Pomposus fills his magisterial chair; Pomposus governs,-but, my muse, forbear: Contempt, in silence, be the pedant's lot; His name and precepts be alike forgot; No more his mention shall my verse degrade, To him my tribute is already paid.
Yet a few years, one general wreck will whelm The faint remembrance of our fairy realm.
Dear honest race, though now we meet no more, One last long look on what we were before- Our first kind greetings, and our last adieu- Drew tears from eyes unused to weep with you.
High, thro' those elms with hoary branches crown'd, Through splendid circles, fashion's gaudy world,
Fair IDA's bower adorns the landscape round; There Science, from her favour'd seat, surveys The vale where rural Nature claims her praise; To her awhile resigns her youthful train, Who move in joy, and dance along the plain; In scatter'd groups each favour'd haunt pursue; Repeat old pastimes, and discover new; Flush'd with his rays, beneath the noontide sun, In rival bands between the wickets run, Drive o'er the sward the ball with active force, Or chase with nimble feet its rapid course. But these with slower steps direct their way Where Brent's cool waves in limpid currents stray; While yonder few search out some green retreat, And arbours shade them from the summer heat: Others again, a pert and lively crew,
Some rough and thoughtless stranger placed in view, With frolic quaint their antic jests expose, And tease the grumbling rustic as he goes; Nor rest with this, but many a passing fray Tradition treasures for a future day:
"Twas here the gather'd swains for vengeance fought, And here we earn'd the conquest dearly bought; Here have we fled before superior might, And here renew'd the wild tumultuous fight." While thus our souls with early passions swell, In lingering tones resounds the distant bell; Th' allotted hour of daily sport is o'er, And Learning beckons from her temple's door. No splendid tablets grace her simple hall, But ruder records fill the dusky wall; There, deeply carved, behold! each tyro's name Secures its owner's academic fame;
Here mingling view the names of sire and son- The one long graved, the other just begun; These shall survive alike when son and sire Beneath one common stroke of fate expire: Perhaps their last memorial these alone, Denied in death a monumental stone, Whilst to the gale in mournful cadence wave The sighing weeds that hide their nameless gra", And here my name, and many an early friend's, Along the wall in lengthen'd line extends. Though still our deeds amuse the youthful race, Who tread our steps, and fill our former place, Who young obey'd their lords in silent awe, Whose nod commanded, and whose voice was law, And now in turn possess the reins of power, To rule the little tyrants of an hour;- Though sometimes with the tales of ancient day They pass the dreary winter's eve away- "And thus our former rulers stemm'd the tide, And thus they dealt the combat side by side; Just in this place the mouldering walls they scaled, Nor bolts nor bars against their strength avail'd; Here Probus came, the rising fray to quell, And here he falter'd forth his last farewell; And here one night abroad they dared to roam, While bold Pomposus bravely stay'd at home;"- While this they speak, the hour must soon arrive, Wiwn names of these, like ours, alone survive
Where folly's glaring standard waves unfurl'd, I plunged to drown in noise my fond regret, And all I sought or hoped was to forget. Vain wish! if chance some well-remember'd face, Some old companion of my early race, Advanced to claim his friend with honest joy, My eyes, my heart proclaim'd me still a boy; The glittering scene, the fluttering groups around, Were quite forgotten when my friend was found; The smiles of beauty-(for, alas! I've known What 'tis to bend before Love's mighty throne)- The smiles of beauty, though those smiles were deat Could hardly charm me when that friend was near My thoughts bewilder'd in the fond surprise, The woods of Ida danced before my eyes; I saw the sprightly wanderers pour along, I saw and join'd again the joyous throng; Panting, again I traced her lofty grove, And friendship's feelings triumph'd over love.
Yet why should I alone with such delight Retrace the circuit of my former flight?
Is there no cause beyond the common claim
Endear'd to all in childhood's very name? Ah! sure some stronger impulse vibrates here, Which whispers friendship will be doubly dear To one who thus for kindred hearts must roam, And seek abroad the love denied at home. Those hearts, dear Ida, have I found in thee- A home, a world, a paradise to me. Stern death forbade my orphan youth to share The tender guidance of a father's care: Can rank, or e'en a guardian's name, supply The love which glistens in a father's eye? For this can wealth or title's sound atone, Made by a parent's early loss my own? What brother springs a brother's love to seek? What sister's gentle Lies has prest my cheek? For me how dull the vacant moments rise, To no fond bosom Enk'd by kindred ties! Oft in the progress of some fleeting dream Fraternal smils collected round me seem; While still the visions to my heart are prest, The voice of love will murmur in my rest: I hear-I wake-and in the sound rejoice; I hear again-but ah! no brother's voice. A hermit, 'midst of crowds, I fain must straz Alone, though thousand pilgrims fill the way: While these a thousand kindred wreaths entime, I cannot call one single blossom roine: What then remains? in solitude to groz.A, To mix in friendship or to sigh alone? Thus must I cling to some endearing hand, And none more dear than IDA's social band.
Alonzo! best and dearest of my friends, Thy name ennobles him who thus commends; From this fond tribute thou canst gain no praise, The praise is his who now that tribute pays. Oh! in the promise of thy early youth, If hope anticipate the words of truth, Some loftier bard shall sing thy glorious name, To build his own upon thy deathless fame.
Friend of my heart, and foremost of the list Of those with whom I lived supremely blest, Oft have we drain'd the font of ancient lore; Though drinking deeply, thirsting still the more. Yet when confinement's lingering hour was done, Our sports, our studies, and our souls were one: fogether we impell'd the flying ball; Together waited in our tutor's hall; Together join'd in cricket's manly toil,
Or shared the produce of the river's spoil; Or plunging from the green declining shore, Our pliant limbs the buoyant billows bore; In every element, unchanged, the same,
All, all that brothers should be but the name.
Nor yet are you forgot, my jocund boy! DAVUS, the harbinger of childish joy; For ever foremost in the ranks of fun, The laughing herald of the harmless pun; Yet with a breast of such materials madeAnxious to please, of pleasing half afraid; Candid and liberal, with a heart of steel In danger's path, though not untaught to feel. Still I remember in the factious strife The rustic's musket aim'd against my life: High poised in air the massy weapon hung, A cry of horror burst from every tongue; Whilst I, in combat with another foe, Fought on, unconscious of th' impending blow; Your arm, brave boy, arrested his careerForward you sprung, insensible to fear; Disarm'd and baffled by your conquering hand, The grovelling savage roll'd upon the sand: An act like this can simple thanks repay? Or all the labours of a grateful lay? Oh no! whene'er my breast forgets the deed, That instant, Davus, it deserves to bleed.
Lycus! on me thy claims are justly great: Thy milder virtues could my muse relate, To thee alone, unrivall'd, would belong The feeble efforts of my lengthen'd song. Well canst thou boast to lead in senates fitA Spartan firmness with Athenian wit: Though yet in embryo these perfections shine, Lycus! thy father's fame will soon be thine. Where learning nurtures the superior mind, What may we hope from genius thus refined! When time at length matures thy growing years, How wilt thou tower above thy fellow peers! Prudence and sense, a spirit bold and free, With honour's soul, united beam in thee.
Shall fair EURYALUS pass by unsung? From ancient hneage, not unworthy, sprung: What though one sad dissention bade us part, That name is yet embalm'd within my heart; Yet at the mention does that heart rebound, And palpitate responsive to the sound. Envy dissolved our ties, and not our will: We once were friends, I'll think we are so still. A form unmatch'd in nature's partial mould, A heart untainted, we in thee behold: Yet not the senate's thunder thou shalt wield, Nor seek for glory in the tented field; To minds of ruder texture these be givenThy soul shall nearer soar its native heaven. Haply in polish'd courts might be thy seat, But that thy tongue could never forge deceit; The courtier's supple bow and sneering smile, The flow of compliment, the slippery wile,
Would make that breast with indignation burn, And all the glittering snares to tempt thee spurn. Domestic happiness will stamp thy fate; Sacred to love, unclouded e'er by hate; The world admire thee, and thy friends adore; Ambition's slave alone would toil for more.
Now last, but nearest of the social band, See honest, open, generous CLEON stand; With scarce one speck to cloud the pleasing scene. No vice degrades that purest soul serene. On the same day our studious race begun, On the same day our studious race was run; Thus side by side we pass'd our first career, Thus side by side we strove for many a year; At last concluded our scholastic life, We neither conquer'd in the classic strife; As speakers each supports an equal name, And crowds allow to each a partial fame: To soothe a youthful rival's early pride, Though Cleon's candour would the palm divide, Yet candour's self compels me now to own Justice awards it to my friend alone.
Oh! friends regretted, scenes for ever dear, Remembrance hails you with her warmest tear! Drooping, she bends o'er pensive Fancy's urn, To trace the hours which never can return; Yet with the retrospection loves to dwell, Aud soothe the sorrows of her last farewell! Yet greets the triumph of my boyish mind, As infant laurels round my head were twined When Probus' praise repaid my lyric song, Or placed me higher in the studious throng, Or when my first harangue received applause, His sage instruction the primeval cause, What gratitude to him my soul possest, While hope of dawning honours fill'd my breast! For all my humble fame, to him alone The praise is due, who made that fame my own. Oh! could I soar above these feeble lays, These young effusions of my early days, To him my muse her noblest strain would give: The song might perish, but the theme must live. Yet why for him the needless verse essay? His honour'd name requires no vain display: By every son of grateful Ida blest, It finds an echo in each youthful breast; A fame beyond the glories of the proud, Or all the plaudits of the venal crowd.
IDA, not yet exhausted is the theme, Nor closed the progress of my youthful dream. How many a friend deserves the grateful strain, What scenes of childhood still unsung remaint Yet let me hush this echo of the past,
This parting song, the dearest and the last; And brood in secret o'er those hours of joy, To me a silent and a sweet employ.
But thou my generous youth, whose tender years Are near my own, whose worth my heart reveres Henceforth affection sweetly thus begun,
Shall join our bosoms and our souls in one; Without thy aid, no glory shall be mine; Without thy dear advice, no great design; Alike through life esteem'd, thou godlike boy, In war my bulwark, and in peace my joy."
To him Euryalus:--"No day shall shame The rising glories which from this I claim Fortune may favour, or the skies may frown But valour, spite of fate, obtains renown.
Yet, ere from hence our eager steps depart, One boon I beg, the nearest to my heart: My mother, sprung from Priam's royal line, Like thine ennobled, hardly less divine, Nor Troy nor king Acestes' realms restrain Her feeble age from dangers of the main; Alone she came, all selfish fears above, A bright example of maternal love. Unknown the secret enterprise I brave, Lest grief should bend my parent to the grave; From this alone no fond adieus I seek,
No fainting mother's lips have press'd my cheek; By gloomy night and thy right hand I vow Her parting tears would shake my purpose now: Do thou, my prince, her failing age sustain, In thee her much-loved child may live again; Her dying hours with pious conduct bless, Assist her wants, relieve her fond distress. So dear a hope must all my soul inflame, To rise in glory, or to fall in fame." Struck with a filial care so deeply felt, In tears at once the Trojan warriors melt: Faster than all, Iulus' eyes o'erflow;
Such love was his, and such had been his woe. "All thou hast ask'd, receive," the prince replied; "Nor this alone, but many a gift beside. To cheer thy mother's years shall be my aim, Creusa's style but wanting to the dame. Fortune an adverse wayward course may run, But bless'd thy mother in so dear a son. Now, by my life!-my sire's most sacred oath- To thee I pledge my full, my firmest troth, All the rewards which once to thee were vow'd, If thou shouldst fall, on her shall be bestow'd." Thus spoke the weeping prince, then forth to view A gleaming falchion from the sheath he drew; Lycaon's utmost skill had graced the steel, For friends to envy and for foes to feel; A tawny hide, the Moorish lion's spoil, Slain 'mid the forest, in the hunter's toil, Mnestheus to guard the elder youth bestows,
But he, who thus foretold the fate of all, Could not avert his own untimely fall. Next Remus' armour-bearer hapless fell, And three unhappy slaves the carnage swell: The charioteer along his courser's sides Expires, the steel his sever'd neck divides; And, last, his lord is number'd with the dead: Bounding convulsive, flies the gasping head: From the swoll'n veins the blackening torrents pour. Stain'd is the couch and earth with clotting gore. Young Lamyrus and Lamus next expire, And gay Serranus, fill'd with youthful fire: Half the long night in childish games was pass'd; Lull'd by the potent grape, he slept at last: Ah! happier far had he the morn survey'd, And till Aurora's dawn his skill display'd.
In slaughter'd folds, the keepers lost in sleep, His hungry fangs a lion thus may steep; 'Mid the sad flock, at dead of night, he prowls, With murder glutted, and in carnage rolls: Insatiate still, through teeming herds he roams; In seas of gore the lordly tyrant foams.
Nor less the other's deadly vengeance came, But falls on feeble crowds without a name: His wound unconscious Fadus scarce can feel, Yet wakeful Rhesus sees the threatening steel. His coward breast behind a jar he hides, And vainly in the weak defence confides; Full in his heart, the falchion search'd his veins, The reeking weapon bears alternate stains; Through wine and blood, commingling as they flow One feeble spirit seeks the shades below. Now where Messapus dwelt they bend their way, Whose fire emits a faint and trembling ray; There, unconfin'd, behold each grazing steed, Unwatch'd, unheeded, on the herbage feed: Brave Nisus here arrests his comrade's arm, Too flush'd with carnage, and with conquest warm- Hence let us haste, the dangerous path is pass'd; Full foes enough to-night have breathed their last Soon will the day those eastern clouds adorn;
And old Alethes' casque defends his brows.
Arm'd thence they go, while all th' assembled train, Now let us speed, nor tempt the rising morn."
To aid their cause, implore the gods in vain.
More than a boy, in wisdom and in grace,
Iulus holds amid the chiefs his place:
His prayer he sends; but what can prayers avail, Lost in the murmurs of the sighing gale!
The trench is pass'd, and, favour'd by the night, Through sleeping foes they wheel their wary flight. When shall the sleep of many a foe be o'er? Alas! some slumber who shall wake no more! Chariots and bridles, mix'd with arms, are seen; And flowing flasks, and scatter'd troops between: Bacchus and Mars to rule the camp combine; A mingled chaos this of war and wine. "Now," cries the first, "for deeds of blood prepare, With me the conquest and the labour share:
What silver arms, with various art emboss'd, What bowls and mantles in confusion toss'd, They leave regardless! yet one glittering prize Attracts the younger hero's wandering eyes; The gilded harness Rhamnes' coursers felt, The gems which stud the monarch's golden belt This from the pallid corse was quickly torn, Once by a line of former chieftains worn. Th' exulting boy the studded girdle wears, Messapus' helm his head in triumph bears; Then from the tents their cautious steps they bend, To seek the vale where safer paths extend.
Here lies our path; lest any hand arise,
Just at this hour a band of Latian horse To Turnus' camp pursue their destined course: While the slow foot their tardy march delay,
Watch thou, while many a dreaming chieftain dies: The knights, impatient, spur along the way:
I'll carve our passage through the heedless foe,
And clear thy road with many a deadly blow."
His whispering accents then the youth repress'd, And pierced proud Rhamnes through his panting breast: Stretch'd at his ease, th' incautious king reposed; Debauch, and not fatigue, his eyes had closed:
To Turnus dear, a prophet and a prince, His omens more than augur's skill evince;
The mother of lu'ss, lost on the night when Troy was taken.
Three hundred mail-clad men, by Volscens led, To Turnus with their master's promise sped: Now they approach the trench, and view the walls, When, on the left, a light reflection falls; The plunder'd helmet, through the waning night, Sheds forth a silver radiance, glancing bright. Volscens with question loud the pair alarms:- "Stand, stragglers! stand! why early thus in arms? From whence, to whom?"-He meets with no reply Trusting the covert of the night, they fly;
The thicket's depth with hurried pace they tread, While round the wood the hostile squadron spread. With brakes entangled, scarce a path between, Dreary and dark appears the sylvan scene: Euryalus his heavy spoils impede, The boughs and winding turns his steps mislead; But Nisus scours along the forest's maze To where Latinus' steeds in safety graze, Then backward o'er the plain his eyes extend, On every side they seek his absent friend. "O God! my boy," he cries, "of me bereft, In what impending perils art thou left !" Listening he runs above the waving trees, Tumultuous voices swell the passing breeze; The war-cry rises, thundering hoofs around Wake the dark echoes of the trembling ground. Again he turns, of footsteps hears the noise; The sound elates, the sight his hope destroys: The hapless boy a ruffian train surround, While lengthening shades his weary way confound; Him with loud shouts the furious knights pursue,
Or crimson poppy, sinking with the shower, Declining gently, falls a fading flower; Thus, sweetly drooping, bends his lovely head, And lingering beauty hovers round the dead.
But fiery Nisus stems the battle's tide, Revenge his leader, and despair his guide; Volscens he seeks amid the gathering host, Volscens must soon appease his comrade's ghost; Steel, flashing, pours on steel, foe crowds on foe Rage nerves his arm, fate gleams in every blow; In vain beneath unnumber'd wounds he bleeds, Nor wounds, nor death, distracted Nisus heeds; In viewless circles wheel'd, his falchion flies, Nor quits the hero's grasp till Volscens dies; Deep in his throat its end the weapon found, The tyrant's soul fled groaning through the wound. Thus Nisus all his fond affection provedDying, revenged the fate of him he loved; Then on his bosom sought his wonted place, And death was heavenly in his friend's embrace! Celestial pair! if aught my verse can claim, Wafted on Time's broad pinion, yours is fame!
Struggling in vain, a captive to the crew.
What can his friend 'gainst thronging numbers dare? Ages on ages shall your fate admire, Ah! must he rush, his comrade's fate to share?
What force, what aid, what stratagem essay,
Back to redeem the Latian spoiler's prey?
No future day shall see your names expire, While stands the Capitol, immortal dome! And vanquish'd millions hail their empress, Rome!
His life a votive ransom nobly give,
Or die with him for whom he wish'd to live? Poising with strength his lifted lance on high, On Luna's orb he casts his frenzied eye:- "Goddess serene, transcending every star! Queen of the sky whose beams are seen afar! By night heaven owns thy sway, by day the grove, When, as chaste Dian, here thou deign'st to rove; If e'er myself, or sire, have sought to grace Thine altars with the produce of the chase, Speed, speed my dart to pierce yon vaunting crowd, To free my friend, and scatter far the proud." Thus having said, the hissing dart he flung; Through parting shades the hurtling weapon sung; The thirsty point in Sulmo's entrails lay, Transfix'd his heart, and stretch'd him on the clay: He sobs, he dies, the troop in wild amaze, Unconscious whence the death, with horror gaze. While pale they stare, through Tagus' temples riven, A second shaft with equal force is driven: Fierce Volscens rolls around his lowering eyes; Veil'd by the night, secure the Trojan lies. Burning with wrath, he view'd his soldiers fall. "Thou youth accurst, thy life shall pay for all!" Quick from the sheath his flaming glaive he drew, And, raging, on the boy defenceless flew. Nisus no more the blackening shade conceals, Forth, forth he starts, and all his love reveals; Aghast, confused, his fears to madness rise, And pour these accents, shrieking as he flies: "Me, me-your vengeance hurl on me alone; Here sheathe the steel, my blood is all your own. Ye starry spheres! thou conscious Heaven! attest! He could not-durst not-lo! the guile confest! All, all was mine, his early fate suspend; He only loved too well his hapless friend: Spare, spare, ye chiefs! from him your rage remove; His fault was friendship, all his crime was love." He pray'd in vain; the dark assassin's sword Pierced the fair side, the snowy bosom gored; Lowly to earth inclines his plume-clad crest, And sanguine torrents mantle o'er his breast: As some young rose, whose blossom scents the air, Languid in death, expires beneath the share;
MONTGOMERY! true, the common lot Of mortals lies in Lethe's wave; Yet some shall never be forgotSome shall exist beyond the grave.
"Unknown the region of his birth," The hero rolls the tide of war; Yet not unknown his martial worth, Which glares a meteor from afar. 3.
His joy or grief, his weal or woe, Perchance may 'scape the page of fame;
Yet nations now unborn will know The record of his deathless name.
The patriot's and the poet's frame Must share the common tomb of all: Their glory will not sleep the same; That will arise though empires fall.
The lustre of a beauty's eye
Assumes the ghastly stare of death; The fair, the brave, the good must die, And sink the yawning grave beneath.
Once more the speaking eye revives, Still beaming through the lover's strain, For Petrarch's Laura still survives: She died, but ne'er will die again.
The rolling seasons pass away,
And Time, untiring, waves his wing; Whilst honour's laurels ne'er decay, But bloom in fresh unfading spring.
No particu'ar hem is here alluded to. The exploits of dayard, Ne mours, Edward the Black Prince, and in more modern times the fame of Mark borough, Frederick the Great, Count Saxe, Charies of Sweden, &c. are famil iar to every historical reader, but the exact places of their birth are knowe a very small proportion of the ir admirers
The fire in the cavern of Etna conceal'd Still mantles unseen in its secret recess:
At length in a volume terrific reveal'd,
No torrent can quench it, no bounds can repress.
Oh! thus, the desire in my bosom for fame
Bids me live but to hope for posterity's praise. Could I soar with the phenix on pinions of flame, With him I would wish to expire in the blaze. 5.
For the life of a Fox, of a Chatham the death, What censure, what danger, what woe would I brave!
Their lives did not end when they yielded their breath, Their glory illumines the gloom of their grave.
Yet why should I mingle in Fashion's full herd? Why crouch to her leaders, or cringe to her rules? Why bend to the proud, or applaud the absurd? Why search for delight in the friendship of fools?
I have tasted the sweets and the bitters of love; In friendship I early was taught to believe; My passion the matrons of prudence reprove; I have found that a friend may profess, yet deceive.
To me what is wealth? it may pass in an hour, If tyrants prevail, or if Fortune should frown. To me what is title?-the phantom of power; To me what is fashion?-I seek but renown. 9.
Deceit is a stranger as yet to my soul,
still am unpractised to varnish the truth;
Он! had my fate been join'd with thine, As once this pledge appear'd a token, These follies had not then been mine, For then my peace had not been broken.
To thee these early faults I owe,
To thee, the wise and old reproving: They know my sins, but do not know 'Twas thine to break the bonds of loving.
For once my soul, like thine, was pure, And all its rising fires could smother; And now thy vows no more endure, Bestow'd by thee upon another.
Perhaps his peace I could destroy, And spoil the blisses that await him; Yet let my rival smile in joy,
For thy dear sake I cannot hate him. 5.
Ah! since thy angel form is gone,
My heart no more can rest with any; But what it sought in thee alone, Attempts, alas! to find in many.
Then fare thee well, deceitful maid, 'Twere vain and fruitless to regret thee; Nor Hope, nor Memory, yield their aid, But Pride may teach me to forget thee.
Yet all this giddy waste of years,
This tiresome round of palling pleasures; These varied loves, these matron's fears, These thoughtless strains to Passion's measures, 8.
If thou wert mine, had all been hush'd:- This cheek, now pale from early riot, With Passion's hectic ne'er had flush'd, But bloom'd in calm domestic quiet. 9.
Yes, once the rural scene was sweet,
For Nature seem'd to smile before thee;
And once my breast abhorr'd deceit, For then it beat but to adore thee. 10.
But now I seek for other joys;
To think would drive my soul to madness;
In thoughtless throngs and empty noise I conquer half my bosom's sadness.
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