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Monthly Chronologer.

SATURDAY, March 29.


Cruel and barbarous murder was committed by Samuel Hawkesford, farmer, at Great Packington, in Warwickshire, on the body of Eleanor Keatly, about 20 years of age, daughter to his late wife by a former husband. He beat her with a great hedge stake till one of her rib bones, towards her back, fuck into her lungs, which killed her immediately; the bled much at the mouth, one shoulder was out, her head was broke in feveral places, and her whole body was a perfect jelly. The coroner's inqueft have brought in their verdict wilful murder, and he is committed to Warwick goal.


The term for paying his majesty's bounty to feainen and landmen (fee p. 137) who fhall enter into his fervice, is prolonged to the 1st of May.

His royal highnefs the duke of Cumberland, fet out for Newmarket.

SATURDAY, April 5.

Three houfes were confumed by fire, in Rofe-ftreet, Long Acre, and on this occafion juftice Fielding published the following obfervations. As a great scarcity of water is an evil generally met with at fires, as well from the abfence of the turncocks, as the difficulty in finding the fire-plugs in a time of confufion : Suppofe instead of fire plugs there fhould be one or more large pipes laid from the main, in the most open part of the ftreet, and upon the highest ground, and brought up against the outside of the wall of a houfe in a cafe ; and a large cock fixed to it, and the key of the cafe, and the inftrument to turn the cock, he both hung up behind the door of the faid houfe; and the words fire cock wrote in large characters on the outfide of the cafe: For as to fire-plugs, the fcrew-pipe of the engine being put down, the fervice of that plug extends no farther than to one engine, and another plug may be too dif tant for ufe. And as most housekeepers paint their buckets to preferve them, if they would add their names to them, they perhaps would be more willing to bring them out on thefe occafions. As the attendance of a turn-cock is effential on thefe occations, the word turn-cock fhould be wrote on a board against his houfe or lodging, that it may be known by the whole neighbourhood where he lives.

April, 1755.


His royal highnefs the duke of Cumberland, arrived at St. James's from Newmarket.


Charles Palmer, Efq; was chofen governor, and Matthew Beachcroft, Efq; deputy governor of the Bank, and the next day the following gentlemen were chofen directors: Bryan Benson, Matth. Clarmont, William Cooper, Philip de la Haize, William Hunt, Samuel Handly, Benjamin Longuet, Benjamin Lethieullier, Robert Marth, Charles Savage, Alex. Sheafe, Robert Salufbury, Richard Stratton, Peter Thomas, Harry Thompson, John Weyland, Bartholomew Burton, Thomas Chitty, J. Eaton Dodsworth, Peter Du Cane, John South, James Spilman, James Theobald, Thomas Whatley, Efquires. The last eight are new


The following refolution of the Hon. houfe of commons was published in the London Gazette..


That, towards raising the fupply grant. ed to his majefly, a fum of money, not exceeding one million, be raised by way of lottery. One hundred thousand pounds thereof to be deducted for the benefit of the publick, and the remaining nine hundred thousand pounds to be charged on the produce of the finking fund, at the rate of three pounds per cent. per ann. to commence from the 5th day of January, 1756: The tickets to be ten pounds each, two pounds whereof to be paid down at the time of fubfcribing by way of depofit; fuch fubfcription to be finally clofed at five of the clock in the afternoon of the 15th day of this inftant April; and that every perfon be at liberty to fubfcribe for any number of tickets: And in cafe a larger fum than the faid million fhall be fubfcribed within the faid -term, a proportionable reduction upon fuch excefs fhall, as near as poffible, he made out of each fubfcriber's thare.

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hofpital, and the collection at church only, amounted to 300l.

Arrived two ships from South Carolina, with 50,000lb. weight of Indigo. (See p. 89)







2 18



A paper was laid before the Rt. Hon. the lords commiffioners for trade and plantations, figned by about 40 of the AI most eminent filk-throwfters and weavers, declaring, that having examined a parcel of above 300lb. wt. of Georgia rawfilk, imported in February last by the Juno, Capt. Macclellan, they found the nature and texture of it truly good, the colour beautiful, the thread even and clean as the beft Piedmont of the fize, and much more even and clean than the ufual Italian filks, and that the white is of as good a colour as what comes from Piedmont, and will be worked with lefs wafte than the China filk; that it has all the properties of good filk, is well adapted to the weaver's ufe in moft branches that the hands employed in drawing the faid filk from the Coccoons in Georgia, have been well taught in a right method of making good, clean, even filk, fuch as is greatly wanted, and what would tend to the improvement of our manufactures, could 20 or 30,000 weight be made annually.




17 45.



1. s. d.

90 0 0 348 0 1682

168 0

3200 270 0 15 4 12 O



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Came on to be heard, in the court of King's-Bench, a trial on the information of his majesty's attorney-general, against Peter Leheup, Efq; as one of the receivers of the laft lottery for 300,cool. and, after a long hearing, the defendant was found guilty of the following counts, viz. The having taken down names before the publick notice in the Gazette. The having received contributions before the day and Chour advertifed. The having permitted fubfcribers to make ufe of other names to cover an exceeding of 20 tickets. the difpofing of the tickets which had been bespoke and not claimed, or were double charged, instead of returning them to the managers, fo as the lottery might be reduced and apportioned. The points of law were referved by the court, in D cafe the defendant fhould think fit to plead in arreft of judgment. (See p. 153.) TUESDAY, 22.

Ended the feffions at the Old Bailey, when Francis Pryer and John West for ftealing a quantity of wearing apparel in the dwelling houfe of Leonard Lee; Jofeph Gold for ftealing 70 pair of shoes; William George, for a highway robbery, and William Powel and William Darlow, each for stealing a mare, received fentence of death: One to be transported for 14 years, 20 for feven, two to be branded E and two to be whipped.


The crowd was fo great at the Bank, to fubfcribe for lottery-tickets, that the counters were broke by the eagerness of the people in pushing forward. The fubfcription closed at five this evening, and 3,880,000l. was fubfcribed. The fecond payment on the lottery is appointed to be on May 15, the third on June 30, the fourth on July 30, and the laft on the 10th of September.


Was held the annual feaft of the fons of the clergy, at Merchant-Taylor's hall, and the collection, with that at the Re


hearsal, amounted to 10871. The col- G lection of 1754, amounting to 9761. 8s. 2d. was thus difpofed of :

1. s. d.

23 children of poor clergymen
were put out apprentice at zol. 460 o o


His majefty's fhip Triton arrived in the downs from Virginia, which brought advice of the fafe arrival, of the transports with the troops from Cork, at that colony. (See p. 138.)


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His majefty went to the house of peers, with the ufual ftate, accompanied in the ftate coach by his grace the duke of Dorfet, mafter of the borfe, and the lord of the bedchamber in waiting; and gave the royal affent to the bills, for granting a cer

tain fum out of the finking fund; for the relief of infolvent debtors for building

a fquare in Dean's-yard, Weltminster; for the regulation of the marine forces on fhore; for regulating places of public en



tertainment; for a market in Southwark, not interfering with the high ftreet; for the better raifing of marines and feamen ; to prevent the fpreading of the cattle dif temper, and to several other public and private bills. After which his majesty made a moft gracious fpeech from the throne; in which he acquainted the two houfes, that the zeal they have fhewn for fupporting the honour, rights, and pof. feffions of his crowns, hath afforded him the greatest fatisfaction: That his defire to preferve the publick tranquility has been fincere and uniform: That he hath religiously adhered to the ftipulations of the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle; and made it his care not to injure, or offend any power whatsoever; but never could entertain a thought of purchafing the name of peace, at the expence of fuffering encroachments upon, or of yielding up, what juftly belongs to Great Britain, either by ancient poffeffion or folemn treaties: That the vigour and firmness of his parliament on this important occafion have enabled him to be prepared for fuch cotingencies as may happen: That if reasonable and honourable terms of accommodation can be agreed upon, he will be fatisfied, and, in all events, rely on the juftice of his caufe, the effectual support of his people, and the protection of the divine providence.

After which the Rt. Hon. the lord chancellor, by his majefty's command, prorogued the parliament to Tuesday the 27th of May next.

The prefs for feamen was carried on with great vigour in all parts of the urited kingdom, and in Ireland; but great numbers entered voluntarily. Such a patriotic fpirit prevailed, that almost all the confiderable towns gave large rewards, in addition to his majesty's


would come above a man's knee; and this fudden change happened tho' there was a hard froft, and no foft weather, or fcarce fo much as the appearance of the fun. This river was never known to stop fo before.

At the affizes at York 2 men received fentence of death: At Leicester 3, two of whom were reprieved: At Warwick 3: At Monmouth 2, one for the murder of his wife, and the other was reprieved: At Launceston 1, but afterwards reprieved: At Gloucefter 7, one, a woman, for the murder of her baftard child: At Bury 2, but afterwards reprieved: At Peterborough 1.



ALK of war with a Briton, he'll boldly advance [France: That one English foldier will beat ten of Would we alter the boaft from the fword

to the pen, [men! The odds are still greater, ftill greater our In the deep mines of fcience tho' French

men may toil, [Newton and Boyle?
Can their strength be compa'rd to Locke,
Let them rally their heroes, fend forth all
their pow'rs, ['em with ours!
Their verfe-men and profe-men, then match
First Milton and Shakespear, like gods, in
the fight,

Have put their whole drama and epic to
In fatires, epiftles, and odes would they
Their numbers retreat before Dryden and
And Johnfon well-arm'd, like a heroe of
[forty more.

Has beat forty French, and will beat

Receipt to cure the BITE of a MAD DOG.

bounty, to fuch able bodied feamen and T

landmen as would enter into bis fervice.

In a form at Alexandria, last month, 26 French, five Ragufan, two Swedish and Turkish, one Tafcan and one Englith fhip were loft.

The dey of Algiers has confirmed and put his feal to the late treaty, and to the additional article, made by commodore Keppel, relating to packet boats.

A French man of war of 74 guns was lately loft, in a violent ftorm, in the harbour of Quebec in Canada.

On Sunday the 9th of February in the morning, the river Beauley, about Kilmorack and Kiltarlatie, in Scotland, foven miles N. W. from Inverness, was quite dry in all the fords and currents; but in less than two hours after the river was fo fwelled that in the thalloweft places it

AKE of grey ground liverwort, in powder, one drachm; of elicampane root, in powder, one drachm; of black hellebore root, in fine powder, twenty grains; of native or factitious cinnabar, well levigated, ten grains, mix them together, for one dofe, to be taken on an empty ftomach, the first morning after the bite (fafting a few hours after) in a glafs of white wine, or wine and water.

This medicine is fo powerful an alterative, that, if taken in forty-eight hours after the bite (temperance frilly obferved) it will not only refift and correct, but foon expel the poifon.


March 27.
IR Jeffery Elwes, of Hod-
defden, in Hertfordshire,
Knt. was married to Mifs Webbe, of the
fame place.

A a 2


* The number of the French academy, subo quere thirty years in compiling their diftionary,

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Mr. Robert Clowdefley, to Mifs Molly Lintot, with a fortune of 20,000l.

31. Jennifon Shaftoe, of Newcale. Efq; to Mifs Allan, with a fortune of 20,0001.

Sir James Cockburn, Bart. to Mifs Douglafs, with a fortune of 10,000l.

April 2. Matthew Howard, Efq; to Mifs Ardefoif.

Rt. Hon. George Drummond, Efq; lord provost of Edinburgh, to Mrs. Green.

6. William Chaworth, of Umnefton, in Nottinghamshire, Efq; to Mifs Julia Blake, of Eafton, in Somersetshire, with a fortune of 30,000l.

10. Thomas Fisher, Efq; to Mifs Pi



Grimfton, Efq; to Mifs

Shaw, of York.
Mr. John Nutt, merchant, to Mifs

19. John Lockwood, Efq; to Mifs Conyers.

20. Frederick Herbert, of Shrewsbury, Efq; to Mifs Owens, of Ludlow, with a fortune of 700l. per ann.

21. John Osborne, of Enfield, Efq; to Mifs Holton.

22. Mr. George Neale, furgeon to the London-hofpital, to Mifs Adams, with a fortune of 10,000l.

25. Charles Barker, Efq; to Mifs Her

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Rt. Rev. William Burscough, bishop of Limerick, in Ireland, aged 80.

6. Richard Rawlinfon, LLD. fellow of the Royal Society, third son of Sir Thomas Rawlinfon, Knt. lord-mayor in 1706. He has left a long will, with four codicils, in which he has been very liberal to the univerfity of Oxford, particularly to St. John's college, of which he was a gentleman commoner, and where he has ordered his heart to be buried. He has left 200l. to Bethlem hofpital, on condi tion the governors deliver up the picture of his father, to be fixed up in the manfion house, and has bequeathed 200l. per ann. to his furviving brother, Conftantine, who refides at Venice.

7. Rt. Hon. lord Stawell, at his feat at Aldermarfton, in Berks, by whofe death the title is extinct; but the eftate devolves to the Rt. Hon. Henry Legge, Efq; who married his only daughter.

8. John Borlafe, of Penzance, Efq; born in 1666, having never had a days fickness: He left 70 defcendants from his own loins.

9. Lady of Nathaniel Cholmley, Efq; in child-bed.

10. Mr. William Herbert, an eminent ftationer, and one of the court of affiftants of the Stationers company.

Mr. John Cordwell, city carpenter. Edward Wodehoufe, Efq; fon of Sir Armine Wodehoufe, Bart.

11. Rt. Hon Edward earl of Oxford and earl Mortimer, fucceeded by his eldeft fon, Edward lord Harley, now earl of Oxford, &c.

Thomas Bell, Efq; high fheriff for Norfolk in 1738.

13. Mr. John Walton, head master of the royal academy at Portsmouth.

15. Rt. Hon. the countefs of Dumfries. Mr. Bourn, bookfeller, under the Royal-Exchange.

18. Mr Goodwin, mafter attendant of Deptford yard.

20. Henry Migett, Efq; Capt. in the horfe-guards blue, who during 40 years fervice in the army was never known to do an arbitrary act, or heard to fwear an oath.

John Sadleir, Efq; late an eminent merchant.

Mrs. Allen, wife of Thomas Allen, Efq; of Bedford row.

Rev. Dr. Rider, archdeac. of Derby, &c. 21. Rev. Mr. Robert Cornthwaite, a diffenting minifter.

23. Samuel Berkley, Efq;

Mrs. Egerton, wife of Samuel Egerton, Efq; member for Cheshire.

Dr. Gideon Harvey, aged go, late phyfician to the tower, and fenior fellow of the college of phyficians.


1755. PROMOTIONS, Ecclefiaftical and Civil.

Richard Hammerfley, Efq; chief clerk in the land tax office in the Exchequer. George Wilkins, of Kentish Town, Efq; Mary Chadwick, of Stamford, in Lincolnshire, aged 108.


ECCLESIASTICAL PREFERMENTS. R. Hilderfley, rector of Hitchen, in Hertfordshire, appointed bishop of Sodor and Man, by the duke of Athol, în the room of Dr. Wilfon, deceased.Thomas Burton, A. M. prefented to a prebendary of Gloucefter.-William Farquhar, A. M. to the rectory of Hayes, and rectory of Downe, in Kent, worth 140l. per ann.-Samuel Welch, LL B. to the rectory and parish church of Teckenham, in Devon, worth 120l. per ann.Samuel Harvey, A. M. to the rectory and parish church of St. Andrew in the vale, in Cornwall.-Thomas Bounce, B. A. to the rectory and parish church of Ingram, in Yorkshire.-Thomas Ebdell, B. A. to the rectory of Caldecote, in Warwickfhire. Mr. Nicholas Webb, to the prebendary of Mapesbury, in the cathedral of St. Paul.-John Knipes, B. A. to the vicarage of Gueft, in Norfolk.- Gilbert Negus, A. M. to the vicarage of Sandon, in Hertfordshire, worth 130l. per ann.Samuel Lodington, A. M. to the vicarage of Welton, in Lincolnshire.-Ric. Smith, A. M. to the vicarage of Stowe, in Shropfhire. Samuel Atkinson, A. M. to the vicarage of Bradbury St. Michael, in Cornwall.-Mr. Bean, to the rectory of Litton, in Dorfet hire.-Charles Dodgson, A. M. to the rectory of Kirkby upon Wifke, in Yorkshire, by the earl of Northumberland, worth 2001. per ann.-R. Alleyne, A. M. to the rectory of Stanford, in Nottinghamshire, by Charles Lewis, Efq; worth 18ol. per ann.-A commendam paffed the feals to Dr. Newcome, bishop of Landaffe, to hold the rectory of Whitchurch and chapel of Feftock, in Shropfhire, and the rectory of Redsware, in Monmouthshire, together with his bifhoprick.-A difpenfation paffed the feals, to enable George Secker, A. M. to hold the vicarage of Yardiey, in Hertfordshire, with the rectory of St. Mildred, Breadftreet, and St. Margaret Mofes, thereto annexed, in the city of London, worth 250l. per ann. -To Wm, Daddo, A. M. to hold the vicarage of Dunsford, with the rectory of Offwell, in the county of Devon, worth 28ol. per ann.-To Wm. Adams, A. M. to hold the vicarage of St. Chads, and rectory of Condee, in Shropshire.-To John Eyton, A. M. to hold the rectory of Pulverbatch, with the fecond portion of the rectory of Wettbury, in Shrophite,


PROMOTIONS Civil and Military.


ST. James's, March 27. His majefty

was this day pleafed to declare the Right Hon. William lord Cavendish, of Hardwyck (commonly called marquifs of Hartington) lieutenant-general and genc

ral governor of Ireland.

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Whitehall, March 29. The king has been pleased to grant to his grace Lionel duke of Dorfet, the office of mafter of his majesty's horfe. To conftitute and appoint Jofeph Yorke, Efq; to be colonel of the regiment of feot, whereof John Waldegrave, Efq; was late colonel, and likewife captain of a company in the faid regiment.

Admiralty Office, April 5. His majesty has been pleased to appoint the following field-officers, captains, and first heute. nants, for the fifty companies of marines to be forthwith raifed, to wit:

Lieutenant-colonels. James Patterson, Theodore Drury, Charles Gordon.

Majors. Richard Bendythe, Charlton Leighton, James Burleigh.

Captains. Hector Boifrond, Gabriel Sediere, John McKenzie, Charles Repington, Alexander Cumming, Sir Robert Abercrombie, Alcxander Douglafs, Edward Rycaut, John Wright, Thomas Dawes, John Tufton Mafon, Thomas Sheldon, Thomas Moore, John Gordon, Richard Barker, James Dundas, George Maxwell, James Robertfon, John Camp bell, Claud Hamilton, John Bell, John Dennis, Thomas Dalton, Thomas Whitwick, James Hamilton, Roger Basket, Henry Grame, John Beaghan, Samuel Proffer, Patrick M'Donal, Alexander Irons, Charles Webb, William Stacey, Richard Brough, Henry Smith, John Johnston, Leathes Johnfton, Chriftopher Gauntlet, Arthur Tooker Collins, Walter Caruthers, John Vere, William Picton, Richard Shuckburgh, Richard Hawkins, George Maddifon, Charles Grey, Robert Burdet, John Yeo, Robert Parkhurit, Alexander Lenie.

Firit Lieutenants. Daniel Campbell, Dudley Crofts, George Langley, James Hill, Alexander Cathcart, Francis Hay, Donald M'Donald, John Suttle, Edward Howarth, Robert Douglaís, Joha Phillips, John Brown, Collin Campbell, Robert Ewer, Archibald Campbell, George Ord, Lancelot Willan, William Frazier, James Short, George Boffuque, James Mercer, John Frazer, William Aytoun Douglas, Denis Bond, Tho. Backhoufe, Gerrard Dennet, Thomas Troy, Edward Kyin, George Gulfton, Richard Dennifon,


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