachers on Erromanga. This devoted missionary, the late Rev. T. Heath, stipulated that in case he was cut off as Williams had been, the work should not be given up, but that another should follow in the same christian enterprise. He was successful, and settled teachers at Erromanga in May 1840; but their sufferings were soon begun, and had not a mission vessel touched at the island four months afterward, they would have perished. At Dillon's Bay, where Williams had been murdered, teachers were settled on this visit, and also on Fotuna. In 1845 native teachers were settled on the beautiful island of Faté or Sandwich. These efforts were nearly all fruitless, and resulted in the murder of teachers on Fotuna and Faté, and in their sufferings and death on Tanna. In the year 1842 two European missionaries, Messrs Turner and Nisbet, were settled on Tanna, but severe and wide spread disease having appeared among the natives shortly after, the murder of the missionaries was resolved upon. Having suffered much anxiety, the doomed brethren put to sea in an open boat, and after being driven back towards the shore which they had left, were providentially picked up by a vessel bound for Samoa. In 1848 Messrs Geddie and Powell attempted missionary work on Aneityum. Mr Powell, after a year's residence, returned to Samoa. Mr Geddie was a Presbyterian missionary from Nova Scotia. For three years, Mr (now Dr) Geddie and his wife laboured alone. God blessed their labours, and after many difficulties and trials, the missionary had the joy of seeing important fruits. Thirteen Aneityumese were baptised on the 18th May 1852, and the Lord's Supper observed for the first time. There were then sixty natives under christian instruction with a view to joining the membership of the church; eighty learning to read; and a disposition to receive instruction rapidly growing among the people.

Next month our young readers may expect to find the history of the New Hebrides Mission carried down to the present day.



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51. Of what good man is it said that a wicked man was afraid of him because the Lord was with him?

52. Which verse of Proverbs contrasts the courage of a good man with the cowardliness of the evil-doer?

53. In what striking manner does Moses describe the fears of a guilty conscience?

54. Where do we find a prayer of the apostles for courage to persevere in duty?

55. Name two men who committed awful crimes from want of courago to refuse?


(16) Isaiah liii. 5. (47) Mary of Bethany. John xii. 7. (48) Hebrews xi. 1. (49) Heb. xi. 13. Having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them. (50) Matthew viii. 10; xv. 28.

All answers to be addressed, not later than the 18th of the month, to the REV. JOHN KAY, Greenbank Cottage, Coatbridge.

NOTICE TO COMPETITORS.As the bound volume of the 'Dayspring' must be ready for publication in the beginning of December, the present list of questions will be the last for 1872. In the January number will be published the names of the successful competitors, and an important arrangement stated in reference to the new series of Questions for 1873.

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Paisley: J. AND R. PARLANE.

4 More like Jesus when I pray,
More like Jesus day by day;
May I rest me by His side,
Where the tranquil waters glide.
Born of Him, through grace renewed,
By His love my will subdued,
Rich in faith I still would be-

Let my Saviour dwell in me.

London: HOULSTON AND SONS, Paternoster Buildings. The DAYSPRING can be had, post free, from the Publishers, as follows: 7 copies for 4d., or 12 copies monthly, for one year, 66.

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'HILDREN, stop a minute


In your evening play, While the romping firelight Chases out the day, Something has come o'er me That I want to say: There are little children Out in all the rain, When the streets are freezing, Numb with bitter pain, Grown so used to hunger

That they scarce complain. While your pleasant nursery Glows in warmth and light, Think of those who shiver

Through the wintry night, Crouching 'neath an archway That is frosted bright!

No kind mother tucks them
In a cosy bed,

No dear hand falls gently

On the curly head; Straw, at best, below them,

And above, a shed.

Think of them, dear children,

In your evening prayer, Try some way to give them Of your better share;

There is One who deems them

Worthy of His care.

There is One who watches

From His radiant throne, O'er those little children,

Hears their weary moan; Let Him note some lovingKindness to them shown!

J. G. M. K.


IT is about twenty years since Mrs Ingolls

went to live in Burmah. She and her good husband, the Rev. J. Ingolls, laboured there for seven years, and then the Lord called him to rest from his labours. And ever since his lonely widow has gone working on there.

She told us that Mr Ingolls had the joy of baptizing about four thousand people. He often went preaching journeys into what is

called the robber district. His instructions were blessed for the conversion of two robber chiefs. They gave up their wicked ways, and employed themselves in cutting down timber for sale.

'Once,' said Mrs Ingolls, 'they came to our mission, and, after further instruction, were baptized. They saw we had a chapel for the services. When they went back to the mountains they said, "The white teachers have rooms to worship God in, perhaps if we build one they will come and teach us." And they told the good news they had heard, and believed about the true God and Jesus Christ. So they set to work, and got planks and bamboos, and in time a chapel was built. Then the two chiefs said, "We will go and fetch the white teacher."

'They came from the far mountains to our station, but their white teacher, my dear, dear husband, was gone away; yes, gone away to be with the Lord, and rest from all teaching. "Then they said to me, "Wont you come and teach us?"

'I was then overwhelmed with grief, and how could I leave my schools and my child, and no one to carry on the mission. So I said, No, I cannot come."

'Then the men cried and said, "We have been robbers and liars, and we told the people if we built a room the white teacher would If we go back and say he is dead, and that you will not come, they will think we are liars still, and they will listen no more to us about the true God."


"Then I went and prayed about the matter, and consulted with those who knew the mountains. They said, "It is not safe for a woman to go; the district is full of robbers, and the people are fierce; you will never come back."

'Still the repeated cry of these poor men, "Come and teach us," seemed an indication of God's will. So I determined to go for six weeks, taking with me my child and nurse, and three native Christian helpers. I met with great kindness, and the people were so eager to hear the news, the good news, that I have sometimes sat up past midnight to teach the crowds that came. It was indeed six weeks of sowing time. Many said, "How beautiful this is, that God sent His Son to save us-we do believe it." I left many books and tracts, and some of them nearly learnt to read. I explained to them about the Lord Jesus, and told them that I a woman

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