Robert d'Artois; or, The heron vow [by J.H. St. Aubyn].


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Página 30 - Like a poet hidden In the light of thought Singing hymns unbidden, Till the world is wrought To sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not. Like a high-born maiden In a palace tower, Soothing her love-laden Soul in secret hour With music sweet as love, which overflows her bower.
Página 80 - For time at last sets all things even — And if we do but watch the hour, There never yet was human power Which could evade, if unforgiven, The patient search and vigil long Of him who treasures up a wrong.
Página 112 - Puis que couars est par devant moi mis, " Drois est que mieux en vaille, j'en dirai mon avis, " Et s'en verrai le fait se longuement je vis, " Ou je moray en painne de mon veu acomplir ; " Car je veu et prometh à Dieu de Paradis, " Et à sa douche mère de qui il fu nourris, " Que ains que chix ans soit passés ne acomplis, •: Que je deffîerai le roy de Saint Denys, •' Et passerai la mer, avec moi mes subgis...
Página 1 - Long absent HAROLD re-appears at last ; He of the breast which fain no more would feel, Wrung with the wounds which kill not, but ne'er heal...
Página 175 - ... boschi la smarrita agnella, che dal pastor sperando essere udita, si va lagnando in questa parte e in quella; tanto che '1 lupo l'ode da lontano, e '1 misero pastor ne piagne invano.
Página 111 - Vechi viande as preux, à chiaux qui sont soubgis « As Dames amoureuses, qui tant ont cler le vis. « Seigneur, j'ai un hairon que mes faucons a prins, « Et chi ne doit mangier nuls...
Página 66 - Their cups some hollow trunk, their bed a grove ; Murder their sport, and rapes their only love, Their courage frenzy, strength their sole command, Their arms, what fury offered to their hand 1 And whon at last in brutish fight they dy'd, Some spacious thicket a vast grave supply -d.
Página 114 - ... faire au roi de France: La teneur de laquelle lettre s'ensuit. « Edouard, par la grâce de Dieu roi d'Angleterre, seigneur d'Irlande, duc d'Aquitaine, à tous ceux qui ces présentes lettres verront ou orront, salut. Savoir faisons : Comme nous faisions à Amiens hommage à excellent prince notre seigneur et cousin Philippe roi de France , lors nous fut dit et requis de par lui que nous...
Página 190 - Miser chi mal oprando si confida ch'ognor star debbia il maleficio occulto; che quando ogn'altro taccia, intorno grida l'aria e la terra istessa in ch'è sepulto: e Dio fa spesso che '1 peccato guida il peccator, poi ch'alcun di gli ha indulto, che sé medesmo, senza altrui richiesta, innavedutamente manifesta.
Página 109 - Up drawbridge, grooms — what, warder, ho ! Let the portcullis fall." — Lord Marmion turned, — well was his need, — And dashed the rowels in his steed, Like arrow through the archway sprung, The ponderous gate behind him rung; To pass there was such scanty room, The bars descending grazed his plume.

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