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try and clime,

A strain thus I heard 'twas the sweetest of airs.

"Those dark thoughts dispel, thou lone pilgrim of Earth!

And dry those sad tears that so frequently flow

For, why should vain man, a mere insect at birth,

Expect to taste bliss in this region of woe?

His life is a shadow, quick hastening away, More fleet than the winds in their untiring flight

And though he awhile here bewildered may stray,

A day soon will break truly glorious and bright.

Then think not, O think not, the soul will forever

Remain in this frail crumbling mansion of

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Suggested by the burial of Bishop Hobart.
Hark! from yon consecrated tower,
At twilight's dim and cheerless hour,
With mournful tone, the muffled bell
Slowly tolls his solemn knell.

With measured step and streaming eye,
And hearts which heave affection's sigh
Drooping and sad the mourning throng
In pensive silence move along.

Their feet ascend the house of prayer,
And Zion's sons assembled there,
With budding youth and withering age,
In holy rites their souls engage.

The sacred preacher's voice is heard
Breathing the solace of the word:
Praying for Hope's celestial power,
To cheer them in affliction's hour.

Alas! their tears do faster flow-
Loud moans attest their heartfelt woe-
Their burning and their shining light,
They feel hath set in death's dark night.

But weep not, soldiers of the cross-
Thine, not thy captain's, is the loss:
Clothed in the armor of the Son,
He fought the fight-the conquest won.
And with triumphant hosts on high,
Now reaps the fruits of victory;
His life approved-his labors done-
Salvation crowns her faithful son. C.

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VOL. 4.]




Of a Convention of Clerical and Lay Representatives, from different Evangelical Lutheran Churches in the State of New-York, held at Schoharie, October, 1830.

ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, Schoharie, Tuesday, October 26, 1830. Pursuant to a resolution of the Western Conference, adopted at Brunswick, September 8, 1830, the Ministers and Lay Delegates from different Congregations within the bounds of the Conference, assembled this day in convention, for the purpose of deliberating on the expediency of forming a new Synod.

Gen. WILLIAM MANN of Schoharie, was unanimously chosen President of the Convention, and the Rev. ADAM CROWNSE of Guilderland, appointed Secretary.

The meeting was then opened with prayer, by the Rev. J. Z. Senderling, of Brunswick.

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The following clerical and lay rep-mel, in relation to the object of the resentatives appeared and took their convention, which was laid on the seats, as members of the Convention,




Rev. Prof. Miller having stated his views of the objects of the convention,

Rev. George A. Lintner, Schoharie.submitted the following resolution :"George B. Miller, Hartwick.

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Resolved, That in the view of this convention, it is inexpedient to form a new Synod, under existing circumstances.

After some further observations from different members on the course

most proper to be pursued, in rela-||" The Hartwick Synod of the Evantion to the business of the convention, gelical Lutheran Church in the State it was of New-York."

Resolved, That the convention ad- A committee consisting of Rev. journ until to-morrow, at 9 o'clock || Messrs. Lintner, Lawyer and Lape, and Messrs. J. Sternbergh, Van Alstine and Livingston, was appointed

A. M.

Prayer by Rev. Prof. Miller.

In the evening, divine service was to report a form of a Constitution for performed in the church, and a dis-the government of the Synod.

course delivered by the Rev. P.Wieting, on Deut. xxxii, 6.

Wednesday morning, October 27, 1830. The convention met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by the Secretary.

The communication from the Rev. Messrs. Smith and Thummel was then read, and the resolution offered by Rev. Prof. Miller discussed, until 12 o'clock; when the convention adjourned to 2 o'clock in the after


Prayer by Rev. P. Wieting.

Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 27, 1830. The convention met according to adjournment. Prayer by Rev. J. D. Lawyer.

The convention then adjourned, until after divine service, in the evening.

Prayer by Rev. T. Lape.

At early candle light, a discourse was delivered in the church, by the Rev. AdamCrownse, on Matt. xxii, 5.

After divine service, the convention again met, and the committee reported the form of a constitution, recommended by the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States, for the government of district Synods, which, with some local alterations and amendments, was unanimously adopted by the convention.


The convention then proceeded to chose officers for the Synod. The discussion of Professor Miller's canvassing the votes, it appeared that resolution was continued until a late the Rev. G. A. LINTNER was chohour in the afternoon, when the ques-sen President of the Synod; Rev. tion being taken on its adoption, it ADAM CROWNSE, Secretary, and was decided in the negative-ayes 4, Rev. P. WIETING, Treasurer.

noes 18.

The business of the convention being now finished, it was dissolved, and the Synod organized according

Whereupon, it was unanimously Resolved, That it is expedient to establish, without delay, a new Sy-to the Constitution. nod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in this state.

The convention having determined on the formation of a new Synod, it was further

The Rev. President having taken the chair, with a short address to the Synod, it was

Resolved, That the Rev. Secretary be requested to write to the PresiResolved, That the Synod estab-dent of the "Evangelical Lutheran lished by this convention, be known Synod of the State of New-York," and distinguished by the title of and inform him of the organization

Rev. Dr. Schaeffer's Letter.

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of this Synod, and of its friendly heart. And while I am sensible of disposition towards the ecclesiastical the honor you have conferred upon Body from which it has separated. me, I have to regret that I cannot be The Rev. President was appoint-a more active member of your body. ed a delegate from this Synod, to at-I am encouraged, however, to pray tend the next annual meeting of the for a continual blessing upon the pi"Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the ous efforts of your Society, and shall State of New-York." take pleasure in contemplating your progress in a good and great work; for I see that the good seed sown in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Resolved, That this Synod adjourn, the United States of North America, to meet again in the Evangelical Lu-is daily springing up more and more theran Church at Johnstown, Mont--hindrances which were not under gomery county, on the last Saturday in September, 1831. Concluding prayer by the Secre

The Synod then proceeded to fix the time and place of its next meeting; and it was

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our control, are lessening, and many able men are engaged in the field, profiting by the good example of those who have gone before them, or who have trained them up for the sacred employment. The church is in the hands of the Lord, who is God over all. To him, our all-gracious Saviour, let us look with humility and faith, seeking his glory, and he will bless us as instruments in his hands. With such wishes, prayers and exhortations, I am

Your fellow laborer in Christ,

Rev. Mr. Lintner, Cor. Sec'y. of the Dom.

Miss. and Educ. Soc. of the L. C. in the
State of N. Y.

For the Lutheran Magazine.


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From your letter of the 21st ult., I learn, that at the last meeting of the Domestic Missionary and Education Society of the Lutheran Church in the State of New-York, I was appointed an honorary vice-president. It has pleased a kind providence, that for many years past, I should be employed as a minister of the gospel Departed this life, on the 28th ulof a crucified Saviour, in the Evan-time, at Schoharie (C. H.) MARIA gelical Lutheran Church. Ready to LINTNER, wife of the Rev. GEORGE employ the remainder of my strength A. LINTNER, aged 33 years. The and time, so long as God shall please | subject of this notice, possessed mato continue the same to me, in his ny of the excellencies of the female holy service, I need not assure you character. She was blessed with that your Missionary Institution is an amiable disposition, a cultivated an object of deep interest to my mind, a refined taste, and an affec

tionate heart. The virtues which|| Redeemer liveth." She called her she exhibited in her intercourse with children to her bed side, and repeated those pious exhortations which she had so often given them before; and when they manifested their grief at the prospect of her death, she calmly told them, "Weep not, dear children, I am going to a happier world."

the world, endeared her to all with whom she associated. Her hands and heart were warmly engaged in promoting the glory of God, the prosperity of the church, and the welfare of immortal souls. She stimulated her beloved partner, in the faithful discharge of his duties as a christian minister, and was always ready to encourage him in his devotion to the interests of his congregation and the welfare of his flock.

Under the influence of her severe afflictions, she uttered not a single complaint-not a murmur escaped her lips. She knew that it was the Lord who had chastened her, and Mrs. Lintner possessed, in an em- she was fully resigned to his will. inent degree, the milder virtues and The nearer she approached the borattractive graces of the christian cha- ders of the grave, the stronger grew racter. In her religious deportment, her faith in God, and her reliance she was modest and unassuming. upon his almighty arm for succor. She knew her own weakness and The grave, which appears so dreadinsufficiency. She trusted to the ful to the impenitent, was to her the merits of her Redeemer, and the ful-gate of a blissful immortality-it was ness of his grace. She sought the the valley which her Saviour had forgiveness of her sins, through the passed before her, and she feared not atoning blood of her Saviour, and re-to enter its portals. She knew that joiced in the hope of salvation thro' holy angels guarded its sacred enhis name. He was her shield-her closure, and hence her willingness to rock-her fortress and strong tower. become an inhabitant of its silent doTo him she looked to be clothed in main. With an eye of faith, she the garment of righteousness, and looked beyond the tomb, and beheld become meet for an inheritance among the glorious prospect of that happy the saints in glory. She knew in land, where the wicked cease from whom she had believed, and He to troubling, and the wearied are at rest. whom she had committed her trust, She appeared anxious, therefore, to did not leave her comfortless when lay aside this tabernacle of clay, and she passed through the valley of the enter that blessed abode. Hence shadow of death. In her illness, her fervent ejaculation, " O my dear when asked whether her Saviour was Saviour, thou standest ready waiting, precious to her, she replied, "He is why do I tarry here ?" my all in all—I cast my whole soul On the morning of the day of her upon him." When speaking to the death, she gave additional proof of partner of her bosom, of her approach-her faith in God. In the course of ing dissolution, she added, "It is the the day, she exclaimed, "Where is will of God-I feel resigned to it-I my Saviour?" and the last words do not fear death-I know that my||she uttered, were, "All is well."

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