Now I do know thee. Oh that thou hadst died, Bel. Would I had died indeed! I wish it too: And so I must have done by vow, ere published The princess is all clear. King. Dion. All is discovered. 120 It is a woman: let her speak the rest. Phi. How? that again! Dion. It is a woman. Phi. Blessed be you powers that favour innocence ! [Megra is seized. Phi. It is a woman, sir !—Hark, gentlemen, It is a woman!-Arethusa, take My soul into thy breast, that would be gone Of malice. 130 King. Speak you, where lies his shame? Phi. The gods are just. I am his daughter. Dion. I dare accuse none; but, before you two, For mercy. [Kneels. Phi. [raising him.] Take it freely; for I know, Though what thou didst were undiscreetly done, 141 'Twas meant well. Are. And for me, I have a power To pardon sins, as oft as any man Has power to wrong me. Cle. Noble and worthy! Phi. Bel. But, Bellario (For I must call thee still so), tell me why My father oft would speak My blood flew out and back again, as fast My birth no match for you, I was past hope 160 170 180 Whilst there was hope to hide me from men's eyes, Abide with you. Then sat I by the fount, Where first you took me up. King. Search out a match Within our kingdom, where and when thou wilt, Bel. Are. And I will pay thy dowry; and thyself Never, sir, will I Marry; it is a thing within my vow : But, if I may have leave to serve the princess, I shall have hope to live. I, Philaster, Cannot be jealous, though you had a lady Phi. I grieve such virtue should be laid in earth 190 200 Without an heir.-Hear me, my royal father: Wrong not the freedom of our souls so much, To think to take revenge of that base woman ; Her malice cannot hurt us. Set her free As she was born, saving from shame and sin. King. Set her at liberty. But leave the court; This is no place for such.-You, Pharamond, Shall have free passage, and a conduct home Worthy so great a prince. When you come there Remember 'twas your faults that lost you her, And not my purposed will. Pha. Renowned sir. I do confess, 209 King. Last, join your hands in one. Enjoy, Philaster. ! This kingdom, which is yours, and, after me, [Exeunt. |