eternity. Some, who yet live, have, have been long neglected, the church deliberately taken those courses of * iniquity, which they will hereafter contemplate as having fixed them in the broad road of endless destruction. At the close of the year we may profitably reflect on the dealings of divine Providence with us in reference to our friends. All human ties result from the divine appointment; God knows their strength, and that theygovern all the tender movements of the heart. In the mercies and afflictions which he sends upon our near connexions, he is directing our minds to himself, he is calling upon us to contemplate his character, to consider the design of his dealings, and to be instructed by his voice.The events of Providence are peculiarly calculated to illustrate the divine character, and they faithfully corroborate the testimonies of holy scripture concerning God. The same is our God, in whom we live, to whom we are to account for all moral conduct, by whose pleasure our future being is to be appointed. In those events of his providence, in which he comes near to us, he shows us the greatness of his mercy, his displeasure at iniquity, the terribleness of his justice, and the certainty of its execution. By all the persuasives of his mercy he invites us to renounce sin and follow him; by all the terrors of his justice he warns us of the fatal dangers of iniquity. As members of the whole human family, all of whom are ever under the guidance of heaven, we cannot be indifferent to the events of divine Providence, with which they are deeply affected. We have seen the present year calling all Christian nations, the whole of what is usually denominated the civilized world, to the conflict of war. No independent nation has been permitted to stand aloof from the scene. The conflict rages in all quarters of the globe, with an energy of strength never before witnessed, and with a ferocity apparently insatiable War in all its forms, is God's sore judgment. Verily, the present is a day of the divine vengeance The name of God has long been forgot ten, Christ Jesus and his holy gospel has been hated and opposed, Zion has been despised. Israel's God is awaking to the execution of his threatenings. The voice of those that were slain for the word of God, that have long cried under the altar, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? seems at length to have been heard. Have we not reason to fear the performance of the divine answer to the trembling prophet? Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate. These gloomy apprehensions are soothed by the recollection that the Church yet lives, and that Zion's God is still on the throne. While, in the present year, we have seen infatuated millions rushing on to the gulph opened by the sword of slaughter, we have also seen divine grace enlarging the church's borders, the Holy Spirit accompanying the truths of the gospel with a divine energy, and, by the efficacy of sovereign mercy, many immortal souls commencing the eternal song. We have seen Christians deeply impressed with the necessity of conveying the blessings of the gospel to the destitute, and of laboring and praying for their success. We have witnessed the extent of this impression, and the unanimity of these exertions, to a degree that compels us to ascribe the effect to the interposing grace of God. Before the efforts of obedience and faith, the obstacles which timidity has long beheld to the dissemination of divine truth, surprisingly fall. Every effort affords new encouragement to labor for God, and for the fulfilment of his promises. These events are cheering indications that the day of the church's travail is near its close. We discover the dawn of its rest and prosperity. The mighty struggles of wickedness are the struggles of despair; for shortly it shall be trodden under the foot of its holy Conqueror, who died to redeem bis people, who rose to protect and rule them for ever in glory. N. E 119 H 103, 149 357. Eastman, Rev Edmund, death of, 40 Hale, Nathan, Esq. death of, 440 Edification, Christian, Sir Matthew, on the Bible, 317 35 death of, 440 Fells, Rev. Ozias, do. 240 Election, doctrine of, Hart, Rev. Lucas, do. 321 Elliott, Rev. John, death of, 119 Encouragement to pious mothers, 256 Hartford Foreign Miss. Society, 100 6 Errata, Erskine, Gen. Sir W. death of, 200 120, 240 Heart, depravity of the, 248,327,364 422 of, Erving, Dr. Shirley, do. 319 Esquimaux Indians, mission to, 197 Higginbotham, Rev. Ralph, death 200 121, 161 Europe, view of, 4 Foxcellency of the bible, 317 Holbrook, Daniel, Esq. death of, 200 Experiences of a young lady, Holland, view of, 5 460 Homer, revival of religion in, 73 Hooker, Rev. Asahel, death of, 200 do. 40 Faithfulness of God, 291 Fessenden, Rev. Tho. death of, 240 Field, Rev. John, mission of, 29 Humphreys, George, Esq. do. 360 Fisher. Rev. Nathaniel, death of, 40 Hyde, Rev. Eii, installation of, 79 Foot, Rev. John, do. 440 mission of, 33 unsettled, list of, 308 Kelly, Rev. William, death of, 240 Missionary letters, 68, 110, 192, 195, Kentuckey Bible Society, 270 religion of, 270 King, Rev. Dr. J. death of, 360 Rev. John, do. 320 Rev. Walter, installation 196, 232, 277, 350 Sermons, Missions, Narrative of, Monson, revival of religion in, 154, Moral causes of national judg- ments, 345 179 Morals, good, Society of, 230 Murdock, Rev. Jonathan, death of, 256 80 Murphy, Rev. John, do. 40 26,55 Nash, Rev. Ansel, ordination of, 79 N Narrative of missions, 319 Ludlow, Lieut. A. C. death of, 239 200 Nature proves the goodness of 241 Rev. Orange, mission of, 33 Nelson, Hon. William, death of, 160 Practice different from knowl- New Connecticut, missions to, 27 edge, 419 revival of re- Prayer, foundation of, 219 ligion in, 102 Newel, Rev. Abel, death of, 160 Rev. Samuel, letters from, Preaching of the gospel, 413 110, 193, 351 Mrs. do. 235, 278, 356 Printing office, mission, burnt, 38 593 death of, 320, 351 Progress of Redemption, 210 New England, history of, 11, 41, 81, 121, 161 Promises of God will be fulfilled, 291 New Haven colony, settlement of, 17 mon of, 401 from, 68, 110, 195, 196, 232 69 Radcliff, Major William, death 316 of, 375 Soc. for good morals, 230 Ohio, religion of, 269 Ordination of Rev. Eber L. Clark, 79 man, 319 Rev. HenryDwight, 119 319 519 Ralph, Rev. George, portance of, 360 do. 240 360 440 210 80 225 Reed, Hon. John, death of, state of, 304 265,299 Religious Intelligence, 36, 67, 100, 154, 265, 314, 345, 373, 467 Kepentance precedes faith, 331 Rev. J. H. Fowler, 437 is, Rev. Ansel Nash, P Rev. Hip. Rowe, 319 Orleans Bible Society, 272 Revealed purposes of God, territory, religion of, 272 259 Resolutions of Rev. J. C. Lavater, 318 Osgood, Rev. Thaddeus, letter Otaheite, mission to, P Page, Rev. Thomas, death of, 357 219 73 239 Litchfield, New Con. 102 391 Rhode-Island Bible Society, 240 80 55 Hon. William, death of, 319 Perrine, Rev. H. M. ordination 343 438 Perry, Hon. Freeman, death of, 440 Rice, Rev. Luther, letters from, 100, 112, 192, 195, 350 Riches, vanity of, of, 136 450 Robinson, Hon. Moses, death of, 319 G of, S Petition of London Miss, Soc. 394 Phelps, Rev. Davenport, death of 319 Sagas, Pellet de, death of, 200 Philadelphia Bible Society, 279 Poland, view of, Scofield, Dr. Samuel, death of, 320 Poniatowski, death of, 40 Hon. John, death of, 320 Portugal view of, 4 Scribner, Rev. Matthew, do. 80 |