Imágenes de páginas

And equal to reduce me to my dust,
Desirous to resign, and render back
All I receiv'd.'

He immediately after recovers from his presumption, owns his doom to be just, and begs that the death which is threatened him may be inflicted on him:

-Why delays

His hand to execute what his decree
Fix'd on this day? Why do I over-live?
Why am I mock'd with death, and lengthen'd out
To deathless pain? How gladly would I meet
Mortality my sentence, and be earth
Insensible! how glad would lay me down,
As in my mother's lap! There should I rest
And sleep secure; his dreadful voice no more
Would thunder in my ears: no fear of worse
To me, and to my offspring, would torment me
With cruel expectation."-

This whole speech is full of the like emotion, and varied with all those sentiments which we may suppose natural to a mind so broken and disturbed. I must not omit that generous concern which our first father shows in it for his posterity, and which is so proper to affect the reader:

-Hide me from the face

Of God, whom to behold was then my height
Of happiness! yet well, if here would end
The misery: I deserved it, and would bear
My own deservings: but this will not serve;
All that I eat, or drink, or shall beget,
Is propagated curse. O voice once heard
Delightfully, "Increase and multiply:"
Now death to hear!

-In me all

Posterity stands curst! Fair patrimony,
That I must leave ye, sons! O were I able
To waste it all myself, and leave you none!
So disinherited, how would you bless

Me, now your curse! Ah, why should all mankind,
For one man's fault, thus guiltless be condemn'd
If guiltless? But from me what can proceed
But all corrupt ?-

Who can afterwards behold the father of mankind, extended upon the earth, uttering his midnight complaints, bewailing his existence, and wishing for death, without sympathizing with him in his distress?

Thus Adam to himself lamented loud

Through the still night; not now (as ere man fell)
Wholesome, and cool, and mild, but with black air,
Accompanied with damps and dreadful gloom;
Which to his evil conscience represented

All things with double terror. On the ground
Outstretch'd he lay; on the cold ground! and oft
Curs'd his creation; death as oft accus'd
Of tardy execution.'

Unhappily deceiv'd! Thy suppliant

I beg, and clasp thy knees. Bereave me not
(Whereon I live;) thy gentle looks, thy aid,
Thy counsel in this uttermost distress,
My only strength, and stay! Forlorn of thee,
Whither shall I betake me! where subsist?
While yet we live (scarce one short hour perhaps)
Between us two let there be peace.' &c.

Adam's reconcilement to her is worked up in the same spirit of tenderness. Eve afterwards proposes to her husband, in the blindness of her despair, that to prevent their guilt from descending upon posterity, they should resolve to live childless; or, if that could not be done, they should seek their own deaths by violent methods. As these sentiments naturally engage the reader to regard the mother of mankind with more than ordinary commiseration, they likewise contain a very fine moral. The resolution of dying to end our miseries does not show such a degree of magnanimity as a resolution to bear them, and submit to the dispensations of Providence. Our author has, therefore, with great delicacy, represented Eve as entertaining this thought, and Adam as disapproving it.

We are, in the last place, to consider the imaginary persons, or Death and Sin, who act a large part in this book. Such beautiful extended allegories are certainly some of the finest compositions of genius; but, as I have before observed, are not agreeable to the nature of a heroic poem. This of Sin and Death is very exquisite in its kind, if not considered as a part of such a work. The truths contained in it are so clear and open, that I shall not lose time in explaining them; but shall only observe, that a reader, who knows the strength of the English tongue, will be amazed to think how the poet could find such apt words and phrases to describe the actions of those two imaginary persons, and particularly in that part where Death is exhibited as forming a bridge over the chaos; a work suitable to the genius of Milton.

Since the subject I am upon gives me an opportunity of speaking more at large of such shadowy and imaginary persons as may be introduced into heroic poems, I shall beg leave to explain myself in a matter which is curious in its kind, and which certain Homer and Virgil are full of imanone of the critics have treated of. It is ginary persons, who are very beautiful in

The part of Eve in this book is no less passionate, and apt to sway the reader in her favour. She is represented with great tenderness as approaching Adam, but is spurned from him with a spirit of upbraiding and indignation, conformable to the na-poetry, when they are just shown without ture of man, whose passions had now gained the dominion over him. The following passage, wherein she is described as renewing her addresses to him, with the whole speech that follows it, have something in them exquisitely moving and pathetic:

He added not, and from her turn'd: but Eve,
Not so repuls'd, with tears that ceas'd not flowing,
And tresses all disorder'd, at his feet
Fell humble; and embracing them besought
His peace, and thus proceeded in her plaint:
Forsake me not thus, Adam! Witness Heav'n
What love sincere, and rev'rence in my breast
I bear thee and unweeting have offended,

being engaged in any series of action. Hcand ascribes a short part to him in his Iliad; mer, indeed, represents sleep as a person, but we must consider, that though we now regard such a person as entirely shadowy and unsubstantial, the heathens made statues of him, placed him in their temples, and looked upon him, as a real deity. When Homer makes use of other such allegorical persons, it is only in short expressions, which convey an ordinary thought to the mind in the most, pleasing manner, and may rather be looked upon as poetical phrases,

glaring of her eyes might have scattered infection. But I believe every reader will think, that in such sublime writings the mentioning of her, as it is done in Scripture, has something in it more just, as well as great, than all that the most fanciful poet could have bestowed upon her in the richL.* ness of his imagination.

than allegorical descriptions. Instead of telling us that men naturally fly when they are terrified, he introduces the persons of Flight and Fear, who he tells us, are inseparable companions. Instead of saying that the time was come when Apollo ought to have received his recompence, he tells us that the Hours brought him his reward. Instead of describing the effects which Minerva's ægis produced in battle, he tells us that the brims of it were encompassed No. 358.] Monday, April 21, 1712. by Terror, Rout, Discord, Fury, Pursuit, Massacre, and Death. In the same figure of speaking, he represents Victory as following Diomedes; Discord as the mother of funerals and mourning; Venus as dressed by the Graces; Bellona as wearing Terror day, and made me a present of a large sheet of paper, on which is delineated a and Consternation like a garment. I might pavement in Mosaic work, lately discovergive several other instances out of Homer, as well as a great many out of Virgil. Milton ed at Stunsfield near Woodstock. A person has likewise very often made use of the who has so much the gift of speech as Mr. Lilly, and can carry on a discourse without same way of speaking, as where he tells us that Victory sat on the right hand of the a reply, had great opportunity on that ocMessiah, when he marched forth against casion to expatiate upon so fine a piece of the rebel angels; that, at the rising of the antiquity. Among other things, I rememsun, the Hours unbarred the gates of light; from the ornaments of the work, that this ber he gave me his opinion, which he drew that Discord was the daughter of Sin. Of was the floor of a room dedicated to Mirth the same nature are those expressions, and Concord. Viewing this work, made where, describing the singing of the nightingale, he adds, Silence was pleased;' and my fancy run over the many gay expresupon the Messiah's bidding peace to the sions I have read in ancient authors, which contained invitations to lay aside care and chaos, Confusion heard his voice.' I might anxiety, and give a loose to that pleasing add innumerable instances of our poet's forgetfulness wherein men put off their writing in this beautiful figure. It is plain characters of business, and enjoy their very that these I have mentioned, in which per- selves. These hours were usually passed sons of an imaginary nature are introduced, in rooms adorned for that purpose, and set are such short allegories as are not designed out in such a manner, as the objects all to be taken in the literal sense, but only around the company gladdened their hearts; to convey particular circumstances to the which, joined to the cheerful looks of wellreader, after an unusual and entertaining chosen and agreeable friends, gave new manner. But when such persons are introvigour to the airy, produced the latent fire duced as principal actors, and engaged in of the modest, and gave grace to the slow series of adventures, they take too much humour of the reserved. A judicious mixupon them, and are by no means proper for ture of such company, crowned with chapan heroic poem, which ought to appear lets of flowers, and the whole apartment credible in its principal parts. I cannot forbear therefore thinking, that Sin and glittering with gay lights, cheered with a Death are as improper agents in a work of profusion of roses, artificial falls of water, and intervals of soft notes to songs of love this nature, as Strength and Necessity in and wine, suspended the cares of human one of the tragedies of schylus, who represented those two persons nailing down life, and made a festival of mutual kindness. Such parties of pleasure as these, Prometheus to a rock; for which he has been justly censured by the greatest critics. and the reports of the agreeable passages in their jollities, have in all ages awakened I do not know any imaginary person made the dull part of mankind to pretend to use of in a more sublime manner of thinking mirth and good humour, without capacity than that in one of the prophets, who, de- for such entertainments; for if I may be scribing God as descending from heaven, allowed to say so, there are a hundred men and visiting the sins of mankind, adds that fit for any employment, to one who is capadreadful circumstance, Before him went ble of passing a night in company of the the Pestilence.' It is certain this imaginary first taste, without shocking any member person might have been described in all of the society, over-rating his own part her purple spots. The Fever might have marched before her, Pain might have stood of the conversation, but equally receiving at her right hand, Phrensy on her left, and Death in her rear. She might have been introduced as gliding down from the tail of a comet, or darted upon the earth in a flash of lightning. She might have tainted the atmosphere with her breath. The very


beguile the gravest mind into a consent to
be as humourous as himself. Add to this,
that when a man is in his good graces, he
has a mimickry that does not debase the
person he represents; but which, taking
from the gravity of the character, adds to
the agreeableness of it. This pleasant fel-
low gives one some idea of the ancient
pantomime, who is said to have given the
audience, in dumb-show, an exact idea of
any character or passion, or an intelligible
relation of any public occurrence, with no
other expression than that of his looks and
gestures. If all who have been obliged to
these talents in Estcourt will be at Love
for Love to-morrow night, they will but
pay him what they owe him, at so easy a
rate as being present at a play which no-
body would omit seeing, that had, or had
not, ever seen it before.

and contributing to the pleasure of the grateful but where it is regarded by him whole company. When one considers such who possesses it in the second place. The collections of companions in past times, and best man that I know of, for heightening such as one might name in the present age, the revel gaiety of a company, is Estcourt, with how much spleen must a man needs whose jovial humour diffuses itself from reflect upon the awkward gaiety of those the highest person at an entertainment to who affect the frolic with an ill grace! I the meanest waiter. Merry tales, accomhave a letter from a correspondent of mine, panied with apt gestures and lively reprewho desires me to admonish all loud, mis-sentations of circumstances and persons, chievous, airy, dull companions, that they are mistaken in what they call a frolic. Irregularity in itself is not what creates pleasure and mirth; but to see a man, who knows what rule and decency are, descend from them agreeably in our company, is what denominates him a pleasant companion. Instead of that, you find many whose mirth consists only in doing things which do not become them, with a secret consciousness that all the world knows they know better: to this is always added something mischievous to themselves or others. I have heard of some very merry fellows among whom the frolic was started, and passed by a great majority, that every man should immediately draw a tooth: after which they have gone in a body and smoked a cobler. The same company, at another night, has each man burned his cravat; and one perhaps, whose estate would bear it, has thrown a long wig and hat into the same fire. Thus they have jested themselves stark-naked, and run into the streets and frighted women very successfully. There is no inhabitant of any standing in Covent Garden, but can tell you a hundred good humours, where people have come off with a little bloodshed, and yet scoured all the witty hours of the night. I know a gentleman that has several wounds in the head by watch-poles, and has been thrice run through the body, to carry on a good jest. He is very old for a man of so much good humour; but to this day he is seldom merry but he has occasion to be valiant at the same time. But, by the favour of these gentlemen, I am humbly of opinion, that a man may be a very witty man, and never offend one statute of this kingdom, not excepting that of stabbing.

No. 359.] Tuesday, April 22, 1712.
Torva leæna lupum sequitur, lupus ipse capellam;
Florentem cytisum sequitur lasciva capella.

Virg. Ecl. vi. 63

Lions the wolves, and wolves the kids pursue,
The kids sweet thyme,-and still I follow you.


As we were at the club last night, I observed that my old friend Sir Roger, contrary to his usual custom, sat very silent, and, instead of minding what was said by the company, was whistling to himself in a very thoughtful mood, and playing with a cork. I jogged Sir Andrew Freeport, who sat between us; and, as we were both observing him we saw the knight shake his head, and heard him say to himself, A foolish woman! I can't believe it.' Sir Andrew gave him a gentle pat upon the The writers of plays have what they call shoulder, and offered to lay him a bottle of unity of time and place, to give a justness wine that he was thinking of the widow. to their representation; and it would not My old friend started, and, recovering out be amiss if all who pretend to be compa- of his brown study, told Sir Andrew, that nions would confine their actions to the once in his life he had been in the right. place of meeting; for a frolic carried far- In short, after some little hesitation, Sir ther may be better performed by other Roger told us in the fulness of his heart, animals than men. It is not to rid much that he had just received a letter from his ground, or do much mischief, that should steward, which acquainted him that his old denominate a pleasant fellow; but that is rival and antagonist in the country, Sir Datruly frolic which is the play of the mind, vid Dundrum, had been making a visit to and consists of various and unforced sallies the widow. However,' says Sir Roger, of imagination. Festivity of spirit is a very 'I can never think that she will have a uncommon talent, and must proceed from an assemblage of agreeable qualities in the same person. There are some few whom I think peculiarly happy in it, but it is a talent one cannot name in a man, especially when one considers, that it is never very

man that's half a year older than I am, and a noted republican into the bargain.'

Will Honeycomb, who looks upon love as his particular province, interrupting our friend with a jaunty laugh, I thought, knight,' said he, thou hadst lived long

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enough in the world not to pin thy happiness one which I made some years since upon upon one that is a woman and a widow. I an old woman, whom I had certainly borne think that, without vanity, I may pretend away with flying colours, if her relations to know as much of the female world as had not come pouring in to her assistance any man in Great Britain; though the from all parts of England; nay, I believe I chief of my knowledge consists in this, that should have got her at last, had not she they are not to be known.' Will imme- been carried off by a hard frost.' diately, with his usual fluency, rambled into an account of his own amours. 'I am now,' says he, 'upon the verge of fifty.' (though by the way we all knew he was turned of three-score.) You may easily guess,' continued Will, that I have not lived so long in the world without having had some thoughts of settling in it, as the phrase is. To tell you truly, I have several times tried my fortune that way, though I cannot much boast of my success.

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I made my first addresses to a young lady in the country; but, when I thought things were pretty well drawing to a conclusion, her father happening to hear that I had formerly boarded with a surgeon, the old put forbade me his house, and within a fortnight after married his daughter to a fox-hunter in the neighbourhood.

'I made my next application to a widow, and attacked her so briskly, that I thought myself within a fortnight of her. As I waited upon her one morning, she told me, that she intended to keep her ready-money and jointure in her own hand, and desired me to call upon her attorney in Lyon's-Inu, who would adjust with me what it was proper for me to add to it. I was so rebuffed by this overture, that I never inquired either for her or her attorney afterwards.

As Will's transitions are extremely quick,
he turned from Sir Roger, and, applying
himself to me, told me there was a passage
in the book I had considered last Saturday,
which deserves to be writ in letters of gold:
and taking out a pocket Milton, read the
following lines, which are part of one of
Adam's speeches to Eve after the fall.
-Oh! why did our

Creator wige! that peopled highest heaven
With spirits masculine, create at last
This novelty on earth, this fair defect
Of nature, and not fill the world at once
With men, as angels, without feminine?
Or find some other way to generate
Mankind? This mischief had not then befall'n,
And more that shall befall, innumerable
Disturbances on earth, through female snares,
And straight conjunction with this sex: for either
He shall never find out fit mate; but such
As some misfortune brings him, or mistake;
Or whom he wishes most shall seldom gain,
Through her perverseness; but shall see her gain'd
By a far worse: or, if she love, withheld
By parents; or his happiest choice too late
Shall meet, already link'd and wedlock bound
To a fell adversary, his hate or shame :
Which infinite calamity shall cause

To human life, and household peace confound.'

Sir Roger listened to this passage with comb to fold down a leaf at the place, and great attention; and, desiring Mr. Honeylend him his book, the knight put it up in his pocket, and told us that he would read over these verses again before he went to bed.

-De paupertate tacentes,


'A few months after, I addressed myself to a young lady who was an only daughter, and of a good family. I danced with her at several balls, squeezed her by the hand, No. 360.] Wednesday, April 23, 1712. said soft things to her, and, in short, made no doubt of her heart; and, though my fortune was not equal to hers, I was in hopes that her fond father would not deny her the man she had fixed her affections upon. But as I went one day to the house, in order to break the matter to him, I found the whole family in confusion, and heard to my unspeakable surprise, that Miss Jenny was that very morning run away with the butler.

'I then courted a second widow, and am at a loss to this day how I came to miss her, for she had often commended my person and behaviour. Her maid indeed told me one day, that her mistress said she never saw a gentleman with such a spindle pair of legs as Mr. Honeycomb.

After this I laid siege to four heiresses successively, and, being a handsome young dog in those days, quickly made a breach in their hearts, but I don't know how it came to pass, though I seldom failed of getting the daughter's consent, I could never in my life get the old people on my


'I could give you an account of a thousand other unsuccessful attempts, particularly of

Plus poscente ferent. Hor. Ep. xvii. Lib. 1. 43.
The man who all his wants conceals,
Gains more than he who all his wants reveals.

I HAVE nothing to do with the business of this day, any further than affixing the piece of Latin on the head of my paper; which I think a motto not unsuitable; since, if silence of our poverty is a recommendation, still more commendable is his modesty who conceals it by a decent dress.

'MR. SPECTATOR,-There is an evil under the sun, which has not yet come within your speculation, and is the censure, disesteem, and contempt, which some young fellows meet with from particular persons, for the reasonable methods they take to avoid them in general. This is by appearing in a better dress than may seem to a relation regularly consistent with a small fortune; and therefore may occasion a judgment of a suitable extravagance in other particulars; but the disadvantage with which the man of narrow circumstances acts and speaks, is so feelingly set forth in a little

book called the Christian Hero, that the, appearing to be otherwise is not only pardonable, but necessary. Every one knows the hurry of conclusions that are made in contempt of a person that appears to be calamitous; which makes it very excusable to prepare one's self for the company of those that are of a superior quality and fortune, by appearing to be in a better condition than one is, so far as such appearance shall not make us really of worse.

hat to a person whose air and attire hardly entitle him to it! for whom nevertheless the other has a particular esteem, though he is ashamed to have it challenged in so public a manner. It must be allowed, that any young fellow that affects to dress and appear genteelly, might with artificial management, save ten pounds a-year; as instead of fine holland he might mourn in sack-cloth, and in other particulars be proportionably shabby: but of what service would this sum be It is a justice due to the character of to avert any misfortune, whilst it would one who suffers hard reflections from any leave him deserted by the little good acparticular person upon this account, that quaintance he has, and prevent his gaining such persons would inquire into his manner any other? As the appearance of an easy of spending his time; of which, though no fortune is necessary towards making one, I further information can be had than that don't know but it might be of advantage he remains so many hours in his chamber, sometimes to throw into one's discourse yet if this is cleared, to imagine that a rea- certain exclamations about bank stock, and sonable creature, wrung with a narrow for- to show a marvellous surprise upon its fall, tune, does not make the best use of this as well as the most affected triumph upon retirement, would be a conclusion extremely its rise. The veneration and respect which uncharitable. From what has, or will be the practice of all ages has preserved to said, I hope no consequence can be extorted, appearances, without doubt suggested to implying, that I would have any young fel- our tradesmen that wise and politic custom, low spend more time than the common to apply and recommend themselves to the leisure which his studies require, or more public by all those decorations upon their money than his fortune or allowance may sign-posts and houses which the most emiadmit of, in the pursuit of an acquaintance nent hands in the neighbourhood can furnish with his betters: for as to his time, the them with. What can be more attractive gross of that ought to be sacred to more to a man of letters, than that immense erusubstantial acquisitions; for each irrecove-dition of all ages and languages, which a rable moment of which he ought to believe skilful bookseller, in conjunction with a he stands religiously accountable. As to his painter, shall image upon his column, and dress, I shall engage myself no further than the extremities of his shop? The same in the modest defence of two plain suits a spirit of maintaining a handsome appearyear: for being perfectly satisfied in Eu-ance reigns among the grave and solid aptrapelus's contrivance of making a Mohock prentices of the law (here I could be partiof a man, by presenting him with laced and cularly dull in proving the word apprentice embroidered suits, I would by no means be to be significant of a barrister,) and you may thought to controvert the conceit, by insi- easily distinguish who has most lately made nuating the advantages of foppery. It is an his pretensions to business, by the whitest assertion which admits of much proof, that and most ornamental frame of his window; a stranger of tolerable sense, dressed like a if indeed the chamber is a ground-room, and gentleman, will be better received by those has rails before it, the finery is of necessity of quality above him, than one of much bet- more extended and the pomp of business ter parts, whose dress is regulated by the better maintained. And what can be a rigid notions of frugality. A man's ap- greater indication of the dignity of dress, pearance falls within the censure of every than that burdensome finery which is the one that sees him; his parts and learning regular habit of our judges, nobles, and very few are judges of; and even upon these bishops, with which upon certain days we few they cannot at first be well intruded; see them incumbered? And though it may for policy and good-breeding will counsel be said, this is lawful, and necessary for the him to be reserved among strangers, and to dignity of the state, yet the wisest of them support himself only by the common spirit have been remarkable, before they arrived of conversation. Indeed among the injudi- at their present stations, for being very well cious, the words, "delicacy, idiom, fine dressed persons. As to my own part, I am images, structure of periods, genius, fire," near thirty; and since I left school have not and the rest, made use of with a frugal and been idle, which is a modern phrase for comely gravity, will maintain the figure of having studied hard. I brought off a clean immense reading, and the depth of criti-system of moral philosophy, and a tolerable cism.

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jargon of metaphysics, from the university; since that I have been engaged in the clearing part of the perplexed style and matter of the law, which so hereditarily descends to all its professors. To all which severe studies I have thrown in, at proper interims, the pretty learning of the classics. Notwithstanding which, I am what Shak

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