Imágenes de páginas

Note 3. Stanza lxxii.

A like gold bar, above her instep roll'd. The bar of gold above the instep is a mark of sovereign rank in the women of the families of the Deys, and is worn as such by their female relatives.

Note 4. Stanza lxxiii.

Her person if allow'd at large to run.

This is no exaggeration; there were four women whom I remember to have seen, who possessed their hair in this profusion; of these, three were English, the other was a Levantine. Their hair was of that length and quantity that, when let down, it almost entirely shaded the person, so as nearly to render dress a superfluity. Of these, only one had dark hair; the Oriental's had, perhaps, the lightest colour of the four.

Note 5. Stanza cvii.

Oh Hesperus thou bringest all good things.

Έσπερε, παντα φερεις,
Φερεις οινον, φερεις αιγα,

Φέρεις ματερι παιδα.

Fragment of Sappho.

Note 6. Stanza cviii.

Soft hour! which wakes the wish and melts the heart.

"Era già l' ora che volge 'l disio,

A' naviganti e 'ntenerisce il cuore

Lo di ch' ban detto a' dolci amici addio,

E che lo nuovo peregrin d' amore

Punge, se ode Squilla di lontano

Che paja 'l giorno pianger che si muore."

DANTE'S Purgatory, Canto viii.

company for some foreign theatre; embarked them at an Italian port, and, carrying them to Algiers, sold them all. One of the women, returned from her captivity, I heard sing, by a strange coincidence, in Rossini's opera of "L'Italiana in Algieri," at Venice, in the beginning of 1817.

Note 4. Stanza lxxxvi.

From all the pope makes yearly, 't would perplex,
To find three perfect pipes of the third sex.

It is strange that it should be the pope and the sultan who are the chief encouragers of this branch of tradewomen being prohibited as singers at St. Peter's, and not deemed trustworthy as guardians of the haram.

Note 5. Stanza ciii.

While weeds and ordure rankle round the base. The pillar which records the battle of Ravenna, is about two miles from the city, on the opposite side of the river to the road towards Forli. Gaston de Foix, who gained the battle, was killed in it; there fell on both sides twenty thousand men. The present state of the pillar and its site is described in the text.


Note 1. Stanza iii. The ocean stream.

THIS expression of Homer has been much criticised.

This last line is the first of Gray's Elegy, taken by It hardly answers to our Atlantic ideas of the ocean, him without acknowledgement.

Note 7. Stanza cix.

Some hands unseen strew'd flowers upon his tomb. See Suetonius for this fact.


Note 1. Stanza xii.

"Whom the gods love, die young," was said of yore. See Herodotus.

Note 2. Stanza lix. A vein had burst.

This is no very uncommon effect of the violence of conflicting and different passions. The Doge Francis Foscari, on his deposition, in 1457, hearing the bell of St. Mark announce the election of his successor, "mourut subitement d'une hémorrhagie causée par une veine qui s'éclata dans 34 poitrine," (see Sismondi and Daru, vols. i. and ii.) at the age of eighty years, when "who would have thought the old man had so much blood in him?" Before I was sixteen years of age, I was witness to a melancholy instance of the same effect of mixed passions upon a young person; who, however, did not die in consequence, at that time, but fell a victim some years afterwards to a seizure of the same kind, arising from intimately connected with agitation of mind.


Note 3. Stanza lxxx.

But sold by the impresario at no high rate.

This is a fact. A few years ago, a man engaged a

but is sufficiently applicable to the Hellespont, and the Bosphorus, with the Ægean, intersected with islands.

Note 2. Stanza v.

"The Giant's Grave."

"The Giant's Grave" is a height on the Asiatic shore of the Bosphorus, much frequented by holiday parties; like Harrow and Highgate.

Note 3. Stanza xxxiii.

And running out as fast I was able.

The assassination alluded to took place on the eighth of December, 1820, in the streets of R-, not a hundred paces from the residence of the writer. The circumstances were as described.

Note 4. Stanza xxxiv.

Kill'd by five bullets from an old gun-barrel.

There was found close by him an old gun-barrel, sawn half off: it had just been discharged, and was still warm.

Note 5. Stanza liii.

Prepared for supper with a glass of rum.

In Turkey, nothing is more common, than for the Mussulmans to take several glasses of strong spirits by way of appetizer. I have seen them take as many as six of raki before dinner, and swear that they dined the better for it; I tried the experiment, but was like the Scotchman, who having heard that the birds calied kittiewiaks were admirable whets, ate six of them, and complained that "he was no hungrier than when ne began."

Note 6. Stanza lv.

Splendid but silent, save in one, where, dropping,
A marble fountain echoes.

A common furniture. I recollect being received DV

Ali Pacha, in a room containing a marble basin and brother of that dangerous charge "borrowing:" & fountain, etc., etc., etc.

Note 7. Stanza lxxxvii.

The gate so splendid was in all its features. Features of a gate-a ministerial metaphor; "the feature upon which this question hinges."-See the "Fudge Family," or hear Castlereagh.

Note 8. Stanza cvi.

Though on more thorough-bred or fairer fingers. There is perhaps nothing more distinctive of birth

poet had better borrow any thing (excepting money) than the thoughts of another-they are always sure to be reclaimed; but it is very hard, having been the lender, to be denounced as the debtor, as is the case of Anstey versus Smollett.

As there is "honour amongst thieves," let there be some amongst poets, and give each his due, none can afford to give it more than Mr. Campbell himself, who, with a high reputation for originality, and a fame which cannot be shaken, is the only poet of the times (except deed a reproach) with having written too little.

than the hand: it is almost the only sign of blood Rogers) who can be reproached (and in him it is in

which aristocracy can generate.

Note 9. Stanza cxlvii.

Save Solyman, the glory of their line.

It may not be unworthy of remark, that Bacon, in his essay on "Empire," hints that Solyman was the last of his line; on what authority, I know not. These are his words: "The destruction of Mustapha was so fatal to Solyman's line, as the succession of the Turks from Solyman, until this day, is suspected to be untrue, and of strange blood; for that Solymus the Second was thought to be supposititious." But Bacon, in his historical authorities, is often inaccurate. I could give half a dozen instances from his apophthegms only.

Being in the humour of criticism, I shall proceed, after having ventured upon the slips of Bacon, to touch on one or two as trifling in the edition of the British Poets, by the justly-celebrated Campbell. But I do this in good will, and trust it will be so taken. If any thing could add to my opinion of the talents and true feeling of that gentleman, it would be his classical, honest, and triumphant defence of Pope, against the vulgar cant of the day, and its existing Grub-street. The inadvertencies to which I allude, are,

Firstly, in speaking of Anstey, whom he accuses of having taken "his leading characters from Smollett." Anstey's Bath Guide was published in 1766. Smollett's Humphry Clinker (the only work of Smollett's from which Tabitha, etc., etc. could have been taken) was written during Smollett's last residence at Leghorn, in 1770.-" Argal," if there has been any borrowing, Anstey must be the creditor, and not the debtor. I refer Mr. Campbell to his own data in his lives of Smollett and Anstey.

Secondly, Mr. Campbell says, in the life of Cowper (note to page 358, vol. 7), that "he knows not to whom Cowper alludes in these lines:

"Nor he who, for the bane of thousands born,

Built God a church, and laugh'd his word to scorn." The Calvinist meant Voltaire, and the church of Ferney, with its inscription, "Deo erexit Voltaire."

Thirdly, in the life of Burns, Mr. C. quotes Shakspeare thus,

"To gild refined gold, to paint the rose,
Or add fresh perfume to the violet."


Stanza Ixxv.

A "wood obscure," like that where Dante found.
"Nel mezzo del cammin' di nostra vita
Mi ritrovai per una selva oscura," etc., etc., etc.


Stanza li.

Was teaching his recruits to use the bayonet.
Fact: Souvaroff did this in person.


Note 1. Stanza viii.

All sounds it pierceth, "Allah! Allah! Hu!" "Allah! Hu!" is properly the war-cry of the Mus sulmans, and they dwell long on the last syllable, which gives it a very wild and peculiar effect.

Note 2. Stanza ix.

"Carnage (so Wordsworth tells you) is God's daughter."

"But thy most dreaded instrument
In working out a pure intent,
Is man array'd for mutual slaughter;
Yea, Carnage is the daughter!"

WORDSWORTH'S Thanksgiving Ode.

To wit, the deity's. This is perhaps as pretty & pedigree for murder as ever was found out by Garter King-at-arms.-What would have been said, had any free-spoken people discovered such a lineage?

Note 3. Stanza xviii.

Was printed Grove, although his name was Grose. A fact; see the Waterloo Gazettes. I recollect remarking at the time to a friend: -" There is fame! a man is killed-his name is Grose, and they print it

This version by no means improves the original, Grove." I was at college with the deceased, who which is as follows:

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was a very amiable and clever man, and his society in
"chansons à
great request for his wit, gayety, and

Note 4. Stanza xxiii.

As any other notion, and not national. A great pret, quoting another, should be correct; he nould also accurate when he accuses a Parnassian See Major Vallancy and Sir Lawrence Parsons.

Note 5. Stanza xxv.

'T is pity "that such meanings should pave hell." The Portuguese proverb says that "Hell is paved with good intentions."

Note 6. Stanza xxxiii.

By thy humane discovery, Friar Bacon! Gunpowder is said to have been discovered by this


Note 7. Stanza xlvii. Which scarcely rose much higher than grass blades. They were but two feet high above the level.

Note 8. Stanza xevii.

That you and I will win Saint George's collar. The Russian military order.

Note 9. Stanza cxxxiii.


Eternal! such names mingled!) "Ismail's ours!" In the original Russian

"Slava bogu! slava vam!
Krepost Vzala, y ïa tam."

A kind of couplet; for he was a poet.


Note 1. Stanza i.

Humanity would rise, and thunder "Nay!"


Note 2. Stanza vi.

And send the sentinel before your gate
A slice or two from your luxurious meals.

"I at this time got a post, being for fatigue, with four others. We were sent to break biscuit, and make a mess for Lord Wellington's hounds. I was very hungry, and thought it a good job at the time, as we got our own fill while we broke the biscuit, a thing I had not got for some days. When thus engaged, the Prodigal Son was never once out of my mind; and I sighed, as I fed the dogs, over my humble situation and my ruined hopes." Journal of a Soldier of the 71st Regt. during the war in Spain.

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Note 6. Stanza lxiii.

Your "fortune" was in a fair way "to swell
A man," as Giles says.

"His fortune swells him, it is rank, he's married."Sir Giles Overreach; MASSINGER. -See "A New Way to Pay Old Debts."


Note 1. Stanza xiii.

Would scarcely join again the "reformadoes." "Reformers," or rather "Reformed." The Baron Bradwardine, in Waverley, is authority for the word.

Note 2. Stanza xv.

The endless soot bestows a tint far deeper
Than can be hid by altering his shirt.

Query, surt?-PRINTER'S DEVIL.

Note 3. Stanza xviii.
Balgounie's Brig's black wall.

The brig of Don, near the "auld toun" of Aberdeen, with its one arch and its black deep salmon stream below, is in my memory as yesterday. I still remember, thougn perhaps I may misquote, the awful proverb which made me pause to cross it, and yet lean over it with a childish delight, being an only son, at least by the mother's side. The saying, as recollected by me, was this-but I have never heard or seen it since I was nine years of age;

"Brig of Balgounie, black's your wa';
Wi' a wife's de son and a mear's ac foal,
Down ye shall fa'!"

Note 4. Stanza xxxiv.

Oh, for a forty-parson power to chaunt
Thy praise, hypocrisy!

A metaphor taken from the "forty-horse power" of a steam-engine. That mad wag, the Reverend S. S., sitting by a brother-clergyman at dinner, observed after wards that his dull neighbour had a "twelve-parson power" of conversation.

Note 5. Stanza xxxvi.

To strip the Saxons of their hydes, like tanners. "Hyde." I believe a hyde of land to be a legitimate word, and as such subject to the tax of a quibble.

Note 6. Stanza xlix.

Was given to her favourite, and now bore his. The Empress went to the Crimea, accompanied by the Emperor Joseph, in the year-I forget which.

Note 7. Stanza lviii.

Which gave her dukes the graceless name of "Biron."

In the Empress Anne's time, Biren her favourite as sumed the name and arms of the "Birons" of France, which families are yet extant with that of England. There are still the daughters of Courland of that name; one of them I remember seeing in England in the blessed year of the Allies-the Duchess of S. to whom the

This was written long before the suicide of that English Duchess of St presented me as a name



Note 8. Stanza lxii.

Eleven thousand maidenheads of bone,
The greatest nuinber flesh hath ever known.
St. Ursula and her eleven thousand virgins were still
extant in 1816, and may be so yet as much as ever.

Note 9. Stanza lxxxi.

Who butcher'd half the earth, and bullied t' other. India. America.

ing the "drapery" of an "untochered" but "pretty vir ginities" (like Mrs. Anne Page) of the then day, which has now been some years yesterday:-she assured me that the thing was common in London; and as her own thousands, and blooming looks, and rich simplicity of array, put any suspicion in her own case out of the question, I confess I gave some credit to the allegation. If necessary, authorities might be cited, in which case I could quote both "drapery" and the wearers. Let us hope, however, that it is now obsolete.


Note 1. Stanza xix.

Who on a lark, with black-eyed Sal (his blowing)
So prime, so swell, so nutty, and so knowing?

The advance of science and of language has rendered it unnecessary to translate the above good and true English, spoken in its original purity by the select mobility and their patrons. The following is a stanza of a song which was very popular, at least in my early days:

"On the high toby-spice flash the muzzle,
In spite of each gallows old scout;
If you at the spelken can't hustle,

You'll be hobbled in making a Clout.
Then your blowing will wax gallows haughty,
When she hears of your scaly mistake,
She'll surely turn snitch for the forty,
That her Jack may be regular weight."

If there be any gem'man so ignorant as to require a traduction, I refer him to my old friend and corporeal pastor and inaster, John Jackson, Esq., Professor of Pugilism; who I trust still retains the strength and symmetry of his model of a form, together with his good humour, and athletic as well as mental accomplishments.

Note 2. Stanza xxix.

St. James's Palace and St. James's "Hells."

"Heils," gaming-houses. What their number may now be in this life, I know not. Before I was of age I knew them pretty accurately, both "gold" and "silver." I was once nearly called out by an acquaintance, because when he asked me where I thought that his soul would be found hereafter, I answered, "In

Silver Hell."

Note 3. Stanza xliii.

- and therefore even I won't anent This subject quote.

"Anent" was a Scotch phrase, meaning "concerning," "with regard to." It has been made English by the Scotch Novels; and, as the Frenchman said "If it be not, ought to be English."

Note 4. Stanza xlix.

The milliners who furnish "drapery misses."


Note 5. Stanza lx.

'"T is strange the mind, that very fiery particle,
Should let itself be snuff'd out by an article.

"Divinæ particulam auræ."


Note 1. Stanza xix.

Gives, with Greek truth, the good old Greek the lie. See MITFORD'S Greece. "Græcia Veror." His great pleasure consists in praising tyrants, abusing Plutarch, spelling oddly, and writing quaintly; and, what is strange after all, his is the best modern history of Greece in any language, and he is perhaps the best of all modern historians whatsoever. Having named his sins, it is but fair to state his virtues-learning, labour, research, wrath, and partiality. I call the latter virtues in a writer, because they make him write in earnest.

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Drapery misses" -This term is probably any thing now but a mystery. It was however almost so to me when I first returned from the East in 1811-1812. means a pretty, a high-born, a fashionable young female, well instructed by her friends, and furnished by her milliner with a wardrobe upon credit, to be repaid, when married, by the husband. The riddle was first read to me by a young and pretty heiress, on my prais- Johnson, etc.


Note 1. Stanza vii.

Right honestly, "he liked an honest hater." "Sir, I like a good hater."-See the Life of Dr

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The quaint, old, cruel coxcomb, in his gullet
Should have a hook, and a small trout to pull it.

It would have taught him humanity at least. This sentimental savage, whom it is a mode to quote (amongst the novelists) to show their sympathy for innocent sports and old songs, teaches how to sew up frogs, and break their legs by way of experiment, in addition to the art of angling, the cruellest, the coldest, and the stupidest of pretended sports. They may talk about the beauties of nature, but the angler merely thinks of his dish of fish; he has no leisure to take his eyes from off the streams, and a single bite is wort.. to him more than all the scenery around. Besides, some fish bite best on a

hedge, "to look before he leaped:"-a pause in his "vaulting ambition," which in the field doth occasion some delay and execration in those who may be immediately behind the equestrian sceptic. "Sir, if you don't choose to take the leap, let me"-was a phrase which generally sent the aspirant on again; and to good purpose: for though "the horse and rider" might fall, they made a gap, through which, and over him and his steed, the field might follow.

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As it is necessary in these times to avoid ambiguity, rainy day. The whale, the shark, and the tunny fishery I say, that I mean, by "Diviner still," CHRIST. If ever have somewhat of noble and perilous in them; even net- God was Man-or Man God-he was both. I never arfishing, trawling, etc., are more humane and useful-but raigned his creed, but the use or abuse-made of it. angling!-No angler can be a good man.

Mr. Canning one day quoted Christianity to sanction "One of the best men I ever knew-as humane, del- Negro Slavery, and Mr. Wilberforce had little to say in

icate-minded, generous, and excellent a creature as any in the world-was an angler: true, he angled with painted flies, and would have been incapable of the extravagances of I. Walton."

The above addition was made by a friend in reading over the MS.-" Audi alteram partem"-I leave it to counterbalance my own observation.


Note 1. Stanza xxxiii.

And never craned, and made but few "faux pas." Craning. "To crane" is, or was, an expression used to denote a gentleman's stretching out his neck over a

reply. And was Christ crucified, that black men might be scourged? If so, he had better been born a Mulatto, to give both colours an equal chance of freedom, or at

least salvation.

Note 2. Stanza xxxv.

When Rapp the Harmonist embargoed marriage
In his harmonious settlement.

This extraordinary and flourishing German colony in America does not entirely exclude matrimony, as the "Shakers" do; but lays such restrictions upon it as prevent more than a certain quantum of births within a certain number of years; which births (as Mr. Hulme observes) generally arrive " in a little flock like those of a farmer's lambs, all within the same month perhaps." These Harmonists (so called from the name of their settlement) are represented as a remarkably flourishing, pious, and quiet people. See the various recent write on America.

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