Imágenes de páginas

forded to the indigent the succours offered by the pious and charitable.

On this occasion, the room in which the Queen was confined in the Conciergerie, was solemnly consecrated as a chapel to her memory. It was hung with black, and lighted with wax tapers. On the left of the altar was a picture, representing the Queen standing near her bed of straw; her aspect noble and majestic, and at the same time expressing resignation and piety. After the gospels, the Abbé. Montes, Chaplain of the Conciergerie, advanced to the nave, and read the letter of the Queen to her sister Madame Elizabeth, which was often interrupted by sobs, which the sacredness of the place could not restrain. After this, the Countess Anglés, conducted by M. de Haugeranville, made a collection, the produce of which was destined for the prisoners. Among others present were the Dukes of Havre, Grammont, Guiche, Coigny, nd other noblemen.

Impelling power for Vessels. Anthony Lehnager, a watchmaker, in Moravia, made on the 12th of August a successful trial on the Danube, with a machine of his invention, by which ships of the greatest burden may proceed against the stream, on the most rapid and largest rivers, without the assistance of animal power or steam-engines.

Plunder partly restored.

Letters from Hamburgh of the 11th state, that the negociation with the French Govern

ment, relative to the restitution of the property of the Bank, has been brought to a close. The amount of the money and bullion seized by Davoust was 16,000,000A. The French than 10,000,0008. This offer has been accepted, and the deputies, Senators Sillem aud Pehmaller, were expected to return immediately from Paris. Mr. Chapeaurouge was to remain there, to urge the claims of his fellow citizens for payment of the requisitions made upon them by the French.

Government would not consent to refund more


Rewards and Distinctions.

Monday last, the first English coach seen in France, was launched at Dieppe, with all its paraphernalia. The horses being put to, Mr. Plant, of London, a coachman of about eighteen stone weight, and a real John Bull, mounted the box, and astonished the inhabiAmsterdam, Sept. 25.-We learn that his tants, as much by the dexterity of cracking of Majesty has given to Admiral Von Cahis whip, as the bulk of his person for the bur-pellen the Grand Cross of the Order of den of his horses. Away he started for St-William; and has conferred the dignity of Denis, amidst the various grimaces of the po. Knights of that Order on the Commanders pulace. A company of London proprietors of the Netherland ships, who were in the have obtained the permission of running En-glorious battle at Algiers. His Majesty has glish stage coaches between St. Denis and Pa- also given the Grand Cross to Lord Exris. Three more of these vehicles are on their mouth, and the rank of Knight to several route for the same destination, with English British Officers. coachmen, harness, &c.-(Brighton Paper.) Solar Spots.

Two new opaque bodies are now passing the Sun's disk. They appear to traverse it quicker than the bodies formerly observed, which seems to indicate that they are less distant from the earth. One of these new bodies is the largest that has appeared, and the other does not seem so very considerable.-Paris



Commerce: Great Fair. Frankfort, Sept. 29.-Our fair is over; it remained of the same character from beginning to end; that is, it was in general bad, though some branches in trade turned out favourably; the retail trade was such as to give satisfaction. We have this year an uncommon number of insane persons; we know not to what cause to ascribe this. The heat of the summer has cer tainly not occasioned it.


Dying Advice from a Prince to his Son. Madras, April 30. Accounts have reached the Presidency of the death of Ragogee Blousela, the Rajah of Berah, and of the quiet and peaceable succession of his son to the Musnud. This event took place on the 27th of February at Nagpore, and the following account of the last moments of this prince has been handed to us :

"On the morning of the 28th of Rubbee ool'Avel, the Rajah, having performed the ceremonies of ablution and prayer, ordered the ministers and principal officers of state into his presence, and his son being seated near him, he examined and adjusted the accounts of all the departments; and those to whom any thing was due were immediately paid, and all the dues to the Circars were cancelled. When this was FROM THE MAINE, SEPT. 29.-In a stone cluded, the Rajah addressed his son in prequarry, near Brunswick, there has been discovered a whole bed of petrified Mam-him to take and profit by the advice of his sence of the assembly, and recommended moths. It is hoped that they will afford, counsellers and ministers, and protect as at New York, a complete skeleton of them, as he his father had done, and inMais animal. treated him never to deviate from the ad


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vice he then gave him. After the dis- to Brescia. A reward has been offered tributed 1,000 cows in charity, besides other for the discovery of Spezzagente, charged very considerable donations. He was thus with having committed 37 acts of assassioccupied until the afternoon, when he ex- nation. pired.'

Turin, Sept. 14.-A great number of it is said that the property which the strangers pass through this city. The Enlate Bhow Begum bequeathed to the Ho-glish disguise themselves as much as they nourable Company is calculated to amount can, for fear of being inade to pay too to nearly 90 lacs of rupees. Of this enor-dearly at the inns. They take this premous sum, 74 lacs are in bullion, 6 in caution in consequence of some disputes jewels, and the remainder in elephants, they have had upon this subject. They ofhorses, furniture, and vast stores of grain. ten bring up their bills before the authorities to get them moderated. Absolution denied to Tight Breeches, Naked Bosoms, Arms, and Short Petticoats.


Conversions; Catholic Church. Rome, Oct 5.-Yesterday, Cardinal Fontana officiated pontifically in the Church of St. Mary of Angels, when five Protestants and two Jews abjured their faith, and entered the

bosom of the Catholic church. Several il lustrious prelates and noble Roman ladies acted as god-fathers and god-mothers to the catechumens.

The most of these converts were in easy circumstances; the two Jews were physicians.

Rome, Sept. 18.-Lord Exmouth has written the following letter to the Holy Father:

An article from Naples, of the 6th ult., says, that a mandement has lately been addressed to confessors, containing a list of the sins for which they are not to grant absolution, and which are reserved for the Archbishop. Among other persons are those who wear tight breeches, the tailors that make them, and the merchants that sell them. They are not to be absolved without having proved their penitence for two months. With respect to ladies, the mandement says, "Sacramenti pænitentia "The Queen Charlotte, Algiers Bay, Aug. 31. ministri deprehendentes mulieras, quæ or"MOST HOLY FATHER-I have the ho- natus gratiâ pectore, vel sinu, vel brachiis, nour to inform your Holiness, for your sa- supra cubitum detectis sese conspiciendas tisfaction, of the success of the expedition dederint, nec non viros qui induerint femoagainst Algiers, coufided to my command.ralia tam arcta, ac inhoneste composita, ut The slavery of Christians is abolished for ever; and I have, in consequence, the happiness of sending back to their families 173 slaves, your subjects. I hope they will be an agreeable present to your Holiness, and that they will give me a claim to the efficacy of your prayers.


naturalem pudorem lædant; ac denuo sartores, qui ea efformaverint eorumque venditores, illos non absolvant," &c.


Berlin, Oct. 10.-By his Majesty's special command, the memorable days, 1st, the battle of Leipsic (18th October)-2d, the taking of Paris (31st March)-3d, the batRome, Sept. 21.-One hundred and seven-tle of La Belle Alliance (18th June), shall ty three subjects of the Papal States, de- be considered as national festivals, and if livered from slavery at Algiers by the they do not fall on a Sunday, be duly celearms of his Britannic Majesty, have arriv-brated on the Sunday following by an ap ed in this Capital. Captains Hely and propriate mention in the sermous.- HamAylmer, have had the honour to be pre-burgh Correspondenten, Oct. 15.) sented to his Holiness, who received them with great affability, and testified to them his gratitude for the signal service done to his States by the English forces in the


The 173 Roman slaves delivered by Lord Exmouth are lodged at the Trinita dei Pellegrini, where they pay their de


Cimarosa's bust has been placed in the Pantheon at Rome, where Paesiello's will also be placed.

The north of Italy is the theatre of new robberies and pillage. Two carriages in the suite of the Archduke Raynier were lately stopped and plundered, on the road

It is stated from Berlin, that in the Hospital of Charity in that city, 11 persons had been treated for hydrophobia during the course of the last six years. Of these, five died, five others were cured, and one woman is now under a course of medicine for

this disorder. They were all bitten by dogs but one, who was bitten by a rabid



Statistics: Birth and Deaths. According to a special list, the number of births in the Russian Empire, of the established Greek religion, was, in the year 1814, as follows

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Difference, $89,255 more births than deaths. The number of marriages, 309,644. Among the deaths were two persons between 145 and 150 years old, and between 125 and 130.

English Fashions Prevalent.


An Englishman who left Moscow in the month of May last, after a residence of six years in Russia, states, that the uational dispositions have undergone a great change since the last war; that English fashions and English taste predominate in thing, It was extremely hot at Moscow in the month of May. The town was half rebuilt; but as every individual was liberty to follow his own fancy in the buildings, it has not become more beautiful. The streets are as narrow as before, and superb edifices appear by the side of miserable cabins.



Stockholm, Oct. 4.-The Committee of 15 persons named by the King, in order to find out means to check the progress of luxury which draws so much money out of the kingdom, has had their first meeting.

Accounts from Swedeu state, that the harvest has turned out tolerably good in that country.


Constantinople, Aug. 24. This city has been again visited by a dreadful conflagration; in broke out in the night of the 15th, in the finest quarter of the city, and laid 1,200 houses, and 3,000 shops and magazines, in ashes. The Sultan was present and active the whole night, and till nine in the morning, but did not find in the Janissaries the requisite alacrity in extinguishing the flames. The palace of their former favourite Jussuf Aga, has remained alone undamaged, in the quarter which is destroyed.

National Register:


Gold has had another fall. The present price of the finest Portugal gold is £3 18s. 6d. per oz.; that of new doubloons £3 14s. Silver remained at the former prices standard at 5s.; new dollars at 4s. 10d. The price of gold has risen in Paris. It sells at a premium of from six to

seven francs in a thousand. It is ascribed

to the quantity purchased by foreigners; among others by agents of the Bank of England.

A person, who left Devonshire some six or seven years ago, to reside in Russia, has just returned to Exeter, and gives some interesting particulars of the present state of the country, and the dispositions of the people-Previous to the invasion, French tutors and domestics were in great request, and few respectable families were without one or more of them. The invasion put every thing French completely out of fashion, and begot a decided partiality for the English, whom they now consider as more worthy of esteem and confidence. Whatever may be their legal prohibitions of English manufactures, our cottons are very generally The uew coinage goes on with great raworn by the upper and middle classes; pidity: each press produces per minute 60 among whom English cheese is also in ge- pieces, that is, 3,600 per hour. The hours neral use. The person alluded to left of work are ten daily, making the whole Moscow in May last, and describes the number of pieces from each press 36,000; weather as then very warm there. The there are eight presses at work, and of city is about half rebuilt; but as the buil- course the whole number daily finished is ders have been left at liberty to cousult 288,000. The amount to be issued is to the their own taste and convenience, it exhi-value of 2,500,000l. in shillings and sixbits very little of improvement; the streets are as narrow as before, and many fine houses are joined by mere hovels.


Compliments at Court.

MADRID, OCT. 1.-The young Queen is beautiful; the Infanta, her sister, is less handsome, but has a very agreeable person; on the 30th their hands were kissed by twenty

VOL, V. No. 26. Lit. Pan. N. S. Nov. 1.

The New Silver Coinrge.

pences, in the proportion of seven of the former to five of the latter.

Costly present to the Duke of Wellington,

The King of Portugal's present of plate to the Duke of Wellington is arrived at Portsmouth in the Perola frigate; consisting of a table service for 55 persons, with a variety of vases and temples for a banquet, bearing most rich and superb alle


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gorical representations of his Grace's vic- | quickly as possible. By the aid of this ortories-the silver alone cost 200,0001.

The amount of the British Naval Force up to this day is-In Commission 207Ships and vessels in ordinary and repairing for service, $78-Building, 3S-Total, 618.

New Custom House.

The New Custom house for the port of London, erected upon the site of the old building, destroyed by fire, now assumes the appearance of a public edifice of considerable importance. It is a quadrangular building of fine brick and stone, extending from Billingsgate Dock to the Oid Custom-house stairs. The front towards the river is adorned with architecture, which affords a noble appearance. The wings, east and west, are distinguished by beautiful columus, pilasters, and entabla ture of the lonic order, surmounted by a stone balustrade. The space nearest the river forms a spacious quay for landing goods. The numerous apartments intended for offices are large and commodious, and, the building altogether is constructed to suit the multifarious duties relating to the exports and imports. It is roofed with lead and slate, and is expected to be completed in the course of a few months.

Passes to France.

It appears that a new regulation has taken place in the granting of French passports. It has been heretofore the custom for persons to apply to his Excellency the French Minister, by whom they were gratuitously granted; but now it seems, they are to be provided by the French Consulate, who charges ten francs for each passport.

State of the Hop Market.

The season has proved so unfavourable to the hops, that not a pocket was brought to our great fair, nor will the whole plantation produce a good pocket this year.The quantity grown last year in this plantation was about 27,000 pockets; this year it is thought there will not be produced 3,000. The stock on hand is not a month's consumption, consequently prices have taken a rapid advance. Currency 1814, 14l. a 16. 1815, 16. 16s. a 20l. Sixteen pockets of yearling hops were this day (Friday) sold in our market at 20l. a pocket."-Worcester Herald.

Iron Manufactures.

Some recent circumstances have given much relief to the iron manufacture; the principal houses in that trade in Staffordshire having lately, as it is asserted, received an order from the New River Company for a quantity of iron pipe, which is to be delivered and laid down as

der which amounts to 150,000l. immediate employment is given to that suffering district. There is also in the Gazette of Saturday night a notice of an intended application to Parliament for an Act to incorporate a Company for the supply of Paris with water. It is said, that, according to the estimate of Mr. Milne, the engineer of the New River Company, who will superintend this undertaking, the cast iron-pipe will occupy a distance of 199 miles, and require 20,000 tons of iron, and 2,000 tons of lead, which, by the conditions of a treaty entered into with the Corporation of Paris, are to be manufactured there.

A new sort of road-way has been laid down at the foot of Blackfriar's-bridge, on the Surrey-side. It consists of cast iron squares, in the form of paving stones; a stratum of gravel is laid under the ironwork, which is intended to form a hard foundation. It is not at present known what effect the iron may produce when it comes in contact with the horses' shoes in frosty weather. A vast number of specta tors assembled round this novelty.

It is gratifying to find that the Woollen Manufacture has lately improved in Exeter, Ashburton, Crediton, and other parts of Devonshire. Besides the orders in hand for the East Indies, and the South of Europe, large orders have been received from Holland.

We are happy to hear that the manufac tures of this city and neighbourhood have been enabled to advance the wages of their weavers 1s. per cut. Carlisle Patriot.

An artist in the cutlery business at Manchester, has lately made a knife, which contains three blades, a button hook, a saw, a punch and screw driver, a box, cork-screw, book and gimblet, two phlemes, picker and tweezers, two lancets, with a ring at the head, and the whole weighs but one penny weight fourteen grains.

The Northampton Saving Bank has, in 11 weeks, received deposits amounting to 1,8531.

The second Quarterly Meeting ofthe Trustees of the Hertfordshire Saving Bank was holden on Saturday, the 12th inst. at the Shire-hall, Hertford, when it appeared that upwards of 2,4001. had been deposited since its commencement on the 30th of March last, from which time it is remarkable that not a week has passed without some fresh depositors.

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Apples were lately sold in Plymouth market at two-pence per gallon.

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A Common Hall was held on Tuesday, when the Election of the present Lord Mayor was confirmed by the Court of Aldermen, by a majority of 14 to 12.

The Magistrates of Wareham, in Dorthe beer vended by the publicans of that setshire, in consequence of complaints of town, who are tenants to the brewers, have resolved in future not to grant licenses to houses so circumstanced.

We understand, that since the year 1800, the Humane Society at Hull has dis-bar at Kiddall-lane, was convicted in the A few days ago, the keeper of the tolltributed rewards for preserving 260 persons penalty of 20s and costs, for refusing to from drowning. take a six-pence, of the current coin of the realm. This is a conviction calculated to ensure a re-circulation of mint sixpences; It has been intimated, that the person who caused this conviction is going about the country, perhaps for the two-fold purpose, of pecuniary advantage to himself, and of general benefit to the public.

Wonderful Apple Tree.

There is now (Oct.10.) growing in Mr. Grubb's garden, at Saltash, Cornwall, a fine apple tree, bearing both blossom and fruit. On the principal limb of the stock, near the lowest part of it, are several large apples perfectly ripe-about a foot higher are a number of apples just set, and at the top of the bough, the most beautiful blossom that can be imagined. thing can more plainly shew the peculiarities of the present season.

While William Key, a labourer in Dalry, was engaged in the repair of a road, a few miles from that village, on Friday Oct. the 4th, an adder crept into his No-jacket pocket, which he had laid down beside the gravel pit in which he was working; the pocket being slit, it lay Mr. Coke, of Holkham, was the purcha- around the bottom of his jacket for three ser, at Mr. Roscoe's sale, of the fine pordays unperceived, until Monday, he found trait of Leo the Tenth, for 500 guineas.-it stirring, when he threw off his jacket, The library sold for £5,150.; the prints for £1880: and the drawings £738.

Government Contract.

An extraordinary sensation was excited in the City on Saturday Oct. 5, by the pro posal made by Government to contract for 8,000 tierces of pork and 5,000 tierces of beef; but it should be recollected, that formerly the Americans supplied provisions to the West India Islands, because they could afford to do it on cheaper terms thau could be obtained in England. Now provisions in America are at the rate of 51. 5s. per barrel, when the same kind in England are at 31. 10s. This difference of price, together with the policy of supplying our colonies from home, may sufficiently account for the proposed contract of Government.

Lord Mayor elected a second time. On Saturday Oct. 5, the election of a Lord Mayor for the ensuing year terminated, when a large majority placed the present Lord Mayor and Alderman Combe

called his neighbours, and, to his great surprise, found it alive, and killed it. It measured 21 inches in length.


The Exeter mail coach, on its way to London, was attacked on Sunday night at Winterslow Hut, seven miles on this side of Salisbury, in a most extraordinary manner. At the moment when the coachnian pulled up to deliver his bags, one of the leaders was suddenly seized by a ferocious animal. This produced a great confusion and alarm; two passengers who were inside the mail got out, ran into the house, and locked themselves up in a room up stairs; the horses kicked and plunged violently, and it was with difficulty the coachman could prevent the coach from being overturned. It was soon perceived by the coachman and guard, by the light of the lamps, that the animal which had seized the horse was a huge lioness. A large mastiff dog came up and attacked her fiercely, on which she quitted the horse and turned upon him. The dog fled, but

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