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required to be observed in ordinary ||and ultimate expulsion. It may be aptly denominated the lesser excomNo member should be permitted munication. Some are opposed to it, to escape expulsion by resigning. because it does not appear to be au"It becomes not the wisdom and or-thorised by any express precept or der of any society, (says Dr. Owen,) example on divine record. But we, intrusted with authority for its own in the Lutheran Church, who conpreservation, as the church is by ceive that practices fairly deduced Christ himself, to suffer persons ob- from general principles, are obligatonoxious to censure-to cast off all ry, as well as others, which have the respect to it, to break their order warrant of positive command or speand relation, without animadverting cial precedent, esteem suspension as thereupon, according to the authority scriptural, just as well as final exwherewith they are intrusted. To pulsion. Godwyn distinguishes three do otherwise is to expose their order unto contempt, and proclaim a diffidence in their own authority, for the spiritual punishment of offend


degrees of excommunication among the Jews, but Selden maintains that, properly speaking, there were only two, viz. the lesser and the greater. The former called Niddui, i, e. separation, lasted thirty days, and separated from the use of things holy.

"The exclusion of a person from any Christian Church does not affect his temporal estate and civil affairs;||The latter called Cherem, i. e. anathit makes no change in the natural ema, was an aggravation of the forand civil relations between husbands mer, and answered to our final exand wives, &c.; neither does it de- clusion, (which might also be termed prive a man of the liberty of attend- the greater excommunication.) It exing public worship; it removes him, cluded a man from the Synagogue, however, from the communion of and deprived him of all civil comthe church, and the privileges de-merce. The third kind spoken of pendent on it. This is done, that and called Scammatha, our author he may be ashamed of his sin, and thinks synonymous with the precedbe brought to repentance; that the ing, and therefore not to be accounthonor of Christ may be vindicated, ed distinct. Besides, if the right of and that stumbling-blocks may be inflicting the greater penalty of exremoved out of the way. Too great pulsion be conceded to a congregacaution cannot be observed in pro- tion, upon what principle can that of cedures of this kind; every thing inflicting the lesser be denied it?should be done with the greatest Does not the former presuppose and meekness, deliberation, prayer, and involve the latter? Moreover, we a deep sense of our own unworthi- would appeal to common sense, wheness, with a compassion for the of-ther there should not be a medium fender, and a fixed design of embra- between a mere private rebuke, and cing every opportunity of doing him the awful extremity of expulsion? good, by reproving, instructing, and How shall we dispose of an individif possible, restoring him to the en-ual against whom, so far as prima joyment of the privileges he has for- facie evidence goes, a strong case is feited by his conduct." Vide Buck, made out, but where there is still article, Excommunication. some appearance of penitence, yet Hitherto we have said but little not enough? Shall we retain in the concerning suspension and restora-bosom of the church, a person against tion. By suspension, we mean a whom such a charge is preferredtemporary exclusion, and intermedi- whose conduct is undergoing examiate act, between a mere admonition, nation, and whose character, to say

the least, is exceedingly suspicious? With respect to restoration, we have to observe, that it implies the reinstatement of a suspended or expelled member, to full communion, after he has been brought to a sense of his sin, a belief of God's pardoning mercy and satisfactory amendment of practice.

We say No. But shall he at this stage of the business be expelled? Again we say, with equal emphasis, No. What then is to be done? In our opinion, if we would deal out even-handed justice to him and the church, we have no alternative but to suspend him, until the case has been fully investigated and decided, and then to proceed either to re-instate or discard him. It may be argued that our laws account every man innocent until his guilt is proved. This principle is a good one in civil affairs, but not in the church of God. The very act of a man appearing at the sacred altar to commune, is a public exhibition of the confidence, esteem and love of the whole church in him, and should this open testimony be accorded to him while lying under a serious charge that has much of the appearance of truth? But even in civil affairs, a man, though professedly viewed as innocent until proved guilty, is notwithstanding denied the rights of innocence. He is imprisoned or held to bail in the interval between his arrest and trial. And this is civil suspension.

Analagous to this is the case of a suspected member, and who must therefore be suspended till his innocence or guilt shall be established. Suspension accordingly appears to be indispensable to discipline. Abolish it from your code of ecclesiastical law, and the church will be reduced SO the difficult and disagreeable choice of retaining in its bosom, one in whom a large majority of the members may have lost all confidence, or of expelling him before one particle of guilt has been absolutely fastened upon him, or while there is some semblance of contri

tion, and his case, therefore, by no means hopeless! These remarks, while they justify suspension, plainly set forth its import and the circumstances under which it should take place.

Every act of expulsion as well as of restoration consequent upon it, should be recorded in the churchbook, and published by the minister from the pulpit in the presence of the assembled congregation. Whether the sentence of suspension should in like manner be announced is discretionary with the ChurchCouncil, vide Formula, chap. iv. sec. 7.

As to the manner of proceeding against a minister or other officer of the church-council, we refer to the Formula, chap. iii, sec. 5, and chap. iv, sec. 7.* That the most inflexible impartiality should be displayed in the exercise of discipline will be admitted by all, and no church can be too careful in this respect.

With regard to our conduct toward to those who are separated from the church, we are not left without instruction. St. Paul, speaking of an expelled person, says: "Count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother." 2 Thess. iii. 14, 15. From this we learn that an expelled person must not be altogether forsaken and abandoned, as an enemy that is utterly beyond the reach of recovery. No, we must still bear in mind that the blood of atonement was shed for his redemption, and that he has a soul to be saved or lost as well as others, hence we must continue to admonish him with fra

* Our Formula says:- A member of the Church-Council may be accused before the council," but this, in our view, by no means public accusation. On the contrary we think forbids a private admonition anterior to the he should be called to a private account just as well as any other member, before the public accusation is made, and this may perhaps supersede the exposure of his case before the whole council.

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ternal feelings and ardent prayers for when disorderly persons see how his recovery. * If he be given over their loose practices are disliked by as it were, he will probably become all wise and good people, they may more and more vile, but if the mem- be ashamed of them and walk more bers of the congregation, and espe- orderly." None of the relative ducially the pastor and members of the ties however are to be dissolved, council continue to seek opportuni- nor any of the social duties to be ties to admonish and warn him :- neglected. "Peradventure God may give him We cannot conclude this article repentance to the acknowledging of better, than by subjoining Mr. Hall's the truth;" and let every one re- very striking and solemn description member that "he which converteth of the nature and usefulness of exa sinner from the error of his way, communication. "I am far from shall save a soul from death." Up- thinking lightly of the spiritual powon his repentance and reformation, er, with which Christ has armed his he must again be received into com-church. It is a high and mysterious munion, with compassion and love, one, which has no parallel on earth. joy and gratitude." Better," says Nothing in the order of means, is Dr. Owen, "never excommunicate equally adapted to awaken compunea person at all, then forsake and a- tion in the guilty, with spiritual cenbandon him when he is expelled, or sures impartially administered; the refuse to receive him back again up- sentence of excommunication in paron his repentance; but there is a ticular, harmonizing with the dicclass of persons unto whom, if a man tates of conscience, and re-echoed be an offender, he shall be so forever." by her voice, is truly terrible. It is God grant that but few persons of the voice of God, speaking through this class may be found in our Lu- its legitimate organ, which he who theran Zion! Again, "I have writ- despises, or neglects, ranks with 'heaten unto you, not to keep company, then men and publicans," joins the if any man that is called a brother, Synagogue of Satan, and takes his be a fornicator, or covetous, or an lot with an unbelieving world, doomidolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, ed to perdition. Excommunication or an extortioner, with such an one, is a sword, which, strong in its apno not to eat." 1 Cor. V, 11. In parent weakness and the sharper, this apostolic injunction all intimate and the more keenly edged for being and voluntary intercourse with an divested of all sensible and exterior expelled person is plainly prohibited. envelopements, lights immediately We may indeed transact our neces- on the spirit, and inflicts a wound sary worldly business with him, but which no balsam can cure, no ointhave no right voluntarily to associ-ment can mollify, but which must ate with him or to make him either continue to ulcerate and burn, till an intimate or a frequent companion. healed by the blood of atonement, He must be avoided as much as cir-applied by penitence and prayer.cumstances (and the ties of nature if In no instance is that axiom more he be a relation) will admit of. fully verified, "The weakness of Henry says: "We must avoid fa- God is stronger than men, and the miliar converse and society with him foolishness of God is wiser than men," for two reasons; namely, that we may than in the discipline of his church. not learn his evil ways, (by associa- By incumbering it with foreign aid, ting with him,) and for the shaming, they have robbed it of its real and so the reforming of him; that strength; by calling in the aid of temporal pains and penalties, they have removed it from the spirit to

* His soul is still of infinite value; labor to get it saved." Clarke's Com.

the flesh, from its contact with eter-|| day attended the worship of Christ, nity to unite it to secular interests; and have heard his gospel read, and and as the corruption of the best things is the worst, have rendered it the scandal and reproach of our holy religion.

"While it retains its character, as a spiritual ordinance, it is the chief bulwark against the disorders which threaten to overturn religion, the very nerve of virtue, and next to the preaching of the cross, the principal antidote to the "corruptions that are in the world through lust." Discipline in a church occupies the place of laws in a state; and as a kingdom, however excellent its constitution, will inevitably sink into a state of extreme wretchedness, in which laws are either not enacted, or not duly administered; so a church which pays no attention to discipline, will either fall into confusion, or into a state so much worse, that little or nothing remains worth regulating The right of inflicting censures, and of proceeding in extreme cases to excommunication is an essential branch of that power with which the church is endowed; and bears the same relation to discipline that the administration of criminal justice bears to the general principles of government, When this right is exerted in upholding "the faith once delivered to the saints," or enforcing a conscientious regard to the laws of Christ, it maintains its proper place, and is highly beneficial. Its cognizance of doctrine is justified by apostolic authority; (6 a heretic after two or three admonitions reject;" nor is it to any purpose to urge the difference betwixt ancient heretics and modern, or that to pretend to distinguish truth from error, is a practical assumption of infallibility." Z.

so far as his ministers have been able, sincerely and faithfully expounded

to you.

You have heard the solemn commandment of the most high, and joined in prayer for strength to keep his laws. And I am persuaded, that such as have asked faithfully and humbly for that merciful support and guidance, have obtained as really, though not so perceivably, the help and nourishment and comfort of God's grace, as the multitude, of whom you have heard this day, had their bodily wants assisted. All this has been done for you by Christ himself, who, according to his promise, has been no less truly present in the midst of us, than if we had beheld him seated on his rocky throne, dispensing, as to this multitude in the wilderness, the precious manna of the gospel. We shall shortly, as his ministers, and in his name, pronounce his blessing on you, and send you away. But is this all? does your duty end here? Oh no! We send you away, that you may ponder in heard, and improve, by daily prayer your hearts the truths which have you and watchfulness, the grace which you have received. We send you away that your lives those principles which we you may show forth in have endeavored to impress on your memory; we send you away as it were, soldiers from their review, to prepare yourselves for actual service, and for a vigorous and victorious battle against the world, the flesh, and the devil. We send you away, but in the hope that you may return again, after a week spent in the upright and persevering discharge of your different duties of parents, masters, children, friends, neighbors, husbands and wives: that you may reOne of Bishop Heber's Sermons preached turn again with joy to renew your in Madras, from these words, closes with the following admirable appeal to the congrega-spiritual strength at the fountain of power and godliness; and to bless My christian friends, you have this that God who hath preserved you




Duty of the true Christian.


his face, that where he is, you may be also!


The object which I ought to desire with the greatest ardor is, that my heart may be in the sight pure of God, so that, after my death, my soul may be eternally happy. But how can I assure myself of this happiness?-By fulfilling, with the assistance of his grace, my duties towards my neighbor, and my duties towards myself.

My duty towards God, is, to love him, to honor him, and to fear him, as my Creator, my Sovereign, and my Judge; remembering that he knows all my thoughts, and sees my most secret actions. I ought to receive all the bounties of his providence with a lively gratitude. Lought also to keep his commandants, and to pray to him to pardon me, and bless me, on account of the love of Jesus Christ, who died to save all men, on condition that they will sincerely repent, and incline internally towards him with faith, and lead a holy and virtuous life.

from a lost captivity to the power of sin, and hath covered your head in the day, when you sustained the assaults of your ghostly enemies.We send you away, that by a daily practice of every good gift you may improve your principles and confirm your habits of holiness, that the work of salvation which you now begin in much weakness and trembling, may be brought to perfection by him who mightily worketh in our infirmity, and knoweth, even from the mouth of babes and sucklings to still the enemy and the avenger.Depart then in peace, and in the favor of the Lord; and that these our hopes may be realized, return not at once into the bustle and burden of life till, either publicly or privately, you have renewed your vows and your petitions. Give up some little space of this Sabbath afternoon to the serious consideration of your condition, your hopes, your fears, your duties; into the examination of what sins they are to which you are most inclined, and against which you should, therefore, be on your guard more particularly; what company, what pursuits you have found most injurious to your souls, and how best they may be avoided or rendered harmless, giving up in earnest prayer, yourselves, your interests, and affections to the service of God, and en-charitable; so that, in every respect, treating him that this coming week, at least, may be spent without offending him. So shall the dawn of each returning day, bring increase of knowledge; so, when another Sabbath shall call you to these holy walls, you shall return in the increased favor of God, and the clearer light of his countenance; and so, at length, when the last great Sabbath of nature is arrived, and he, who once fed the poor of the flock in the wilderness, shall return in his Father's glory to rule over heaven and earth, he shall "send you away" no more, but cause you, world without end, to dwell in his Tabernacle, and before

My duty towards my neighbor, is to love him as myself; to be careful that all my actions be just and honest, my words true and sincere; and that all my thoughts be kind and

I may do to all others that which I should wish them to do to myself.

My duty towards myself, is, to be sober, chaste, and temperate; to employ my time with prudence and advantage; to examine, with care, the intentions of my heart; and to maintain my conscience pure and without offence before God and men.

If my heart applies itself sincerely to these duties, I may humbly hope, that the Almighty will continue towards me the assistance of his grace, and by it will render me capable of fulfilling them. Then I shall be happy in this life, and shall have the hope of enjoying eternal happiness.

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