PART THE FIRST BEING PASSAGES FOR TRANSLATION INTO LATIN ELEGIAC AND HEROIC VERSE EDITED WITH NOTES BY THE REVEREND HUBERT ASHTON HOLDEN LL.D. HEAD MASTER OF IPSWICH SCHOOL LATE FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE EDITOR OF ARISTOPHANES ETC. Fourth Edition CAMBRIDGE DEIGHTON BELL AND CO LONDON BELL AND DALDY 1866 260. f. 10. THE second Edition of the Collection entitled Foliorum Silvula is not an exact republication of the first. It is formed, however, on the same plan, and cannot fail to possess, apart from its fitness for the main purpose of its publication, the same kind of value and interest as its predecessor, containing as it does a variety of choice passages culled by several hands, and exhibiting specimens of the taste and judgment of many eminent Scholars. But while the original features of the Book, to which alone it owed a certain amount of popularity, have been preserved, an endeavour has been made to render it more generally serviceable for the use of Schools as well as academical Students, by the incorporation of a Forest of shorter and easier selections chiefly from English poets with Passages given as subjects for translation in various College and University Examinations since the year 1821. Moreover, an arrangement of the entire Collection has been made with reference as well to the length of each extract as to the variety of metre proposed. |