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guilty thing was done? To this question he seemed unable to reply, and immediately left the place.

27th.-Lord's-day. Conducted Native

weight: whether we reason a priori or a posteriori, our conclusions must be the same. As we can frequently determine by the nature and structure of an engine, what the effect will be when it is put into opera-worship in the morning as usual at Choytion, so we may with equal certainty con- tim's little chapel. A man and his wife, clude, from the nature of the gospel, that who have long appeared serious enquirers, error and wickedness cannot long maintain were present and very attentive. I was the ascendancy wherever it is faithfully much interested with the account the man promulgated. But we are not left to rea- gives of himself. He appears to have been son from the principles of the gospel only: for many years "groping after God, if haply its effects demonstrate its power. By the he might find him ;" and with the hope of preaching of the cross, whole nations of discovering the way of salvation has been heathens, both in ancient and modern times, various and expensive journies to Juggerhave relinquished idolatry, and acknow- nath, Gya, Benares, &c. He acknowledges, ledged Christ as their Lord and Saviour. however, that the nearer he approached any In its effects, it indeed resembles those pre-place of reputed sanctity, the more depraved dicted of the stone cut from the mountain he found the inhabitants; and so seems till without hands, (Dan. ii. 34.) and is un- lately, when his attention was called to doubtedly the same. Shall we then for a Christianity, to have despaired of obtaining moment suppose, whatever discouraging cir- the object of bis search. The attention shewn cumstances may at present exist, that ido- by the missionaries to the Native Chrislatrous India will effectually resist its ope- tians, and the kindness of the latter to each rations? Let the word of God be perse- other, seem to have first satisfied him that veringly, extensively, and purely preached, the religion they professed was divine; and and the conversion of the Hindoos is cer- reminded me forcibly of the Saviour's detain." claration, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."

Extracts from the Journal of a Missionary

resident in Calcutta.

29th.-Tuesday afternoon. Having intimated to the people that my discourse was May 22. Tuesday morning, while preach-finished, I proposed myself ready to coning at Wellington Square, a Mussulman, a native of Upper Hindoostan, perhaps an Affghan, came in, who after listening for a while, thus commenced a conversation. Why could not Mahomet as well as Christ preserve us from sin, and finally present us faultless before the throne of God? M. Because, when he was tempted, he was unable to preserve himself from sin. Mus. Pray, what sin was Mahomet guilty of? M. He was guilty of falsehood, adultery, and murder. Mus. With what falsehood is he chargeable? M. With publishing to the world that he was a prophet, and that the Koran was brought to him from heaven by the angel Gabriel. Mus. With whom did he commit adultery? M. With Zeinab, the wife of Zeid, and others that I might mention. Mus. On what occasion did he commit murder? M. On many, in all the battles which he fought to establish a false religion, and the blood of all the slain lies at his door. My opponent denied the truth of my first charge, but admitted the two others, yet denied the guilt of them, inasmuch as Mahomet acted by the permission and command of God. I then asked him, if there was any harmony between the Bible and Koran. Mus. No, because the Scriptures which you now possess have been altered. M. Can you point out the parts in the Bible which have been altered, the time when, and the persons by whom this

verse with any that desired to be further informed on the subject that had been discussed. Upon this two respectable looking Hindoos came forward and said, "We wish to make some enquiries, but would rather do it in a private manner, that we may not be disturbed by the people." In compliance with their wish, I ordered the door to be shut, and requested the people to leave the place; but some, finding that others were about to remain for conversation, requested permission to remain also, promising to take no part in it, but to sit and hear in silence; and when the two mentioned individuals objected, saying, They will certainly not remain quiet, a person with folded hands begged of them that he might be permitted to hear, and added, if the words you wish to hear are good, let us also hear, that we may be benefited, and if we do any thing to interrupt you, then send us away. To this the two enquirers consented, and commenced in the following manner. Having investigated our Shasters, and found them full of contradictions, we cannot arrive at any certain knowledge respecting our condition after death: does that event annihilate us, or does the soul survive it, and in what state? M. At death, the soul enters the world of spirits, where it will remain till the end of this world, when God will raise the body to life again, and reunite it to the soul; immediately after which,

June 5.-Our monthly Missionary breakfast this morning, as usual, at eight, pre. ceded by social prayer meeting at seven. On account of the excessive heat in returning, very few of our brethren can attend during the hot months. Brethren G.Pearce, Schmid, and Thomas engaged in prayer, and we read as usual extracts from Innes's Christian Ministry, a most excellent volume, presented us by the committee at home. We find these social meetings of Missionary brethren of various denominations, very cheering and productive of much friendly feeling and conduct.

we shall, with all the universe, be placed | Meeting this evening, at Circular Road cbaat the judgment-seat of Christ, to hear the pel. Brothren Robinson and Hill prayed, sentence of God respecting our everlasting and brother Mack gave the address. destiny, either to dwell with him in eternal happiness, or be driven into interminable woe. Eng. How can the resurrection of the body be possible, which must, after so many years, have been entirely mingled with the dust, and scattered in many places? M. With God all things are possible. He made us at the first from the dust, and cannot he do the like again? A goldsmith can alloy the precious metal, and he can also separate the minutest particles from the earth; and cannot God collect the dust of our bodies, and recompose it into human form? This reply seemed to obviate their difficulties, and excite their pleasure. After some further conversation, they all left the chapel, promising, however, soon to resume their enquiries.

June 6.- Native Church Meeting this evening. One of our Native brethren, who had been guilty of theft, was restored, on his manifesting deep repentance for his conduct, and his cheerfully offering, under a sense of his sin, to restore double what he had stolen. Poor Paunchoo's case deferred for final decision till next Wednesday.

June 9.-Brother Carapeit this morning conducted the worship, which for the last 18 mouths has been occasionally held at our house, for the benefit of the Printing Office servants; about twenty-five (one third of the number employed) were present. The attendance of all is perfectly optional, and I have been more than once much encouraged by the desire expressed by some in particu lar to attend this and other services more fre quently.

June 2.-During the past week the small pox has continued to be very destructive, both among Europeans and Natives. Many of the former who had been inoculated, vaccinated, or even had the disease in the natural way, have been again attacked by it, and some have died; and among the Natives the mortality near Calcutta has been excessive. In several of our Female Native Schools, one in four have died of it, and almost the whole have been ill themselves, or had to attend their relatives at tacked with it; so that their progress has been greatly retarded by their absence from school. Pujaree, a most interesting little girl of six years old, and one of only two scholars we have been able to procure for the Asylum, has also fallen a victim! What diligence and zeal are required of missionaries in this country particularly, who, stand-ful, were present. After the service, we ing between the dead and the living, are called to see such numbers "carried away as with a flood" to that world where they are for ever placed beyond the reach of their instructions!

June 3.-Baboo Ram and his family having returned from Bhaugulpore, bringing with them a young Mussulman, who professes a wish to find the way of life, and there being several other strangers present, my congregation was larger than usual. The new song, " Worthy art thou, &c. for thou hast redeemed us to God by thy blood, out of every kindred and tongue, and people, and nation," was my text, and received an interesting illustration from the members of the congregation, among whom were one or more Hindoos, Mussalmans, Mughs, and Portuguese, addressed by myself, an Englishman. To my great joy the Native brethren appeared more interested than usual, and asked many appropriate questions on the subject of dis


June 4.-Monthly Missionary Prayer

June 10.-Lord's Supper administered to the Native church by brother Carapeit. Eleven communicants, four serious en quirers, with eight or ten others, less hope

had a long conversation with the Native brethren on religious subjects, which gave me great pleasure. I feel happy in the persuasion, that some at least of our dear Native members are growing in knowledge and in grace, and that in due time we may hope to have their number increased by the addition of such as shall be saved. Notwithstanding our heavy trials, we bless God that on the whole the Native church appears in a reviving state, to which we think the observation of a day of fasting and prayer, three weeks ago, has greatly contributed, O Lord, we beseech thee, send now prosperity."


We are happy to state that a letter has lately been received from Mr. Leslie, which gives an encouraging account of the improve

ment in his health, which had en-subjoined extract of a letter from Dr. J. on abled him to engage more fre- the death of his only daughter, six months after that of Mrs. J. will doubtless prove

interesting to our readers.

Another tie that bound me to earth is

severed, and my darling Maria lies by the side of my beloved Ann. They were separated from one another, six months precisely. The mother's eyes were closed on the 24th of October, and the child's on the 24th of April following.

quently in his missionary labours than ever before. At the date of this letter (Nov. 16.) he was returning from a visit of a few weeks to Calcutta and Serampore, where he had left all well. He called at Cutwa on his way home, where, he says, "my expectations were fully realized in the steady pro-ful whether Amherst will become the seat gress of the Mission there.'


From the Auxiliary Missionary Herald for August, we copy the following article respecting the Infant Mission in this empire, belonging to our American Baptist brethren.

"We noticed in our number for March, the departure of the Rev. G. Boardman, American missionary, to join his brethren in the Burmah country. We are now happy to state, that he has arrived in safety, and taken up his residence at Maullaming, a military station, distant from Amherst town about twelve miles, which promises to be an eligible station for his permanent abode. By the last intelligence from Dr. Price, at Ava, we learn, that his school for the children of the Burmese nobility prospers beyond his expectations. His scholars, he remarks, learn very fast, and the king is much pleased, although he has been repeatedly made to know that the Bible is the chief school-book. One of the youths is very desirous of possessing a copy of Rees's Cyclopædia, and has commissioned Dr. Price to expend Rs. 800 for that object. In conducting this seminary, the labours of our brother are rather heavy, especially as his health is far from being good. He is under the necessity of copying for every additional pupil, some part at least of an English and Burinan dictionary, which he has compiled. To save himself this severe tax upon his time and strength, as well as provide the Burmans with an important work, he is desirous of getting it printed, which we hope he will soon be able to accomplish.

Dr. Judson and Mr. Wade are at present pursuing their labours at Amherst town; but as the retention of this station by the British still remains a matter of doubt, their final settlement there is uncertain. The

Brother Boardman is settling himself at Maullaming for the present. We are doubt

of government, and a place of sufficient work, to be an eligible mission station. One native woman, wife of a French trader from Rangoon, has lately been baptized, and we have a few hopeful enquirers.

But my heart is in the grave. O that I could transfer it thence to heaven. The top of the little enclosure which contains the wreck of all I held most dear on earth, and the Hope tree, under which they rest in hope, are visible from the window of my room. How can I sit composed and happy, and prosecute my usual studies, and my missionary work?

"Beyond the hills, beyond the seas,
Oh for the pinions of a dove,
Oh for the morning's wing, to flee
Away, and be with them we love."

The Hope tree stands at the head of the graves;-but it looks towards heaven, and lifts up its branches amid the storms of this tempestuous region, not drooping over the sleeping, mouldering tenants of the tomb. I would fain be like the Hope tree, and look towards heaven; but Faith is weak, and her eye frequently bedimmed by the tears of grief, and distempered by conscious sin."


The following account of the daily school at Kingston, under the care of Mr. Knibb, contained in a letter from himself to the Secretary, cannot fail to interest the friends of the rising generation. It is dated Kingston, Jan. 12, 1828:—

"During the whole of the past year, the average attendance of the children has been equal to what an English school would have presented, which is to me a peculiarly pleasing incident. When I first came here, my mind was continually fretted with the care

lessness of the parents in sending their chil- | dren, and though much of this yet remains, still there is a manifest improvement, which indicates an increased desire on their parts that the children should improve under the advantages they enjoy.

gyman and two other gentlemen, after which the children partook of their annual feast of cakes and fruit, and the interesting service was closed.

Much, very much, did I wish that the kind and benevolent friends of youth in England could have witnessed the scene, as I feel persuaded it would lead them to renewed exertions, in endeavouring to extend the blessings of scriptural instruction, and to feel an intense desire that the time may soon come (so devoutly wished for by every

Seventy-three boys and 50 girls have been admitted into the school during the year, and 36 boys and 39 girls have left during the same time: 35 to their trades, were able to read their Bibles and to write; many of the others were excluded for nonattendance. One little girl died rather sud-one who loves his fellow-creatures), when denly, glorying in a crucified Jesus. The clear increase during the past year is 47. Number at present receiving instruction, 324; received since the commencement, 613.

I have found it a very useful plan to set apart one afternoon in the week, for the express purpose of Scriptural interrogation and religious instruction. The children seem to feel much pleasure in the exercise, and their answers often delight and cheer my mind, when wearied with the excessive fatigue of the schools. We generally conelude with singing and a short prayer.

The public examination was on the 20th of December: a respectable company of ladies and gentlemen were present, with many of the parents of the pupils, who expressed themselves highly gratified with the improvement and order of the children.

About half-past ten, 260 children were present, and commenced the pleasing service by singing-—

Come children, hail the Prince of Peace,
Obey the Saviour's call;
Come, seek his face, and taste his grace,

And crown Him Lord of all, &c.

The school was then opened in the usual manner, by reading the Scriptures: the elder children read a portion of the word of God, and were questioned as usual. Some very little boys then read the Testament, which seemed much to interest the company.

After the whole system of reading, writing, and arithmetic had been shewn, the children exhibited their specimens of writing and cyphering, and the girls of needle work; which were highly approved of by many of the ladies and gentlemen present. Some of these I hope soon to be able to send you.

The children then stood up, and sung by


From all that dwell below the skies,
Let the Creator's praise arise:

which to me, and I have been informed to
many besides, had a very pleasing effect.

The rewards were distributed by a cler

every child in the world shall be able to read that word which alone can make him wise unto salvation. Hasten it, O Lord, in thine own time.

You will please to acknowledge the receipt of the fancy articles from Laverton, and return our best thanks to the kind donors.

The congregation at Port Royal has increased so as to render an enlargement of the place necessary. I have commenced, and hope soon to give you an account of the opening. In your report of this station, you mention 150 removed from Kingston church; 100 was the utmost."



On the 4th of March, in the last year, the Church Missionary Society sustained a considerable loss by the death of Abdool Musseeh, a Christian native, who had been for several years employed at Agra and other places, in the work of the ministry, and, there is reason to hope, had been the instrument of usefulness to several of his countrymen. He is said to have been the only native to whom it was ever known that the labours of the amiable and pious Henry Martyn were rendered effectual; and his peaceable and consistent deportment through life, as well as the supports he experienced in death, amply attested that he was indeed a brand plucked out of the burning. He had latterly taken up his residence at Lucknow, where his relatives resided, and where he breathed his last. We

extract a few particulars of the brother and relatives there present, in a closing scene from a Calcutta pub-cheerful manner, and with perfect composure lication, entitled "Missionary Intelligence."

of mind, putting his hand upon the seal, that the seat was bis. He then said, 'Thanks

be to God, I have done with this world : and with regard to my mother,' putting his hands in a supplicating posture, 'I commend her to God.' Then, laying his hand upon his nephew, he said to his friend, Speak to the Resident, that no one be al

friend to come near him, and putting his hands in an attitude of prayer, he said, 'O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, be gracious to

"He had lately visited some English friends at Cawnpore, where his conversation with respectable natives had as usual excited much attention, and it was his purpose to have gone over occasionally to that stalowed to injure him:' then desiring his tion; but Divine Providence had other desigus respecting this tried and faithful servant. On his return, he had not attended divine service at the Residency as usual, for some Sundays; but it being reported that he was confined with boils, no further inquiry was made. At length, the native assistant of Dr. Luxmore reported so unfavourably of his state, that Dr. L. kindly went to visit him, and finding him in a dying condition from mortification, arising from a carbuncle, humanely had him conveyed to bis own house, where he was supplied with suitable medicine, nourishment, and attendance to the last.

To a friend who knew his value, and waited on him with Christian affection, he expressed his gratitude to Dr. Luxmore for giving him room in his own house; for, he said, that had he died at home among his own relations, they perhaps would have interred his remains according to the ceremonies of their own erroneous faith; but now,' said he, Christian brethren will bury me. In the latter end of February, he sent a message to the Resident, begging he would do him the favour to come and see him before his death: with this request Mr. Ricketts readily complied. After making known his wishes, as to where he would be buried, and some other trifling requests, he expressed himself perfectly resigned, and that death had no fears for him; for that our Saviour had deprived death of its sting. He thanked Mr. Ricketts for all that he had done for him, and looking steadily at him for some time, seemed to pray internally; then saying he was easy and content (or happy), begged him to leave him. He afterwards expressed to the friend who attended on him, his gratitude for this attention on the part of Mr. Ricketts, saying, See the fruits of Christian love.' The day before his death, Abdool requested his friend to write his will; this was accordingly done, after an English form. A house which the Resident, with his usual liberality, had enabled him to purchase, he left to his mother; his books to the Bible Society; and his clothes to a nephew, for whom he had always shewn much love. This document he desired might be delivered into the hand of his dear Christian friend Mr. Ricketts. He then declared to the witnesses, before his

On the 4th, after the doctor had visited him, he was told that he was advised to eat animal food. Raising his head from the pillow, he said, 'Brother, a man does not live by bread alone, but by the word of God. See for how many days I have eaten nothing, and yet am alive.' He then began to inquire after a man, who had been with him for some time for religious instruction, and being told he was present, desired he might be called. He questioned him on some points of religion, and explained to bim the Lord's Prayer throughout. He spoke of his intention to baptize him, should he recover, and desired that in the event of his death, the Rev. Mr. Whiting or Mr. White might be requested to do so. In the evening, the wife of his friend called to see him, and on her asking him how he was, he said, 'Very well, sister, thanks be to God ;' but this, it is observed, he must have meant of his soul; for his body was extremely ill, and hiccup, the usual precursor of death, had come on. He was told, that the New Testament was at hand, and at his desire the 4th chapter of St. John was read: at the conclusion he said, 'Thanks be to God.' A favourite hymn was then sung. He had composed it but a short time before; and the following literal translation will convey some distinct idea of the source from which this servant of Christ derived consolation in a dying hour :—

Beloved Saviour, let not me
In thy fond heart forgotten be--
Of all that decks the field or bower,
Thou art the sweetest, fairest flower.

Youth's morn has fled, old age come on,
But sin distracts my soul alone;
Beloved Saviour, let not me
In thy fond heart forgotten be.

He joined in singing this hymn, and desired it might be sung a second time; but alas! he could no longer articulate distinctly, and became insensible to every thing around him. Soon after recovering a little, he inquired if the female friend above

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