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Jove judicat æquo.-Hor.

Eo ego ingenio natus sum, amicitiam

Atque inimicitiam in fronte promptam gero. Ennius.







Funds for the rebinding of this book have been provided by a grant from The National Endowment for the Humanities, 1989-92.







Blackwood's Magazine, 505; Bri-
tish and other colonial trade com-
pared, 506; present condition of
free blacks in Jamaica and Hayti,
508; extracts from Mr. Walker's
speech, comparing the condition
of free blacks at the North with
Southern slaves and European po-
pulation, 509; influence of aboli-
tion doctrines upon slavery, 512;
Calhoun's letter to Packenham,
513; possible amelioration of the
slaves' condition, 514; position of
the South, 515; influence of annex-
ation on the institution of slavery,
517; true question involved in the
annexation of Texas, 519-520.
Anthon's Greek Prosody, largely in-
debted to Professor Sandford, 247;
Pindaric metres, 249.

Alida; or Town and Country, 527.


Brande's Encyclopedia, 264.
Brougham's Sketches of Statesmen, 95.


Annexation of Texas, 483-520; Mar-
quette and La Salle's enterprizes
on the Mississippi, 483; French
settlement in Texas, 484; Conflict
of French and Spanish claim, ib.;
Cessions of Louisiana, Spanish
claim beyond the Sabine and trea-
ty of 1819, 485; Mexican confed-
eration, 487; sovereignty of Texas,
488; usurpation of Santa Anna,
and constitution of 1824, 489; Tex-
as independent of Mexico, 491;
Effects of enlarging the American
Union, 492; opinions of Conven-
tion as to new States, 493; French
acquisition of Louisiana, 494; Gou-
verneur Morris' speech on the oc-
casion, 495; purchase of Louisiana
and Florida-proceedings of the
Hartford Convention, 496; how
American liberty endangered, 498;
British policy in Texas, 499; Aber-
deen's letter, 500; British residents
abroad prohibited slave property,
501; fugitive slaves, Creole case-
"world's convention," 502; cause
of British interference with Afri-

can slavery, 504; extracts from Characteristics of the Statesman, 95-

129; importance of the subject, 98;
statesman related to government,
99; mutually act upon each other,
100; statesman in the earliest stage
of society, 101; progress of civili-
zation and society traced, 102;
higher requisitions upon the states-
man, 104; complexness of modern
systems of law and government,
105; Montesquieu's views, ib; ex-
amination of Dugald Stuart's max-
im that legislation will be simpli-
fied as society advances to perfec-
tion, 106; statesman's intellectual
endowments, 107; mistakes as to
cause and effect in the political
world, 108; great revolutions often
from trivial causes, 109; the states-
man's knowledge, 110; grossness
of modern notions on this point,
111; exclusion of lawyers from
public affairs, ib.; statesman ac-
cording to Greeks, Romans-So-
crates and Bacon's views, 113;
virtue an essential characteristic,
114; the statesman's religion (note)
ib.; corruption of statesmen, 115;
their exposure to trial and tempta-
tion, 116; Demosthenes consider-
ed, ib.; American statesman, 117;
deplorable state of public morals
in our country, 118; prostitution
of public men, ib.; political intol-
arance, 119; Dr. Franklin's versi-
fication of "Abraham and the
Stranger," 120; corruption of the
baliot box, 123; legislative corrup-
tion, 121; instability of the public
mind, 122; degrading acts of poli-
tieians, 124; when political excite-
iment needed, 125; when unnatural
and ruinous, ib.; the vis medicatrix
in government, 126; examples of
eminent statesmen, 127.
Carroll's Collections, 130.

Cicero's Letters, 353-370; Cicero's
character not understood, 353; his
oratory, 355; his insincerity, ib.;
guilt in the murder of Cæsar, 356;
his ingratitude to Cæsar, 359; ex-
tracts from his letters concerning
Cæsar, ib.; motives for Cicero's
conduct, 363; his prostitution of
profession as a lawyer, 364; de-
fends odious criminality, 365; Ci-
cero's baseness in private life, 366;
conduct to his wife, 367; Cicero
and Socrates, as men, 368; impor-

tance of virtue in public charac-
ters, 370.

Calvin's Life, 256; blind defence of
the reformers deprecated, 257; D'-
Aubigné, 258; Calvin's ordination,
ib.; his influence on republican-
ism, 259.

Cranch's Poems, 259.
Conquest of Mexico, 163-227; early
Spain, 163; romance of Moorish
wars and influence upon Spanish
character, 164; Columbus, 165;
eminent captains of that age, 168;
Hernando Cortes compared with
Alexander the Great, 170; his
birth, education and early exploits,
174; sails for Hispaniola, 176;
turns farmer, 178; his avarice, 180;
Cortes' character defended, 181;
his religion, 184; Columbus' dis-
coveries, 185; expedition against
Yucatan, 186; Cortes assumes
command, 187; his armament, 188;
wars with the savages, 189; Cor-
tes hears of Mexico, 190; deter-
mines upon its conquest, 191;
builds Villa Rica, 192; marches
for Mexico, 194; wars with the
Tlascalans, 195; Montezuma's a-
larm, ib.; makes proposals to Cor-
tes, 196; arrives in sight of Mexi-
co, 198; its magnificent appear-
ance, 199; character of Montezu-
ma, 200; surrenders himself to
Cortes, 201; endeavors to remove
Cortes from command of the ar-
my, 202; Mexicans and Spaniards
engage, 205; Montezuma killed by
his subjects, 206; Spaniards seize
the grand teocalli, 207; retreat
from Mexico, 208; Cortes seizes
the consecrated banner of the
Mexicans, 210; builds a fleet, ib.;
joined by disaffected natives, 211;
Guatemozin, 212; blockade of
Mexico, 216; attack by the land
forces, 217; efforts to treat with
Guatemozin, 220; dreadful suffer-
ings of the Mexicans, 221; des-
perate struggle, 222; female bra-
very, 223; Guatemozin taken pri-
soner, 224; imprisoned by Cortes,
tortured, dies, 225; Cortes' re-
morse, ib.; conquest completed,
226; Cortes returns to Spain-is
distrusted and treated with cold-
ness, ib.; dies on his return to
Mexico, 227.


Demosthenes, by H. S. Legaré, 95.
Democratic Review, 524.


German Novelists, 428-445; Ludwig
Tieck, 428; extracts from his
works, 429; character of Zschokke,
432; his "Vicar in Wiltshire," 433;
other works, 435; Spindler and his
works, 437; his Jew, 438; Trom-
litz as a writer, 439; Hoffman,
440; Hauff, 442; extract from his
"Jew Sutz," ib.; Sternberg, 444;
Countess Hahn-Hahn, 445.


Hernando Cortes, letters to the king
of Spain, 163.

Heretic of Lajetchnikoff, 343-352;
Russian writers, 343; Russian ro-
mance, 344; plot of the Heretic,
345; character of Ivan, 350; of
Anastasia, 351.

Horne's Spirit of the Age, 524.


Ireland in 1834, 1-31; early Irish,
1; tyranny of the English admin-
istrations, 2; massacre of Droghe-
da, 3; ingratitude of Charles II.,
4; Irish devotion to the English
crown, 5; religious intoleration, 5;
doctrines of the Romish church, 6;
extenuation of Irish Catholic re-
sistance, 7; national grievances, 8;
Queen Elizabeth's treatment of the
Irish, 9; mildness of James, 10;
tyranny of the Prince of Orange,
11; influence of the American Re-
volution upon the Irish, ib.; of the
French Revolution, 13; Ireland
armed in defence of Britain, 14;
desperate condition of England,
and consequent leniency to the
Irish, 15; Convention of 1782, 17;
Grattan's defence of Ireland, ib.;
Declaration of Independence, 18;
English deception, 19; English vi-
olate the treaty of pacification, 20;
Rebellion of '98, 21; Union of Ire-
land with England, 22; agricultu-
ral resources of Ireland, 23; effects
of the Union, 24; absenteeism, 25;

fisheries and mines, 26; commerce,
27; manufactures, 28; English pro-
hibition upon Irish industry, 29;
comparative prospects of England
and Ireland, 30; present efforts for
legislative reform, 31.


Law and Lawyers, 370-426; profes-
sional prejudices, 371; character
of Law and Lawyers, as a work,
373; of "Eminent British Law-
yers," ib.; of "The Lawyer," ib.;
Law defined, 374; natural and re-
vealed law, 375; influence of Re-
velation upon law, 376; Jewish,
Egyptian and Persian law, 377;
law at Sparta and Athens, 378;
Roman law, 379; growth of inter-
national law, 380; English law,
381; common law, ib.; chancery,
382; trial by jury, 383; writ of at-
taint, 384; question of intent in li-
bel, 385; American law, 386; im-
portance of lawyers, 387; legal
honors, 388; American and Eng-
lish lawyers compared, 389; pre-
paratory studies in South-Caroli-
na, 390; English and American
law students, 391; counsellors, at-
torneys, special ial pleaders and con-
veyancers, 392; character of law-
yers, 393; the term "lawyer" in
Scripture misapplied, 394; satires
upon the profession, 395; elevated
tributes paid to it, 396; law com-
pared with other professions, 397;
evils of indiscriminate advocacy
at the bar, 398; arguments in its
favour, 399; practice condemned,
400; authorities for and against it,
401; early struggles of great law-
yers, 403; incorruptible integrity
of the English bench, 405; Chan-
cellors More, Ellesmere, Bacon,
Williams, 406; Clarendon, Guil-
ford, Nottingham, Jefferies, 407;
Somers and Hardwicke, 408; Er-
skine and Eldon, 409; Coke, 410;
Hale, Thurlow, Romily, 411;
Mansfield and Sir Wm. Jones, 412;
Foster, Holt and Kenyon, 413;
Buller, Ellenborough, etc., 414;
corruption of early Judges, ib.;
judicial independence, 415; legal
subtlety, 415; technicalities and
fictions, 416; fines and recoveries,

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