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the Society, and a well condueted man ever | And ignorance, with all its dreadful train, since I knew him, and I believe also a use- Have here enjoy'd an unmolested reign. ful man in his employment, though not able No wonder, then, that crime should to express himself to advantage on paper; hence he was one of the number of that

class of your agents from whom you have never received any direct communication. I trust he is now among the grateful throng who are singing "salvation to God and the Lamb." May the Society be instrumental in adding abundautly to the number of those happy and glorified spirits!


Hibernia's Petition for the Instruction of her Children and Adult Population in the Holy Scriptures.

Oft has the page of history told misdeeds Of Erin's sons, for which their parent bleeds;

Such discords, such barbarities, and crimes,
As scarce could be supposed in modern

And still each day produces something new,
T'occasion grief, and apprehension too.

Nor is the cause impervious to the sight,
Where care is used to be inform'd aright;
By such it will be surely understood,
"For souls to have no knowledge is not

The Bible, by its Author, was design'd
For the regeneration of mankind;
And where its precepts enter to the heart,
They uniformly holiness impart;
And make the individual kind and true,
Blest, and a blessing to his neighbourhood

And Ireland, notwithstanding all her woe,
Has still her thousands who this truth will

But, ah! for ages here, adults and youth,
Have mostly been without the word of truth:
The book of God, the precious boon from


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And Erin's sons with infamy he crown'd.
But, God be prais'd, the remedy is near,
Spread wide the book, and crime will disap-

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Has from our houses and our hearts been G. Pritchard, 16, Thornhaughstreet, grø


tuitous Secretaries.


Subscriptions and Donations in aid of this Society will be thankfully received at the Baptist Missionary House, No. 6, Fen Court, Fenchurch Street, London: or by any of the Ministers and Friends whose names are inserted in the Cover of the Annual Report.




The Seventh Annual Report of the Female School Society conducted by our Missionary friends at this station having lately arrived, we insert it entire for the information of that portion of our readers who feel particularly interested in this good work.

In conformity with this resolution, the Committee who now present this Report, have assumed for their institution the name of the Calcutta Baptist Female School Society. Under its patronage are the schools mentioned in the late Reports of the Ben

gal Christian School Society, as included in

the Northern Division.

Feeling that any lengthened introductory remarks are unnecessary, the Committee proceed at once to the detail of their exertions during the past year, trusting that the lating to all who are interested in this work. Report will prove both gratifying and stimu

The number of schools at present under the care of the Society is seventeen, inclnding two at Cutwa, superintended by Ere commencing the Report of the Cal- Mrs. W. Carey. For the superintendence cutta Baptist Female Schools, it is proper of those situated in Calcutta and its vicito extract, for the information of subscri- nity, Chitpore, the Committee are indebted bers, the following resolution of the Com- to the kind and diligent labours of Mrs. mittee of the Bengal Christian School So- W. H. Pearce and Mrs. Yates. The total ciety. number of children in these schools receiv

"At a Committee meeting of the Female ing instruction, is, according to the last Department of the Bengal Christian School inspection of the lists, about 350. During Society, held at the Circular Road Chapel, the past year, the following books have Jan. 25th 1828, it was resolved unanim- occupied the attention of the children. Pearouslyson's and Jetter's Spelling Books; Pear"That the union formed some time since son's and Keith's Catechisms of Christian between the friends of the Baptist and In- Knowledge; Second and third parts of a dependent denominations in Calcutta, for Book of Fables and Tales; the Gospel of the promotion of Native Female Education, Mark; and Pearce's Geography. Writing, under the name of the Female Department Arithmetic, and Needlework have also been of the Bengal Christian School Society, attended to by many of the children. The having been found necessarily to involve some pecuniary and other difficulties, be from this day dissolved; and that two distinct Societies be constituted, one under The Salem School contains twenty-one the management of each denomination re- scholars, three of whom are women. spectively. That the Committee, now about the beginning of the year, this school sufto resign their trust, beg to record on their fered much from the ravages of the smallminutes, that this measure has been adopted pox, which reduced its numbers, and greatly in the exercise of the kindest feelings on retarded the progress of the children. In both sides, and with affectionate wishes that her last report, the superintendent writes : the most abundant success may attend the "This school has for some time past affordlabours of each denomination in its future ed me much pleasure. The children are exertions in this benevolent work.


"E. RAY.

following brief abstract will afford a tolerable just idea of the present state of each school, under the patronage of the Society.


very attentive to their lessons. This is chiefly owing to the diligence and influence of an old Gooroo, who takes great pains

with them. The two elder scholars can superintendent. Needlework is not a favourite employment with the children of this school: their answer generally has been when desired to do a little, "Ma'am, we prefer our books."

read with facility any book used in the school. They have committed to memory a considerable part of the work on Geography, and of Jetter's Spelling Exercises. Within the last few months, the attendance of scholars has much increased, and it now contains more than twenty."

The New York School has yielded, throughout the year, much satisfaction. The attention of the master, and attendance and progress of the children have been pleasing. Four girls in this school have particularly distinguished themselves, having in a short time gone through Pearson's Spelling Book, and made considerable advance into Jetter's. It may be proper to add, that the last-mentioned book, being on the plan of a Vocabulary, requires much application in order to prepare the lessons, as not only the correct spelling, but the meaning of the words are given by the child. The children of this school are very fond of needlework. It is affecting to add, that two promising little girls were taken off by the small-pox in the early part of the year.

The Newcastle and Potteries School, mentioned in the last Report as having been relinquished, was established again a few months afterwards. For some time, owing to causes which could not be controlled, it had in the course of two or three months as many different situations, which of course proved detrimental to its prosperity. It is now at length apparently permanently established, as a lady and gentleman, in whose compound a schoolhouse has been erected, have kindly undertaken the superintendence of the children. This is an advantage with which few schools are favoured; and it is hoped that it will henceforward flourish, and make amends for its past unprofitableness. There are attached to it twenty children.

The following schools are situated for the most part at or near Chitpore.

The Monmouthshire School contains fifteen pupils. The master is attentive, but infirm and slow; for which reason the progress of the children is also tardy. The pupils of this school, in company with those of two or three others, have attended daily at the Mission premises at Chitpore, where instruction has been communicated under the immediate care of the superintendent. This measure has been attended with advantage. The Leeds School affords little to report that is of a gratifying nature. In consequence of the extreme negligence of the former master, it was found necessary to discharge him; which measure, as is generally the case, was followed by the breaking up of the school. Another, however, was shortly afterwards obtained, who has collected together about twenty children: these he brings regularly to the Mission Bungalow for instruction; but as they are a different set altogether, little at present can be said of their progress.


The Broadmead School, situated near the Nabob of Chitpore's garden, contains about thirty children. The master's conduct is generally satisfactory, and his pupils make progress equal to that of most in the schools. Two or three of the scholars are of four and five years' standing one of them has children, whom she has begun to instruct. This is a pleasing circumstance, as it evinces a different feeling as to the value of female instruction from that generally prevalent among the natives; and it becomes more gratifying, when considered as the effect of the labours of this Society. This school suffered much in the commencement of the year from the lamentable spread of the malady already mentioned.

The Nailsworth School, situated on the Barrackpore Road, has not of late yielded much satisfaction. A few months ago, the superintendent was obligated to dismiss the master for his negligence. Since then, another has been obtained; but his behaviour is scarcely better than his predecessor's. If a decided improvement does not take place, the Committee will not feel them

The Juvenile School, situated midway between Calcutta and Chitpore, being the oldest established, contains about sixteen children, which is somewhat less than the number stated in the last report. This decrease is owing to the increasing age and infirmities of the schoolmistress, who finds herself unable to attend to a greater num-selves justified in supporting it. ber. The progress of the children, however, evinces that she is diligent, and concerned to bring them forward. Three or four of the girls can read, in a manner that would by no means disparage the talents and application of European children of the same age. They often manifest a considerable degree of emulation to outdo each other in their lessons, and are much ashamed if not able to repeat them when visited by the

The Philadelphia School, situated on the south side of the Barrackpore Road, near Doorgapore, contains eighteen children. This school has a female teacher, an advantage seldom to be obtained in this country. She is a person of good capacity, and of credit able acquirements. Much illness of late, has prevented her very regular attention to her pupils. Of these one is an adult, who has made such progress, that should the

mistress be necessitated finally to relinquish her charge, she would be able, and probably willing, to succeed in it. The progress of the children on the whole is pleasing.

In the Glasgow School, situated at Cossipore, there are twenty-five children. This school, at the commencement of the year, was almost destroyed by the ravages of the small-pox. For many weeks none of the scholars attended to their lessons, several of them being ill, and most of the others detained at home to wait upon their suffering relatives. When the school re-opened, it was found that six of the children had fallen victims to this awful disease. The school is now in a progressive state, and some of the most difficult books used in the schools are read in it.

by her parents. The object, however, is not lost sight of by the Committee; and should circumstances become favourable, the institution will again be commenced.

By intelligence lately received from Mrs. W. Carey, of Cutwa, the Committee are enabled to report, that female instruction there wears an encouraging aspect. Th Liverpool school contains no less than fifty children; and the progress in learning of the pupils in this and the Deakin school is described as being exceedingly pleasing. FUNDS. During the year, the aid expected from America, noticed in the last Report, has been received in two remittances, amounting to 820 dollars. Liberal sums have also been sent by friends in Great Britain; and the applications made to the public in this country for renewed assistance, have been answered in a very gener

The Whitchurch Family School, situated near Boronogor, contains twenty-six chil-ous manner, although not to an equal extent dren. The master has been generally attentive, and the progress of his pupils is pretty good. A little interruption has been lately experienced, by his absence on a journey to see his relations up the country; but having returned, it is hoped that he will soon retrieve, by his diligence, what has been lost. Two or three of the eldest girls will probably leave soon, to be married; and it is gratifying to the Committee to state, that they have made good proficiency.

The Maze Pond School, situated at Boronogor, has twenty-five children on its list. It has recently been removed to a house nearer the town, and more eligible than its former situation for the obtaining of scholars. The master is diligent, being always at his post when the school is visited by the superintendent. The pupils are improving. A few of them can sew neatly.

with some preceding years. To all their friends, the Committee desire to present their warmest acknowledgments; at the same time, they beg respectfully and earnestly to request their continued liberality. The Committee thankfully acknowledge also the liberal and repeated supplies of medicine for the use of the schools, afforded them from the Honourable Company's Dispensary; and they are happy to add, that it has been extensively distributed among the poor children, and to many with good effect.

The thanks of the Committee are also presented to those generous young ladies and others in Great Britain, who by their taste and industry in designing and preparing presents of different kinds to be sold for the benefit of the schools, have manifested so lively a concern on behalf of Hindoo females. A large quantity of fancy and useful articles, the result of their benevoience, has recently come to hand, the sale of which, it is expected, will materially aid the funds of the Society.

Within the year, two new schools have been established, one of them in Calcutta, near the Baptist Mission house, and the other at Chitpore, with the design of attempting the raising of seminaries of native The Committee will now draw their Regirls, on a larger and more efficient scale. port to a close. In doing this, they would As the attempt is now only in the bud, and advert, in a few words, to the difficulties as experience teaches that buds are often still attending the prosecution of their work : destroyed ere they open into flowers, or are these, it becomes them to confess, are not matured in fruit, the Committee forbear to trifling. The prejudices of the people at enlarge respecting them, choosing rather to large,-the frequent recurrence of disease, wait the result, and report what has been the unprincipled character of many of the effected, than excite expectations that may teachers, the numerous holidays,—and finever be realized. Towards the further-nally, the injurious effect of much exposure ance of the object, two school-rooms have to the weather on the health of those enbeen erected, each of them being capable of gaged in the work of superintendence, all containing fifty children. The Female Asylum, of which some ac-These things they do not mention for the count was given in the last Report, has made little progress since that period. Piaree, the first child admitted into it, died of the small-pox. Another had been received, but was soon afterwards taken away

contribute to hinder them in their exertions.

purpose of discouragement, but in order to bespeak the patience of their friends, and especially of those among them in Britain or America, who have sent out funds for the establishment or maintenance of particular

schools. Of these, some have probably | object at which they aim. In the books been disappointed, in learning from the used in the schools, the children are taught Reports of the Society, that their school had the knowledge of God through Jesus Christ : been relinquished, and others, that their for it is certain, that if an empty mind be school had not been established. It is pro- filled, it ought to be with good; or, if error per, therefore, that it should be generally be effectually opposed, it is only by presentknown, that neither the one nor the othering truth: Thy word, said the Saviour, is of these unpleasant things can always be prevented, owing to the impeding circumstances already mentioned. Prospects have not unfrequently appeared, on the ground of which hopes have been raised and cherished, that have in a little time again entirely vanished.


The Committee now conclude their Report, praying that God may succeed their labours with his blessing, and impart strength and wisdom to those who are immediately engaged, and to all who love and assist in this benevolent work.




On this account, the Committee would take the liberty of suggesting to such friends, the propriety of allowing their contributions to be appropriated to the aid of the object generally, rather than to the support of particular schools. This measure would relieve the minds of the Committee from considerable anxiety, and leave them also more at liberty to carry forward the work, The annual services connected as favourable opportunities might invite :- with this Auxiliary were held in a liberty exceedingly desirable, when it is September last. The Rev. Isaiah considered, that the progress hitherto made has been so in a great measure, by embrac- Birt, of Hackney, attended as a ing propitious circumstances as they have deputation from the Parent Sopresented themselves. Difficulties, how-ciety, and warmly espoused the ever, the Committee trust, have not dimi- interests of the Mission.

On Lord's day, Sept. 21, several sermons were preached on behalf of the Society in the chapels connected with the Auxiliary, two by the Rev. Isaiah Birt, and the others by resident ministers, the Rev. C. E. Birt, T. Morris, J. Neave, J. Headden, J. Davis, and W. Davies.


The anniversary of this Auxiliary was held at Meeting House Alley Chapel on Monday evening, the 22d of September. Prayer for the Divine presence and blessing was offered by the Rev. C. Cakebread. The Chair was taken by an esteemed friend who happened to be on a visit to Portsea, Robert Bowyer, Esq. of Byfleet. Report, which was read by the Rev. T. Tilly, one of the Secretaries, gave a brief view of the operations of the Society, comprising some interesting information respecting the Mission to the West Indies, &c. The following is an extract relatiug to the pecuniary affairs of the Auxiliary:

nished their zeal in the work allotted to them; and the most impressive motive for perseverance is found in the enlarged acquaintance, which every successive year supplies, with the condition and necessities of the people. The work of superintendence necessarily leads those engaged in it into the midst of their abodes, and domestic circles. Here they see things as they are; but the knowledge gained yields, alas! little satisfaction. It causes them to feel, that wretchedness is the Hindoo Female's condition; that destitute of knowledge, deprived of liberty, living without respect, doomed to idleness and drudgery, she is the slave, and not the companion of man. But the necessity of their exertions is not the only motive: labour has not been in vain; success is lifting up her head, and saying, "Go forward." Year after year witnesses the increase of knowledge, the subjugation of prejudice, the alteration of opinion, and a growing regard for instruction among females, in those places where schools have 66 The children connected with our Sunbeen formed. Instances now exist of wo-day schools continue to aid the Mission, and men, who having learned to read in schools to pour their free will offerings into its established by this and other Societies, have become the instructors of their own children. Let it be hoped, therefore, from what is to be seen, and from what we know of the operation of knowledge on the mind, that the time for the education of Indian Females is come.

The Committee trust they are adopting the right method for the attainment of the



"There is reason to apprehend that that part of the income of your Auxiliary which is derived from Branches, will in some respects be less this year than the preceding ; this may be owing to circumstances which it is hoped will not be of permanent influence ; but though this year's contributions may in two or three instances be less than the past,

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