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the same order of beings has distinguished some with peculiar advantages above the rest, who can lay ought to the charge either of his goodness or his equity? There may have been wise and benevolent reasons with which we are unacquainted for such a proceeding; and it is most rational to infer the mercy, justice, and wisdom of all acts that are resolvable into the sovereign pleasure of an infinitely merciful, just, and wise being. (2.) It is not clear to what extent the serpent's sentence is to be regarded as a real punishment. To punish is to inflict misery; but we do not find any intimation of pain or torture consequent upon the denunciation. The serpent might be deteriorated as to its properties; it might be lowered in the scale of creation; it might be transformed from a shape and appearance the most beautiful in the eyes of man, into a form the most disgusting; and

Korah and his companions were condemned as no longer fit to be applied to a sacred use. This is done in order to express more forcibly the divine detestation of the act, while at the same time we may freely admit that the main weight of the curse undoubtedly fell upon the principal agent, whose doom is mystically expressed in the terms appropriate to a natural serpent. But notwithstanding the intrinsic weight and pertinency of the considerations above adduced in justification of the sentence upon the natural serpent, many persons are perplexed in the attempt to reconcile it with the divine attributes. They see not the propriety of inflicting a punishment upon a brute serpent for the crime of a rational agent. Certain it is, however, that whatever difficulty exists on this score, it is a difficulty equally affecting the allegorical interpretation, since it is alike improper to represent the Deity acting in contradic-all this without any diminution of its tion to equity and benevolence in fictitious as in real history. To attribute injustice to God, even in a fable or apologue is a blasphemy of which no moral or pious author can be guilty. But the difficulties arising from this source may perhaps be in some measure removed, and the sentence freed from objection, if due weight be given to the following remarks. (1.) It may be sufficient to rest the vindication of the transaction solely upon the sovereignty of God, who has a right to dispose of all his creatures in whatever manner he pleases. What they have and are proceeds from his creative will; and he is most assuredly free to take away what he has freely given. In withholding from one that which he has bestow-fallen pair of the divine punishment ed upon another, who will dare to arraign his justice? Who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, why hast thou made me thus?" If the sovereign Creator have reduced any particular species in the scale of being, or in

corporeal pleasures. It will not be pretended that the serpent endured any mental suffering by the change. It had none of the anguish which rends the human heart in the sense of degradation. It had no pangs of conscious disgrace, no anticipation of death; it had the means left of providing its food; it could protect itself from its enemies; and as far as we can perceive, the diminution of its powers brought no diminution of its enjoyments. In what sense then, strictly speaking, was it punished? (3.) Important benefits resulted from the vengeance exercised upon the serpent. It evidenced God's righteous hatred and abhorrence of sin; and was an instructive emblem to the

with which transgression is inevitably visited, as our Lord's cursing the barren fig-tree was designed to teach his disciples emblematically the destructive consequences of not bringing forth fruits meet for repentance. Without this standing monument of the penalty of

subjection and degradation. To what extent this sentence involved the doom of a change in the external form and motion of the serpent, it is not possible confidently to affirm. If the suggestions thrown out in a preceding note respecting the primitive shape and appearance of the creature here employed be well founded, there was doubtless a signal transformation made to pass upon him in consequence of the curse now inflicted. Froin having formerly mov

head and breast elevated above the ground, he was now reduced from this imposing posture, and become in the fullest sense of the term, a reptile, vile and loathsome, and incapable of eating any

sin, they might have flattered them- | shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat. Belves that their criminality in tasting But another phrase for the extremest the forbidden fruit was not very heinous; and that their present degraded state was owing rather to the natural course of things, than to their own wickedness. 'Nothing therefore could more effectually convince them of the heinousness of their guilt, and the certainty of the divine vengeance due to it, than the immediate punishment of tha: creature which was no more than the mere instrument of evil. It was easy for them to infer, if the mere instrument of evil be thus punished, whated by the aid of wings, or with the will become of the real authors and actors?' Delaney. (4.) The sentence of the serpent and its immediate execution may have served too as a typical prophecy of the victory to be obtained over sin, death, and Satan, by our blessed Re-food but what should be more or less deemer. As the literal sense does not mingled with the dust. Still we canexclude the mystical, the cursing of the not strenuously insist on this interpreserpent may have been designed as a tation. The curse might have taken symbol, a visible pledge, of the male-effect without any external change of diction to be visited, in the fulness of shape or aspect, just as the woman's time, upon the prime instigator. Im- pain in parturition, though natural to mediately after the fatal transgression her from the beginning, was made a our first parents would become fully curse by being greatly increased in insensible of their ruin and degradation. tensity. The essence of the sentence They would feel that they had violated was the degradation denounced, and a sacred command, that they had lost in this sense, it was equally applicable their primeval innocence, and had then to the natural and the spiritual serpent. only the melancholy prospect of future Satan was to be cast down from heavmisery. In this situation, trembling en to earth and overwhelmed with everwith apprehension and conscious of lasting disgrace. Rev. 12. 9. It has their weakness, how gladly would they indeed been a matter of doubt how far accept any intimation of mercy from the sentence, 'dust shalt thou eat,' their offended Creator? Such an inti- holds literally true of the common sermation was given in the scene transpir- pent, or whether it is peculiar to him. ing before their eyes. The instantane- But the meaning probably is, that the ous effect of the sentence upon the rep-serpent, in consequence of his creeping tile would be to them a certain pledge on the ground, should of necessity that the promise now symbolically Such must, made would in the appointed time be in the nature of things, be the case. fulfilled. Viewed in this light the dread That other creatures take dust into the visitation upon the instrument of the stomach in some measure may be true; temptation, may be amply accounted but, if it be, it shows no inappropriatefor in perfect consistency with all the ness in this particular of the sentence. divine attributes.- -T Upon thy belly It is not said that the serpent should

swallow dust with food.

15 And I will put enmity be- | seed: it shall bruise thy head tween thee and the woman, and and thou shalt bruise his heel. between thy seed and

r Matt. 3. Acts 13. 10. Mic. 5. 3. Gal. 4. 4.



7. & 13. 38. & 23. 33. John 8. 44. 1 John 3. 8. s Ps. 132. 11. Is. 7. 14. Matt. 1. 23, 25. Luke 1. 31, 34, 35.

t Rom. 16. 20. Col. 2. 15. Hebr. 2. 14. 1 John 5. 5. Rev. 12. 7, 17.

eat dust alone of, or more than, other creatures; but that it should eat dust, which is certainly the fact. But the phrase has a tropical import. 'Eating the dust' is but another term for grovelling in the dust, and this is equivalent to being reduced to a condition of meanness, shame, and contempt. Thus the prophet Micah speaking of the nations being confounded, says ch. 7. 17, "They shall lick the dust like a serpent,' i. e. they shall be utterly overthrown and made vile, debased, and contemptible.

Such a

between men and snakes. punishment would be utterly disproportioned to the crime; and it would be signally unworthy the divine majesty to array itself in all the terrors of avenging wrath in order to declare so unimportant a fact. Some further and higher meaning then it must have been intended to convey, and what else could that be than a symbolical prediction of Satan's continued hostility to man, and of the final subjugation of his empire in the world by the Redeemer, here pointed out as 'the seed of the woman.' It is clear, however, beyond all contradiction that the sentence does, in the first instance, apply to the natural serpent.- -¶ Between thy seed and her seed. That is between thy posterity and her posterity, as seed is often used for children. By the seed of the serpent is to be understood all wicked men who are called serpents,

15. And I will put enmity, &c. The double sense or twofold application of the terms of the serpent's curse, the one having reference to the instrument, the other to the agent, is to be recognised here also. Nothing is more notorious than the fixed and inveterate antipathy which naturally subsists between man and the whole serpent tribe. A hatred of serpents is apparently inhe-generation of vipers, children of their rent and instinctive in every human breast, and may be considered, as perhaps it was designed, as a shadow of that deeper and more irreconcilable hatred which was henceforth to exist between the seed of the woman and their great enemy, the devil, the old serpent. It could be no present consolation, nor ground of future hope to Adam, to learn that serpents should sometimes bite the heels of his posterity, while they in return, should sometimes trample these disgusting creatures to death. Nor in this can we discover any particular connection or correspondency with the offence; for so dire an apostaey would certainly be visited with some greater vengeance than the antipathy

father the devil; and as the seed of the woman is set in opposition to these, it must necessarily follow, since Eve is the natural mother both of good men and bad men, that it denotes a limited portion of the human race, including first and chiefly the Lord Jesus Christ, who in allusion to this promise is called by way of eminence the seed, Gal. 3. 16, 19, who came 'to destroy the works of the devil,' Heb. 2. 14. 1 John, 3. 8, and secondly, all the members of Christ his true people, the sincerely pious in every age and country. These constitute the spiritual body here called the seed of the woman, and they all bear the most implacable hatred to the wicked one, while he on the other hand is ac

16 Unto the woman he said, I and thy desire shall be to thy will greatly multiply thy sorrow husband, and he shall rule over and thy conception; " in sorrow thee. thou shalt bring forth children :

u Ps. 48. 6. Isa. 13. 8. & 21. 3. John 16. 21. 1 Tim. 2. 15.

w ch. 4. 7. x 1 Cor. 11. 3. & 14. 34. Eph. 5. 22, 23, 24. 1 Tim. 2. 11, 12. Tit. 2. 5. i Pet 3. 1. 5, 6.

tuated by an equally deadly hostility against them, and is incessantly plotting their injury and ruin. The warfare between these contending parties now commenced which has ever since been kept up, and will continue till a complete victory over the devil and his angels shall be obtained by Christ and his people. It shall bruise thy head. Heb. it, or he, shall bruise, smite, or crush these as to thy head; the masculine he denoting that Christ is more especially to be understood by the seed here spoken of. It was to be in consequence of his sufferings and death, and the power with which he was to be invested as Mediator, that the power of Satan was to be broken and a signal victory obtained over him. This was in fact the first gospel promise, and though Adam and Eve did not then probably understand its full import, yet it must have been a great consolation to them to be assured that the present advantage gained by the adversary was not to be a permanent one; that their posterity, though they might suffer in the struggle, should yet finally prevail and crush his evil empire in the world. Subsequently they were no doubt both instructed more largely in the bearing of the promise, and it is reasonable and charitable to presume that by faith in its provisions they received the pardon of their personal transgression, and again becoming heirs of that eternal life which they had forfeited by sin, were received at death into a far more glorious Paradise than that which they lost on earth.

-T Shall bruise his heel. The least vital part in man, and where a bruise

or injury would be attended with most trifling consequences. In a serpent, on the other hand, the life is more concentrated in the head. It is the head that is always struck at in the attempt to kill, and that which the serpent when in danger is most anxious to protect. From the malice of Satan he might suffer afflictions and persecutions, but in comparison with his better part they should be but as a bruise of the heel which could not endanger the spiritual and eternal life of the soul. This was out of the reach of the utmost efforts of the enemy. But as to him, his most vital part was most exposed, and upon that would the crushing foot of the promised seed fall with all its weight.

16. I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception. Meaning according to the Hebrew idiom, thy sorrow in conception, i. e. the sorrow and pain of pregnancy and parturition. In this sense the term 'conception,' occurs in several instances. See Gen. 16. 4. Judg. 13. 3.- T Thou shalt bring forth children. Heb. sons, under which term daughters also are comprehended, as appears from Ex. 22. 24. Ps. 128. 6.- T Thy desire shall be to thy husband. Heb. pn teshukah. That is, thy desire shall be subject to the will and pleasure of thy husband; thine obedient regards shall be to thy husband; he shall be the lord of thy wishes and thus mainly control thy happiness. Arab. 'The direction of thee shall be with thy husband.' The same phrase occurs ch. 4. 7, to express the deference and obsequious respect which Abel should evince towards Cain his elder brother, who was to possess this

17 And unto Adam he said, | ground for thy sake; in sorrow Because thou hast hearkened shalt thou eat of it all the days unto the voice of thy wife, and of thy life; hast eaten of the tree a of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: b cursed is the

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y 1 Sam. 15. 23. Z ver. 6. a ch. 2. 17. b Eccl. 1. 2, 3. Isa. 24. 5, 6. Rom. 8. 20.

18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shall eat the herb of the field:

c Job. 5. 7. Eccl. 2. 23. d Job 31. 40. e Ps. 104. 14.

superiority in virtue of his birthright. The latter clause, therefore, 'he shall rule over thee,' is explanatory of the words. The sentence we understand as a prophecy rather than as an enactment which was to be always binding. It is, if we mistake not, the announcement of a fact that should occur with respect to a large portion of the sex and through a long period of time, but not one that should hold universally or perpetually. As Eve in yielding to the tempter acted alone without subjecting her desires to the counsel or consent of her husband, so now as a penalty for her perverseness it is announced, that she, in the persons of her descendants, should be made to suffer from the cruel and tyrannical treatment of the other


Instead of being considered as an equal and a companion, woman should be subjected to degradation and viewed as little better than the slave of an imperious master. We have only to consult the history of the race to see how completely this has been fulfilled, particularly in the East, in all ages down to the present time. Wherever the light of Christianity has not penetrated, women have been invariably the subjects of oppression and have groaned in the bitterness of their lot, though often unaware that any higher destiny was ever designed for them. But the spirit of Christianity is opposed to this barbarous lordship, and in proportion as it prevails never fails to relieve woman from marital authority and restore her to her proper grade in society; and

whenever it shall universally prevail we may confidently hope that this part of her severe sentence will be done away.

17. Hast hearkened unto. Hast given heed to, hast obeyed.- ¶ Cursed be the ground for thy sake. As the blessing of God upon any of his creatures usually carries with it the idea of increase, abundance, multiplication, so on the contrary the curse involves the opposite of all this, and in relation to the earth implies, that it should be deprived in great measure of its fertility, that it should not pour forth its products in the same profusion, nor should man avail himself of them with the same ease, as before. Its productiveness should be so far impaired that the fruits necessary to his subsistence should be, as it were, extorted from it with labour and toil, with weariness and sweat. Extensive regions should be condemned to utter barrenness, while its spontaneous productions should be thorns, and thistles, and briers, and weeds. That which in his state of innocence would have been merely a pleasant recreation, was henceforth to become a drudgery and a burden scarcely to be borne. This was to be for man's sake, or on account of his sin, or as far as he was concerned ; and as the earth was created for his use and made a part of his possession, it was right that it should become in consequence of the curse pronounced upon it instrumental in the punishment of its offending lord-one who had so

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