Imágenes de páginas

of the longest pieces, however, are admissible of division, and the taste of the teacher will easily determine the fit and appropriate limits. I have drawn from the most popular writers, also, not only such selections as are admirable for a bold, beautiful, and captivating spirit, but others equally characterized by their racy wit, and comic humor. "The true orator must understand how to excite the mirth, as well as how to command the tears of his auditors."

It will be perceived, that, by some oversight or other, one or two of the selections have "slipped into the wrong pigeon holes."

To attempt to teach dancing by mere words, and especially written words, all would admit to be the absurdity of absurdities. Just so is it with gesture and attitude. The embellishments of this volume, it is therefore hoped, will be appreciated. Next to living examples, no doubt, pictures are the best. The illustrations, to which I here allude, have been selected for both divisions of the book, with great care. We all have our peculiar tastes, and, according to a trite and unclassical aphorism, "what's one man's meat, is another man's poison."-I will venture to assert, however, that these embellishments will be considered very beautiful, very instructive, and admirably engraved. They were executed by W. F. Peckham, for many years my pupil in the Lancasterian School, of this city, and now a distinguished wood-engraver, No. 156 Fulton street, near Broadway, New York.

The book, such as it is, is submitted to the candid judgment of an intelligent and impartial public. My desire has been to subserve the cause of education, and especially in that department, which, if wisely and sufficiently cherished, would give unimagined lustre and power to the efforts of the Lawyer, the Statesman, the Orator, and the Divine.

If the noble and aspiring boy,-he, who, reaching after a perfect elocution and a perfect action, may, after a few fast-fled summers, be destined" to rule the whirlwind, and direct the storm," in moral or political affairs, shall look back to the selections here presented for his study, as the source of his youthful inspiration, I shall be thankful. But to arrive at this proud eminence of fame and usefulness, he must labor. "Greece and Rome produced, each of them, but one accomplished orator." J. E. L.

New Haven, Feb. 1st, 1839.

N. B. Any suggestions for the improvement of the work, either in arrangement or matter, from those teachers who may use it, will be gratefully received.

J. E. L.

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